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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. I think part of her calm reaction was due to the fact that she never has to listen to that shit again if she doesn't want to. She's free.
  2. Robyn and Meri knew Christine had been unhappy for...a decade? And they were still surprised she's leaving? They really thought she'd stay miserable for the rest of her life? At least Janelle has a lick of sense. She had hoped things could improve, but she's not surprised. That's actually reasonable. I am so sick of Robyn's sad clown face. She looks like the "tragedy" part of the comedy/tragedy mask during her talking heads. Damn Meri with her "we made a commitment to love each other" lecture. Kody made a commitment to love his wives too! How's that worked out for you, Meri? "I don't know why she's gotta move," says Kody, who listens to nothing anyone says and has no concept of anyone else's thoughts or feelings. "I think Christine forgot what she signed up for." She didn't forget, Kody. She doesn't want to do it anymore!
  3. Because Robyn is special and she and Kody were destined to be together. Remember how Robyn willed her ex out of existence with that creepy drawing?
  4. Kody would have amazing potential as a father if he actually acted like a father. He is such a cretin.
  5. This is quite possibly the funniest visual of the week. Month, even. Well done.
  6. Yes, absolutely. I would have enjoyed it myself. I was mainly thinking about the "boobs and butts" game, or whatever it was called. And I got the impression she planned those games in large part to "stick it" to her MIL. Not that I blame her for despising Miss Lisa, but she's never going to get what she wants out of her marriage.
  7. I'm positive it isn't true, but even if Christine never falls in love again, she'll be better off. Being "alone" (I know Christine has great friends and family) is better than being with someone who can't be bothered to hide his disdain.
  8. Yep. See also: "No one will ever love you like I do."
  9. I thought Laura Leigh's games were cringeworthy and classless...and I was still entirely sympathetic to her. Laura Leigh is 100% right that Lisa is way too involved, and she treats Laura Leigh like an inconvenience. I will say that Laura Leigh's vindictiveness was childish and will only breed more resentment. I don't blame her for resenting Lisa's relentless interference in their lives, but the passive-aggressive way she expresses it (which has morphed into outright aggression) is making the situation worse. These two are doomed.
  10. The excessive filtering makes her look like an exhibit from Madame Trussad's.
  11. Review in spoiler tags. TL;DR: Kody continues to be a self-absorbed asshole entirely incapable of self-reflection.
  12. The difference between the top pic, with no filter, and the bottom one, which is filtered to hell and back (sorry not sorry, Jill) is stark. She looks godawful in both, though.
  13. Nothing quite like being lectured about not craving attention...by freaking Jill.
  14. Thank you! I really enjoy watching them. (I don't enjoy watching the show much.) I haven't spent nearly enough time making fun of Meri's clothes this season. I promise to rectify my mistake this weekend!
  15. Is everyone okay with me writing this week's recap? What say you @laurakaye? Wanna rotate (unless someone else throws their hat in the ring)?
  16. Paula's seething jealousy over a traumatized child is genuinely disturbing.
  17. TLC: Is there a favorite wife? Every viewer ever: Is that even a question?
  18. In what world does treating someone like shit, and then them deciding they can't take it, constitute "a bomb"? That's how someone is supposed to react when you mistreat them! It shouldn't come as a surprise!
  19. I laughed like a lunatic. I have tears in my eyes. My sides hurt. @laurakaye your snark is so appreciated. ***** Kody: My kids claim I'm neglecting them...but really they feel bad about their own reactions to Covid. Me: Or they're upset you're neglecting them. ***** Kody: Mean ole Christine is taking my kids away from meeeeee! Christine: I still want you involved in the kids' lives (well, not still involved...involved for the first time). How about you come along to move Ysabel to NC? Kody: Nah.
  20. Kody [complaining, gaslighting, and whining about some "injustice" done to him]: I'm trying to be big here. Me: You are failing.
  21. Elizabeth's mother has a serious boundary issue. She keeps insisting that Andrei "can't do" things that Andrei absolutely can do, and is doing currently. Wanting to keep an abusive alcoholic away from your small child is called good parenting.
  22. Thank you @Rabbit Hutch! Kody is a such a gaslighting douche, and it was so much fun to point it out. Meanly.
  23. This. Helping out is one thing. Full-on parenting your younger siblings because your father doesn't want to do it is another.
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