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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Oh, man. Azrael brought a sword to a bazooka fight. Honestly, I know Gotham isn't the best show around . . . but damn, they sure know how to make a moment. Bazooka, rocket launcher, whatever you want to call it . . . it blew Theo to hell. Sure, he could have been brought in alive and traced back to Hugo, but that was such a satisfying moment. And I'm betting there wasn't much room in Oswald's pants. Did Selina do something new with her hair? What little of it that peeked from her cap and goggles looked blonde. Funny that she and Ed recognized each other in the vents. Pity that Selina had to find out that her old friend is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Also . . . less celebrating, Ed, and more running. Anybody else expect the GCPD players to baaaah as they approached Harvey? And how long is Jim going to play Non-Cop? It's getting a little ridiculous, even for this show. ETA: "My name is Firefly." "So . . . are you gonna get canceled by Fox way too early?"
  2. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Where can I get the Spanish and radio calls of Bartolo's shot? I like Gary Cohen's jubilation (with Ron Darling laughing), but I want stuff for comparison purposes.
  3. Dunno where else to post this . . . MTV will be running episodes back-to-back on Thursday, with an After Show after midnight. If you want to be spoiler-free, you should avoid the descriptions for the episodes.
  4. Found the blooper reel on Cheezburger. Spoilers for the few people who haven't seen the movie. ETA: And here's the obligatory Honest Trailer.
  5. Bumping up to see if anybody else is watching Pokémon XYZ. The latest story has "our heroes" attending a fancy dress ball, with Serena's crush on Ash coming to the fore. Also, her Eevee evolved into this version's upgrade, Sylveon. It's still a cutie even with the increased size. I'm still DVRing it every week. It's painfully obvious that Ash will go through mega-evolution with his Greninja, because the process only works with Pokémon at the end of their evolutionary cycle, and no friggin' way does Pikachu evolve into Raichu. Also hoping for resolution involving Squishy, the nameless Pokémon befriended by Bonnie. ETA: Check out the starters for Pokemon: Sun/Moon. I'm coming off an anime con, and if the announcement had come a month ago, Artist Alley would have been packed with prints of the new critters.
  6. I think the DCU offering was a reprint of the first issue of the new52 Suicide Squad. I didn't get their kids' book like I usually do. I wound up getting ten issues from two shops. Evan Dorkin had material in the Bongo entry (a two-page reprint), a story in SpongeBob Squarepants drawn by Ramona Fradon, and a "gag page" for Attack On Titan Anthology. Nice stuff all around.
  7. Damn, that's a long-ass acronym for a tattoo. I'm not into tattoos, but I'm thinking it might have been less gruesome if he had the whole phrase in a smaller font. "GTFO" is recognizable. "DILLIGAF"? Not so much. And I don't want Jason and Scot to welcome any more members to the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos. Caleb can pass, though, because he seemed to be good people.
  8. I didn't know what was in the trunk. I was thinking Kree blood because I watch Agents of SHIELD. Really hoping that we don't get another batch of SSS. While I'm thinking about Cap and his movies . . . is Red Skull dead dead? I keep thinking that his demise in The First Avenger had a figurative escape hatch where he could menace Steve again. Bastard is pretty hard to put down in comics. Is Hugo Weaving not interested in reprising the role?
  9. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Yes, but did Bartolo Colon homer in that game? That's an event to tell your kids about. Backpage headline of the Daily News was "BART RUTH!"
  10. Who was the undead guy in the Suge Knight sketch? I'm thinking Game of Thrones, but I don't watch that. Good episode. Soundwave getting down to Creed and all his "tapes" ejecting from his chest was funny. I'll have to rewatch to see how many there were. At minimum, I'm thinking two birds (Laserbeak and Buzzsaw), two robots (Rumble and Frenzy) and a big cat (Ravage).
  11. luckyroll3 . . . the clip from Simone was cut from Battle Of The Exes II. And that wasn't two years ago, though I maintain that Johnny is a little punk about Sarah's "betrayal." I want to see the clip with Sarah pulling the trigger, followed by ten minutes of Paula laughing.
  12. Wow. Just . . . wow. How much can you hate the story without picking at nits? Zemo wasn't that great a villain as his canon counterpart, though I'm guessing he was left alive to have an experience with Adhesive X. I don't know why Clint and Scott would abandon their families to join Cap's band of outlaws. Martin Freeman is not the guy I'd want to play Everett K. Ross. I'm thinking "weaselly-looking bureaucrat, early 30s." Stan Lee's cameo at the end? "Tony Stank"? Really, Russo brothers? I know Rhodey needed a laugh after his spine got messed up, but come on. Oh, and Bucky is now Tony's Joe Chill. I don't think that was needed, to be honest. I don't think this movie was the religious experiences that The Avengers was four years ago. It does rate with Winter Solider. It improves on the comic basis, where Tony was a prick from start to finish. You could root for either side without people calling you an asshole. We got canon stuff like the Wanda/Vision relationship. Black Panther showed that he was worthy of headlining a movie (sorry, Rhodey and Sam). The fights were awesome. And they successfully cloned Tobey Macguire! Okay, so Aunt May is still relatively young, but it's nice to see a Peter Parker who wasn't a brooder before getting bit by the irradiated spider. Sorry, Andrew Garfield. Oh, and Christopher Priest was in the credits for his work on Black Panther, as well as Mark Texiera, who did the first four issues of that book. Hopefully, this means that the Black Panther movie will be a political thriller with capes and comedy thrown in. Marvel released three trade paperbacks covering most of that run. It's never too early to brush up. Any executives dealing with DC Comics-based movies should have to come up with their next script while locked in a room with CA:CW constantly playing. And Zach Snyder should get kicked in the nuts, because I saw how hero-on-hero action should be presented.
  13. Saw it last night before bed. Kinda hated how the laptop-carrying nerd got wiped out, because that's the guy I probably most resemble.And yeah, I think back to the Chunin Exams from Naruto. Maybe there will be applicant-on-applicant fighting, though I don't think we'd get a duel as cool as Rock Lee vs. Gaara. How far did they end up running? 100 kilometers? I'm not familiar with the metric system, but I know that's brutal, even if you walk that distance. Without stairs.
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Saw it while going through stuff on DVR. Saw the sequence three times. Holy shit. If you missed it, you have to see it. Announcer went nuts . . . I think it made him stand up. Mets went wild. Mets fans went while. I'm guessing Padres fans went wild, because it was such a moment. And Bartolo broke out into his home run trot . . . or it might be how fast he runs. If the Mets win, I think the game might make it on Mets Classics on SNY on the strength of the homer. The only concern is that the game is airing on WPIX/Channel 11, so that might not happen. ETA: Just heard that Bartolo is the oldest player in MLB history to have his first home run.
  15. But Probst has experience! You can't teach a chicken stuff like openly ranking on Cydney's speed during the Immunity Challenge.
  16. Question for female posters . . . does "DTLV" put you in the mood? I'm thinking it would make doors slam shut, but I'm a guy. Mad is not a good look for Ceejai. I suspect that Jenna's act is wearing thin at this time for Ceejai to flip out over undertipping, as opposed to all the other reasons to be mad at Jenna. Were the original Vegas kids set up at the Palms?
  17. Well. Next week should be interesting. With two alpha teams out before the finale, anybody could win. I'd like for this season to wrap up, because I'm numb to these teams. I don't hate them . . . Tyler & Korey aren't annoying to me, Dana & Matt pale to the horror that was Logan & Chris, and Sheri & Cole aren't entirely incompetent. It's just that their absolute value is lower than teams in other seasons. Gotta give Sheri & Cole credit for sticking with the Detour. They would have been out had they swapped options. I don't see them as the next Amy & Maya, but they're nowhere near as lucky as Andrew & Dan. Cute Roadblock. I wonder if the Pope is a TAR fan. It wouldn't surprise me. "Welcome . . . to Vatican City!" ETA: Just ran the numbers . . . TAR28 ties TAR16 and TAR19 in having the weakest final three heading into the finale. Using a 3-2-1 format, Tyler & Korey got a healthy 22 points, but Dana & Matt only got eight and Sheri & Cole managed a mere two. Dividing 32 by 66 (number of legs times six points available per leg), the total comes out to .485. If Burnie & Ashley had come in third, the total would have been .652.
  18. Interesting episode . . . Bubblegum creates a miniature version of Cinnamon Bun and gives her to CB. Bun Bun winds up freeing Flame King from his prison, and he . . .decides to rule over chipmunks. Also, Finn and Phoebe do some platonic bonding and beatboxing.
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Forgot the Mets were playing on the West Coast until after their game was over. For any Padres fans . . . on the one hand, I feel your pain about waiting an eternity for a no-hitter. On the other: no way did the Mets want to be no-hit three times in the span of two seasons.
  20. Great end to a fun farce. Only downside about this season is that this might be the last time we'll see/hear Patton Oswalt being funny for some time. And Shapiro took a beanbag to the nuts for Veronica. He's duplicitous, but he did it out of love. Honestly, the hostages-as-clowns gambit? Inspired. As was the Archer/Lana fight, and they didn't kill each other only because Pam revealed herself first.
  21. I like Arthur Darville . . . but if Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell invaded the set and beat him and the writers up? I'd totally understand. What was Rip expecting? A parade in his honor at Vanishing Point? It didn't occur to him that the Time Masters would cut Savage loose with little fanfare? What a maroon. Then again, that probably applies to everyone except Sara and Leonard. And Martin and Jax. Speaking of which, I'm hoping that Savage gets killed so Jax can light a fire up Rip's ass. Dare to dream, right? Ray is a dumbass. Savage has a headstart in fighting for at least three millennia. Put on the ATOM suit and make him dance. Dumbass! ETA: If Rip had recruited Sara and Nyssa, he probably would've had Savage checkmated in half the time.
  22. I might be out at 10 p.m., but I'm going to DVR the episode. Looks like fun . . . and Detectives Simmons and Key are back! How much you wanna bet that Mr. Rompers is Slater?
  23. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Cute, though I have to worry about fans defacing the bench. Or worse. I mean, if Chipper Jones got a bench in Central Park from well-funded Braves fans, I'd be tempted to do nasty things with it.
  24. And she picked up the nickname "Lamber" on the MBTV forums because she followed Jerri everywhere.
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