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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I didn't really browse my shop last week. How was Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #1? I picked up trade paperbacks of both. While I don't know how the story would work, it seems so natural.
  2. I imagine the walk-on line to be a breeding ground for gimmicks. A grown man would probably wear a "BEASTIALITY NINJA" t-shirt if it could shave a few weeks from the wait time. Didn't know Isaac would be a no-show this season. Maybe the Pack is being marginalized as a result? Just checking . . . tonight's episode is a repeat of this one, right?
  3. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    And didn't they steal that from Florida State? Thinking about it. . . is there a team with a unique chant that doesn't start with "Lets go"? Speaking of the Braves, I once spat on a fan at Shea in 2001. The Mets were going into their nosedive, this guy wouldn't shut up . . . really not proud of myself.
  4. Meagan made it, as did speed-burner Loren Ball, who clocked the fastest time. Did he run last year?
  5. Looks like the Wolf Pack isn't going to do well in the weeks to come, given how little time Ian Dory and Brian Arnold got. And Brian was the captain of the team that won Team Ninja Warrior, Party Time. Jake Murray was also on that team, but they didn't bring it up. Sucks to see Michael Stanger go out early. Sucks harder that his daughters have the same disease their mother does. And damn, Zach the One-Legged Warrior was impressive. He was so lucky his leg didn't hit the water on Log Roll. Meagan Martin continues to rock, even though she posted the slowest time amongst the finishers. You think Kacy's innards get frozen, seeing other women complete the course, and feeling that and the hype she generated two years ago suffocate her?
  6. They actually named the bridge after Naruto. This amuses me greatly. LittleKuriboh's spoof on the abridged series based on Naruto isn't that big of a priority to him, but it's a fun way to look back at the early days of the anime. Here's the playlist . . . for the Bridge/Zabuza arc, start with "Milkshake no Justu."
  7. Isn't there a huge concern about the Zika virus? Or is that just with Rio?
  8. I just figured casual viewers would think Preacher was ripping off SPN.
  9. Feels like more table setting. At least the angels reveal themselves to Cassidy, though the "Angels As A-holes" narrative has more or less been co-opted by Supernatural, even though Preacher came first. Reading the recap . . . anybody else think of Ted merely as Chet from Childrens Hospital? Man, that guy was annoying.
  10. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    YES is running Old-Timers Day now. Do any other teams have retired players compete like the Yankees do? ETA: While I'm at it . . . what about an Old Timers Day in general? I know the Mets used to have that, and the '86 celebration will probably be the closest thing they'll get to that. And damn, this is the seventieth OTD from the Yankees. Those guys know how to do tradition.
  11. This week: Shadows 101 with Brook! Gekko Moria is finally revealed, which means I can share this sketch of him. And Chopper is still unable to effectively hide.
  12. Finally got to see The Price Is Right special. I know that TPIR contestants are an excitable bunch, but what was the excuse for the Racers? Or Phil? Was he smoking crack offstage? Seeing Erin & Joslyn win left me cold, since I totally couldn't remember them from TAR28. Turns out they finished eighth. On the other hand, Flight Time & Big Easy had to lose to somebody in the Showcase Showdown, and there were fewer nutbags from the Racers group than with Survivor. And damn, Bopper looks young.
  13. I think the top fifteen from each region goes to Vegas, with ten wild cards handed out. I might be wrong on that. I see that ANW will be invading Philadelphia. Is that in the parking lot of Citizens Bank Ballpark? I haven't had the chance to go there. When will the show turn up in the NYC area? I'd settle for New Jersey.
  14. Here's a GIF from "Baseball Blues." Apparently, Mugen was the Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughan of the Nineteenth Century. ETA: "I am an American! Yankee Doodle!!" "Shaddup!"
  15. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I finally got around to writing about the Dodgers/Mets game from two weeks ago. Anybody up for getting nosebleed seats for Mike PIazza Night?
  16. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Somebody has to compile a list of the greatest pitcher homers. Tops would probably be reliever Rick Camp . . . on July 4, 1985, the Mets were up on the Braves in extra innings, and Camp went yard on Tom Gorman to keep the game going. The Mets wound up winning in 19 innings . . . between that and the rain delays, I think the game ended at 3-4 a.m. And the Braves set off fireworks as scheduled. One lady called 911, thinking the area was being bombed.
  17. If I did it right, then I share my birthday with Jesus Burgess of the Blackbeard Pirates from One Piece. And Misa Amane from Death Note, which . . . ew. In real life, I share a birthdate with noted reality TV veteran Rob Mariano. ETA: Speaking of Japan . . . new poll there shows Pikachu isn't the most popular Pokémon. The list goes to 100, and a few of my faves (Bulbasaur, Snorlax) are in there . . . but Pikachu in fourth place? Yikes.
  18. Bert? Elise? Y'all are killing me. Killing me. I'm hoping that CBS is impressed enough to give them a thirtieth season, which I understand would be "all stars" format . . . only the fourth in the show's history.
  19. Saw a close-up of Young Tsunade. Kinda thought she looked like Edward Elric. And yeah, I don't think we got many flashbacks from the original series, if any at all. We get stuff with Orochimaru and the Sonin (Tsunade and Jirayiah), working with Anko, and meeting up with the Akatsuki, but the Chunin Exams and the war on the Leaf? Not covered. I'm guessing that would have taken two episodes. And no, I don't think Orochimaru is dead. Just seems too easy. For your entertainment, here's Orochimaru getting kicked out of the Akatsuki from VGCats.
  20. Interesting episode. Nice to see White Hair get some backstory. He's kinda like Sasuke crossed with Gaara, with a little Naruto sprinkled in.
  21. Since Iron-Blooded Orphans is not the first Gundam series to appear on Cartoon Network, I figured we could reminisce about past incarnations of the franchise. With the complex narratives and buttload of characters, some of the versions like Gundam Wing didn't make much of an impression on me. There are two that have stuck with me: Mobile Fighter G Gundam: We get a universe where Earth is more of less a wasteland, and the nations orbit the planet in stereotypical satellites. Domon Kashu comes to Earth to win the big tournament for Neo-Japan. Domon makes friends and enemies while piloting his Shining Gundam. Also, Mexico's rep is Tequila Gundam, and it incorporates cacti. Domon's finishing move was pretty boss: "SHINING FINGER!!!!" And the opening credits rocked as well. Superior Defender Gundam Force: Bite-sized, super-deformed Gundams. What's not to like? Also: the show-ending shorts featuring the hapless Zakos.
  22. Oy. Lots of characters to introduce, and so little time to do it. Is the needle interface new to the franchise? That seems hardcore. Also unfamiliar: the topless fighting. I guess the doohckeys attached to the backs don't work well with shirts.
  23. I don't have an opinion on Damien. He was kinda cute in his appearance in Gotham Academy. Maps would be a perfect sidekick for a sidekick.
  24. Racj82 . . .Don't forget Camila going into the pool almost as if she was going to walk on the surface. Frootloop Dingus . . . I know, right? It's like in past seasons where they'd have Ty and Tyrie. Sometimes, Tyler would be there, which was a little amusing.
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