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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. Aw, thank you so much! It means more than I can say that anyone wants to read my infuriated ramblings.
  2. Or one of these: Remember the Flowbee? THIS THIS THIS That's why grey-rocking works so well at defusing a narc. They want so badly to find a weakness to exploit, so they can point a finger and blame you for whatever they're whining about, and if you give them nothing to work with (show no emotion whatsoever), they get more and more unreasonable and unhinged, because they will not admit they were wrong, so they double down and get more and more ridiculous, until they run out of steam. ETA: Later on they will insist that they never said any of the things that you heard them say, aka you are crazy.
  3. I honestly thought he might fall to his knees and curse the heavens.
  4. Or she's heard that before, and she just wasn't going to bother to argue with him.
  5. I think she keeps her head up Robyn's ass in hopes Kody will notice and feel some fondness for her if she sucks up to his favorite wife. (Narrator voice: He will not notice and feel some fondness for her, no matter what she does.) He all but admitted he knew how to push Meri's buttons and was hoping he could manipulate her into criticizing Christine at the meeting. He is such an asshole.
  6. Y'all, I swear this was going to be short. It was. But I was so consumed by rage, I could not shut up. I dated a narc for years, and I recognized so much of my ex in this gaslighting, bloviating windbag. I just cannot. And Christine can't either, which is great.
  7. I'll get the review up tomorrow. In related news, I hate that noodle-haired, gaslighting, revisionist asshole. So much. You don't even know.
  8. Meri, you should feel disdain from me, too. Anyone else want in? Especially now! Robyn and Christine were married to the same man for how long? Ten years? And now that Christine is leaving, in part because of how Kody's relationship with Robyn has driven her away, Robyn wants to be besties?
  9. Does she know we can see her on our TVs every week? She doesn't look remotely "at peace."
  10. Thinking more about Robyn's ludicrous argument that Christine isn't really divorced until she has sex with someone else... That means Robyn wasn't really divorced until she married/has sex with Kody. It also means she was courting/kissing him while still married. It also means that people who divorce and never date/sleep with anyone else are forever married to their exes. GTFO out here with that nonsense, Robyn. And quit making shit up on the fly. You're not quick enough on your feet.
  11. It was a gift for Kaylee and Renee for their parents to lecture them about their sex lives?
  12. And "frowniest." She looks like the sad part of a comedy/tragedy mask.
  13. Forgot to mention: "I prefer people who prefer me." Talk about the narcissist's motto...
  14. Yep. Not only has he failed to sell "healthy polygamy" to the general public, but he's failed to make it attractive to even one of his own children...who were raised in it, and should (at least in theory) appreciate its benefits.
  15. Straight shooter Gwen apparently has a Patreon, and a few leaks have come out. She hates Robyn. Also this gem about her father is...something.
  16. Robyn doesn't understand it, either. She just made that shit up.
  17. I think he's angry that his mask is starting to slip. He really thought he had presented a certain image to the public—and none of his wives presented a sweet, devoted plyg wife image like Christine did. Seeing her now, absolutely refusing to engage him, and clearly done with him, has him unhinged. I noticed the calmer she was, the angrier his response. Yep. They'll tire out eventually. Just like a toddler having a tantrum.
  18. Meri: What am I supposed to say? "Congratulations, you're leaving the family"? Me: That's what I'm saying. I recommend that, and then, "I'm also leaving the family." * Kody: What did Christine do, so Truely's okay with the divorce? Me: Nothing. Truely isn't stupid. Not that you would know.
  19. I don't believe you. 😉 Everyone knows that secular heathens have debauched bachelor/ette parties: cocaine off stripper boobs, alcohol through funnels, orgies in the streets, and then a goat sacrifice to top off the night. 😉
  20. Same. I'm in favor of the Rod kids getting a decent meal for once. More like people give to Jill.
  21. I remember that picture. Ben looks like he's forcing himself not to break away. I'm laughing at it now.
  22. I think this is likely true. With three other wives around, Robyn got the best of Kody and little of the worst. Now there's no one to share the burden.
  23. Yes to all of this! Eliza's view of Rodney's refusal to "fight" for her was ridiculous and maddening. It would've been toxic and controlling for Rodney not to "let" Eliza go on a date. Rodney did tell her he preferred she not go on the date. He also told her he was a grown woman who could make her own decisions. That's the viewpoint of a well-adjusted adult capable of expressing himself in a healthy, sincere manner. TL;DR: Rodney seems like an absolute gem, and he deserves better than this nonsense.
  24. Me [reading that post]: Well, tenets makes sense because...oh... Hire a copyeditor, FFS...
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