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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. So after watching that clip... Christine's kids think Kody favors Robyn/Robyn's kids and Janelle's kids think Kody favors Robyn/Robyn's kids... and the kids are the problem here?
  2. In Gabby's case, getting engaged seems to be a way to prove she's lovable.
  3. This conversation with Aven has me cringing. Does Rachel not realize that someone can feel ready for an engagement and then realize they aren't ready? Does she honestly think that, just because Aven isn't ready to propose, he isn't serious about being with her? She keeps talking about relaxing her standards or whatever; wanting to get engaged at the possible expense of real love is a stupid standard.
  4. Thanks! It was a labor of love. Um...I mean hatred. Hatred of Kody.
  5. Thank you! Not much of a hurdle to get over that particular bar, but I'll take it. Sunday's episode was such a depressing slog. Of course, the people on the show are a depressing slog, so I guess it fits.
  6. That's because Kody never saw Christine as part of a couple. She was another cog in his plyg wheel.
  7. Angela's lawyer is my spirit animal. HIs deadpan admission that his clients use him as a therapist, especially Angela, who fills him in on shit he does not want to know (why would he care about Michael's Instagram? I don't), was the best scene in...years, really.
  8. @laurakaye, I'm happy to see you! I know you usually do the first review of the season, and I hope I didn't step on your toes here! By all means, do the next one! We can rotate if you want, and if anyone else wants to throw their hat into the ring, we can rotate that way, too. Sick delight is right. My stomach is in an uproar over the tacos and over the show.
  9. He doesn't really think that. He wanted someone to pat him on the head and tell him Christine was a meaniepants, and that he was a saint for putting up with her.
  10. Forgot the Earhart disappearance (sorry, Amelia); this is the great mystery of human history.
  11. You all are never going to believe this (I wouldn't), but I cut this review down. A lot. Can you blame me for going on (and on) about Kody, Ruler of Assholes Forevermore? I feel like you can't. Also, my husband wandered through and commented on the trashy TV I was watching while I was suffering and thinking about punching Kody. His observation was true, but it was rude of him to point it out. At least he's not an asshole. Review with spoiler tag.
  12. Woo, boy. I'm almost done, but this is taking longer than expected. TBF, I keep having to pause the DVR to yell, gnash my teeth, and rend my garments.
  13. Once I've posted it (and it's coming along), I'll post it right in the episode thread. Edited because I was so blinded by my hatred of Kody that I forgot which thread I was posting in.
  14. I'm about to set a land speed record for how many times I can call Kody an asshole.
  15. I've started writing my review. Look for it tomorrow, if you're so inclined. Warning: I'm a huge jerk, but Kody has me beat.
  16. Dean's family from Rachel's season reporting for duty...
  17. I disagree. It's a lot more cruel to show up, paste a smile on her face, and lie through her teeth.
  18. You have, a few seasons back! Is it too much to ask that Kody's hair looks even worse this season? I feel like it isn't.
  19. Oh, thank you! What a nice thing to say! This season promises to be a doozy! I anticipate lots of sarcasm. And mocking of Kody.
  20. Thank you! I should be embarrassed by how excited I am to write it. And I hope no one minds I threw my hat into the ring! Not trying to step on any toes over here!
  21. I'd love to review the first episode. My snarky sense is tingling. Anyone have any objections?
  22. I absolutely love how Christine and Janelle clearly have a real friendship. Meanwhile Meri tried desperately to suck up to Robyn...and is now divorced in all ways.
  23. I'm surprised they need an advisor, since they have Nick's soaring intellect to guide them.
  24. Dannnnnielle: How could she do this? Me: Easily. You are so gullible.
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