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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. What do you think happened to Cooper at the end? They never did say. Did he go to federal prison or did Oliver ship him off to ARGUS' island prison? I'm curious as to whether all that techno babble (co-generation, asymmetric blah, blah, blah) makes sense to the computer savvy, or whether that stuff is just made up by the writers. Just about all of it went whooshing right over my head. I think the only thing I understood was wi-fi.
  2. You may be interested in this JB interview which provides insights into what Malcolm thinks of Oliver: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/arrows-john-barrowman-season-3-744480
  3. I don't recall reading this article before, so I don't think it has been posted (but if I'm wrong, I apologize)... 'Arrow's' John Barrowman on Season 3: "Shit Is Going to Hit the Fan" 6:00 AM PDT 10/29/2014 by Philiana Ng http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/arrows-john-barrowman-season-3-744480 There's a lot there, but these JB comments surprised me:
  4. http://tvline.com/2014/11/05/the-good-wife-season-6-robyn-jess-weixler/
  5. EW recap... Arrow recap: 'The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak' Chancellor Agard on Nov 5, 2014 at 11:32PM http://tvrecaps.ew.com/recap/arrow-season-3-episode-5/
  6. Diggle now has Lyla to confide in. Oliver and Felicity really only have each other to confide in, despite their relationship awkwardness. I mean, they can still confide in Diggle, but he's got a family now that's got to come first. Remember back when Felicity said that she had no one she could talk to about what they do, and Oliver said she could always talk to him.
  7. Best Line of the Night: Diggle to Oliver (about baby Sara): "Who's she gonna tell, Oliver?" Second Best Line: Oliver to Felicity: "No matter what you went through in the past, it was worth it. It created the woman you are today. And you know how I feel about her." (small smile) Third Best Line: Felicity: "Seriously, if I had two less IQ points, we never would've gotten in this mess." Best Badass Moment: Oliver/Arrow takes out the gun-shooting motion detectors, while Felicity uses self-defense moves (probably learned from Diggle) to extricate herself from Cooper's armed hold. Crossing the Line Moment: Ray Palmer shows up unannounced at Felicity's apartment early in the morning. He's her boss! And if he shows romantic interest in her, then that stop-by plus his previous stalkerish conduct could arguably be considered sexual harassment. As others have said, boundaries, Ray, boundaries! I still find Ray more creepy than charming, although I get that the EPs are going for socially awkward. Mama Smoak and Felicity: CR as Donna Smoak was a breath of fresh air in a season that has become increasingly dreary with each episode. CR and EBR killed it in showing a complicated relationship between mother and daughter who are very different in personality, intelligence and style. Felicity's exasperated and embarrassed reactions to a very sexy, flirtatious and outspoken mom were very natural and relatable. By the end, however, I could also see where Felicity got her stubbornness and courage, as well as her insecurities. Very well done relationship. Daddy Smoak: We finally learn some info about Felicity's father - meager as it is. He was very smart, he talked a lot with Felicity, and he left his family high and dry when Felicity was 6. Also, it really sounds like he's going to turn out to be someone known in the DC universe. Cooper and Cyberterrorist Plot: The main plotline of this episode was pretty simplistic and the 'surprise' reveal was really no surprise. But I think the plot served as more of a device for Felicity's backstory. She and Cooper had okay chemistry and Goth Felicity was a blast, but I was uncertain as to Cooper's motivations. I believed that Felicity really loved him in college. I wasn't as sure whether Cooper really loved Felicity or whether he was just using her genuis hacking skills. Although he protected her from going to prison by telling the authorities he was the one who created the supervirus, did he do it because he loved her or because he knew he could get a sweet deal with the feds (and access to their databases) - which he did with the NSA? And why would the NSA not keep track of him after he did his time with them? When he revealed himself to Felicity as the greedy Brother Eye, he came across as a pretty one-dimensional villain with no sign that he ever loved Felicity. She, on the other hand, clearly showed her past sorrow over the loss of someone she loved deeply and her shock at his reappearance. Oliver and Thea: At first I really thought Thea was a selfish, conscienceless bitch for using Malcolm's blood money to buy herself an expensive loft apartment (plus her continued protection and concealment of Malcolm). But she partially redeemed herself by telling Oliver that she'll donate proceeds from Verdant profits to an earthquake relief charity and by offering to share the apartment with Oliver so that they can spend more time together. Thea's idea of compromise seems to be Oliver giving in. But I loved the ending scene with the two siblings watching TV and eating popcorn together. Also, I'm glad they finally showed Thea trying to get into the foundry basement - but how long can Oliver hide the Arrowcave with half-ass excuses? Can he just not afford to move his lair? At this point, I don't think Oliver should confess to Thea that he is the Arrow. Thea has become an ambiguous character, who could either go full evil like Malcolm or go hero like Oliver. That makes her a more interesting character, despite her moments of unlikeability, but it doesn't make her trustworthy. Laurel's WTF Moments: Hand-waving the fact that Laurel(!) would be named acting D.A., the biggest WTF moment was when her father reprimanded her for sending in the riot squad and then said to her something like "This isn't you. You haven't been acting like yourself lately. You're angry... and reckless." WTF?! This is exactly like Laurel. Angry, abusing her power and authority to get what she wants, overstepping her bounds, acting reckless and selfish. Daddy Lance, where have you been for the past 2+ years? Also, a minor WTF moment was when she confided to Ted that her sister was dead, murdered, that she's the only one who knows. and that she can't tell anyone, not even her father. Instead of asking why, Ted simply says "now I know how to train you." WTF! The normal reaction would be to ask why she can't tell anyone. Kudos to Laurel, however, for not revealing Team Arrow's involvement - I think that was why she said she was the only one who knew Sara was dead. But most groan-worthy moment was when Ted gives her the choice of red or black workout clothes and she says "black, definitely black." Felicity and Oliver: I loved, loved that retro Team Arrow scene with Felicity introducing her mother to Oliver and Diggle. This episode did a lot to explain Felicity's current behavior with Oliver in reaction to his rejection of a relationship with her. Previously, her father and her first love were the two men she most deeply loved in her life - one left her and the other 'died' in prison. Oliver would make the third man she has ever loved - if she lets herself love him. Now that he's cut off that option, she's protecting herself by shutting him out emotionally to an extent. Oliver, in turn, while still expressing concern, is also careful not to get too close or even to touch her (which he had done frequently in the past). Someone else here had posted something a few weeks ago about how he doesn't touch her anymore. That was a great observation. However, there are still verbal signs of his love: - That Second Best Line quoted above. - His telling her to take an hour to talk to her mom. (Still not even a touch on the shoulder!) - His asking her why she never told him before about her hacktivist college days (I liked her retort about how they don't know anything about the five years he was away). - His knowing that Felicity is never five feet away from her phone. Incidentally, I would have loved to have seen an Oliver reaction to a picture of Goth Felicity. In conclusion: http://tvrecaps.ew.com/recap/arrow-season-3-episode-5/ P.S. Roy's nightmare about killing Sara has red herring written all over it. P.P.S. If Roy has a costume, why doesn't Diggle?
  8. I just got my copy of next week's printed TV Guide Magazine in the mail - and they screwed up. This Emily interview is printed next to the TV schedule for November 12th with the headline "Smoak 'Em If Ya Got 'Em! Also, in the second sentence, while the online article reads "In this week's episode", the printed article reads "Tonight," - which is obviously incorrect. If I were a conspiracy theorist, and knowing of TV Guide's past biases, I'd speculate that the printing of this interview in next week's issue instead of this week's was a deliberate mistake - either to screw with Felicity fans or to get more people to watch the November 12th episode, which has the following descriptive blurb: "A body is found in the gym, and Ted Grant becomes the chief suspect." (So I'm guessing, lots of Laurel next week.)
  9. If Felicity continues to be popular (and her character isn't destroyed this season), and if the EPs are determined to make Oliver/GA and Laurel/BC the endgame - because, y' know, comics, then I can see TPTB spinning the Felicity character off into another show in the same DC universe. Maybe she could work for a new and revamped ARGUS (without Waller) as part of an ensemble of agents - kinda like the DC version of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. If this season continues to go downhill, there may come a point where I'll be actively hoping that someone at Warner Bros./DC is developing such a spin-off show for her. Yes, I'm that pessimistic right now.
  10. These recent spoilers are making me even more excited to see tonight's episode. But I'm trying not to look forward to seeing Felicity's origin story too much because - given history - I'll just be disappointed.
  11. I still love Sleepy Hollow but this episode really spotlighted the worst elements of the show. This show works best when it is primarily a two-person show, focusing on Ichabod and Abbie as they fight evil, with dashes of horror, lots of humor, and sharp intelligent work by the two of them -- with occasional support from Jenny, Irving, Hawley, etc. I would not enjoy the show as much without Ichabod or without Abbie. The voting scene is a prime example of something that works. This show works least when it focuses on the overwrought emotionality of Katrina and the supposedly great love affair between her and Ichabod. Then the show flounders in its soap opera seriousness. This episode was bad because it was all about saving Katrina yet again - and also used the overworked trope about a demon baby. Also, I know we're supposed to root for the parents still having faith that their son Jeremy can be saved, but John Noble's Horseman of War is so evil that my reaction was to tell them to just give it up. Serial killers also had parents. TPTB made a mistake bringing Katrina out of Purgatory (where we only had brief scenes with her last season) because now they have the problem of what to do with her. Is she going to just hang out in the cabin while Ichabod and Abbie go on their missions? She seems to have no role. It would have been better to have her die in this episode. But most likely TPTB have some season-long story arc involving the parents trying to redeem their evil son, but Katrina just seems an unnecessary character. One thing this episode did address, although obliquely, is that Ichabod has no money and is dependent on Abbie to support him financially. I can't believe that he would be fine with that, so he really needs to get a job - maybe get paid by the SHPD as a consultant.
  12. This was a great episode. All the actors were very good - with the possible exception of the woman who plays Barbara Gordon. I still have trouble buying the love between her and Gordon. What is her attraction other than her looks? She's easily swayed, gullible and naive. Although it worked out in the end, Barbara acted like an idiot and ended up being the damsel in distress. When all of the cops in the precinct deserted Gordon during his confrontation with Victor and goons, I kept thinking "where is that self-righteous duo, Montoya and Allen?" So I was glad that they finally showed up and helped Gordon escape. I really like the friendship between Gordon and young Bruce. It nicely shows why the grown-up Bruce trusted Gordon to do the right thing. I also love that Bullock decided to back up Gordon. Gordon knew his plan was suicidal but he knew he was doomed anyway, so why not go out in such a way that would spotlight the Pepper frame and make a point? (Barbara's interference spoiled this plan. They only survived because of Oswald's favor.) However, Gordon's mobility with two bullet holes in him was a bit unrealistic. The surprise reveal at the end was quite satisfying. At first I thought Falcone's decision to spare Gordon's life was unrealistic and just a plot device to keep Gordon alive on a show about Gordon. But then the plot twist with the Penguin was great. Oswald/Penguin is really devious but he apparently does have a soft spot for Gordon. RLT continues to impress.
  13. Descriptions for episodes 6 through 10... 'Castle' boss on new episodes, a wedding, and a game-changing cliffhanger By Samantha Highfill on Nov 3, 2014 at 1:42PM http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/11/03/castle-david-amann-season-7/
  14. tv echo

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    The hospital group is just a group of people who got stuck in the hospital. They have no purpose, no mission, because they don't have any strong leaders left, only one weak leader. So they just fool themselves into thinking they're doing something meaningful when they're just trying to survive. It's like that gang that Darryl got caught up with, who came up with that stupid "claimed" code. Just something to hang onto when you're just getting by. Beth is not one of my favorite characters by any means (my faves are Rick, Darryl and Michonne), but I don't think it's fair to fault her just because of her looks - her acting, yes, her singing, yes, but people can't help how they look. I also don't think it's fair to generalize as to why other fans may like her, esp. in a belittling way. Everyone has their fantasies, whether it's to be a princess, a superhero, a sports star or a spy. (Incidentally, the new Disney princesses rescue themselves.) As for Beth having to be rescued, even Rick & his gang had to be rescued by Carol. At least Beth tried to escape and helped Noah to escape. I think the point made last season is that no one can go it alone anymore - you need other people to survive. FYI, here's an interview with Christine Woods, the actress who played Officer Dawn Lerner: Meet the new 'Walking Dead' cop from hell, who claims she is a 'hero' By Dalton Ross on Nov 2, 2014 at 10:01PM http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/11/02/walking-dead-dawn-lerner-christine-woods/
  15. tv echo

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    This review on SpoilerTV is interesting, esp. these parts: http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/the-walking-dead-slabtown-review-and.html
  16. Cute pic of CH and EBR... http://instagram.com/p/uw1pJPiKWO/
  17. Actually, not much new is reported here... 'Arrow' Season 3 Spoilers: Series EP Talks About The Introduction of Ra's al Ghul [DETAILS] Richard Conte, Design & Trend Contributor Nov. 02, 2014, 11:00 PM http://www.designntrend.com/articles/23908/20141102/arrow-season-3-spoilers-series-ep-ras-al-ghul-details.htm
  18. John Barrowman was on The Talking Dead last night. He seemed more subdued than usual, but maybe he was just deferring to the host, Chris Hardwicke. Apparently, JB has been watching TWD since its pilot episode. He sounded quite knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the show. At the end of TTD, Chris gave a quick mention that JB stars on Arrow.
  19. Interesting, KirkB. I read in some interview (don't recall where) that the Flash EPs were going to Incidentally, here's one person's opinion about the Smallville similarities (I don't necessarily agree)... How The Flash Is the Perfect Combination of Arrow and Smallville By Chris King on Oct 22, 2014 http://www.tvovermind.com/the-flash/flash-perfect-combination-arrow-smallville-242924
  20. If Felicity's dad is a regular guy, then that's a one-episode story or brief scene. If he's a DC Comics character or a Big Bad (or Big Good), then that's a multi-episode story arc.
  21. tv echo

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    Even though I really missed Rick & the gang, I found this Beth episode surprisingly watchable and suspenseful. It was interesting to see the different group dynamic of this other bunch of survivors (but one episode was enough of them - maybe one more just to finish them off). Beth was unfazed and a bit creepy at times. She smiled when they handcuffed her on the ground as she watched Noah get away. And there was that nice surprise with Carol at the end. The core of the hospital group was in the hospital when the walkers overran the city and stayed there out of necessity and fear. The cops were there because the hospital was in the process of being evacuated. Then they had to go out to get more supplies. I think they started out saving people they found when they were out on their foraging missions, which ended up having to be farther and farther away from the city. They originally saved people out of good intentions. However, once Dawn took over, in her attempt to retain power over the group, she got it all twisted so that they only saved 'weaker' people that she could control and she let the guards get away with rape for the 'greater good'. She probably thought she was preserving as much of the human population as she could in anticipation of an eventual rescue. The people saved had to earn their keep, hence the working at various jobs. I found Dawn to be a different kind of bad 'leader' from Gareth or the Governor. I think the point was to show what happened to a group that didn't have a strong leader. Beth doesn't bother me as much anymore. I don't want every female character on the show to act or react the same way. So what if she likes to sing? The point of the Caravaggio painting is to show that maybe just surviving is not enough - you still need to keep your soul, which to some people means appreciating stuff like good art and music. Of course, the doctor then turned out to be a selfish coward. But at least Beth showed spine and smarts in this episode. I don't think she intended to kill the doctor. After he tricked her, she knew that she couldn't trust him anymore and armed herself just in case. Maybe the point of Beth is to show that you can't judge a book by its cover. In any event, I have a feeling that she's doomed anyway. Like others here, I'm also hoping Carol and Darryl ran into Noah and came up with a plan where Carol would get inside as a Trojan Horse and Darryl would go get Rick & the gang. Unfortunately, we have to sit through an episode of Abraham, Eugene and the bus tour first. I still like Glenn & Maggie as a couple. Too many TV shows put a couple together and then split them apart to create drama, either through a love triangle or by killing off one of them. I like that this couple is still a solid couple - of course, TWD will likely succumb to the easy out of killing off one of them for the dramatic effect. Also, Glenn is the only Asian character on the show. I can't believe that, with all that traveling about over the past four seasons, our survivors are still in the Atlanta area. It'll be a nice change to leave the State of Georgia finally and go somewhere else, even if it's to Washington, D.C.
  22. Present day Belle looked about 10 years older than usual with that pulled up hair and frumpy clothes. Maybe being married to Gold has aged her. Unfortunately, she still acted immaturely. Even though Gold lied about the dagger and pretended to be compelled, it was still an abuse of trust for Belle to use that dagger to 'force' Gold to do something he didn't want to do. I did like the character consistency of Belle still looking to books for answers. Inconsistency? Flashback Elsa has white hair while present day Elsa has blonde hair. The difference was noticeable. I guess Anna's 'magical power' is the ability to tell if someone is good or evil. How else to explain her immediate negative suspicion of Aunt Ingrid. Elizabeth Mitchell is much better at portraying a villain than a hero. Her Snow Queen is perfect... except for her motivation. So the big reveal is that the Snow Queen plans to have the Storybrooke residents wipe each other out, leaving her with Elsa and Emma as her new family? Well, that's... anti-climactic. I guess the three of them can then become the new Charmed Ones - oops, wrong show.
  23. Smoak and Arrow is hoping to Twitter trend Who Is Felicity Smoak on Wednesday, November 5th: http://smoakandarrow.tumblr.com/post/101423209489/come-join-us-for-our-felicity-smoak-twitter-trend
  24. The similarities to Smallville are the things that I don't like about The Flash (although I still enjoy the show overall): - Referring to the mysterious hero as the red blur or red streak. - Having the hero's love object be the girl he grew up with and also a reporter type (basically, Lana and Lois combined in one person, Iris). Plus she friendzones the regular guy but falls for the super alter ego. - The fact that Barry seems to have not only super speed but super strength like Superman. He can lift and carry away people heavier than him (example, that train rescue). - Having a freak of the week who got his/her powers from the same event that's tied to the superhero (kryptonite strike, Star Labs explosion). Arrow may remind me of Batman Begins at times, but it doesn't remind me of Smallville.
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