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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. Sean Bean is still mesmerizing to watch. I kinda wished they would've introduced the personal family drama later on in the series because it does seem to drag down the episode. I don't know if it's the writing or the acting, but Ali Larter's character is just so annoying. It shouldn't be that difficult to write a strong female character who clashes with the hero but is still likeable. Other TV shows do it all the time.
  2. I still believe that Ricky is the best dancer left and I'm rooting for him, but I think Zach will win. I think it's going to be like the Benji vs. Travis showdown when Travis was the better dancer but Benji was more popular.
  3. First Look at Paul Rudd in ‘Ant-Man’ Posted by: Brent Hankins 1 day ago http://nerdrepository.com/paul-rudd-antman/
  4. BBC America is running a marathon of Doctor Who episodes this week (leading up to the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, debuting the end of the week). Last night, they aired reruns of three episodes from David Tennant's tenure as the Doctor in which John Barrowman played Captain Jack Harkness. Even though this was only seven years ago, JB looked much younger then. Even now, it's difficult to believe he's playing someone who could be the father of 28-year-old Tommy Merlyn. Malcolm had to have married young.
  5. If Sara dies early in the season, she could still appear in flashbacks. In fact, I can see them doing parallels of Nyssa training Sara in flashbacks with Nyssa training Laurel in the present day - hence, that EP interview comment about Laurel seeing if she can walk in her sister's shoes.
  6. There are a lot of attention-seeking, PR stunt-doing celebrities - BUT there are also a lot of celebrities who use their fame to do good things for other people and to raise money and awareness for good causes. Yes, the ice bucket challenge is a waste of water, but the water aspect is what makes the stunt funny and what gets more people to watch those videos, so I guess it's a balance. If it wasn't so funny (famous people getting soaked - ha, ha), then the videos probably wouldn't be as viral and they probably wouldn't be raising as much money for the charity. (It's like the dunking booth at the state fair - people like to dunk other people in water.) If it was the money bucket challenge, do we really want to watch a bunch of celebrities dumping cash on themselves? We know they have plenty of money - dumping it just seems like they're showing off that they have money. The important thing is that they donate the money. Anyway, just my opinion.
  7. I guess in the Arrow-verse, both doctors and lawyers have zero to little ethical obligations. Again, Felicity had the best lines - the one about not getting the eyeholes in her face mask to line up, whether she can put bomber on her resume, and the one about Barry being in a coma and still moving on.
  8. More details on Episodes 11 and 12 (season finale) and video interview with EP David Eick: Falling Skies Season 4 2-Part Finale Synopsis http://www.threeifbyspace.net/2014/08/falling-skies-season-4-2-part-finale-synopsis/#.U_NPi_ldUuQ
  9. Nothing much new, but I thought this quote by David Ramsey was interesting (a lot of DR quotes in this article).... AMELL, KREISBERG & MORE ON HOW "ARROW" CONTINUES TO GROW THE DC UNIVERSE Posted: 21 hours ago | Updated: 21 hours ago http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=54915 The EPs really love their Hollywood screen legends. So far, in different interviews, they've compared SA to Clark Gable and John Wayne, and they've compared BR to Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, and Humphrey Bogart. Those are all vastly different types of men, so I don't know what the EPs are talking about. EDITED TO ADD: Sorry, I didn't realize @Morrigan2575 had already posted this article link above when I posted this reply.
  10. This is kinda interesting... Warner Bros. Moving Forward With ‘Suicide Squad’ Movie? Published 1 hour ago by Andrew Dyce http://screenrant.com/harley-quinn-suicide-squad-movie-discussion/
  11. The first TV couple I ever shipped was Mulder and Scully from The X-Files. Since then, I've shipped many TV couples. Bit of trivia: http://fanlore.org/wiki/Shipping http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Shipping
  12. With all that time Barbie had on the outside, why didn't he write "DON'T JUMP" on a piece of paper and take that with him to the Dome, then hold it up for Julia to read? He must've known that he would have a short period of time to stand at the Dome before he was caught. And I'm still not clear on why he's keeping secret how he got out of the Dome. Even if he didn't trust the military and his father's corporation, there's still the media or even Internet bloggers. There are villains you love to hate - and then there's Big Jim. Someone, please, put him out of his Bad Gollum-Good Gollum misery. Wow, they're not even trying to hide the Microsoft product placement any more, are they? I'm glad thuganomics85 mentioned Sleepy Hollow. That show is proof that you can have a ridiculous premise but still have a good and quite entertaining show if it's well cast, well written, and well executed. One of my surprise favorite new shows of last season.
  13. A fairly recent issue of Entertainment Weekly (Iron Man and Captain America on cover) contained an article with information about Avengers: Age of Ultron. Some of that info can be read at the following link: http://popwatch.ew.com/2014/07/16/this-weeks-cover-avengers-age-of-ultron/ If you can't find this issue on sale, there's probably a copy at the local library (where I read it).
  14. Falling Skies Episode: "Space Oddity" Season 4, Episode 11 Episode Synopsis: Part 1 of 2. A mission to destroy the Espheni power core turns complicated when Lexi returns. Elsewhere, Lexi takes drastic measures when an airship malfunctions, and the 2nd Mass fears an Espheni attack. Original Air Date: Aug 31, 2014 Guest Cast Treva Etienne http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/falling-skies-2014/episode-11-season-4/space-oddity/309031 Falling Skies Episode: "Shoot the Moon" Season 4, Episode 12 Episode Synopsis: In the conclusion of the two-part Season 4 finale, Tom and Lexi must triumph over Tom's mortal enemy as they desperately try to destroy the all-powerful Espheni power core. Elsewhere, the 2nd Mass faces a terrifying new Espheni bomb. Original Air Date: Aug 31, 2014 Guest Cast Mira Sorvino Treva Etienne http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/falling-skies-2014/episode-12-season-4/shoot-the-moon/309031
  15. Regarding J.R. Ramirez becoming a regular on another show, I guess that means Ted/Wildcat is going to be either a one-shot character or a recurring character on Arrow this season. If a one-shot character, then he can't be Laurel's love interest and trainer this season - so who's her love interest then? The only other new male character we've heard of (who's not Ray Palmer and not in flashbacks) is Ra's al Ghul. If Ted is going to be a recurring character, then he can be Laurel's love interest and trainer for season 3 only - if he dies near the end of the season and his killer escapes justice on a legal technicality, then that could be her impetus to move forward on her vigilante 'hero' journey (though it would be difficult to reconcile with her legal and ethical obligations as a DA). Having another lover die would also be consistent with Laurel's self-pitying "everyone leaves me" attitude.
  16. Sean Bean is a fantastic actor and I've been waiting for him to get a movie, tv or mini-series role that was worthy of him... unfortunately, based on the pilot episode, this isn't it. But I'll keep watching and hope the show improves.
  17. The best part of this episode was the absence of Lexi, although . This episode is all about Convenient Coincidences. First, Tom wants to fly an alien ship, the underground beamer (anything else think BMW every time someone said "beamer"? - also noted by Dowel Jones), to the Espheni moon base where they'll upload a computer virus and infect the mother ship, thereby downing all baby ships on earth - oh, wait, that's Independence Day - no, Tom wants to shut down the lunar power source on the moon, thereby shutting down all Espheni tech on earth. But how to get the beamer above ground? Luckily, Cochise is conveniently there to explain that there just happens to be a Volm supply cache nearby which will have exactly the sound-wave technology tool they need. It would've been nice if he had told Tom about these caches at the beginning - even if they couldn't get to them before, it still would've been nice to know about them. Tom, Anne, Weaver and Matt(!) go to the cache. Second, Tom brings Matt along because Matt is now 13 years old (apparently in post-apocalyptic TV worlds, 13-year-old boys become men who fight, while 13-year-old girls remain defenseless and turn into zombies, literally or figuratively). Luckily, Matt did come because he carried convenient gas masks in his duffel and also because they run into his little camp girlfriend Mira - of all people - at the cache. The adults recognize her as a convenient plant, but let Matt go check on Mira. Of course, she manipulates Matt's feelings for her and suckers him into untying her hands, whereupon she blows her whistle to summon a beamer and their old camp team leaders who were apparently hovering nearby (so who's running the camp?). Why Mira didn't blow that whistle as soon as she saw them, or why Tom didn't take the whistle away from her, is beyond me. Tom, Anne and Weaver somehow don't hear that whistle blowing. They escape without the tool they came for. But, luckily, Tom managed to bring along the whistle that calls beamers, which Shaq is able to configure in order to raise the underground beamer. (Now, I guess, that's closure on the youth camp story line and Tom won't need to go back and rescue the other camp kids like he promised.) On the soap opera front, Maggie is ambivalent about her new spikes, but after Ben shows her how to leap off tall buildings in a single bound, she's hooked. She and Ben go running about camp like super twins - or Edward and vampire Bella. With Ben's encouragement, she flips and shoots guns like Black Widow, even though she's wasting valuable ammunition (as Dowel Jones noted) and making enough noise to alert any nearby Espheni that there are human survivors of the explosion. Apparently, the magical spikes not only give them super powers and try to control them, but also amplify their emotions - which seems inconsistent with the harnessed kids who walked around like emotionless zombies (as mythoughtis pointed out). Maggie kisses Ben - but she has an excuse for cheating on Hal - "it wasn't me, it was the spikes". Hal conveniently sees them kissing. Instead of confronting Maggie, he confronts Ben and tells Ben to stay away from Maggie (because, you know, it's the guys in a love triangle that control the woman's actions). I'm all for some badass female, so if they want to go with Super Maggie, then have her lose interest in both brothers. On the other soap opera front, Pope and Sara have a Misunderstanding. He jumps to conclusions, she calls him on it, and runs off by herself to a nearby farm (perhaps Herschel's old farm...) where she'll probably put herself in danger and be rescued by Pope or die dramatically in Pope's arms - I'm hoping for the latter. Side note: Dingaan and Shaq playing around inside the underground beamer was reminiscent of Starbuck trying to figure out how to fly the living alien ship in BSG. Oh - and Tom & Anne got married (Shaq couldn't wait 2 minutes, but had to interrupt?). So going to the moon... jumping the shark or logical progression?
  18. Legendary Flash writer Mark Waid on why the CW's series impressed him http://www.blastr.com/2014-8-15/legendary-flash-writer-mark-waid-why-cws-series-impressed-him
  19. I think I mentioned in another post once that I saw Stephen Amell in a Hallmark Channel tv movie starring Maggie Grace (you can see him in brief scenes throughout this video).... When Calls the Heart Movie - Maggie Grace He looked and acted completely different. Here's some still images of SA from this movie: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1192&bih=579&q=when+calls+the+heart+stephen+amell&oq=when+calls+the+heart+stephen+amell&gs_l=img.3..0.752.5291.0.5493.
  20. When Marvel Tried To Make An Inhumans Movie 14 Years Ago Posted on August 14, 2014 by Rich Johnston http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/08/14/when-marvel-tried-to-make-an-inhumans-movie-14-years-ago/ Rumor: ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Plot Details Posted by: Brent Hankins 1 day ago http://nerdrepository.com/rumor-batman-superman-dawn-justice-plot-details/
  21. I think fans of the show should be free to post their opinions - positive or negative - in this forum (as long as they don't violate the forum rules). Anyone coming here knows the risks of being disagreed with or having what you post criticized. By going on a TV reality show, Angela - like every other designer on Project Runway - has voluntarily exposed herself to public criticism. That being said, I feel compelled to point out that Angela (if that is indeed her posting messages here) is the only one who is posting here with her real identity revealed. Everyone else is posting here anonymously. So I think she deserves credit for that.
  22. I really don't understand the judges' choice of winners this season. Amanda's look was not high fashion at all. Kini's look should have won. However, I am glad that Hernan was eliminated. He was whiny, bullying and egotistical. Also, Amanda had an awful lot of camera confessionals - it seemed like every other confessional was hers, while some designers had no confessionals. She is getting to be really annoying.
  23. More on on Marvel's The Inhumans ... The REAL reason why Marvel might make that Inhumans movie http://www.blastr.com/2013-9-19/real-reason-why-marvel-might-make-inhumans-movie And Warner Bros. is working feverishly to catch up to Marvel... 'Aquaman' Movie Hooks Two Writers (Exclusive) http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/aquaman-movie-hooks-two-writers-724966
  24. In an article linked by dancingnancy in the Green Arrow In Comics thread, there was mention of the bios for Felicity and Diggle that were released on CW Arrow’s facebook timed with Season 2. I had forgotten about them. It's interesting to read Felicity's profile at that time, now that we know what happened in Season 2:
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