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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. Here's another article that talks about this same casting rumor, as well as other speculation: Arrow Season 3 Spoilers: Oded Fehr As Ra's Ak Ghul, John Diggle As Green Lantern, Manu Bennett 'Deathstroke' Return And More! Published June 16, 2014 http://www.kdramastars.com/articles/25086/20140616/arrow-season-3-spoilers.htm The MG easter egg spoiler is interesting, but I don't think the Diggle as GL theory is based on anything concrete. Stephen Amell also did a Facebook Q&A recently in which he may have hinted that Harley Quinn may show up in Season 3. I don't know if it was a real spoiler or if he was just being coy, so I'm putting it in the Spoiler thread. https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/posts/666072563478014
  2. Hmm... the comments above made me consider a possible direction that the EPs might go: Season 3 - Laurel's journey toward becoming the Black Canary is charted (however ridiculous). She becomes even closer to Oliver and becomes an ally/member of Team Arrow, but doesn't hook up with him again romantically. Oliver and Felicity's relationship is explored, with 'Daniel' and Oliver's baby mama posing obstacles, and with a possible actual hook-up, but ultimately they decide to stay friends and partners. Season 4 - Laurel/Black Canary and Oliver/Green Arrow get back together romantically. Season 5 - Laurel and Oliver break up for good, and Oliver and Felicity end up together. [OR] Laurel and Oliver stay together, and Felicity ends up with someone else. Pure speculation at this point.
  3. I think it's nice that CL and EBR get along so well. From EBR's twitter page (https://twitter.com/EmilyBett): I used to think that EBR and KC didn't hang out together because of their age difference - KC is 27 and EBR is 22 (a month younger than WH, believe it or not). But CL is also 27.
  4. Looking at the Season 2 poster above, I suspect the Season 3 poster will be changed to give Katie Cassidy a more prominent placement (closer to Oliver/Arrow).
  5. I found these YouTube videos from EBR & CH's promo trip to Madrid (some interesting stuff said): Colton Haynes y Emily Bett Rickards: "Oliver Queen estaria perdido sin nosotros" Published June 9, 2014 The 100 / Arrow - Press & Fans Meeting (Madrid, Junio 2014) Published June 9, 2014 Arrow - Colton Haynes & Emily Bett Rickards Paneldeki Komik Anlan Published June 11, 2014 Colton Haynes & Emily Bett with fans in Madrid Published June 9, 2014 EBR and CH are so funny together. I may not like Roy as a character, but CH is really likeable in his interviews. He makes me want to keep Roy on the show.
  6. I'm not 100% convinced, just fearful based on hints that the show will swing back to and end on Oliver/Laurel because of the following (largely related to Laurel becoming the Black Canary and comic book canon): - Her name is Dinah Laurel Lance and Dinah was the Black Canary in the comics - EP interview comments about Green Arrow and Black Canary being iconic like Clark and Lois - EP interview comments about Oliver and Laurel breaking up and getting together repeatedly (don't recall exact words or which interview) - One of the EPs wrote some of the Green Arrow/Black Canary comic book stories - Sara handing the Canary jacket off the Laurel in the season 2 finale - Sara telling Laurel that "Oliver needs you" in the season 2 finale - Hints of Laurel "fighting" and shooting the bow in past seasons - Katie Cassidy's comic con and past interview comments strongly implying that she'll become the Black Canary and outright saying that Laurel and Oliver belong together (or words to that effect) and that Arrow and Canary are together in the comics - Giving Laurel lines like "I know you better than anyone" and "I know you in my bones like I know my own name" (I think even Oliver had a line in season 1 where he says to Laurel "you know me better than anyone")
  7. My bad. I guess they think EBR is popular enough in the U.S. and are sending her overseas to do promotion.
  8. I'm curious to see how Felicity will dress in Season 3. In the first season, she was dressed appropriately for an IT person in a corporate environment. In the second season, she dressed much more fashionably, I guess, to fit her job as executive assistant to the CEO of a big multinational corporation. In the third season, maybe she'll wear more jeans and pants outfits.
  9. I don't know who decides which Arrow cast members attend these comic cons. but I find it curious that Katie Cassidy and Caity Lotz are the female cast members going to all of these comic cons, and not Emily Bett Rickards - arguably the most popular female cast member. Is EBR tied up in a project, or are the show producers purposely keeping her out of the limelight while they promote KC and CL? I can't imagine EBR refusing to attend a comic con if she was asked to attend.
  10. This is exactly what I meant by appeasing Olicity fans in my previous post above. If the EPs decide to put Oliver and Laurel together and if it becomes clear the show is headed in that direction, then how do they not alienate and drive away Olicity fans? They don't want to lose any viewers and there are many Olicity and/or Felicity fans out there. Well, they put Felicity in another romantic relationship with a popular actor that fans can root for.
  11. Hope this is in the right thread, but here goes... Like many of you, I'm concerned about the whole sticking-to-comic-book-canon issue with regards to Dinah Laurel Lance. There are and have been many TV shows that have been based on book series or comic book series that have deviated significantly from their original source material. One example is The Walking Dead, which is greatly different from the comic book series in terms of living and dead (or non-existing) characters. Another example is True Blood - the TV series is virtually unrecognizable from the Charlaine Harris books, particularly when it comes to Sookie's love relationships. Even Smallville deviated significantly from the Superman comic book series with its depictions of Lex Luthor and Lana Lang, although it did stick to the canonical Clark pairings with Lana and then Lois. Even so, the TV show made it seem like Lana was the love of Clark's life and Lois was second choice. I read that one of the EPs (I forget which one) actually wrote some of the Green Arrow-Black Canary comic books, so I get that maybe he wants to stick to what he wrote - but, c'mon on, the TV series has developed organically on its own. From what I've heard, the comic book Green Arrow was an unlikeable, womanizing jerk - that's not the kind of hero I want to watch on my TV every week. The medium of expression also makes a difference. In a comic book, you're limited to a two-dimensional medium for telling your story. In a TV show, you have greater scope for telling your story using three-dimensional characters who can convey nuances of speech and facial expression. If the EPs are concerned about alienating Green Arrow comic book readers should the show deviate from "canon", I suspect that the percentage of Arrow's viewers who read the comic books is fairly small and that many of those viewers won't care if Laurel doesn't become the Black Canary. And, as has already been posted elsewhere, a good argument can be made that comic book canon has already been satisfied because Oliver and Laurel (if she becomes the Canary) have already gotten together and broken up a few times.
  12. You'll get your wish when ASkars stars in the new movie
  13. This is a really well-written, thoughtful and lengthy analysis of the Oliver/Felicity and Oliver/Laurel relationships based on the past two seasons of Arrow: Felicity Or Laurel - Who Should Oliver End Up WIth? Posted by Autumn Topping on June 12, 2014 http://www.silverpetticoatreview.com/2014/06/12/felicity-or-laurel-who-should-oliver-end-up-with/ This author expresses a lot of what I think - and much better than I ever could. From the article: From my own perspective and Arrow experience, I find the Oliver and Felicity story to be stronger thus far on a romantic level. Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim hits the nail right on the head on why the connection between Oliver and Felicity appeals to so many. I do think it is because of the purity of their love. In a way, I recognize a strong influence there from The X Files and Doctor Who (Doctor and Rose). I see subtlety, ambiguity, depth, and a soul connection comparable to the love between Scully and Mulder. To me, it is about the slow build up and friendship, something I ‘typically’ appreciate more than rushed relationships. It is about the human connection rather than merely a sexual one. There are also comparisons made to Smallville, La Femme Nikita, and even Pride and Prejudice. You need to read the entire article, though, especially if you're an Olicity fan.
  14. tv echo, can you elaborate a little on this? How does giving Felicity a love interest and putting Oliver and Laurel back together appease Olicity fans? I was thinking of Smallville. When that show's producers decided not to put Clark together with Chloe romantically because they wanted to stick to the comic book canon of Clark and Lois, Chloe was given her own romance with that show's Oliver Queen - another hot superhero type. If the Arrow EPs have committed to an Oliver-Laurel endgame (remember the controversial EP comment about Green Arrow and Black Canary being like Clark/Superman and Lois?), they may think that giving Felicity her own superhero romance is a good consolation prize - that Olicity fans will like that pairing enough to change their loyalty to the new pair. Personally, I think they're wrong. Although Clark and Chloe had chemistry, I could understand why that pairing might not have worked in Smallville - different story, different relationship. On Arrow, the relationship between Oliver and Felicity has developed quite organically and has hit a lot of the classic hero romance marks (putting on the mask, "believe in you" speech, etc.). So, if the Daniel romance is meant to be a sop to the Olicity fans, I don't think it'll work.
  15. I still think it's producer arrogance/ego (if I'm being mean) or stubbornness (if I'm being nice). They started out with this vision of Dinah Laurel Lance as the second Black Canary (remember their comment about no one being the original superhero?) and they're not going to deviate from it. I suspect/expect that the EPs believe that they're going to have such an awesome story arc about Laurel becoming the Black Canary in Season 3 that the fans will all go "oh, we're sorry we ever doubted you - Laurel makes a great Black Canary". If I'm wrong, then I'll gladly be proven wrong. My concern is that such an attitude on the parts of TPTB has been the downfall of other shows, and I want Arrow to last beyond Season 3.
  16. Or... they've been reading online comments about last season and are trying to boost KC's likeability. KC is not doing herself or her Laurel character any favors with her public appearance comments. A little graciousness and a little humility would go a long way.
  17. The 'Daniel' character sounds interesting. If he really is a love interest for Felicity, it could mean any of the following: 1. A four-way love "triangle" (quadrangle?) with Oliver, Laurel, Felicity and Daniel that lasts only through Season 3. 2. A temporary love triangle with Oliver, Felicity and Daniel that lasts a few episodes. 3. A potentially serious love interest for Felicity as a way to appease the Olicity fans because the EPs still plan to put Oliver (Green Arrow) with Laurel (Black Canary) as their end game.
  18. The new and improved Laurel will lovingly accept the baby and forgive Oliver, thus making Laurel fans love her even more and changing the minds of those who don't love her to hearts and flowers. Honestly, the only way i could accept a warm and loving Laurel is if the EPs recast the part with an actress who can convincingly portray Laurel as warm and compassionate and who has tons of chemistry with Stephen Amell. Only then do they have a snowball's chance in hell of overcoming the sister-swapping and inconsistent character arc to make Laurel likeable and someone I could root for.
  19. I agree with what Danny Franks and some others have said above. A few additional thoughts. Maybe Oliver also didn't tell Felicity ahead of time because he knew that, if he then changed his mind and couldn't go through with it, Felicity would take it upon herself to go through with the ruse on her own (now that he'd given her the idea). Even if Oliver changed his mind, I don't think he would've left Felicity alone in the Queen mansion because: (1) Even if he left her there to keep her safe, he knew Slade would've seen him do it. So even if Slade wasn't aware of the depth of his feelings for Felicity, he would know Oliver cared enough about Felicity to take time out from the crisis to store her somewhere "safe" and Slade already knew Felicity helped Oliver as the Arrow. (2) Oliver didn't tell Felicity the mansion was bugged by Slade. So leaving her there uninformed, Felicity would've still tried to help out the team using her laptop and communicating with the others, perhaps talking of sensitive information that shouldn't be overheard by Slade. Maybe we're just over-analyzing a scene the writers put together for the most dramatic appeal (without thinking through the logic of it) and the EPs are just happy with all the buzz/discussion that's been generated by it.
  20. The bad news is that if EBR was submitted in the supporting actress category, then that must mean that the show producers still consider KC to be the leading actress on the show.
  21. Here's my take on the whole ILY fakeout and what it means for the Oliver/Felicity relationship - Oliver took Felicity to the mansion fully intending to set her up as bait and without telling her first. If he had told her ahead of time, he would have given her the syringe before arrival. If he took her there just to keep her safe, he would not have taken her to a place that he knew was bugged by Slade; instead, he would have taken her to his backup lair that no one knows about (other than ARGUS). Why didn't he tell her ahead of time? He didn't think she would be able to act/react convincingly. She's very honest and transparent and not a good liar (remember, her trying to make excuses to Isabel?). However, once he got her to the mansion, he may have had second thoughts but still went forward with his plan, trusting Felicity to understand and follow through on her end. That said, he would not have kissed her because he knows how she feels and that would've been one step too far. A kiss wasn't necessary to convince Slade (who's a reticent, warrior type who would've expected Oliver to be in combat-ready mental state). Nevertheless, he could've stopped at "he took the wrong woman". His saying ILY to Felicity was unncessary for the ruse and, subconsciously, he wanted to say it. Consciously, he believes it was for the ruse. As others have said, the show is now set up in Season 3 for a deeper, more trusting relationship between Oliver and Felicity - but still without any willingness to go further for various reasons already stated.
  22. I believe that every TV drama - even superhero/action shows - should include developing personal relationships. Without personal (and romantic) relationships, the hero becomes a two-dimensional cartoon character who exists only to fight bad guys (example: the old Adam West Batman series) That's not the Arrow I want to see. Arrow needs all the fans it can get - whatever their reasons for watching the show. If there aren't enough fans, ratings will drop and the show will be cancelled. So I don't get knocking Olicity fans or Lauriver fans or whatever fans. I may not like Laurel or other characters on the show, but I get that they have their fans and that's cool. I and a lot of my friends were turned off by the Laurel-Oliver relationship in Season 1 and thought the introduction of Felicity improved the show. That's not to say we want the show to be primarily about personal relationships - it's not a soap opera. We also love the action/fighting scenes, the plot developments, the other characters, etc. But everything together is what makes up the show. But who's to say that the show would have survived past Season 1 without the introduction of Felicity and the development of Team Arrow? Just imagine Arrow being about Oliver fighting bad guys and having Laurel as his girlfriend.
  23. A love triangle must be something that's contractually required by The CW Network [sarcasm]. I hate them.
  24. I can only picture a believable friendship between Felicity and Laurel if Laurel is played by a different actress. Felicity and Sara were believable as possible friends because both EBR and CL have a natural warmth. If I saw Laurel (played by KC) being nice to Felicity, it would come off as fake and calculated, in my opinion.
  25. Doctor Who (Matt Smith) Superman John Reese Daryl Dixon Michonne I originally wanted Jack Bauer, but I wouldn't trust Jack not to kill me if he thought it would save the human race.
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