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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Any word as to what sort of punishment Thor and Terry Collins will be facing from MLB?
  2. Kel Varnsen . . . what about him? Oh, the drug stuff. Didn't Ray inhale a joint when Malory beat the snot out of Krieger?
  3. Looks like I was wrong. I'm wondering if the episode could have fit a half-hour slot if we didn't have the "comedy" of the Kriegerbots. Also: Lana doesn't choke Veronica Deane out with one hand. That's disappointing. So that was Archer in the pool? I trust Adam Reed, because that's one helluva swerve. I don't get why he'd be chummy with any robot, even if it's modeled after him. On the other hand, Archer/Archer would be the greatest "ship" after Sterling/Malory. ETA: I guess Detectives Simmons and Key were legit. Who knew?
  4. Dear God, there are two of him now . . . Prediction with 75 minutes left to showtime: This is not the story's finale. I'm thinking "Archer dead in the pool" will be resolved next season.
  5. With The Real World over, we can go from hating Jenna to wishing a house would fall on Simone. If BMP could get away with it, they'd lock Jenna and Simone in a room just to see what happens. Has Reilly always been that big of an asshole? While I have my theory that he got snuggly with Averey in Portland just to get closer to Daisy, I feel he came off as a real scumbag this week. Five episodes in, and we're only out one AYTO team. That doesn't seem fair. BMP loves padding episodes . . . why bring back Devin and Whatsherface? So "ratchet" isn't a racial slur? I'm confused. ETA: About the Elimination . . . did anybody else think it was recycled from the one from Battle Of The Seasons where the guys have to more or less waterboard themselves to support their partners? That was the one where Eric quit on Camlla, like all rational people should.
  6. 4. I don't think Jenna is the worst thing to come out of South Carolina. She probably doesn't register in the top five. Top ten? That's a different story.
  7. More thoughts: 1. There's a tiny part of me that feels for Jenna because Dylan and Dione were taking shots. Who the fuck are either of them to judge her? I know this wasn't an either/or thing, but they still pissed me off. Especially Dylan, who didn't want to own up to wanting to fuck Jenna. Asshole is on the verge of calling himself "Mr. Beautiful." He's saving that for his first Challenge. 2. Anybody else disappointed that none of the hover boards caught fire? Especially with a dumbass riding it? 3. So happy to have Ridiculousness back on the air. At his worst, Rob Dyrdek isn't as big an ad sole as these numbskulls. ETA: "Ad sole"?!? I'm still getting used to the iPad.
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Good news about 2020. I'm guessing that Tokyo having facilities doesn't hurt. You'd have to build those in London and Rio.
  9. Here's the bit from SNL. I don't think people will confuse Akbar and Drake.
  10. Picked up Future Quest with a blank cover because I am weak. I might be in for the whole thing. I'm not a child of the Sixties, but I watched a lot of Cartoon Network before they started broadcasting new material. Fun to try and unify all the Hanna Barbera properties, and add to the mythos. For instance: who is Ty supposed to be? And who's the woman with the Impossibles on the cover? As for the blank, I'm not sure which character(s) I'd want sketched. Jonny Quest and Bandit? Space Ghost and Blip? Or maybe I can use my mediocre skills to draw Gloop and Gleep.
  11. Even with Team Ninja Warrior on Esquire, it's good to have ANW back. We got to see the women kick butt, even if it felt like Matt and Akbar were going to shine a spotlight on Kacy. And we got to see the pros do their thing. I like how there's no full-on villain figure on this show. It's a nice contrast to programs like The Real World, where you wind up hating everybody to different degrees.
  12. Finally saw both episodes. Can we agree that this is the worst RW season ever? GBOGH went over like a lead balloon, but I see BMP doing something along those lines to the new Seattle kids. Or maybe just locking them in the house with Stephen's crazy ass. And if you take away Ceejai, Dean and Sabrina, the average IQ in the house dips to 65. I'm surprised those kids don't go see a medic for all the knuckle-dragging. Here are my final rankings: 1. Sabrina (minimal drama, minimal interaction with Jenna; we'll never see her again) 2. Dean (we'll never see him again) 3. Ceejai (would've dropped, but this is a heinous cast) 4. Kaliah (big fat whatever) 5. Chris (he just rubs me the wrong way, especially after taking the initiative against Jenna) 6. Dylan (if Jenna gets voted off, we'd get more of this asshole, the poor man's CT the broke man's CT; we'll see him down the line) 7. Jenna (tiny chance she could redeem herself, but if she doesn't poke her nose beyond the Mason-Dixon Line, it wouldn't be a huge loss) 8. Dione (face facts, we're stuck with this asshole; if he's not the biggest Challenge mainstay, BMP and/or MTV will do a show about his "carny" friends) I learned so little with these losers. At least I found out "ratchet" is a racial slur. I just thought it meant "messed up." And Jenna's friend is probably going to be on the short list to star in the next season. BMP is like the adults watching Timmy and Jimmy beat the snot out of each other on South Park . . . they wait until all the damage is done before swooping in. And I'm thinking they felt like Jenna would've been the recipient of a six-on-one beatdown, and that's why she got pulled. If you're an old-school baseball fan, this would be the Cardinals pulling Pepper Martin out of Game 7 of the 1934 World Series.
  13. Anybody else find it weird that Magento would choose to ally himself with a kinda/sorta Egyptian pharaoh? Or am I thinking too hard about that?
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I think that I'll work on my account of Saturday's events over the weekend. I looked through the program. Bartolo Colon is listed as 5'9" and 283 lbs. Dude is in worse shape than me. Would you want somebody with his body on your company's slow-pitch softball team? ETA: My bad. He's 5'11".
  15. Just saw the list. Siera and Ciera? Oy. And I'm hoping Sandra is playing for $2 million, because I don't know what incentive she would have. She might as well wear bright neon with "TARGET" on her back. Also, she might wind up playing with another asshole-plus like Jon and Russell.
  16. I think Amy has gotten too big for this show. And that's not a slam about her appearance, which I don't care about. I'm thinking this should be her final season, so she can take a year off, do some stand-up, and figure out how to get to her ultimate goal: playing a character not named "Amy." I kid because I care. ETA: Sorry I didn't set up the thread. I've been busy lately, and I only got to the latest episode today.
  17. And one more thing to share with the class . . . at least until the inevitable Honest Trailer covering the clusterfuck . . .
  18. Eh. Bit of a letdown after Civil War, though nowhere near as bad as BvS. And, of course, there's going to be another movie, even if the bulk of the new characters won't have much to do. Bryan Singer is probably wondering how he can make Mr. Sinister work, or just say "Fuck it" and leave it to somebody else. Honestly, has anybody been jazzed about Nathaniel Essex? Ever?? Ever if you throw in X-23, it still would be a challenge. I feel bad for the lack for the supporting cast. No fireworks from Jubilee. No psychic butterfly from Psylocke. Is this Angel/Archangel the same was Warren Worthington III from X3, or are we not acknowledging that film was ever made? On the bright side: Nightcrawler in Michael Jackson jacket. Are we junking the idea that Raven/Mystique is his mother? Of course, the Quicksilver scene stole the movie. Awesome to see him save everybody. Well, almost everybody . .. sorry, Alex. And I'd like to know the story behind the French Bulldog. Where is the best place to find out about the Easter eggs? I'm thinking a lot went over my head. ETA: Anybody else expect Erik's wife and daughter to get stuck in a refrigerator? Man, that sucked.
  19. For anybody who still looks in this general area . .. JB Smoove did the latest edition of Epic Rap Battles of History:
  20. Looking at the promotions ad from the Brooklyn Cyclones in the Mets' program .. . there's the 1986 World Series desk ring, a Wilmer Flores "Tears to Cheers" bobblehead, and the third annual Seinfeld night with a limited giveaway of bobblehead dolls with Roger McDowell in street clothes behind the bushes. I think that game is sold out, and there were packages available under the code "BOSCO."
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Yes, that is Glenn Close. She sang the anthem at the World Series thirty years ago. Also, there's a minor league thread if you want to talk about the bush leagues.
  22. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Working on the blog entry now. In the meantime, here are the 75 pictures from last night.
  23. Why, yes. Yes, it does. I haven't felt the need to make a poster lately, but I'd like to see new entries. Forgot about Kamina. Maybe IBO is inspired by Gurren Lagan? If a lispy dude in green hair implores the main character to give the ignition a mighty tug, I might get upset.
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