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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. Was this your first episode of "Sister Wives"? 😉
  2. So happy to have you back @Sandy W! Best of luck with your upcoming treatment!
  3. I think that's his way of punishing her for the catfish. She doesn't "get" to move on, and she sees how happy he is without her around.
  4. Oh, he definitely doesn't want anything to do with her, full stop. But do you (or anyone) think she tries to hang out with him/fix their marriage, or is she just sitting at home hoping he calls her?
  5. And what made it worse was Meri's insistence that Kody hadn't realized she didn't want to move there. He knows. He just doesn't care. One thing I've wondered about Meri: does she actually try to see Kody and make an attempt to fix her marriage, or does she just hope he'll miss her and will make the effort himself?
  6. He is such an asshole. He spent years abdicating responsibility for anything and everything, and now he wants to be the family patriarch? Please. He's just mad that his picture perfect plyg family (not that any of us ever bought this nonsense) was a total mirage—and now everyone knows it. So he's flailing because he's embarrassed. Start a gofundme to pay a skywriter. I'll contribute.
  7. I was going to answer they were fleeing fake persecution—but's why they left Utah. It's hard to keep track of their lies.
  8. Nicely done, @laurakaye! Do you mind if I cover next Sunday's abomination? The wives and Kody: We want Christine to stay! Me: What are you willing to do make Christine want to stay? Them (save Janelle): ....
  9. Genevieve: God, I wish America could, like, feel what I feel right now. Me: Desperation?
  10. I absolutely love how Belle resembles Jared and his side of the family. Triplets, my ass.
  11. I agree with everything you said, but I do think Kathy's lack of boundaries is unhealthy. Her obsession with butting into Christina's life has a detrimental effect on her daughter's marriage. She isn't nearly as bad as Sunhe or Dawn, though.
  12. It's so obvious he's waiting her out on the kids issue. I don't think he wants more children, and he should have been honest with you from the start. Whoa whoa whoa. Have you forgotten about Danielle and Mohamed? Jorge and Anfisa? 😉
  13. This exactly. I bet people would pay to hang out with Christine. (I'm still laughing at that $6k price tag. To stay in a dusty inn with a sourpuss with weird eyebrows. She is delusional.)
  14. Her kids look like orphans in Dickensian style workhouses. I wouldn't be surprised to see them toting bowls and begging for gruel and alms.
  15. TL;DR: Kody wishes Christine would stay. He has no intention of changing anything on his end. Kody wishes Christine would stay. And be miserable. For the rest of her life.
  16. I absolutely agree. And I think anyone who's been in a bad relationship knows that there is only so many times you can beg to be heard before you give up. Christine has spent 25 years in this mess. I'm sure she's tried to express her concerns over and over again, but to no avail. She knows trying again is going to get her nowhere—and now she has no reason to concern herself with any of it.
  17. Okay, these filters are getting ridiculous. She looks like she's made of vinyl.
  18. He looks like he's about to participate in an old-fashioned barn raising.
  19. Mingling? Is he attending a mixer for college freshmen or a USO dance?
  20. So well said. Kody is worried Christine's defiance will reflect badly on him. That's why he's suddenly obsessed with keep the remaining three in line in the patriarchal party line. He can't afford another defection (literally as well as figuratively; TLC isn't going to pay him to whine on TV if he's got fewer than three wives).
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