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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. I don't think this has been posted yet - but if it has, I apologize for posting it again... The Walking Dead - "They're fucking with the wrong people" - UNCENSORED
  2. She was also talking back to the judges on the runway (albeit in a friendly way) like they were nuts to criticize her design.
  3. I didn't like Sandhya's design but agree that, at least, it was different. I also felt like I had seen all of the other contestants' outfits before. I think they sent Angela home over the guy who did the burlap sack dress because she was so fragile - they were probably concerned about liability. This season seems especially mean-spirited to me. Not just the judges - but every contestant's confessional to the camera was to say negative things about other contestants' designs. Maybe it was editing. I recall that in past seasons, they would also show contestants saying positive things about other designs.
  4. LOL... that Frozen reference is hilarious and so spot on. I confess I watched this last episode with a kind of horrified fascination. I'm glad Alex left Vega - yes, just get away from that whole horrible bunch of self-centered, power-hungry people masking themselves as do-gooders - even if it's to go to Gabriel's lair. I don't like either MIchael or Gabriel - or Evelyn or Uriel for that matter. I don't like William or his father Whele, Riesen or Clare - she's deluding herself if she really doesn't think she wants the power. Her intention to keep the baby secret from Alex was unforgiveable as well. I kept waiting for someone to kill William. At the end, I was surprised to find that the only people I liked were Alex and Doma.
  5. I thought the significance was the headline of the article and how MG's arguably ambiguous statement was interpreted by a website that appears to be affiliated with The CW - but I could be wrong.
  6. Interview: Clark Gregg on Taking Over ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ for Season 2 http://nerdrepository.com/interview-clark-gregg-shield-season-2/ Also, the gag reel video is hilarious.
  7. Here they are all in one place... ‘Arrow’ boss shares sneak peeks at digital tie-in comics http://cwtvsource.com/2014/08/01/arrow-boss-shares-sneak-peeks-at-digital-tie-in-comics/
  8. In case there was any ambiguity about what MG said to TVLine (see link in previous post on previous page)... ‘Arrow': Felicity and Laurel friendship coming in Season 3 Posted on August 6, 2014 by Staff in Arrow http://cwtvsource.com/2014/08/06/arrow-felicity-and-laurel-friendship-coming-in-season-3/
  9. Women have to worry about being skewered by Joan Rivers on The Fashion Police.... men, less so. Seriously, female stars in Hollywood are still critiqued a lot more for how they look in public than male stars.
  10. Interesting stuff... JB is asked about whether Malcolm is looking for redemption in Season 3, Malcolm's motives and relationship with Thea in Season 3, whether Malcolm's story will have flashbacks in Season 3, his love of the character of Malcolm, and what his fans mean to him: Interview: John Barrowman Mentors Season 3 of ‘Arrow’ Posted by: Kyle Wilson 22 hours ago http://nerdrepository.com/interview-john-barrowman-mentors-season-3-arrow/ Maybe Malcolm Merlyn needs his own topic thread now that he's going to be a regular.
  11. A lot of speculation... The Walking Dead Season 5 Filming Spoilers: Beth, Carol Rescue in Midseason Finale? http://www.wetpaint.com/walking-dead/articles/2014-08-05-season-5-beth-carol-rescue
  12. Even if you don't get the Starz channel, they are doing a promotion where you can watch the first episode for free online at their website this week only (before it debuts on TV this Saturday): http://www.starz.com/originals/outlander?gclid=CMKNnJqLgcACFQSEaQodFYkAOA
  13. Great analysis. It's the Melanie Hamilton versus Scarlett O'Hara type of strong woman contrast. About Felicity's motivation for being on Team Arrow, I think it's also about family. She started out wanting to find Walter. I think he was like her mentor/father figure. We know she has no family other than her mother - likely estranged. We've seen no close friends that she could've confided in. Once she starting working with Oliver and Diggle, they became like her surrogate family and she also stayed to help them. Thus, her conversation with Oliver when she tells him Moira's secret - she starts with a disclosure about her parents and segues to not wanting to lose someone else she cares about. Of course, I think she also likes being part of something that helps other people.
  14. Even if David Cubitt is playing Manhunter, that doesn't mean that Laurel can't in the future. Remember the EPs' love for having two versions of every superhero. It could be that Cubitt's character does become Manhunter, Laurel finds out, he has a big influence on her, then he dies, and she assumes his identity (having rejected the idea of copying her sister). Alternatively, if they're still going with Laurel becoming the Black Canary, they don't have to kill off Sara necessarily. They could kill off Laurel's mother, then have Sara conveniently tied up elsewhere with LOA business, so Laurel assumes the Canary identity. I think that the EPs really believe the problem with Laurel the past two seasons was that she wasn't in the know about Oliver being the vigilante/Arrow. I read some interview somewhere where they were commenting that they learned from their mistakes on Arrow and so, on The Flash, they were going to let Barry's friends in on his secret (super speed) early on. So for Season 3, now that Laurel knows, the EPs probably think her character is fixed. She can be "business partners" with Oliver and friends with Felicity and Diggle, while undertaking her own journey to superhero status. BTW, next week's TV Guide has an article on SDCC 2014 which includes a short paragraph on Arrow. It mentions BR as Ray Palmer, O/F's first date not going so well, Thea's upcoming big change, and the "Oracle" episode about Felicity's flashback to her college days at MIT. Speaking of the "Oracle" episode, what if the flashback shows Felicity working on an innovative computer program that she nicknames Oracle, or what if she has a friend at MIT named Barbara Gordon? If they don't want to introduce Barbara Gordon to the show just yet, they could just show Felicity communicating online with BG - like e-mail or chat room pals. Or maybe the flashback will just show Felicity being a secret hacker and having a not-so-clean past. I still like the idea of either her mother or her father being old friends with Walter and that's how she ended up working for QC.
  15. After the success of GotG, it looks like Warner Bros. had second thoughts and backed down from an upcoming showdown. Both Batman v. Superman and Captain America 3 were scheduled for the same release date, May 6, 2016. Now Warner Bros. has moved Batman v. Superman's release date to March 25, 2016. http://time.com/3087764/warner-bros-stands-down-changes-release-date-of-batman-v-superman/
  16. I don't see how one family could stockpile enough food to feed a whole town for several months.
  17. If Felicity is "superhero catnip" (love the term, Ceylon5), I like the fact that it's her brains - not her looks - that first attracts these superheros to her. Oliver first came to Felicity for IT help. Barry first bonded with her when they talked science stuff and worked together. It sounds like Ray Palmer will first become interested in her because of her IT expertise.
  18. If J.R. Ramirez has insane chemistry with KC, then I don't think it'll matter how well-known or not an actor he was before this show. Laurel's journey should be the B or C storyline because the show is called Arrow. That's why I didn't like how Sara/Black Canary seemed to hijack so much of Season 2. If Oliver also hooks up with Katana in Hong Kong and she dies, after he hooked up with Shado on the island and she died, then I'll be getting a serious Madame Butterfly/Miss Saigon/South Pacific vibe - not a good thing. I like this part of that article because it acknowledges how natural and organic the whole evolution of the O/F relationship has been and will continue to be:
  19. I like it when actors show enthusiasm for their roles. https://twitter.com/CW_Arrow
  20. This is kinda interesting... Why Keeping The Arrow / Flash Universe Away from Man Of Steel Universe Isn't a Bad Thing http://moviepilot.com/posts/2014/08/04/why-keeping-the-arrow-flash-universe-away-from-man-of-steel-universe-isn-t-a-bad-thing-2158790?lt_source=external,manual#!bvkwOX I think SA is better than "okay" as an actor now. I agree, though, that Arrow and The Flash are still going through their origin stories, which would clash with the DC movie-verse right now.
  21. When I see someone like Angela who clearly shouldn't be on a reality TV competition because she can't handle the stress, I blame the show's producers. They want drama to boost ratings so they cast a mixture of personalities that will clash with each other and they cast people who they know will cause drama. They want someone to break down on the show. They want designers to fight with each other. They want catty confessionals. They amp stress by giving the designers deadlines and difficult challenges. Next, they'll have the designers run an obstacle course and shoot arrows before they can use a sewing machine - just kidding, but Top Chef did something like that two seasons ago which brought down the integrity of the show. Almost all reality competition shows seem to be like this now. Producer manipulation of results seems to be prevalent as well because they're thinking of which winner will make them the most money after the season ends.
  22. I don't really care for any of the three finalists. Nicole is kinda boring and she came across as trying too hard in her pilot. Luca is okay but I find him difficult to understand, although his food looked good in his pilot. They both seem like nice people, though. I find Lenny completely repugnant and offensive - he's always come across as fake to me.
  23. I stopped watching every episode of this show, so when did Weaver stop leading the 2nd Mass and turn leadership over to Tom? I still can't stand Lexi - her fake blonde hair and the bad actress who plays her. Why couldn't they have at least physically transformed her when she came out of the cocoon? Again, alien DNA somehow gives her superpowers but not good hair? From the preview, it looks like If this show were edgier, they'd have Lexi kill Ben when he goes to try to reason with her, which would cause a split between Tom and Anne. But of course, they won't. Everyone will die but the Masons and their significant others, Lexi will be redeemed somehow, and - like Noah and the Ark - the Masons will seed the future generation of humans on earth.
  24. Foreign terrorists are willing to kidnap American diplomats and hold them hostage in exchange for fertilized human embryos. Yet no one is concerned that someone might try to kidnap, say, the scientist who successfully fertilized those embryos and claims to have almost found a cure for infertility? Dr. Lennon has been on TV - everyone knows who she is and what she looks like. Yet she is free to go about her life on her own and unprotected. What if someone kidnapped her when she went into that bar alone? Even if the U.S. closed its borders to non-citizens, anyone in the U.S. (citizen or non-citizen) could easily kidnap her and sell her to a foreign government or terrorist group for tons of money. Or someone who doesn't want a cure found could easily track her down alone and kill her. So the key to the cure for infertility is a deadly disease? Hmmm.... sounds familiar. Wait - wasn't a deadly disease the key to vaccinating against the zombie virus in World War Z?
  25. I think the EPs just love bringing in comic book characters onto the show - and they love origin stories. Otherwise, how coincidental that both the Atom and Wildcat come to Starling City (and become love interests of two major female characters)! They may not show their fully developed superhero personas on Arrow. Maybe they're testing out possible spin-offs - like the Flash, the powers don't show up until the character goes off on his own spin-off show. This is kinda interesting (nothing new, though)... 10 Things We Learned From Arrow’s Season 3 SDCC Trailer http://whatculture.com/tv/10-things-learned-arrows-season-3-sdcc-trailer.php
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