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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I forgot about Derrick's cap choices. I was more impressed by his ability to straight-up murder a table. If you look upthread, you'll find a link to my recaps from that season.
  2. For anybody who hits Reality Blurred on a regular basis and wants to be spoiler-free going into TAR29 (premiere TBD because CBS sucks) . . . you might not want to click this link. No real spoilers save for the format, but you might want to get the vomiting over with now.
  3. This week: Has anybody ever had salted fish? Seems like a really bad thing to have on Thriller Bark. I'm guessing at least one of Moriah's lieutenants likes it. Also, more about Brook and his hair. I think the revelation comes next week.
  4. You linked back to this page. As somebody who forced himself to watch Gauntlet 2, I'd like to see what you discovered.
  5. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    "Napoleon Complex umpire" . . . is that the guy who ejected Thor and Terry at the game I visited? Speaking of Thor . . .he and Cespedes are out of the ASG. Of course. I need to get to bed early, so of course the two Mets I'd expect to make it in the game early are injured. I'd be surprised if Terry trots Bartolo out. Maybe if there's a blowout from either team.
  6. It's Tim Heidecker. I would not have expected more from him. I gave up midway though Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Great Job, and I seldom bail on anything. Eric Andre was on MTV's Ridiculousness. There will be a fourth season of his show on AS, though I doubt Hannibal Burress will still be on it. At the very least, the opening credits of Eric destroying the set (and himself) are fun to watch.
  7. Trying to resist the urge to look up the CCI program schedule. I'm just going to get mad . . . even though NYCC is every bit as big, the panels aren't as diverse. I'd be interested in any accounts of folks here who will be attending. I know one person in particular who's going so far. On the up side, I attended Heroes & Villains last weekend. Here's my takes on the prelude, Saturday and Sunday. I only met four stars, but that was enough for me. And I got some nice sketches of Diggle, Alfred and Malcolm Merlyn.
  8. When were the conventions scheduled? I imagine Jon finding out, say, two years ago and saying "Fuck this" while hitting the ejection seat button. Say what you want about Trevor, but going back-to-back weeks of political madness? With two conventions that might be contested? I don't envy the guy. We might wind up with a new host when 2020 rolls in.
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Did not occur to me until later that San Diego is the place where Bartolo homered. But they'll be using a DH, right? Pity. ETA: I like the idea of the Mets wearing throwbacks from the 1986 season during Sunday home games, with the pinstripes and the blue/orange piping on the sides. And they modeled a patch on the 25th anniversary thing that was worn back then.
  10. My reasons on why BMP needs to fold. It's mostly stuff recycled from my posts here, and I'll need time to run up to The Challenge, but I feel it's good to vent especially since a fucking AYTO cast member is going to be in Seattle for the upcoming season. Have I mentioned that I'm pissed off by this? And I'm 98 percent over this show as it is.
  11. Anybody else get HBO? Bill Simmons interviewed Bill Hader last week on Any Given Wednesday, and Hader's honorary membership on South Park was discussed. It included the origin of "Fishsticks." There's no clip I can find online.
  12. Heads up for anybody hanging around here: Comedy Central will be airing a block of SP episodes tonight, and most of them are Halloween-based. There's one that isn't, and I forget the title, but it's also scary.
  13. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Got an e-mail from the Mets. Bartolo has been name to the NL team as a replacement. America's #5 starter, everybody!
  14. Johnny being considered "sexy" . . . he was voted "Hottest Guy" at the Real World Awards. Then again, Austin won Best Season and Coral was voted "Roommate From Hell," so I don't take that seriously. You know who Wince reminds me of? Rachel Robinson. How often did people piss themselves about her athleticism, when she was average at best?
  15. This week, I move from Warner Bros. to The Simpsons. I recall the episode where Homer and Moe conspire to wreck Moe's car for the insurance money, and Homer winds up trying to roll it down a hill and into a lake. All that was missing was a cut to Wes, muttering, "Dario, you idiot." Cut to Dario: "Dario, you genius!!" Johnny's dick must taste like candy. I mean, why else wouldn't he be given a one-in-four shot at the Jungle? I mean, besides Dario being a fucking moron. And since when is Wince a powerhouse? Once again: Wince is Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Most of his mass is for show, and he'd probably gas out on a finale that demands stamina. How many hands do you figured that you'd need to count the number of times Wince passed out on his unsatisfied sexual partner? He probably makes Zach look like the Energizer Bunny. Liked the guys getting bored. Kept expecting one of them to exclaim, "Damn, a circle jerk goes a lot quicker than I would've figured!!" And their big activity was trying on their partners' gear? Okay, then. Teege? The mission wasn't trivia. It was basically The Newlywed Game, with the chance that somebody would hyperventilate and die. Lilit Marcus . . . not to be "that guy," but Johnny was eliminated twice two seasons ago. He only talks about it all the time because Sarah is in the same zip code, and everybody has to know what a bitch she is.
  16. Supremacy of the Cybermen kicked off today. I think it's a four Doctor story, five if the War Doctor pops up. Ten and Eleven are with their made-for-comics companions, Nine has Rose and Jack, and Twelve is solo. On the horizon: Third Doctor miniseries written by Paul Cornell.
  17. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Apparently, Terry Collins did not get the memo about pitching to Giancarlo Stanton. Four homers in two days? The Mets are lucky to have taken two out of three from the Marlins.
  18. For those just stopping by, here's the promo from Toonami . . . . . . and here are the credits.
  19. The OPM forum is open for business.
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Reyes made the front and back pages of the News today. I think he'd be tolerated if he fills the gap at third. If he helps the Mets to another postseason, he'll be forgiven. And if he lays hands on Matt Harvey and turns him back into the Dark Knight? They'd retire his number before he leaves again.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Thought of the Night: Why do the Mets pitch to Giancarlo Stanton? The only reason why he hasn't broken an infielder's leg is because he's too busy circling the bases. I always forget about Jeurys Familia. Happy he got named to the National League team, along with Thor and Yo. He should thank his family, the fans, his teammates, and Jenry Mejia's PED dealer.
  22. Need a reason to get mad at BMP? I mean, really mad? This should do it. ETA: I don't use Twitter. Somebody alert Bill Simmons. I know his thoughts are on his show and Kevin Durant, and he probably views RW as a feeder for The Challenge, but I'd expect outrage from him.
  23. Introducing Champions. Am I a sucker for wanting to get this book, even though it's been two decades since the Waid/Ramos run on Impulse? Then again, it's not like DC Comics is in a rush to reprint that run.
  24. The latest Epic Rap Battle Of History pitted Bruce Banner against Bruce Jenner. I know Batman went up against Sherlock Holmes in the second season (with Kyle Mooney as Dr. Watson!), but I keep imagining Bruce Wayne dropping by, asking if either of the Bruces' mothers are named "Martha." And then he'd Batarang them both in the head. Is Ultimate Edition worth looking into, even if I can find it free from the library, or through a small fee via Redbox?
  25. This comes a little late . . . BH6 gets the Honest Trailer treatment.
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