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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. I reread Jill's word salad (I'm a glutton for punishment), and my original assumption had been that the prof threw out Timmy's KJV. That wouldn't been a terrible thing to do. But Jill is pissed because the prof threw out his own posession? That's what she's upset about? Wait, sorry. Of course she is. I just remembered who we were talking about. Never misses a chance to play the martyr. A SEVERE martyr.
  2. Thank you. People who take advantage of desperate people for their own gain tick me off. LuLaRot is a particularly notable offender. I really recommend the Amazon documentary, if you haven't seen it yet.
  3. She's also still lying like a rug about that mythical fantasy. No one is "holding the past against her" by pointing out that she is a fake, lying liar who lies.
  4. The thought of being told I'm "too negative" if I can't make my mortgage payment is infuriating. The bank doesn't care how positive I am, you unscrupulous flim-flammers. Not that I'm suggesting relying on a MLM to pay your bills, but the recruitment makes it sound like you're gonna be living high on the hog if you just believe.
  5. Ari...who has a kid already...and has been having unprotected sex...and doesn't pay attention to her cycle...is shocked she can't be pregnant? "I can't be pregnant." Um, yes, you can. See above outline re: your stupidity.
  6. You should thank your lucky stars. Maybe that was a creepy bridge too far even for TLC. We can only hope.
  7. If I recall correctly, she bought that dress exactly, as it was the only one in existence. And it cost at least $50k.
  8. The infamous "boob bow" dress was, if I recall correctly, one of those concept dresses. Yes, that's a model in the tinfoil picture; I didn't spend much time looking for the bride from the show.
  9. Ooh, I had forgotten about that one! It's lovely! I'm watching the reunion show, and I love seeing all the old consultants! Keesha! Sarah! Debbie! The mom who insisted on trying on a wedding dress during her daughter's appointment was a piece of work. What an awful thing to do.
  10. I swear we spent at least a season, maybe two, watching every other bride buy that dress. It's not the worst I've ever seen (I hate the rhinestones), but I got so sick of it! Every so often they do. I remember one episode where a bride was whining because she just had to have a Pnina (I swear it was that one with the rhinestones and pleats), and her mother just shrugged and said, "you know what I'm good for" about the budget. Nice to see!
  11. This is just a runway pic I found, not the actual bride who bought this monstrosity on the show. That's my second-least favorite dress ever on the show. This is #1.
  12. These brides who pressure their parents to up their stated budget tick me off. If your mother offers you $2k, you either find a gown at that price point or you contribute the rest yourself. The entitlement is infuriating.
  13. Paula is already jealous! Of a traumatized child! "My mom won't have as much time for me!" Of course she won't! The traumatized child needs her more than you do!
  14. Lisa: Laura Leigh is the one who should step aside. Me: She's one of the baby's mothers! And when Lisa said she forgets Laura Leigh is in the picture, and Lauren just giggles instead of defending her wife... Poor Laura Leigh. Bestie, this is your life if you stay in this marriage. This scenario isn't going to change. That applies to all the spouses on this show.
  15. Yeah, that relationship creeps me out. Paula keeps whining about how she and her mother aren't going to be as close as they once were, and together all the time. And...she's right. That's what happens when kids grow up. Your kids aren't supposed to stay your sole focus once they're adults. Paula feels like her mom is looking outside of the mom/child for happiness? Yes, of course she is. Because there are certain things you can't get out of a parent/child relationship!
  16. Isn't he still in a relationship with Serena? If he did get picked, I can see the arc now: rejected by Becca on night one! love in paradise, then heartbreak! picked himself up to find love in paradise, again! one last try!
  17. What makes me saddest about this show is how desperate the women are to get a ring like that will solve all of their problem – or any of them. Ladies, these men are showing you exactly who they are. Believe them.
  18. Also when Micah asked how long Olivia was going to hold onto her beef with Kim. Um, until Kim apologizes and makes amends? Olivia isn't required to pretend Kim wasn't abusive to her just because X amount of time has passed. Speaking of making amends, I would love to hear Kim say something like, "look, I told you marriage was forever, and I really did believe that, but sometimes you do everything you can and it isn't enough. I'm sorry I got that wrong." But her constant deflections and excuse-making are maddening.
  19. Sorry for the double-post, but Kim is infuriating me this episode. "You didn't want to do school! You wanted to be in the barn!" Ethan was a child! It was her job to discipline him and insist he do more than the one thing he enjoyed! I'm not saying that's easy, but putting the blame on a child is unconscionable.
  20. I really felt for Olivia this episode. Her behavior at the gravesite (and about Kim being there) was absolutely wrong, but she recognized it and was honest about it. That's more than we can say about Kim. Ever. And I don't blame Olivia for holding the line about Kim. Kim is obviously the type who takes a mile when given an inch. If Olivia caves, Kim will go right back to abusing and judging her.
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