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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. Geez, this. He sounded like a cult leader!
  2. I laughed every time one of the Slatons commented on how they wished Tammy was with them at the amusement park. Yeah, no. Tammy would have been a sullen, miserable drag on their good time. And no one could have missed how much time the siblings were having without her. They were laughing and joking, and no one was screaming or swearing.
  3. I know I shouldn't waste any headspace on this twit, but... Kody wants to lead his family in name only. He wants to hand down edicts from on high and be obeyed but not take any responsibility for those decisions. He loves to wriggle out of any fault and refuse to admit when he's made a mistake, but he does want the wives to trust him time and time again, even though he's proven he's a clueless dolt. Remember his Powerpoint presentation about moving to Flagstaff and how they were going to make so much money selling the Vegas houses? Then they sat on the market forever, and all of a sudden Kody was dragged to Flagstaff against his will and broke as a result? Jackwagon, the whole move was your idea!
  4. Americans on this show: I know we speak different languages, but I never thought we'd have such a hard time communicating! Me: ...you didn't?
  5. A dysfunctional, narcissistic, unintelligent, angry, irresponsible twit who wants to "lead" his family without actually doing anything.
  6. Kody "Crunchy Ringlets" Brown can fuck right off. "I've had higher standards all life and no one can meet them"? You let your daughter writhe in agony without the comfort of her father because you couldn't be bothered to be with her! Are those your "high standards"? Those are some subterranean standards, you mean-spirited, condescending asshat. I can't be the only person wondering of Kody's COVID rules are a convenient excuse to exert control over the fambly he feels is openly defying him. And I thought Janelle's kids were selfish and careless about COVID prevention, but wow, do they have their dad's number.
  7. ...did I hear that asshole say that Christine went to NJ for VACATION? Like she was living it up while her daughter was having surgery on HER SPINE? Please say I'm losing my hearing or something.
  8. Christine: The doctors were surprised that I was there alone. Kody: I hope Ysabel doesn't resent me for the rest of her life because I wasn't there for her when she needed me. Me: She should. It's what you deserve. Kody: Eh, the past is the past. Me: Selfish dick.
  9. If their genders were reversed, and Gino was demanding 24/7 knowledge of Jasmine's whereabouts (with evidence!), we'd suggest she was in a potentially abusive relationship...and we'd be right. (And I know lots of commentators have said that.) Get the Hell out of there, Gino.
  10. Wow, Christine is truly a devoted, caring mother. I wonder if Kody ever bothered to appreciate what a gem he had in her. What am I saying? Of course he didn't.
  11. There are always young women with low self-esteem and low standards...
  12. Watching Kody and Christine this season reminds me of watching Kody and Meri for the past eleventy years: the discomfort, the coldness. The difference is that we know Christine peaced on out of this bullshit. Good for her.
  13. I hate with the patients say they're doing the program in a way that works for them ("the way" always includes tons of food they're not supposed to have). If "your way" worked for you, you wouldn't be 600+ lbs and you wouldn't need help!
  14. Exactly. Usually we see the caregivers on this show struggle to deny their kids/spouses the foods they want, even after they talk to Dr. Now, and Ryan's mother didn't.
  15. This guy pissed me off. He kept insisted he had no support. Bullshit. His mother was working her ass off to support him, and he refused to do anything to help himself!
  16. They're arguing about it because there's only one. Each of them wants it because it's something only they would have. It's about the "pond," but it's not about the "pond."
  17. OMG THIS. I don't think Meri's relationship to Kody can be salvaged, and I don't think it could've been a few years ago, but he might not outright detest her if she told the truth: that she was lonely, met someone online, had an emotional affair, and was planning to leave the fambly. Her refusal to take responsibility for her own actions is infuriating. And no, I am not suggesting that Kody is great at taking responsibility himself, and I'm not saying I don't loathe him; just talking about Meri here.
  18. They would totally resort to this kind of manipulation. Ugh.
  19. I don't know that I've ever wanted to punch Kody more than I did when I watched Ysabel crying about her father's refusal to drop everything (or anything at all) to be there for her during her freaking spine surgery. And I've existed in a state of perpetual Kody-punching desire since the first time I laid eyes on him.
  20. I can understand his kids' concern, too (assuming they're really worried about him and not themselves), but they need to accept that he can and should make his own choices. They are clearly used to manipulating him to get what they want.
  21. Kenny's selfish daughter: I don't want to seem selfish but... Me: Wow, did you miss the mark.
  22. Did Steven just...compare himself to Nelson Mandela? Screw him and his "sexual energy." What a POS. And I've never been genuinely sad for someone on this show, but watching the other Tell-All-ers and Steven's ex-girlfriend try to convince Alina to move on before Steven (inevitably) hurts her again sort of broke my heart.
  23. Except Tabitha was fine with watching a man be murdered, and agreeing to it in advance, so she could rid her apartment of some spiders. She's shittier in Rivervale, too.
  24. I was genuinely moved by this moment. When he got teary-eyed about how he wished his friends could have seen the world change, I got teary-eyed, too.
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