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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. +1 Waiting to tell Alina something that he knows will upset her (his lack of virginity) until she's away from home in Turkey is gross and creepy.
  2. After Betty knocked out a serial killer with a wrench, I guess anything can be used as a weapon in Riverdale.
  3. I assure you I do want to miss it. Desperately.
  4. Catching up on this episode...did Ethan really marry Olivia and expect she would never change at all?
  5. The current Ethan/Olivia relationship drama really highlights why the Plaths' courtship model is such a bad idea. If E/O had been allowed to really get to know each other before they got married, and to do the things that dating couples do, and to talk about all the things that dating couples talk about, they probably would've realized that they're not well-suited for each other. But when having a crush on someone equals a wedding, there isn't the time to come to those realizations.
  6. Matt: I've always been there to protect Kim. Also Matt: I can't miss sleepytime tea with Mommy for even one night!
  7. Every one of these women needs to quit hedging and sugar-coating every damn thing. I recommend the word "no." "You can wear my wedding dress!" "No." "I'm coming on your honeymoon!" "No." "My mommy is designing our house!" "No." "But my mommy likes this couch best!" "No." And if he can't hear no, give him the boot.
  8. What sort of fresh hell is this word gibberish? Why use so many words to say a fat lot of nothing? "Paint your world whatever color you want it to be." Sounds like an inspirational plaque you get at Pottery Barn. Puke.
  9. Ooh, this is great insight! Thanks for sharing! Like he's rebelling against his parents and rebelling against the idea of marrying Jenny.
  10. What do we think the deal is with Dead-Eyed Sumit and Jenny the Shrieking Harpy? He doesn't want to marry her (obviously), but he...won't tell her that? Is afraid to let her down? Seriously, just end this shit show already.
  11. If I ever told Mr. Grey I loved gazing at the back of his head while en route to Cracker Barrel, thanking God for him as a blessing as I admired his scalp, he'd chew off his own arm to get away.
  12. I'm going to hold onto hope for Little Miss Stoneybrook at some point. I need to see Margo Pike peel a banana with her feet.
  13. This is pure gold in an otherwise stellar summary of this week's episode. At one point during the episode I turned to my poor husband (who will want me to tell you that he does not watch this show) and said, "Did she just hit a probable serial killer in the head with a wrench? In the middle of the woods? In the dark? While terrified? And it knocked him out?" Mr. Grey looked appropriately appalled.
  14. Right?! The women on this show are crazy hot!
  15. I yell at my TV a lot during this show. Bride's mom: Hopefully I can get a little bit of what I want. Me: Out of...someone else's dress? That you won't be wearing? And they will?
  16. Angela: LOOK AT MY NEW TITS. LET ME AIM THEM INTO THE CAMERA. Also Angela: I can't believe the disrespect! I am so offended!
  17. Did I just hear Jovi say, in all seriousness, that he expected Yara to always be a good mood? Is he new to humans?
  18. God, can you imagine? Jill: Can I talk to you about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? You: Is this going to take long? My whites are almost ready for the dryer. Jill: Well...salvation...blah blah...sinners...blah blah...blessings...blah blah...printing ministry...yada yada yada. Do you wanna be saved? You: If I say yes, will you go the fuck away?
  19. Finally watching last week's episode... and Brett's (Sunhe's finance) line to Jason's mother about how he hopes to see her again soon has me ROLLING. I'd say he's the only sane one in the bunch, but he plans to marry Sunhe, so...
  20. You make some excellent points. Why does no one seem to care that Betty was also traumatized and acting irrationally (both as a teenager and an adult)? I'm sure thinking your boyfriend is dead, being dumped by said boyfriend because he joined a gang and then having to worry constantly about his gang activities, having a serial killer father(!) who killed several of your friends, struggling with self-harm, dealing with your mother's ridiculously outsized expectations, and (later) spending weeks as a captive in yet another serial killer's lair are traumatizing to a person. And if she was so diabolical, why did he invite her to the book launch at all and why was he so upset when she didn't show?
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