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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Saw the benches cleared between the Blue Jays and Rangers. Reminded me of Mets/Reds in 1986, where Eric Davis and Ray Knight got into a shoving match at third base, and Ray sucker-punched Eric. Good times.
  2. I think Pam is/was gay for Lana. So at the end of the episode (the first season finale), Lana told Pam that she was going to imagine her as Alex Karras. Y'know, Mongo from Blazing Saddles.
  3. Biggest disappointment was that Toonami's Tumblr showed a scene that wasn't in this week's episode. I hate when that happens, because it gives away kickass scenes. Also waiting for Moria to fully reveal himself, so I can share the sketch I got of him.
  4. Perona will be pitted against a Straw Hat, but not the one you'd might expect. And the zombie samurai and dog-faced penguin have something in common. That's all I'm going to say for now. Welcome back, lathspel.
  5. This week: background characters are killed by the fauna and flora of Swindlers' Swamp, while the potential secondary and tertiary cast stays alive. Hisoka slaughters a bunch of dudes with a playing card (4 of spades), battles Gon, then carries Leorio to do who-knows-what with him. While I'm thinking about it . . . are those badges or stickers? I'm hoping stickers, for Leorio's sake. Then again, he does seem like the type of guy to attach a badge to his bare skin. And his being a teenager reminds me of finding out that the Straw Hat crew was mostly teens before Nico Robin joined them.
  6. Anybody else get that sinking feeling that Dione is going to be on MTV for years to come? If he doesn't become a Challenge mainstay, BMP will probably give him and his fellow "carnies" their own show. Thankfully, this happened before Dylan was thrown into the mix.
  7. Watching Saturday Night Live. They had a taped spoof of ANW featuring Bobby Moynihan as a guy running for his tornado-ravaged town. It was more about the "inspirational" stories, and not Matt and Akbar going apeshit in the booth,
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I miss Simmons' columns. Great that he's breaking into TV in a big way, but I liked reading his stuff. I got Now I Can Die In Peace when it came out in paperback. Great look at the Red Sox from 1997 (I think) to 2005. I didn't buy the updated version, after the Sox won their second title. Heard Papi tripled. How often has that happened?
  9. In light of RW31 circling the drain . . . what do you consider to be the worst season? Out of the "conventional" editions, I consider Austin to be pretty awful, and to hell with the bogus "Real World Awards." The only worthwhile cast member was Lacey, and that was mostly because she spent the second half of the season on the phone with her boyfriend. Epic ugliness all around, and the legacy for The Challenge is Wes playing Wile E. Coyote to Johnny Bananas' Roadrunner.
  10. Damn, Patton Oswalt is in everything. And I still feel sad for him because his wife died. I'm not into gossip . . . is TMZ that horrible? Still kinda feels like Amy is swatting flies with a sledgehammer. I'm hoping we get a better episode next week.
  11. Found this on Reality Blurred. Looks like we're getting three tribes: winners, jury members, and early boots. That means at least six champs, which would be a record for an alumni-heavy show. ETA: Any word as to whether CBS would flip the next two seasons, like what happened with S31 and S32?
  12. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Speaking of old . . . TBS ran an episode of Seinfeld from 1994 that had George roping Danny Tartabull into a telethon. Anybody remember that guy? I liked this line from Jerry to George: "Okay, go do that thing where you lie to everybody."
  13. I think Crump might have looked better with superior material. Forgot about the strings line from Snart. Nice that a DC show would openly rip off Disney/Marvel.
  14. Hey, somebody else who watched Carnivale! Man, what I wouldn't give for Brother Justin to use his freaky powers to mess with this cast. Heck, I'd settle for Clancy Brown dope-slapping Dione really hard.
  15. In case y'all didn't hear . . . Robot Chicken will be doing a special based on The Walking Dead. Don't ask me how it's going to work.
  16. I like torturing myself . . . is there a post-show gathering of this season's Racers? Times like this, I miss TARCon. I'd be surprised if CBS didn't throw a party for the Racers, even if they cheaped out on transportation in past seasons. ETA: While I'm at it . . . will TAR29 start in a public way? I still hate myself that I didn't go to TAR25 because they launched at 3 a.m. in New York.
  17. Well. That was an ending. Sucks that there's no TARCon, because this season of Racers would've made for hours of entertainment, even more so than on TV. The fourth-best team ended up winning. I can live with Dana & Matt winning despite their bickering because they're not Logan & Chris. Man, can you imagine what would've happened if those two nimrods won last season? Lots of stuff fell into place for the Dancers, and their mistakes weren't big enough for Sheri & Cole to make up. Those two? Most unlikely second-place finishers since Teri & Ian. They never struck me as hapless (see: Andrew & Dan), but they were in over their heads too often. I liked their intro in the credits, where it looks like Sheri is picking up her son by the scruff of his neck. I feel a little bad for Tyler & Korey, who were the best overall team statistically. Tyler needed three shots at the clue, and they got a bum cabbie. If they weren't social media stars, they'd probably have lit into her. They showed more patience than I would have in that situation. As okay as TAR28 was, I'm hoping for a kickass season come September. ETA: Could have done without the airline upgrade. The only time I remember that happening for a team was with Reichen & Chip at the end of their season.
  18. Burned through both episodes on DVR, and I still have to view the After Show. Why? Because I hate myself. I knew Dylan was going to be an asshole from the first week special, and boy, he did not disappoint. Or is his name "Dlyan," BMP editors? Nice that Jenna will have somebody to talk to, because she really needs a friend. Maybe she won't alienate him quickly. Honestly, if CT showed up for the express purpose of beating the living shit out of Dylan for disgracing Boston, would that be a bad thing? Here are my rankings: 1. Sabrina (minimal drama) 2. Ceejai (though going after Jenna for undertipping is like chasing Al Capone for tax evasion) 3. Dean (dude took to the carny lifestyle a little too easily) 4. Chris (hey, he hasn't done anything stupid since trying to teach Jenna a lesson) 5. Kailah (whatever) 6. Jenna (trainwreck) 7. Dione (grotesque parody of a human being; will probably be embraced by MTV and/or BMP for years to come) Really, I feel that BMP is casting strictly to shoehorn roommates into old roles. Chris is an exception for being pansexual, but here's what goes through my head: "So I'm going through a divorce and-" "Stop. Perfect. You're Black Steven." "I saw that season. He sucked a lot of ass." "We'll figure something out. How do you feel about silverware getting thrown at you?" "Yeah, I'm a Mormon-" "You're in. You're gonna be Southern Julie!" "But I don't have the eyes-wide-open innocence thing going for me." "Let us worry about that. Ever piss on an enemy's bed?" Thought while seeing Amanda: "If her last name is 'Rainey,' I would not be surprised."
  19. From the Department of Fuck It, Somebody Demanded It: Garth Ennis to write Six-Pack/Dog Welder miniseries. I read Section Eight, and I think that was enough in general.
  20. Very nice. Also, while I'm guessing the next season will air in 2017, I wonder if the show will do anything related to the DNC. The most I can think up is Dennis trying to verify his status as an erotic man by sleeping with Hilary Clinton.
  21. I think it was the stuff barbers would keep their scissors in, which makes Archer an alcoholic of epic proportions.
  22. Was TAR28 a success? Reality Blurred doesn't think so.
  23. "Iron-Blooded Orphans"? I went to an anime con last week, and they were screening that in an empty room. I think it was more about the con's first year as opposed to the popularity of the franchise. As for past incarnations: I'm partial to SD Gundam and G-Gundam. That was off the chain nuts. "SHINING FINGER!!!!" ETA: Saw the schedule for next week. Looks like we're getting two episodes of Dragonball Z Kai. Um . . . yay?
  24. "Boosh!" "And/or kakow!" For that alone, this is a B-plus episode at worst. Nice to see the supporting players get airtime this week. Also amused that Cyril figured out the couple's fetish for cuckolding. Shame it didn't occur to him before the massive brawl. But this is Cyril we're talking about.
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