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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. Agree with all of this. Betty/Archie seem like frat bros hanging out, Jughead/Tabitha seem like a cheerful babysitter and her errant, surly charge, and Veronica/Reggie have sexual chemistry but not much else. Don't see them long-term, but casually dating, sure. It is really strange to have two couples who don't seem remotely attracted to each other. I have no idea what the writers are thinking. Not sure if Hiram is "really" dead, but I'm sure the show decided to go the "there's no body!" route in case they want to bring him back later. I'm betting the supernatural stuff will disappear via a twist at some point. (A pocket universe, an AU, something like that.) That way the writers can explore the supernatural without really committing to it.
  2. I don't think you're in the minority. Betty/Archie has always been a smaller fandom than Betty/Jughead (although of course a lot of people like them). None of the current couples have a lick of chemistry, save Veronica/Reggie, who seem attracted to each other if not suited for a long-term relationship. Jughead/Tabitha are a particularly notable example. They are straight up uncomfortable to watch. When he kissed her, with all the passion of a person pecking their great aunt at a funeral, I burst out laughing.
  3. I'm betting on another pocket/parallel universe (or a few of them, to explore different comic book tropes).
  4. Most of the acting during this episode was noticeably bad. I feel like the actors are really phoning it in at this point.
  5. Jughead and Tabitha don't have any chemistry, either. They look like they're being forced to hug at gun point. Agree that Archie and Betty are awful...and they were worse than usual this episode.
  6. And Claire's Popeye routine. Sigh, what could have been... Also agree with previous posters: I wanted to see some mystery plots.
  7. I so wanted to see Margo Pike peel a banana with her feet. This show really captured the preteen/early-teen experience. Better than most shows I've seen.
  8. And then she asked him if he was mad at her! I mean...yeah? Who wouldn't be?
  9. Wait a minute...Ella "didn't mean" to sleep with someone else? Johnny is hurt and that hurts her? She cheated on him and he ended up groveling to her? Wow, she is just awful.
  10. Did I hear that post-wedding Shayne/Natalie argument correctly? He told her the night before the wedding that he hated her, that she was the worst thing that had ever happened to him...and then he was angry and upset that she refused to marry him?
  11. Kody [on his relationship with Garrison]: It needs a lot of work. Me: Then it'll never get better. Lord knows you don't like to work.
  12. Worse than James K? Man, so many options... Please say I'm not the only viewer who gasped the first time the camera panned out far enough for us to see Lisa's legs.
  13. Kody: I'm not trying to be cruel, just honest. Also Kody: I'm not going to have a conjugal relationship with Meri ever again. And if we weren't religiously bound to each other, I'd be done with her completely.
  14. Did anyone else laugh when Christine said she used to be submissive and go with the flow, ignoring her own needs, until she saw Robyn standing up for herself and making demands? Whoops, guess the perpetual babysitting doormat had needs of her own. Who could have guessed?
  15. Yes, and the sad part for me is that she was nice to Robyn! She wasn't unwelcoming or mean-spirited! She was just struggling with her emotions! He's been punishing her for feeling things!
  16. So sweet that Kody has a deep, abiding concern for his minor children... ...like when Truely nearly DIED and NO ONE noticed until Aspyn begged them to pay attention to that little girl? ...or when Ysabel had surgery ON HER SPINE and Kody couldn't be bothered to be there for her, tossing barbs about Christine being ON VACATION? Kody's insistence that he had "no idea" Christine was serious when she said she was unhappy or when he said she didn't want to live in a sexless marriage made me consider punting him into the sun. He's NEVER taken Christine seriously. He's ALWAYS expected her to raise his kids and cook his meals and settle for whatever scraps he threw her way. I felt bad for Christine when she said she didn't know what she'd tell her kids, but honestly? I think her kids have had Kody's number for a long time. I bet they're really supportive of their mom.
  17. That was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. Dolly's continued bewilderment at absolutely everything (her weight, her ex staying abusive, her mom pushing her to actually follow Dr. Now's rules, Dr. Now's reaction to her "fiance") had my jaw hanging open. And when she asked Dr. Now if he was approving her for weight loss surgery, I worried I'd end up with TMJ.
  18. I totally agree with the all the analyses of Robyn, and I think it was made blatantly clear in this episode that she's top wife and she pulls the strings behind the scenes. BUT I'm not sure she wants Kody around all the time. She seems annoyed by him a lot. I do think she wants him at her beck and call. She might want to be rid of him at frequent intervals, but she wants him to want to be with her all the time, if that makes sense.
  19. Oh, absolutely! He seems utterly flabbergasted to find out that the TWENTY-TWO other people in his family have needs of their own! None of the wives seem needy, just fed up.
  20. This is exactly it. Asshat spent how long, 30 years, doing as little as he could get away with in regards to "leading" his family, i.e. earning money, nurturing his children, and cherishing his wives. NOW he wants to be a patriarchal leader with his fambly obeying his every command. How could be possibly expect this plan to work? Most of his kids are grown, all of his wives save one have created their own lives to compensate for his neglect, and they seem happier without him around, and he's made it utterly clear how he resents having to care for anyone's needs but his own (which makes his decision to take on four wives and eighteen children utterly baffling – is he new to humans? one person has needs and 22 have even more). NOW he wants to bring down the hammer regarding obedience and being "with him instead of against him," and he's baffled as to why no one is listening to him. Confidential to Kody B: They're not listening because you're a mealy-mouthed, mean-spirited, whiny asshole, and they're sick of you.
  21. I agree, and he's also bad at being a cult leader. How many years did he spend half-assing absolutely everything relating to his family? "Letting" the wives do whatever they wanted? Sitting back while the kids "abandoned" his faith and made it clear they didn't (not one of them) want to live polygamy? Whining and complaining about how "needy" his wives were? Not that I'm suggesting he should have been more of a hard-ass, but a cult leader has got to work harder than Kody has.
  22. Geez, this. He sounded like a cult leader!
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