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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. 100% agree. It's obvious the kids are attached to Christine more than to Meri, and I think we can safely guess (at least part of) why. I just think we may not be getting the full story about Meri.
  2. Trust Jill to claim that lifting bags of stone is "fun." Her kids remind me of orphans straight out of Dickens.
  3. That is seriously incoherent gibberish. Jinger is seriously about 12 years old mentally. I find Jinger seriously annoying. Seriously.
  4. Wow, this is all excellent. I suppose we have been taking Kody's word about Meri up to this point, and now we see that's lying about and gaslighting Christine, so it's reasonable to wonder if he's been honest about Meri as well.
  5. I just realized we’re in the 17th season (I know it's in the thread title, but it's hard to see much through my red haze of Kody-induced rage). 17 seasons of watching Kody’s hairline recede. I’m rethinking my life choices. Time to go in, all. Send a search party (and a cake) if you don't see me in an hour.
  6. I keep thinking I couldn't hate Kody more...and yet here we are. Review shortly. Pray for me. Send wine. (I don't even drink wine, but I'm willing to start.)
  7. I'm not sure that's different from what they talked about pre-incarceration... ETA: no snark towards OP. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than talk to anyone about how I can grow closer to god in my relationship. I just can't imagine what those two talk about...ever.
  8. Janelle could be moving into the Taj Mahal, and Kody wouldn't be "comfortable" staying there.
  9. She's also allowed to run away from a negative, toxic situation, especially one that shows no sign of improving. In fact, I encourage it. Run like your ass is on fire, Christine. ETA: no snark intended towards @toodywoody. I agree that Kody suggested she was running away in a condescending manner and he has taken no responsibility for...anything.
  10. I doubt she got even 10 one applications. FTFY I'd like to know who on earth has an ego big enough to demand an application from someone who wants to pay $6k to stay at their B&B!
  11. "55 of the Strangest Creepiest Facts about 19 Kids and Counting's Duggar Family" FTFY
  12. Has Jeremy always borne such a striking resemblance to a Q-Tip? Asking for a friend. (Hey. You can be your own friend.)
  13. I thought I heard him say that, too! Alarm bells went off in my head. Methinks Kody has been talking to men's rights activists. I'm sure that makes him extra fun to deal with.
  14. Yep. Gray rocking is the only way to deal with a narc. They loathe when they can't get a response out of you.
  15. Yes yes yes! He wants to pawn any actual decision-making off on the wives. If they get it wrong, he's absolved of any responsibility. If the decisions turn out to have been good ones, he wants the credit since he's the "patriarch."
  16. Yes. He was good (better) at hiding it when he felt like he had the whole fambly under his thumb. Now that Christine has had the audacity to assert herself as a person, his mask is slipping—and wow is there a nasty, self-absorbed asshole underneath.
  17. "I don't understand why Christine has to move—and she might have told me 10 times." You're almost there, you colossal douchebag. Truely is an absolute gem. Too bad Kody doesn't know or appreciate her. It was kind of Christine to initiate the divorce before Truely saw them fighting, but that wasn't really a concern. It's hard to fight with someone who refuses to set foot in your house and/or to talk to you. * Janelle: I'm not sure where he is spiritually, but he enjoys– Me: Let me stop you right there. He enjoys being the center of attention. * Kody: I don't love Christine. Also Kody: I don't want Christine to leave. Me: &%!(#@! * Gabriel: I don't know what's going on. Kody: The issue with Gabriel isn't that he doesn't know what's going on.
  18. I didn't notice the flowers because her dress is so beautiful. They're beautiful, too!
  19. Michelle's dress is gorgeous!
  20. "Congratulations, you're leaving the family" is right, Meri. Congratulations to Christine for refusing to stay in a toxic, unhappy stew. You should consider following her example.
  21. I think you've answered a question I've had all along. What's Meri's long game here? She doesn't seem to be doing anything to try to fix her marriage, so why stick around? Maybe she figures Kody will settle for her if there's no one else around. And he might? In this episode, he was more than willing to set aside Meri's betrayal because he was stewing over Christine's.
  22. Y’all, this was going to be a short review. It was. But in my defense, I should have known that Kody would manage to out-asshole himself. Joke’s on me for expecting some base standard of human behavior. Apologies for my complete lack of interest in Janelle having driven a truck. In my further defense it was really boring.
  23. First Sunhe and Angelica are upset at Jason for not taking care of his daughter. He gives her a bath. Bathing is Sunhe and Angelica's "thing"? Taking care of a toddler isn't someone's hobby! "I take care of the baby," says Sunhe as a defense for how she treats Jason—after yelling at him for taking care of his own kids. "This relationship involves all three of us," says Angelica, who's supposed to be dating one person only. Christina needs to care less about what her mother thinks about expanding the pizzeria. It's not her business or her marriage!
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