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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. This episode showed us two significant things: First, this episode marks the beginning of Ichabod's disillusionment with Katrina. Before, he was completely in love with Katrina, thought she was virtually perfect, and trusted her fully. Now, he is beginning to wonder if he can trust her or whether he even knows her. Since it is unlikely that Ichabod would ever divorce Katrina - I think he takes his marriage vows too seriously to do that, perhaps Katrina will eventually turn evil and be killed. Katrina is showing her true manipulative colors. Like others here, I also wouldn't be surprised if we later find out that Katrina bewitched Ichabod into falling in love with her so that she could control one of the witnesses. If that's the case, then Ichabod could consider his marriage vows invalid and feel free to divorce her. Second, we now know that Hawley and Jenny did indeed hook up in the past, but Hawley is now no longer interested in doing that - perhaps because he is intrigued by Abbie. Although "ick" on the sister-swapping, the show may be setting up tension between the sisters - again "ick" on a possible love triangle dividing them. Other notes: - Ichabod gets to save Abbie this time, although he needed Hawley to perform CPR. - Now we know how Katrina planned to communicate with Ichabod while trapped in the Horseman's house (little bluebird), but why waste her suppressed powers just to send a love note with no vital info? - Poor Miss Caroline. I wish she had survived. She had more chemistry with Ichabod than Katrina - or Abbie for that matter.
  2. tv echo

    S01.E05: Viper

    The best scene in this episode was the tense table scene with Maroni, Gordon and Oswald. You can tell that Gordon is on a knife's edge and that if he says the wrong thing, he's dead. It was a great scene. Oswald is intriguing in how he flips from psycho killer to vulnerable toady in the blink of an eye. Now that Maroni knows the truth, he will keep Oswald safe and hidden from Falcone so that he can milk him for information, which in turn will protect Gordon from Falcone finding out that he didn't kill Oswald. I haven't been sure if Oswald is playing Gordon or if he views Gordon as a 'friend' (in his own sick way) because Gordon didn't kill him. Now I'm leaning toward Oswald having a soft spot for Gordon (kinda like the way Hannibal Lecter had a soft spot for Clarisse). As Oswald ascends to power in Gotham - which seems likely, I think he will knock off Maroni and take over his organization. Then Oswald will protect Gordon from Falcone, while trying to corrupt him, and will be one of the reasons that Gordon survives for so many years in such a corrupt city. I also liked the scene where Gordon and Bullock are getting lunch on the street and then Bullock's exasperated reaction when Gordon races to the scene of the crime (like a Pavlovian dog when the bell rings). At some point in the series (assuming it lasts more than one season), I'd bet the two of them are going to face the dilemma of having to kill the other. Finally, I liked all of the scenes with Bruce and Alfred. Their relationship is one of the best things about this show. I was trying to convince a friend to watch Gotham, but she was not interested because she said "it's too depressing, we already know that nothing changes, the city is corrupt and stays corrupt, no one wins." But to me, even though the show is called "Gotham", it's not really a story about the city or the city's failure to change from corrupt to decent. The show is primarily about one man's journey to remain good in a corrupt environment - it's James Gordon's personal triumph that he remains a decent human being all the way up to when Bruce Wayne reaches adulthood and becomes Batman. The show is secondarily about the rise and fall of various villains, and the prequel story for Bruce Wayne. P.S. The aria is "O mio babbino caro" from the opera Gianni Schicci by Puccini. The aria is sung by a girl pleading with her father to help out her boyfriend, whose family was left out of an old man's will.
  3. This is in response to something that was brought up in the News & Media thread (Sara and Felicity).... I never got the sense that Felicity ever expressed her jealousy of Sara when Sara was hooked up with Oliver. If she felt any jealousy in her heart because of her own feelings for Oliver, she kept it to herself and didn't show it. At one point, she felt that Sara was displacing her in the Arrowcave, but that had nothing to do with a romantic wish but her IT role on Team Arrow. She hated that Oliver had that one-night stand with Isabel because she thought that he deserved better. But I think she was okay with him being with Sara because she admired Sara and because she didn't think he would ever consider her in that way. I think Felicity spent a lot of time with Sara in the Arrowcave last season (more than we saw) and that they developed a good friendship. Even in the "Sara" episode, when she had that scene with Oliver and said to him "it's Sara - your Sara", she said it in a tone of tearful sorrow. There was no edge or jealousy in that tone. (I can imagine another person on the show saying that same line and it would come across as cold and accusatory.)
  4. Just catching up on recent spoiler posts... Nyssa "respects" Laurel. - What? Nyssa tranqued Laurel and left her on the floor. Here's some wild speculation - maybe the EPs have Laurel somehow save Nyssa's life (suspend belief here!), and Nyssa agrees to give her a few fighting tips. Then Nyssa saves Laurel's life (which was in danger due to a Laurel screw-up!), but dies in the process (more propping of Laurel!). Then to repay the life debt, Laurel agrees to join the LOA - and leaves Starling City! Yay! There was a deleted scene of Laurel carrying Sara's body to the foundry. - What?! I don't believe it unless I see actual video of KC carrying CL, without the use of wires or stunt doubles or special effects.
  5. How ‘Arrow’ And ‘Gotham’ Crossed Over – And Why It’ll Never Happen Again Marc Guggenheim and Danny Cannon explain how Queen Consolidated ended up on 'Gotham.' by alex zalben 10/16/2014 http://www.mtv.com/news/1965935/arrow-gotham-crossover-mystery-solved/?utm=share_twitter
  6. Another poll (no surprise)... ‘Arrow’ Poll: Choose Your Favorite Romantic Relationship OCT 19 2014 docbrowntv http://www.docbrowntv.com/arrow-poll-choose-favorite-romantic-relationship/
  7. Apparently, forgiveness was a huge theme of this episode - Carol forgiving Rick, Rick forgiving Tara, Maggie forgiving Tara, coupled with the introduction of Father Gabriel and the church setting. Then the episode ends with the return of Gareth, who clearly will never forgive Rick's group and is out for revenge - the show's promo slogan "Hunt or Be Hunted" now takes on real meaning. And oh, Tyrese, so you didn't kill that guy in the cabin, after all? Father Gabriel seems guilt-ridden and seeking forgiveness - but isn't likely to receive it. Speculating, he probably hoarded the collected canned foods in the church, locked the chuch, and shut out his parishioners (including that woman with glasses) out of cowardice and fear. It's strange how clean and new his clothes still look, and how well-fed he himself seems, despite claims of running out of food. I'm glad so many people in the group told Abraham they were going with whatever Rick decided. I guess Abraham's big speech was supposed to be his 'call to arms' to convince them to go with his trio to Washington, D.C. But all I could think was - will Rick or someone please press him and Eugene for more details! Stop just accepting what they say as gospel. But I like that Rick's decision - right or wrong - seemed based on Abraham's saying there would be food and shelter there, and not on the promise of some magical cure. I don't think Rick's decision is necessarily wrong. They can't just wander around in circles in the Atlanta area when there clearly are no more food sources anywhere here. Going in a direction toward Washington, D.C., at least gives them a goal and some hope - however remote. If they find a good spot on the way, I think Rick would stop there and not continue to Washington, D.C. Still, after what happened at the CDC, Woodbury and Sanctuary, they need to be extremely cautious about another promised safe haven. Please, show, kill off Rosita, Abraham and Eugene. Don't touch any more originals. The Rick-Carl conversation in the church was interesting, with Rick telling Carl that he can never be safe, while Carl insists that they can still help and trust some people. That's a complete switching of roles for them from before, when Rick wanted to help and trust people, while Carl wanted to shoot first and ask questions later. Poor Bob was a goner as soon as he and Sasha started being all lovey-dovey together. Like others have speculated, maybe Bob got bit on the leg that was cut off by Gareth, so Bob will be saved the way Herschel was saved by RIck cutting off Herschel's leg. (Maybe Bob was part of the group that attacked and raped the people at Terminus?) I'm also hoping that Gareth or one of his gang has Michonne's katana, so that she can get it back in a future episode.
  8. This "Flatline" review contains an interesting explanation of why this season is so Clara-centric... This Year, Doctor Who is Built Around A Character Arc, And That's Major Saturday 7:00pm http://io9.com/this-year-doctor-who-is-built-around-a-character-arc-1648044673
  9. thecatbastet's entire post on the differences between Ray and Oliver was very insightful and spot on. But, in Oliver's defense, Ray didn't spend five years away from home enduring torture, injury and who knows what else, turning him into a wary, suppressed and distrustful person with a mission. Even so, if Oliver hadn't been shipwrecked, he would probably still be that pre-island, mama's boy, asshole, but likely married to Laurel and cheating on her on the side by now. So his time away made (or will make) Oliver into a better man. The biggest difference between Ray and Oliver in relation to Felicity? Oliver needs her, Ray doesn't. (I'm not talking about her IT skills, but her personally.) I know that sounds like romantic tripe, but I'm not talking about unhealthy co-dependency. If you feel essentially alone and without family, you put together your own 'family' of people who need and love you and help make you a better person, and vice versa.
  10. At the recent NY Comic Con, Gillian Anderson collected some additional celebrity doodles to be auctioned off for one of her favorite charities, Doodles 4 NF (http://www.doodle4nf.org/), including a doodle drawn by Stephen Amell. Stephen Amell's doodle (includes salmon ladder!), dated Oct. 11, 2014, can be seen here: http://www.doodle4nf.org/gallery/v/2015+Doodles/And+Coming+Soon.jpg.html#.VET3ofldUuQ John Barrowman also did two doodles for this charity (one Torchwood/Doctor Who-related, one Arrow-related), which can be seen here: http://www.doodle4nf.org/gallery/v/2014+Doodles/
  11. ‘The Flash's’ Candice Patton on Meeting ‘Arrow's’ Felicity: ‘Last Thing We Need Is Women on TV Hating Each Other’ By Linda Ge and Travis Reilly on October 14, 2014 http://www.thewrap.com/cw-the-flash-candice-patton-on-meeting-arrows-felicity-crossover-episode/ Nice comments by Candice Patton. Incidentally, while Iris is vastly different from Laurel in character, I noticed a disconcerting thing while watching The Flash this week - Candice's speaking voice sounds almost exactly like Katie Cassidy's voice (except for the hostility).
  12. And if the EPs ever remember that Laurel still has a mother living in Central City, there'll probably be a throwaway line about Dinah Lance re-marrying and essentially abandoning Quentin and Laurel (even though that would be out of character for Dinah as portrayed in the show so far)...
  13. Thanks, Velocity23! I wasn't sure where to post this, but since this article is about DC Comics references in the "Sara" episode... Arrow: Easter Eggs and DC Comics References in "Sara" By Russ Burlingame 10/15/2014 http://comicbook.com/2014/10/16/arrow-easter-eggs-and-dc-comics-references-in-sara/ And Sara appears in the Arrow comics... NYCC: Marc Guggenheim on Arrow 2.5, and Black Canary's Ties to the Suicide Squad By Russ Burlingame 10/11/2014 http://comicbook.com/2014/10/11/nycc-marc-guggenheim-on-arrow-2-5-and-black-canarys-ties-to-the-/
  14. Will The Atom Go From ‘Arrow’ To ‘The Flash’? Routh fills us in on the Atom, his powers, and - of course - Felicity. by shaunna murphy 10/15/2014 http://www.mtv.com/news/1964670/brandon-routh-arrow-flash-felicity/?utm=share_twitter
  15. https://twitter.com/mguggenheim I had trouble posting the pic (of comic book Malcolm & Thea) from that tweet here, so if someone else could do it, that would be great.
  16. I agree, Danny Franks. It's ironic, given that this season Sara's death will supposedly motivate Laurel the way Tommy's death motivated Oliver in Season 2. But once the 'mystery' of her killer is solved, it'll be like "Sara Who?" Forget about Sara. Forget the sister-swapping. Forget we once had this awesome Black Canary. Look over here (waving hands), we've got this brand-new awesome Black Canary in fishnets! And her name is Dinah Laurel Lance - just like in the comic books!
  17. Taking my reply to the Bitterness thread.
  18. Even if you don't want to reveal that Sara was the masked blonde vigilante, there was no reason to keep the death of Sara Lance a secret. Everyone welcomed her back with that big party last season, so the city at least thinks she is alive. When Sara left to rejoin the LOA, there was probably a cover story of some sort - like Sara moved away to live with her mother or is traveling abroad. So they could have made up a cover story for her death, like she was killed overseas and brought home, or she was murdered in a mugging in Starling City, anything. So why not reveal her death and have a public burial? It just seems like the EPs just plain forgot that Sara's being alive last season was made public. The EPs also often seem to forget that the mother, Dinah Lance, is alive and living in Central City. No mention or debate - even by Laurel - as to whether or not to notify her in this episode. That was just cruel, considering Dinah first appeared on the show in the episode when she thought she had a clue that Sara was still alive (the photo) and was desperate to find her, and then she returned in the episode where she had the joyful reunion with the alive Sara.
  19. http://tvline.com/2014/10/14/glee-season-6-brittany-santana-spoilers-brittana/ http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/latest-from-tv-guide-various-shows-14th.html Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.06 - And the Abyss Gazes Back - Promotional Photos Posted by Ben at Thursday, October 16, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/sleepy-hollow-episode-206-and-abyss_16.html
  20. Here's an interview with Matt Barr that talks about Nick Hawley's history with Jenny and his possible chemistry with Abbie... SLEEPY HOLLOW: MATT BARR ON PLAYING NICK HAWLEY, "TREASURE HUNTER FOR HIRE" BY ERIC GOLDMAN 29 SEP 2014 http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/09/29/sleepy-hollow-matt-barr-on-playing-nick-hawley-treasure-hunter-for-hire
  21. I hope Kini gets it together and overhauls his collection in the right way because I want him to win. My second choice would be Sean. Amanda's collection and Char's collection just don't do anything for me. While Amanda's designs are more original than Char's, I find Amanda's modern '70's design aesthetic really unappealing. There's also something about Amanda that I find irritating, but I can't put my finger on what that is. Incidentally, this is a clothes design challenge, not a jewelry design challenge. While accessories and styling are important, if you need jewelry to make your clothes the winning design, then I don't see how that merits you the title of Project Runway winner. However, like others here, I also got the feeling that Amanda will win when the judges were saying that women would want to buy her clothes. I believe the winning designer's' collection is made available for sale on their website (remember the horrible season when Gretchen won with her mall-ready clothes?). So would the judges award the win to a designer whose clothes couldn't be sold to the public? Maybe I'm wrong and the producers are doing that kind of manipulative 'red herring' shenanigans - where the judges bash Kini this week, and he completely redoes the styling and modifies his outfits, then next week he wins (because he listened to the judges).
  22. I can only speak for myself, but I almost didn't watch the "Sara" episode because I was surprised and upset at Sara's sudden crappy death at the end of "The Calm".
  23. #1 Reason Not to Trust Laurel: Laurel has no compunction about abusing her power to get what she wants, whether that power comes from her job, her father, or her knowledge of secrets. - When she was stopped for a DUI by a traffic cop, she said "do you know who I am? I'm an ADA" and he called her father. - When she wanted her DA job back, she threatened Kate Spencer with exposing their secret plot to catch Helena to the media. - When she was a teenager, she used her knowledge that Sara wanted to hook up with Oliver at a party to sabotage her sister. - When she wanted access to the injured bad guy in "Sara", she bullied the police officers guarding the door with threats of her police captain father, their boss. Now that she knows Oliver's secret identity, I wouldn't be surprised if she uses that knowledge in the future to her own benefit. If I were Felicity, Diggle or Roy, I wouldn't confide any secrets to Laurel - she'd probably use that information to manipulate them.
  24. Great. So Laurel might cross over to The Flash as part of her journey toward becoming the Black Canary, and kill their ratings as well.
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