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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Aw, poor Johnny. He only has five Challenge wins instead of six. What, did Hannah up her price for telling everybody she's his girlfriend? Seriously, I don't know whether we should bring in a violinist to play anytime he talks shit about Sarah, or if somebody ambles in to kick him in the balls. What's the point of a mission if nobody gets eliminated? The mission was fun and inappropriate, but it doesn't hold a candle compared to the ice-melting mission from BOTS2. Another AYTO couple? What. The fuck. Ever. Yes, Camila, that's what it feels like to endure one of your meltdowns. Adjust accordingly.
  2. Sorry to chime in late. The Survivor finale took a higher priority, and it was easier not to DVR three hours of crap as opposed to one. Good going, Donna. You sent away a meat shield. Now I'm worried about her, because Dark is that big of an asshole where he'd kill somebody close to Oliver. Y'know, again. And he can't just crush Quentin's heart, so mindcrushing Donna would be the next best thing. And I'll give him this . .. he's the most credible DC villain on TV. Better than Non, better than Zoom, and certainly better than friggin' Vandal Savage. Would it have been easier to explain if Malcolm used a needle to dope up Thea? "Here, swallow this" doesn't work for me for some reason. And I'm hoping he bites it next week. I like John Barrowman, but why does he have to play a complete and total choad? One good thing about the flashbacks is that they'll be ending soon. At least this part. Bring on Russia and the crazy beard!
  3. I'm thinking the finale should be scheduled to run ninety minutes, so we could get at least an hour of Reunion. Probst would have backed the bus over Scot and Jason if he had more time. With the current format, Alecia could have dressed like a Celtics Dancer, and we never would have noticed.
  4. Thought: if Survivor was still "water cooler television," hundreds of people would be in a hospital for alcohol poisoning because they had a drinking game where they chugged anytime Tai got subtitles. I'm guessing English wasn't his first language, but I can't recall anybody else getting that treatment so often.
  5. Meh end to a meh season. For God's sake, the domesticated chicken had more fans than most of these people. And I don't think I typed "Michele" once. Or "Michelle." Interesting twist with the voting out of a jury member, and most of the challenges were good. I just feel that nobody will remember this season by the time S34 rolls around. "Gen X vs. Millennials"? Seriously, Burnett?!? Why not do "Collars" again? Everybody knows Tai was probably a "No Collar" substitute. "Bye, Mark." That was funny.
  6. "Good night, see you in the fall, and I'm the guy that ate Mark."
  7. Twenty contestants. Millennials vs. Generation X. People with names like "Zeke" and "Sunday." Seriously, I want to meet the person who made CBS's schedule, and I want to punch that person in the face. Why don't they just call it Survivor: Placeholder? I'm a bit pissed. My fave show is not scheduled, I have two shows on DVR, and I have to go to bed because I'm starting a new job, and I'm hoping the right people show up so I don't get sent home again.
  8. Maybe Cydney will bench-press Probst at the very end.
  9. Mark Burnett did his chicken impression. And he's probably gonna accept an Emmy for The Voice. Motherfucker. I'll say it again: fuck CBS for throwing The Amazing Race under the bus, and fuck MacGyver. Nine people haven't gotten a spotlight. I don't think Probst will be setting a record this evening.
  10. Debbie isn't a Section 8 like those guys. They probably needed dudes with tranquilizer darts and tasers off-camera.
  11. I'm okay with Sia. She's quirkier than Lady Gaga, but she has a mystique. Like she'd turn the audience to stone if she took her hat off. It would have been better if she didn't give the money to Tai, but where else is she gonna do it? CBS and talk shows don't care that much about Survivor anymore. Nice talk with Caleb, Jeff. Way to ignore Neal and Old Joe. Do you need mouthwash, Probst?
  12. I . . . wanna swing . . . somewhere else, to be honest. Seriously, Michele winning is like Dana & Matt triumphing on TAR. Nice, but the others were more memorable, and she kinda lucked her way to the win. I don't think I typed her name once this season. And if I did, I probably spelled it "Michelle." Oh, look. Probst goes to Caleb. Huge surprise.
  13. I don't think CBS would want any other reality show air on the network in the summer besides Big Brother. Really, I feel like punching somebody right now. I hope MacGuyver tanks really hard, like Viva Laughlin did before.
  14. Motherfucker. This is news I needed today. I figured once we survived whatever TAR29 had in store, we'd get an all-star edition for TAR30 in early 2017. MacGuyver? Yeah, good luck with that, CBS.
  15. So Ward is dead for good now, right? Or will he be brought back as an LMD? I was okay with the finale. Should be interesting to see how dark the show can get in a 10 p.m. slot. Will Daisy's dark makeup be a permanent thing? Oh, Phil. Channeling Princess Leia. You can't outdork Cisco Ramone, but you look good doing it.
  16. Damn. The end was telegraphed from miles away, but it was still painful. And I can't make a joke about fisting. Nice to see Black Siren sucks as badly as "our" Laurel.I was hoping Laurel-2 was in the tradition of Original Recipe Black Canary, who only posed as a criminal. No luck here. Lucky for us that STAR Labs has spare badass clothes in Cisco and Caitlin's sizes. Looks like cat's out of the bag with Wally. And Tina figured out the secret because she's not a complete dummy. I think this makes Singh look like a bigger chump for not knowing.
  17. I'm spoiled as to who Tobi is. Odd that he'd be such a dork in this time. I like his look, with the mask that has a single eyehole. Anybody else a little put off that Deidara took out the Three-Tails so easily, when it gave the Leaf and Kabuto so many problems?
  18. Mashup with One Piece and Captain America: Civil War. Zoro-as-Thor is pretty inspired, though I'd probably put Robin in Black Widow's role.
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    New rule: if a manager is ejected and his team gets into a fight where both benches empty, he is allowed to back up his players . . . as long as he wears glasses and a fake mustache, like Bobby Valentine.
  20. Bumping up because there's been a lot of talk about past episodes in the current episode thread.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Damn. "Odor" is an apt name. Did the leg break? Anybody else feeling nervous for Vin Scully because he made the cover of Sports Illustrated? It's like the magazine wants to see if bad stuff will happen.
  22. Somebody call Butch. We're gonna need a lot more bazookas. I'm disappointed that we have one more episode left, because I'm okay with the craziness. Hugo will probably get killed next week, and we'll be poorer for it. BD Wong can chew scenery like Jada, and he's having a whale of a time being evil. Now he's bringing back people with powers? Including Budget Clayface and Super Persuasion Fish? Sure . .. why the hell not? Could have used Oswald this week. He's gonna be thrilled Fish is back. At least we got Reluctant Temporary Captain Bullock. If Barnes steps out of his hospital room, Harvey will be there begging him to come back. I'm not really a fan of the Scott Snyder era Batman, but I'm a little thrilled seeing Strange's backers revealed. I'm thinking the eye masks will be their "thing," because the comic version would be really hard to breathe through in real life. ETA: Anybody else think of Plastic Man's origin seeing Basil tug on his face?
  23. Didn't make much of an impact on me. I'm guessing the next episode will be the one devoted to The Walking Dead. I think I owned that Cy-Kill figure. It was deluxe-sized.
  24. Ending was an ending. They left the door open for follow-ups, but I don't think Dimension W is fun enough to warrant that. Bad guy gets his, hero makes peace with his past and goes forward, and spunky robot girl doesn't get abused that much.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Saw it a few times. Dude's sunglasses flew off. Bautista didn't go down, though. ETA: Here's the Knight/Davis fight. I can't remember stuff right, because I could have sworn Davis went down hard. Gotta love Davey Johnson reacting to the ejections of Knight, Kevin Mitchell and Daryl Strawberry (from earlier): stick Gary Carter at third, and bring in Jesse Orosco and Roger McDowell, sticking one of them in the outfield depending on the Red at the plate.
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