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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. Eek, you're right! Time to rewatch the whole series!
  2. Elizabeth's family should cease family gatherings immediately. Chuck: We haven't fixed anything and everybody's mad, but I hope we can pretend to like each other over bratwurst! Yeah, no.
  3. What's with you and daybreak? (Oops, someone else got there.) Insert quip about Freddie's little ghoulfriend.
  4. Today is Mr. Grey's birthday, which means he gets to pick a Frasier episode to watch (normally we watch in order). He's selected the Jackson Hedley/Shakespearean actor episode. "I DIE, Horatio! *gasp*!"
  5. Oh, I have no issue with scripture nor with memorizing it. It's just that the Rods act like their kids come off an assembly line.
  6. Scripture memorization ability...that's an important quality in a person... These fucking people.
  7. Y'all, I'm having an existential crisis! When I see the name "Ginger," I think it's spelled incorrectly! Dear god, what have I become?!
  8. Asuelu's horrible sister: It's not polite to ask Mom what she does with the money you send her. Me: But it is polite to make demands of Asuelu about HIS OWN MONEY? The "Michael at the fertility clinic" scene was secondhand cringe. I'm still not recovered from it. Angela's cackling, her "jokes" about whether there'd be a woman in the room with him (WTF?), the doctor's obvious embarrassment, and then...the SCENE in the semen room with them talking, thank god I watched it before eating... If anyone needs me, I'll be bleaching my mind's eye.
  9. My husband I say, "ah, but if less is more, imagine how much more more would be" AT LEAST once a week.
  10. Not gonna lie: the thought made my heart go pitter-pat.
  11. Oh JOY...we get to watch Buddy and Whitney yell/snipe/bitch at each other again.
  12. Guys, guys, there's no need to fight. It's possible (nay, preferable) to hate both Mike and Natalie.
  13. Jovi's family members were total dicks about Yara's Ukrainian Christmas traditions. Just try something new, assholes. And did I hear Angela claim Michael would "never hear from her again"? Ha, yeah right! He should be so lucky!
  14. Good Lord, I want to call this amateur hour, but I'm afraid to insult amateurs so cruelly.
  15. OMG, Anna's dress was a harbinger of things to come. Seeing her sad face in that wrinkled, ill-fitting comforter of a "dress" always makes me sad.
  16. Aw, thanks! I'm not even gonna lie – I spent way too much of my day (i.e. some of it) trying to figure out what on Earth they'll show in the next season. They're not going to build on Prairie Plague Pass; the wives refuse to live together and now Kody is pretending he never wanted to; we're still in the middle of a worldwide pandemic so no one is really doing anything; last time we heard, Kody was whining that polygamy is Hell... I'm both anticipating and dreading the upcoming shitshow.
  17. I can't believe I'm committing this thought to paper, but... I can't wait to write recaps of the new season. WHAT HAVE I BECOME
  18. When Amy said that it was weird to wake up in bed next to her boyfriend – and not her daughter – my jaw actually dropped.
  19. Brandon's parents are manipulative assholes. Mother Brandon [summoning fake tears]: I can't believe you're mad at me for doing the thing you asked me not to do! Father Brandon [red as a tomato] I'M GOING TO YELL UNTIL YOU DO WHAT I WANT!
  20. Mike doesn't have Natalie's back at all. They shouldn't have gone to the mom's gotten married in the first place. FTFY Both Mike and Natalie are utterly loathsome.
  21. I've wanted to punch Garrick in the face since the first time I saw him (for, you know, reasons), but tonight I felt like I couldn't keep my fist from twitching. His dumbfounded expression every time Dannielle expresses human emotion like an actual autonomous being makes me want to load him into a catapult and fire it directly into the sun. What a revolting little worm.
  22. The best part of this episode was how many distinct ways the Winders/Kimberly were able to say/not say that there is zero attraction between Colton and his would-be "wife."
  23. I'm going to regret asking this... Can't resist... Defenses crumbling... ...the WHAT gap?
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