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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Wasn't Veronica the one who was topless? I do know that the fight came after the Kendal/Leah Inferno, but BMP ran the footage after David/Katie.
  2. Last week, Screen Junkies did an Honest Trailer for Jaws. The funny part was the interview with Steven Spielberg about how the mechanical shark malfunctioned. I'm guessing the Robot Chicken writers saw that and made "Jaws Special Edition." "I say we let him go!!"
  3. That's what DVRs are for. Also, Attack on Titan is scheduled to start its second season next spring, and I'm betting it'll make Toonami's lineup soon after that. We'll probably get the first season as a run-up.
  4. I went to Heroes & Villains Fan Fest this past weekend. I wrote about it here, here and here.
  5. If you like Lance, try to seek out the latest episode of Spartan, where he and Kevin Bull were on a team.
  6. Bit of departure from the comic. On the plus side, the angels & Jesse vs. seraphim fight was funny. If the show had more of a budget, I'd imagine we'd have them battling hip-deep in dead bodies. Jesse sent Eugene to hell. In other words, he's somewhere in Annville. [rimshot] Thank you, I'll be here all week. Tip your waitstaff. Jesse never struck me as an asshole in the comic, or at least the first twelve issues. Apparently, this Jesse doesn't know what comes after pride.
  7. Bumping up because a new season of Sasuke is about to air over in Japan. Also, a well-known American "ninja" scored an invite.
  8. Heads up . . . next Sunday, we'll be getting Brad Neely’s Harg Nallin’ Sclopio Peepio and Squidbillies. You can find bits from the former on the Adult Swim YouTube page, and here's a teaser for the latter:
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    So . . . Mets sweeping the Cubs at Citi Field. Is that cause for alarm in Chicago, cause for celebration in New York, or both? Thinking about the All-Star Game . . . I went to Petco Park in 2005. Biggest bummer was that the game was tied in the top of the ninth, and that meant they didn't play "Hell's Bells" when Trevor Hoffman came out to pitch. I got that experience at Qualcomm back in 2000. So awesome.
  10. From the latest episode thread . . . I'm cool with new runners coming in with gimmicks, though I can see why some would tire of it. I'm grateful Kevin Bull didn't arrive in 2014 with a "HAIRLESS NINJA" t-shirt. If you're trying to draw attention to a cause, I'm all for it. Then you have a case like, say, "Papal Ninja." Would that be if an actual Pope was running?
  11. Anybody else hoping for a ninja-based episode of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia? I know that they did something similar for "The Gang Gets Invincible," but I think it would be easy to get away with than an ep based on the upcoming Democratic National Convention. Mac would totally think he'd be a ninja.
  12. I really hope the final leg doesn't involve deep dish pizza. Bertram and Elise should still be getting grief about that.
  13. Awright! And with SNL in repeats, I think I'll watch this "live."
  14. I'm waiting for the inevitable collapse of the Johnny/Sarah dynamic. I reckon she wants to be on good terms with those she keeps seeing, as opposed to her being weak. That said, if she and Johnny were to win, and Johnny fellates himself while Sarah sneaks up behind him with a steel chair. . . . I'd pay money to see that.
  15. Off the top of my head, the following would have made better hosts than Teege: Melissa, Coral, Frankie, Blair, Devyn, and Rob Dyrdek. With Rob, he would sing the theme song. As one-hit wonder "Bobby Light." Random question time: What was the most shocking memory from the show that you have? Right now, I'm fixated on Battle Of The Sexes 2 when Mike was voted off. The guy had competed in three of the previous four Challenges, and he completed all of them. Seeing him having to depart was . . . whoa.
  16. Looks like Wes E. Coyote lives to scheme another day. I made the comparison last episode, but I forgot an important parallel: both Wes and Wile (?) always think they're smarter than they actually are. Seeing Wes & Nany fuck up the mission is proof of this. Wes probably tumbled to the "distractions" early on, and he lost to fucking Dario. Dario. Sure, he was boned once Johnny & Sarah won, but he and Nany would've gotten a 3-in-4 chance of not getting the black skull. And he came so close to losing to Jamie. Anybody else find it amusing that he almost lost in a game of soccer, the same sport he beat Brad at in The Duel to earn a headstart in the final mission? I'm on board with "Fuck Johnny and Wince" bandwagon. Sucks to be Sarah and Jenna. Of course, I don't expect things to work out. Johnny has gone two Challenges without a win. If karma doesn't forget what a douchebag he is and gives him the title, BMP lackeys will kneecap his opposition. Or they could give the money to Wince, who'd give it to Johnny because I think he's that dumb.
  17. Kinda wished we could have gotten more behind-the-scenes stuff from the older seasons, aside from having Susie and Marky Mark interviewed. I know Susie is probably shysty as hell, but I liked the story about how she met her husband. The Challenge really does bring people together! Crossword puzzles aren't forbidden? Nice. All I can remember are fucking Rachel and Veronica shitting on Sarah's clandestine relationship with Theo with "crossword puzzles" as code. Great, now I'm remembering them taking turnings hitting Abram's skin bong. I still hate those two. I still vote "no" on CT's beard. I'm amused that he'll deny the hookup with Shavoun. In his defense, he was on a break from Diem. On the other hand, it was fucking Shavoun. Save for Parisa, the Sydney girls were a hot mess.
  18. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Reminds me of the Mets' final regular season game in 1999 against the Pirates. They loaded the bases in the ninth for Mike Piazza, and people were all, "This is why they're paying him big bucks." He saw one pitch from the reliever . . . a wild one that plated the winning run, keeping the Mets in the postseason picture.
  19. I have to share . . . next week, Image is reprinting Adventures In The Rifle Brigade, collecting the two miniseries Garth Ennis did for Vertigo. Ennis is renown for his WWII-era stories, but he really goes off the rails here. And it is awesome to behold.
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Probably wouldn't be as wild as those announcers from Iceland. I'm convinced that if Daniel Murphy had stayed with the Mets, he would have ruptured stuff in his arms and legs we would have never known before. Before that, he'd hit .180 and get caught in a tub of PEDs. And goats. And Lenny Dykstra.
  21. Listening to Sam talk about how Trump needs to lose all fifty states . . . it's so eerie. She's in my head. I don't know if I should apologize or ask for back rent. Don't know if Sam is a fan of Doctor Who, especially since David didn't acknowledge her. Worst case, she's got writers who are fans, and that would be good enough for me.
  22. Because I posted on this thread last week, I got spoiled about the four women advancing. I interpreted that as those ladies completing the course. Damn, can you imagine what would've happened? After Woman #3, the crowd would've heard two gunshots, only to find out Matt and Akbar's dicks had exploded from pure joy. Anybody else get nervous for Geoff? Middle of the show, poor showing in TNW, he had to bow out of USA Vs. The World . . . but he didn't fail. He seems like a cooler guy to be with than Isaac. And while I'm thinking about it . . . how powerful must Pom be if they could hook Isaac to their sweepstakes after he didn't come back? Maybe he really likes the stuff. I still like Matt and Akbar. I can't help it. Akbar probably knows a scant few will get his "BRITTEN'S GOT TALENT!!!" line, and he just doesn't care. He will run that sumbitch into the ground. Damn, Joe Moravsky's got a cute baby. Liked the ear protection. I reckon he can deal with infants after spending time with Rob. HEEEEEEY-OOOOOOOOH!!!! Where was Paul Hamm? I mean, nobody from the Sasuke days ever drops by on ANW. ETA for slf: Philly was the end of qualifiers. The show goes into regional finals courses starting July 11 . .. and the show moves back to 8, which means I can watch it "live."
  23. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I think it'll be a thing when it happens to Bartolo Colon. What would it take for Bart to contemplate chugging to third? I'm thinking a situation involving all three outfielders getting into a nasty collision.
  24. Bumping up for the crossover episode with Powerpuff Girls this Thursday. I haven't seen the PPG reboot, so it should be interesting.
  25. Anybody else check out "The Music Hole"? Gotta give Flame Princess props for trying to up her rap game.
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