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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. The opening scene of Katrina and Ichabod watching reality TV was cringe-inducing. I thought 'I can't believe Ichabod is back in love with Katrina after all her lies.' And I hoped that we would find out that Katrina had put a love spell on Ichabod all those centuries ago because Ichabod is like a different person with Katrina than he is when she isn't around. But unfortunately I don't think that's the case. As the episode progressed, however, there were clear indications that Ichabod's feelings for Katrina have changed, although he was battling those new feelings since he thought she was "the love of his life". There was his talk with Abbie about how they've all changed because of everything they've gone through and how relationships must evolve. There was also the succubus (dressed like Katrina) who talked about his doubts and fears about his "heart's desire". I liked that the tension between Abbie and Katrina was brought out into the open, with Abbie calling Katrina out for being "condescending" and Katrina admitting that she may seem "irrational". It was also clear that each felt that her bond with Ichabod was threatened (and I'm not talking about romance). Ichabod's constantly catering to Katrina was annoying, but she is his avowed wife so he probably feels his first allegiance should be to her. Katrina's deciding to go back to Abraham in order to get close to Moloch was a relief. But it was a nice surprise to find out that she has been bespelled with the glowy necklace and will most likely be acting as mother to baby Moloch, who will probably grow at a supernatural rate. Although this episode was hard to sit through sometimes (the succubus storyline was too reminiscent of episodes of The X-Files and Buffy), it did make me understand Katrina's role better. Once TPTB made the decision to make Jeremy one of the Horsemen and to have John Noble return as a regular cast member, then Katrina had to be brought to the modern day and given increased presence on the show in order to have the parent-child drama/conflict. I've been wondering how this whole story arc with Jeremy and Abraham will be wrapped up because it can't go on forever - the audience would revolt. I think this season will culminate in an epic battle involving everyone, in which Jeremy and Abraham will be defeated, and in which Katrina and maybe Frank will be killed. Then we'll find out that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are spirits that can't be killed and that, when the bodies they inhabit are destroyed, they simply move into new bodies. Then in an ending twist, we'll find out that Katrina and Frank(?) are now the new Horsemen of Death and War. Just my speculation. Scenes for next week indicate that episode will be all about the Mills sisters and their mother. Perhaps their mother will turn out to be a Horseman (there are four, after all), and then Abbie will be in the same predicament as Ichabod is now - with a loved one being the enemy? (I previously speculated that the Four Horsemen have inhabited different people throughout the centuries as the two Witnesses have changed throughout history.)
  2. tv echo

    S05.E05: Self Help

    I've never read the comics. When I saw Abraham's flashback, I didn't think 'rape'. I thought Abraham was an abusive husband and that his violence in killing those men was no surprise to his wife and children. That's why they ran. Abusive husbands can take on this attitude that everything they do is to protect their families. That abusive personality would've been consistent with the way he bullies or attempts to bully those around him now, like the way he manhandles those physically weaker than him (like Glenn and Eugene). Even men who kill their entire families rationalize that they're saving them (example: John List). I don't think you should have to watch TTD in order to understand what's really going on. I don't fault Eugene for the initial lie because he was desperate and alone, and Abraham was the only port in his storm. I do fault him for continuing the lie when they became part of a larger group and a lot of people started dying to protect him because of his lie, and also for his cowardly sabotages. I agree with whoever said that part of the problem is that Abraham and Eugene look like fake cartoon characters. It's a distracting contrast to how natural the rest of the cast looks.
  3. I think Roy is going to be killed off this season. At first, I thought Roy's nightmare of killing Sara was a red herring, but now I'm thinking that he really did kill Sara - but under the influence of mirakuru or brainwashing of some sort. The mystery would be how and why. Roy's death would work for several reasons: - Each season has had a major death. Roy's death would serve as the 'shocking' death this season. - There has to be some retribution or punishment for the murder of Sara, a beloved character. - Roy's death would open up a sidekick slot on Team Arrow for either Thea or Laurel (ugh). - Roy's death could serve as a catalyst to turn Thea from Malcolm's villain path to Oliver's hero path. - Roy isn't a necessary character, either on Team Arrow or on the show, esp. now that he's no longer Thea's boyfriend. - Who else can the EPs kill off this season? (I don't count Sara's death as the 'major death' this season - even though it is a major death - because her death was just a plot contrivance for Laurel's journey.)
  4. After reading spoilers about upcoming episodes, I needed to take this nostalgic look back at these interviews from last season - just to remind me of some of the things I love about the show... Stephen Amell & Emily Bett Rickards- We're Going To Russia Arrow - Emily Bett Rickards interview [outtakes]
  5. EBR in Halloween costume and on a photoshoot (love her hairstyle)... Arrow actress Emily Bett Rickards blast offs as Astronaut Emily Bett Rickards for Runway magazine - BTS
  6. Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=879990035374807&set=vb.610847212289092&type=2&theater http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/572226/20141110/avengers-age-ultron-video-spoilers.htm#.VGDOxPnF8uQ
  7. Poor Colin Donnell - his TV character gets killed off again... NEWS/ The Affair Finally Reveals Its Victim and We Spoke to the Poor Guy by TIERNEY BRICKER Sun., Nov. 9, 2014 8:00 PM PST http://www.eonline.com/news/596107/the-affair-finally-reveals-its-victim-and-we-spoke-to-the-poor-guy
  8. I loved the first episode ("The Calm"), except for its last 2 minutes, and I really enjoyed episode 5 ("The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak"). But after watching the other episodes of this season and reading all the spoilers about season 3, I confess that I'm losing interest in Arrow.
  9. I watched "Death Comes to Pemberly" and found it extremely disappointing. Lizzie and Darcy had zero chemistry. Lizzie wasn't Lizzie at all. The Liz Bennett I remembered from Pride and Prejudice was lively and engaging and attractive. The Lizzie on this PBS series was not that attractive, seemed sad and beaten down, and had hunched shoulders. The murder mystery was so-so with a predictable ending. Regarding Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a movie is being made of that book for 2015 release: http://insidemovies.ew.com/2014/10/30/pride-prejudice-zombies-first-look/
  10. It just seemed out of character for Emma to be so easily swayed by the Snow Queen's manipulation. She should be smarter than that. She starts off her interrogation of the Snow Queen with an attitude like 'you won't manipulate me' - but then she's totally manipulated. Elizabeth Mitchell looked way too old to be playing the younger Ingrid with her two sisters. But at least she showed more emotion than in all her previous TV roles combined. I don't know if we really needed to see the Frozen plot reenacted with the previous generation - the deceptive lying suitor from Weaselton, the sisterly relationship, the loss of control, etc. In the movie, Elsa was able to control her power and unfreeze Anna and her whole kingdom by using the reverse power of love. So why doesn't she just impart that little bit of important info to the Snow Queen? The Robin Hood & Regina scenes were just awkward. I think the writers were going for something ike 'you have to fight for true love' or the overwhelming compulsion of true love, but it just came across as tawdry. Also, it's like they had to hide Regina away so that we wouldn't ask the obvious questions -- Regina has magic so why isn't the Snow Queen interested in her? And why can't Regina help Emma control her power, or why doesn't Emma go to Regina for help? Snow's reactions to Emma's power just seemed contrived to serve the plot of having a poor, feared Emma. Snow grew up in the Enchanted Forest, a land filled with magic. She should be used to it. That her daughter has magic shouldn't make Snow afraid of Emma. In contrast to Arendelle, where the people there were unaware of (or, thanks to the rock troll, had forgotten about) magic and therefore feared it because it was unknown. I may be in the minority, but I'm sick of Rumple/Gold being in everyone's back story and knowing everything and everyone.
  11. tv echo

    S05.E05: Self Help

    Well, that was a waste of one hour of my time. For me, that was the most boring and least enjoyable episode to date. I could've read a recap today and gotten more satisfaction. 'Shocking' reveal that Eugene was lying about the cure.... yawn. The surprise wasn't that he lied, but that everyone believed his lie. Abraham's back story... double yawn. Turns out Eugene is a creepy, passive-aggressive coward, Abraham is a mentally unhinged bully, and Rosita is still a nonentity. After Eugene disclosed his big lie, I kept waiting for Abraham to pull out his gun and shoot Eugene, Rosita, Tara, Glenn and Maggie (a la the Governor). So what if Eugene is not physically gifted or strong. He's still stronger and bigger than Rosita, Tara or Beth ... and yet they managed to show some courage and fight walkers. Stop making excuses for your cowardice. I can't stand Eugene and can't wait for him - or Rosita or Abraham - to be eaten by walkers. The gratuitous sex scene and the 'new' way to kill walkers (fire hose) just felt like attempts to wake up this episode. Glenn and Maggie's involvement seemed pointless. Glenn was just too willing to follow Abraham, and Maggie basically just let Glenn make the decisions. They were both like lemmings. Considering their previous harrowing experience with the Governor and their own proven badassness, their blind follower status was just out of character for them. It was like the producers didn't trust the episode to be entirely devoid of any of our familiar cast members, so they thought 'let's throw Glenn and Maggie in there'. My takeaway from this episode? Abraham is no Rick - and just because it was in the comics doesn't mean it has to be in the TV show. If the producers were testing the waters to see if they could kill off all of the original characters, including Rick, and replace them with new characters, then my response is "hell, no". If Season 1 of TWD had featured Abraham, Eugene and Rosita as the main cast members, then I would've quit watching after the first episode. Now I'll just wait with renewed appreciation to see Rick, Darryl, Michonne, Tyrese, Carl and Judith again on my screen.
  12. Alas, as history has shown, the Arrow writers are that stupid. I think Ra's trying to recruit Oliver would at least be more credible than any scenario where Oliver would defeat Ra's.
  13. If anyone still cares... Sleepy Hollow - Heartless - Advance Preview Posted by Romain Ossust at Sunday, November 09, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/sleepy-hollow-heartless-advance-preview.html
  14. For all those who just can't wait to see tonight's "Self Help" episode about Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Glenn and Maggie, here's links to some spoilery info (including a major spoiler if it's true): http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/the-walking-dead-self-help-advance.html https://www.facebook.com/SpoilingDeadFans/posts/400784676743343 http://undeadwalking.com/2014/11/08/walking-dead-self-help-spoiler-confessions/ http://thestir.cafemom.com/tv/179340/walking_dead_spoilers_self_help (Anyone else just want to slap Eugene in the face?)
  15. I thought this was one of the worst episodes - if not the worst episode - of the season. From the opening credits - where Jenna Coleman's name appeared first and in larger type than Peter Capaldi's name - to the ending scene with Santa Claus, it was just a horrible, disjointed mess. This Doctor is not the Doctor I want to see. He came across as frightened, insecure and incompetent. He doesn't save the day - Clara and really Danny Pink are the ones to save Earth. The Doctor was oddly cowed by Clara. When the world was going to hell in a handbasket, the Doctor was focused on finding Clara. When he managed to escape in the TARDIS, he goes straight to Clara and lets Clara boss him around. When it comes time to shut down Danny's emotions, the Doctor falters and Clara is the one who must step up and use the screwdriver. Also, there was no way that the Doctor was going to assume control of the Cybermen army so there was no suspense. Even if he wanted the power, he wouldn't want the responsibility or the bother. Clara was just insufferable in this episode. Her prolonged hugging of Danny didn't convey heartbroken sorrow to me. Before he lifted his mask and revealed himself, he first had to hear Clara go on and on about how the Doctor is her best friend, etc. Did Clara really love Danny? Hard to believe so. Then that ending 'good-bye' scene with Clara and the Doctor was also supposed to be heartbreaking, but it was just annoying because it seemed to go on forever. Plus it continued the sensitivity over the Doctor's age with his "old man" self-reference, making him just sound insecure and jealous. Yes, they're both keeping secrets from each other. Who cares? However, the scene where the Doctor goes to Missy's coordinates and doesn't find Gallifrey is probably the one good scene in this episode. But I hate how Clara is such a special snowflake companion - even worse than Rose Tyler. If we knew for sure that this would be the last of Clara, maybe this episode would be worth it. But Santa Claus' comment that she's not alright implies that there's more to the Clara story, so most likely she'll return. I realize the season-long theme has been the Doctor's identity - "Am I a good man?" blah, blah, blah. But his conclusion in this episode that he's just an "idiot with a box and a screwdriver" makes no sense. Yes, he can sometimes be an idiot, but he can also be all of those other things. Being an idiot is not the Doctor's defining characteristic. Far from it. More fails: - Bringing back the Master as an OTT Mary Poppins. I cringed at the overacting. Despite her killing Osgood, I found Missy more silly than frightening. - The illogic of UNIT's protocol where they first handcuff and drug the Doctor, and then make him World President. - The magical osmosis where the dead's unconsciousness transforms rotting corpses into metal men and where the Cybermen's exploding bodies somehow completely disperse the cloud of downloading consciousness. - Killing off Osgood, but keeping Clara alive. Epic fail.
  16. Good points, Genki. I like Arrow much better now than in Season 1, despite the disappointing trend of this season so far. But I am concerned about its ratings. If you look at the shows that have lasted a long time (8+ years), they have at least one or two likeable characters that people get invested in and want to follow. So I guess my point was that unlikeable characters equals low ratings.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the EPs put Laurel in charge of the Arrowcave in Oliver's absence. It should be Diggle - he may be a soldier but he's not a lemming. He is perfectly capable. For all we know, he led missions while a soldier. However, if the EPs don't put Laurel in charge, then what else is she going to do in the Arrowcave? As history shows, she does what she wants and isn't going to go along with someone else's plan. So her 'my way or the highway' personality only lends itself to being the leader. It's also another obvious way for the EPs to establish that she's the 'equal' of Oliver. Incidentally, I (and some others here) have wondered what Laurel's motivation was for becoming a vigilante when she has a day job prosecuting criminals - putting aside the previously-mentioned hypocrisy. I've come to the conclusion that she doesn't need a motivation. Sara's murder is just an excuse for Laurel to give full rein to her natural personality. Being a vigilante will fit her character perfectly. She can be judge, jury and executioner. She will have the power of life and death over another person. And she doesn't have to abide by any pesky legal or ethical rules. Come to think of it, she's been a covert vigilante all along.
  18. I'm still having trouble with how Laurel will become a trained fighter out in the field with only boxing lessons. It will help her punch guys up close, but it doesn't help her kick or fight with her legs or feet. Or make her adept at jumping and leaping to or from places. It won't make her a martial artist. It also won't magically make her good with any weapons. Maybe we'll find out she's been secretly practicing with guns and is now an expert marksman. Or maybe she'll get that Canary cry after all.
  19. The first few episodes of The Flash did significantly better in the ratings than the first few episodes of Arrow back in Season 1. Yes, The Flash is more light-hearted and fun, and features a more well-known superhero, but here's my take on the reason for the difference in ratings -- Virtually every character on Arrow was unlikeable, while virtually every character on The Flash is likeable (just comparing early Season 1 of both shows) On Arrow (early Season 1), we had two leads who were both unappealing. Oliver was dour and closed off, his backstory included being a rich playboy who cheated on his girlfriend with her sister, and his present self was a straight-up killer working blindly off a list. Laurel was hostile, bitter, angry and nasty. The two of them, supposedly the main romance, had zero chemistry. Moira was morally ambiguous. Detective Lance was a blinders-wearing cop who just wanted to hunt down the vigilante. Thea was more sympathetic but her story was the poor little rich girl who took drugs. Diggle was just the bodyguard who kept losing Oliver. Malcolm was the bad guy. Tommy was probably the most sympathetic character. So who or what was there to root for? On The Flash (early Season 1), we have an easygoing and smiling Barry who everyone likes. He's relatable because he's a bit awkward and isn't a billionaire playboy. There's also the likeable Iris and the very likeable Detective West, who's already on the hero's side and in on his secret. Barry also already has a team in place to support him, with the mysterious Dr. Wells, plus the inoffensive Cisco and the sympathetic Caitlin. There's no repugnant back story (like sister-swapping), and Barry doesn't kill (at least, not yet). Even though SA is a more compelling actor than GG (although I'm sure others will disagree), even his natural charisma couldn't overcome his character's unappealing character traits and back story in Season 1. It took the emergence of Team Arrow, specifically Diggle and Felicity as more than background characters, to make Oliver likeable and a hero that I could root for.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised if Oliver used his ARGUS connections to put Cooper in that island prison - you know, to be roomies with that other sociopath who almost killed Felicity. Regarding the Felicity working issue, this computer guy that I know doesn't work regular office hours. He always has his laptop with him and works all hours of the day and night. As long as he gets his projects done on time, it's not an issue for his boss. Felicity could be the same way. She could be doing a lot of work at home or at odd hours, so as long as she gets her assignments done, it should be fine with Roy. She only needs to be in the office for meetings and such. Even then, a lot of meetings are held via Skype now. It would be different if she worked at a job that required her to be in the workplace all or most of the day - like, say, a receptionist, a doctor or a lawyer. More on the Diggle costume issue - Both Oliver and Roy are archers, so they're both wearing the hooded costume that was based on Robin Hood. Diggle is not an archer, so if he were to get a costume, it should look totally different. Anyway, I've imagined this conversation between Oliver and Diggle... Oliver: "Now that you're back on the team, I was thinking that we need to get you a mask and leather suit - maybe in blue." Diggle: "Hell, no!"
  21. I was also wondering why Diggle isn't in costume. Upon further thought, I remembered that Diggle used to be a soldier in the U.S. military. Perhaps he dressed the way he might've for covert operations? Or maybe he's just too cool to be running around in costume. He also had planned to step back from Team Arrow operations because of his new family before Sara was murdered. But it is odd. Besides, one masked man in costume is a superhero vigilante, two masked men in costume are comic twins, and three masked men in costume would look ridiculous. Oliver looks great as the Arrow, but it's hard to take Roy seriously as Arsenal.
  22. This article points out DC Comics, pop culture and other trivia references - really interesting stuff... ARROW ANNOTATIONS - S03E05 "THE SECRET ORIGIN OF FELICITY SMOAK" Written by Christian Hoffer on Thursday, November 06 2014 http://www.theouthousers.com/index.php/features/129602-arrow-annotations-s03e05-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-smoak.html These reviews are a bit more negative (but have some funny bits)... ARROW: THE SECRET ORIGIN OF FELICITY SMOAK http://tomandlorenzo.com/2014/11/arrow-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-smoak/ Arrow season 3 episode 5 review: The Secret Origin Of Felicity Smoak http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/arrow/32841/arrow-season-3-episode-5-review-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-smoak ‘Arrow’ Review: “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak http://screencrush.com/arrow-review-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-smoak/ Arrow Season 3 Episode 5 Review: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak http://www.tvfanatic.com/2014/11/arrow-season-3-episode-5-review-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-sm/ That's it - I'm done!
  23. For any Legend of the Seeker fans... BRIDGET REGAN JOINS MARVEL'S AGENT CARTER Marc Strom @Strommy Published Nov 6, 2014 Updated Nov 6, 2014 http://marvel.com/news/tv/23620/bridget_regan_joins_marvels_agent_carter?utm_campaign=rss_feeds&utm_source=headline_news&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=story-23620&
  24. Some more reviews (I've pulled out some nice bits about Felicity)... ‘Arrow’ Recap: ‘The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak’ http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2014/11/06/arrow-recap-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-smoak/ ‘Arrow’: Hacker or Hero? http://screenrant.com/arrow-season-3-episode-5-reviews-felicity-goth-origin/ Arrow Season 3 Episode 5 Review – ‘The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak’ http://www.flickeringmyth.com/2014/11/arrow-season-3-episode-5-review-secret-origin-felicity-smoak.html Arrow Review: “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak” http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2014/11/arrow-review-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-smoak.html ARROW Recap Season 3 Episode 5 The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak http://www.seat42f.com/arrow-recap-season-3-episode-5-the-secret-origin-of-felicity-smoak.html Arrow S03 E05 recap: Emily Bett Rickards shines as we learn more about Felicity’s past http://primetime.unrealitytv.co.uk/arrow-recap-spoilers-5-awesome-moments-secret-origin-felicity-smoak/ Too much? To quote Steve Rogers, "I can do this all day." (Not really.)
  25. I remember reading some speculation somewhere in this forum about Felicity's father being Dr. Harrison Wells (from The Flash). Given what we've learned from this week's Arrow episode, that could actually work. We now know her father was super smart and abandoned his family when Felicity was 6. Wells is very intelligent and has some foreknowledge of future events. What if that foreknowledge was the reason he left his family? Maybe he needed to be in a position to help shape Barry in order to prevent a future catastrophe. We also know from the episode where Felicity crossed over to The Flash that Wells has been keeping track of Felicity. His being Felicity's father would set up future cross-over episodes between the two shows. On the other hand, I really think that the EPs haven't yet decided who her father is going to be. But he could very well be someone new who will figure prominently in a future season story arc. I do like the idea brought up in the other thread about Donna (Mama Smoak) and Quentin Lance meeting and having sparks fly. Who knows? A future love triangle among the parents?
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