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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. This. 100% I feel like Betty/Jughead and Veronica/Archie got a decent amount of development over the years (at least for this show), but almost no one else has, and what we've learned about other characters (Toni, Kevin, and Reggie in particular) has been half-assed. But lately I've found the lack of...anything for Tabitha to be really off-putting. Her paper-thin characterization takes me out of the show. I wonder if the actress dislikes what the show has given her. I would.
  2. I mean, Betty and Jughead were together for four years, and the show keeps hitting us over the head with them, too. I think this show's writers just don't do subtlety. And I can't understand why they brought in Tabitha, either, especially when they did it so lazily. They haven't bothered to develop her a character at all. It's really noticeable given how much we've learned about all the other characters over the years.
  3. This. I don't think the Betty mentions were casual. I think it's fairly clear that all the current couples are placeholders until the writers reunite the OG ships; they need some drama before they do it. Probably doesn't hurt that the current ships are sorely lacking in chemistry. Jughead/Tabitha's ILY sounded like they were reciting a grocery list and they look uncomfortable every time they touch. Veronica and Reggie used to have some romantic chemistry, but I haven't seen it lately, and Veronica doesn't seem to have any respect for Reggie at all. When Veronica mentioned in the first episode that Reggie felt second to Archie (at the Maple Festival) that struck me as the kind of quick mention you were talking about, like the show didn't want us to forget about Veronica/Archie because they'll eventually be reuniting. The current couples are all terrible. It's obvious to me that the writers shoved them together at the last second without much care of development.
  4. Both of them (I'd never purposely subject any healthcare worker to Tammy), but the young woman looked terrified!
  5. I'm continually surprised by how a man could spend two decades with more than one wife and be shocked – shocked! – each time he realizes said wives have wants and needs of their own.
  6. I want to airlift that poor nurse the hell off that porch.
  7. It is so weird when they argue with the scale! A scale is a neutral party! It's not out to get you!
  8. TFM: Oh wow, you're really doing it... Whitney: I was hoping he'd match my level of enthusiasm. Me: You mean like...show some? Even a tiny bit?
  9. I agree. One of the hallmarks of these big fundamentalist families is that the kids are encouraged not to make close friends outside of thier siblings. it doesn't surprise me that Lydia is so attached to Ethan. She's been brainwashed to feel that way.
  10. "I hate to see you like this," says Leila, who loves seeing Shekab like this, because that means he's (even more) dependent on her.
  11. Lydia's conversation with God in the middle of a field made my skin crawl – and I mean that literally. Barry and Kim have spent so much time installing guilt buttons in that poor, gullible girl that she finds it necessary to apologize to the Almighty for speaking with someone of the opposite sex.
  12. "Micah and Moriah have made us question our parenting, and we've decided to double down on our creepy control freak tendencies."
  13. OMG when are Alina, Jenny, and Evelin going to admit that the great loves of their lives are LIARS?
  14. These sadsack women need to stop seeing an engagement ring as some sort of Holy Grail. A dude buying you a piece of jewelry does NOT mean he'll automatically start treating you decently!
  15. I think this is an unfair characterization of Ethan. He's quiet and calm, yes, but I don't buy the narrative that he doesn't know his own mind. He seemed genuinely furious when he saw Kim at the gig, and that had nothing to do with any "poison" Olivia whispered in his ear. And it isn't unreasonable for Olivia to want a life and marriage free of her MIL's obsessive need for control. In every one of those Kim/Barry confessionals where they talk about the estrangement from Olivia, the Plaths never admit they've done anything wrong. They've always been misinterpreted or misunderstood, or Olivia's heart is hard. Newsflash: her heart is hardened to you because you've been assholes.
  16. Man, Barry and Kim are such assholes. Kim: I know you asked me not to come, and I said I wouldn't, but...I wanted to. And what was with their outrage about Olivia daring to be offended by the things they said to her? No Kim, and Barry with the creepy, placid smile, someone's anger at you isn't always caused by evil spirits. Sometimes people get angry because you've insulted and demeaned them.
  17. Wow, Whitney's friends and (most of her) family really go out of their way to avoid setting her off. Being around her must be exhausting.
  18. Um, Stephanie? I really suggest you stop worrying about whether Mike will propose and start thinking about whether you actually want to spend your life with this feckless coward...
  19. I've given this way too much thought, and I think I've decided which mom/mama's boy combo I hate the most. The honor goes to Kelly and Matt. I swear they love rubbing their closeness in Kim's face. Gross. Stay in Austin, Kim! Be free!
  20. THIS. Olivia is not required to take Kim and Barry's abuse. She's right to refuse.
  21. Did Whitney say she has stronger feelings for the Frenchman (whom she's never met) than she had for Chase (whom she was planning to marry)?
  22. Steven is loathsome. "I haven't been 100% honest with you"="I lied."
  23. Why is she arguing with Ashley and Heather about their objections to being surrogates? Quit arguing with them, Whitney. They don't want to do it. Their reasons are their own. You don't get to demand access to someone's uterus. She sounds like such a whiny, entitled asshole.
  24. Every idiot on this show: I've been lying to [insert hapless fiance's name here] about [big secret]... Me: MAYBE QUIT DOING THAT
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