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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. This commitment ceremony is nauseating. Is Nick a cult leader? Nick deserves rounds of applause? (For thinking, probably.) Nick sexes up loves multiple women better than anyone ever could? Nick is the king of their hearts? One of his wives wants to bow to him? This Nick is the best Nick he can be? Wow, that's...unfortunate. I should think of something nice to say...at least Nick took off his pimp-tastic fedora for the ceremony?
  2. WTF even was that? Dannnnnielle's hysterics were...something. She's worried about how Bert will disappoint Dannnnnnnielle's parents? "She never loved me"? Was Dannnnnnielle in love with her?
  3. I would pay cold, hard cash to never hear Kim beg Usman for sex again. That clip is an 11 on the Cringe-o-Meter. I forgot Jenny and Sumit actually got married. That was a mistake.
  4. Danielle's friend: Is Nick bettering himself? Me: No. Trust me. The answer is a resounding no.
  5. Wow, Nick has quite the racket going. He's got a harem who go out and earn money, enabling him to sit and home and ponder vital additions to the western philosophical canon. When he wants to pontificate on his numerous insights into human nature, that same harem sits, enraptured, and coos at the breadth of his intellect. And then, when he wants to satisfy his insatiable sexual drive, the harem is rarin' to go. And he's got them convinced no woman could possibly keep up with him, so he's doing them a favor by adding to his stable of concubines.
  6. "The experience of time is subjective," says Nick, during a marriage proposal. I laughed so hard I wept. Now my spouse wants to quit their job to become a professional thinker. Danielle, this is your future! You're going to be listening to his pretentious word salad until your last day. You in danger, girl.
  7. That's because he's busy thinking. An intellect of his caliber can't waste his time engaging in such banal pursuits.
  8. Oh, definitely. Neither of them want the runner-up kids living with them. I meant that I could see Kody demanding some sort of decision-making power over Truely, just to have it.
  9. Right? Marcus was whining about how she didn't ask any questions...um, because she has no interest in your lifestyle!
  10. We have that in common. Sidian's dynamic conversation, exhibit A: "I've never eaten such a big leaf before."
  11. Wow, Jayden has got his number, doesn't she? Also, Steve's "do you still love me?" was so gross and manipulative. As a previous poster put it, the options are some young strange and his daughter...how is there even a choice there? TBF, finding anything involving Sidian a turn on is a high bar to clear. Lea thought the relationship had too many dealbreakers. Garrick is a walking dealbreaker.
  12. If Marcus brings up "testin' them waters" one more time, I'm going to throat punch him.
  13. My husband would change his name and flee to the mountains of the Himalayas if I ever referred to him as such.
  14. Oof, Marcus. "I was not allowed to be juggling 5 to 10 women," he says, smiling sheepishly. So he was a cheating, lying jackass...who decided to disguise his cheating as polygamy.
  15. I'm about three minutes in...did Nick just say he can't limit all he has to offer to only one woman? Still waiting to see what he has to offer. I won't hold my breath. This guy is already monogamously married...to his own ego.
  16. Please tell me I misunderstood Ari's selfishness. She planned to go to Ethiopia for a week, and stayed for three months...and while she was there, she blocked Bini, which meant he couldn't talk to his own son? I don't think these two are going to last, either. Great, now I'm agreeing with Jibri. How embarrassing.
  17. Too bad he didn't take his own advice 20-some years ago. In every way. Sorry about the serial posting. I loathe this douchebag. A common reaction to his awful personality, I'm sure.
  18. I agree that Kody doesn't want to parent, but he seems like the kind of controlling asshat who'd insist on having a say just because he can. About himself, I promise you.
  19. Kobe felt terrible keeping that news from Emily's dad, and Emily just did not care!
  20. Um, Emily, a woman in her 30s without a husband and kids hasn't failed at life. Getting shackled to a spineless mama's boy because you're desperate for a ring is failing at life. Screaming and berating people when you don't get your way is failing at life. Acting like a toddler throwing shrieking tantrums is failing at life. I know what I'm looking forward to: you not appearing on my screen to whine and screech.
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