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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Jeanette is ready for it - she's just as inappropriately interested in his sex life as she is in Jazz's. Yuck. I'm sure they think they're being supportive, but watching everyone police Jazz's food, down to the amount of butter, is painful. All that's going to do is send her back up to her room, binging in secret. I have no doubt Jeanette is right when she tells Jazz she's all talk, though.
  2. If Quirk tried to eat out of Lily's dish while Lily was eating, would she let her share or push her out of the way/walk away herself? Because unless they'll just let each other invade and share, you could get them feeders that are programmed to their microchips (or you can put a chipped tag on a collar for cats that don't have microchips, or whose chips have migrated farther down their bodies), so each feeder will only open for the appropriate cat. That would let them graze as they wish, but only from their own food.
  3. One of the only times in history I've let using the word "bitch" slide is when Cartman (South Park) fired back at Wendy with, "I'm not fat, I just haven't grown into my body yet, you skinny bitch." A friend had a (fat) cat named Cartman back then, and she and her husband used to quote that all the time.
  4. If I wind up dying of cancer, can it please be of whatever kind Molly had, so that my worst symptom ever, even hours before death, is a fever? Her bland perfection meant I couldn't get invested in her fate the first time around, and I couldn't do it this time, either. They gave her about 60 seconds of acting like an actual person when she admitted it bothers her that she's going to die, the world is going to keep going, and eventually she'll be forgotten. Yes, I finished season three last night. Which means now I have to suffer through Matt the World's Biggest Jerk, when he wasn't all that great to begin with. Ugh, they give Betty the worst crushes and boyfriends. And why are almost all of them so very white?
  5. I have the 2018 version on Blu-Ray, and my friend and I re-watched it after watching Kills -- but also after we'd re-watched the original, so by that point we were pretty drunk, and thus when I watched it again tonight, it was to some extent the first time in a couple of years. While it has some issues, watching it after Kills and its many more issues, I love it even more. It's a good movie with a great ending, and I hope like hell the final part of the trilogy kicks ass so I don't wish 2018 had been the end of the Laurie arc. Also, it contains - in Vicky the babysitter - one of my favorite characters in the franchise in terms of getting attached and caring she got killed. She's very natural, and great with the little kid. I still can't believe they gave away her kill in the trailer, because that was a seriously good jump scare. I know the trailer for the latest one gave away most of the kills, but it didn't affect my viewing the way knowing Vicky bought it (even though, of course she did, even though she only dry fucked, heh) did.
  6. Here's the original version, which at least includes the condor exchange to serve as one brief, shining moment of humor in the midst of the utter "But, wait, why ..." stupidity on which the commercial is based.
  7. I've never watched it. Every once in a while, I think I should, since it has so many fans and I've enjoyed Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy in other things (Sarah Jessica Parker, not so much), but it just does not appeal to me enough to follow through.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    The Rams victory ends, and Bucs vs. Saints starts as my afternoon game. Thought process: -The NFC South doesn't matter me to me until playoff time -I've long kind-of liked the Saints as not one of my teams but as an NFC team I'll root for when there's no meaningful implication for my teams -But the Saints now have a rapist under center -So I'll root for the other team ... oh, wait, it's the Bucs -Nope, don't have it in me to root for Tom Brady, so I'll just switch to CBS even though I'm not much of an AFC fan -What, Patriots vs. Chargers?! Thanks a lot, NFL; now I have to go get some yard work done before the evening game ... [checks program guide] which is Cowboys vs. Vikings?! Come on!
  9. There's a thread for A Quiet Place (and one for the sequel which I have not yet seen) and I find the discussion interesting, because it's a film that has a lot going for it and is not just a gimmick that falls apart one layer beneath the surface, but which has several fundamental problems.
  10. I don't like the song, but I do love the commercial - happy pets and their parents for the win! I like how many different animals are included.
  11. They don't like that, even the sweetest of cats when their beloved parent is the reason their nap was disturbed to take one of these silly pictures we humans are so obsessed with capturing. Like when our acting as paparazzi means we interrupt sleep and cause a napping interrupted photo, and the best we can capture moments later is this combative stance:
  12. Yes, this has been asked multiple times, but I'm not sure where things stand - have you, @Gramto6, found a local TNR organization to help you get everyone fixed so you can continue to care for the colony without it expanding exponentially? I know such resources aren't abundant anywhere, given the scope of the problem, and are scarce in some regions, so if you're still in need of help I hope you'll reach out so local posters or those further afield but with contacts can help you and the kitties stem this tide.
  13. LOL - I love that the dog is all in for his costume so that several pictures can be snapped, while the cat has only been photographically captured once, looking like she's plotting the appropriate punishment for putting that thing on her neck. Because cats do not do undignified or silly unless it was their own idea (and then they'll still deny it). Sleep with one eye open tonight!
  14. Same here - I'd think they'd want to go in order (quickly from one to the next, but in order), so I wonder if they decided - based on popularity in terms of both ratings at the time and ongoing/current feedback - to jump so far ahead or if after L.A. (with two refusals, specifically two of the original seven out of the eventual nine) they kept running into too many holdouts and New Orleans was the next season they could get everyone (or at least almost everyone) to sign. I tend to think it's the latter, but who knows.
  15. Thanks! I wonder why this season didn't come up on the Episodes section of the show's page on the FN website. Anyway, nothing new about the tuna melts, but there's nothing new about almost anything she makes - it just usually looks so tasty and makes me think, "I should make that!" I am now definitely having a tuna melt craving and will make her version for lunch, since I have all the ingredients. The aioli sounds interesting, as it would be mild enough (I know she calls it spicy, but those ingredients are medium to me) to hopefully not distract from the salmon. I have salmon about once a week, so I'll give that a try next time. The pasta is similar to something she's already made (again, hardly ever anything new, but almost always something good), but sounds good. I'm glad she's back, even if I read rather than watch.
  16. That's heartwarming all around - yet simultaneously heartbreaking (and infuriating!) that women keep having to have these conversations among themselves, and are haunted by the "what if"s of their own totally benign decisions, because of the predatory choices men made. Until this story, I knew nothing about Moira Kelly other than 1) "Toe pick" (The Cutting Edge fans know what I mean), 2) one season as Mandy on The West Wing, and 3) her appearance with Clancy Brown and Laura Palmer Sheryl Lee in that TV movie about the real case where a predator had his adolescent daughter kill his barely-adult wife because he was having an affair with the wife's younger sister (whom he also bamboozled into his plan, telling both of them the wife was planning to kill him) and wanted to live large with her on the life insurance policy he'd taken out on his wife. But whenever I come across The Cutting Edge now, I'll think fondly of the actor behind the ice queen.
  17. This show always has a timeslot long before I get up and is not plugged into the various afternoon re-run slots (and I don't tend to record things), so I just look up the recipes. I can't find this new episode's recipes on the FN site yet, though, boo. I love broccoli rabe/rapini. How did she make it this time? (Just generally; I'll find the specific recipe when it's posted.)
  18. I used to live in a townhouse, so no one above or below me as I had both floors, but I had two units on one side of me (those were the two front units, perpendicular to the seven of us behind them) and one on the other. The same people lived in the two front units the whole time I was there, but the one on the other side of me was a rental unit (as was mine, I'm not engaging in that bullshit stereotype that owners are better than renters), so there were quite a few different residents in the eight years I was there. Most were good neighbors, and none were bad, but one family was annoying because movie nights on their tricked out entertainment center meant shaking our shared living room wall with the sound of various explosions; I swear they watched nothing but action movies. If I could have interested them in a nice British drama, they'd have been great. Three units down from me was another rental, and, again, usually good and none bad, but one young couple did not get the common courtesy memo that when everyone has their windows open at night - and we're in between two three-story buildings with not much space between us and them, so there's basically a noise tunnel on each side - you need to muffle the sex noises a bit. Annoying to have to think during sex, absolutely, and occasionally getting carried away, more power to us all. But on the regular? At least shut your own damn window.
  19. And I'll give them points for consistency; even back when he was young, he always claimed it was too complicated to put in a dishwasher or create built-in shelving in the wall, and even after the Bowmans inadvertently revealed to Roseanne he was lying by giving them a tour of their (identical layout) house in which they'd had both those things done, he still didn't do it. He wasn't lazy - he built some stuff in the basement to create a writing room for Roseanne, enclosed the back porch to create a laundry room, and fixed everything that broke - but they always spent time and money on the functional, not the cosmetic. It makes sense, given their/his ongoing financial situation, that the house hasn't changed much. (And that couch is a sentimental thing for the characters and the audience. Even back in the original series, Roseanne brought a newer one home and it didn't feel right to them, so they kept the old one. And then for the revival, the original wasn't available, so the set decorators replicated it rather than getting something new because they knew the audience wanted to see the couch and the afghan again.)
  20. It sucks when shit like this happens on a weekend, especially. I hope your sleep is undisturbed tonight. Once on vacation, I was awakened at an unholy hour by the hotel's fire alarm going off. Everyone evacuated, and stood outside for awhile before it was confirmed to be a false alarm and we were let back in. I went back to bed, and had just fallen back asleep when it went off again. Figuring the odds it was real this time were extremely low, I just put the pillow over my head and ignored it. I couldn't fall back asleep until it went off, but at least I was in bed the whole time.
  21. Assuming it's the same commercial that came out a couple of years ago, I thought the camera panned to the next room and it was her boyfriend/husband and his friends, so I wondered why the hell they didn't just go to one of the other guys' houses. Then I thought it could still work if they had the guys hoot and holler out of habit, remember she's sick in the other room, and hush up, then cut to her having slept through it because she's out like a light thanks to the Nyquil. But then when I looked it up, to see if maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought, it was described in terms of being able to sleep through even rowdy next-door neighbors watching football. So, yeah, I guess the pan is supposed to be through the wall to the next apartment, not an adjoining room.
  22. OMG, Tami in that first interview clip ("Let me tell you something")! I know she's made the reality TV circuit, but I haven't seen her since this show. In all the other clips, she looks like Tami. But I don't even know what the hell is happening with her face in that one clip. Looking a second time, it's not her face itself - which explains why none of the other shots had my eyes bugging out - it's her make-up. Especially those eyebrows. Yikes. I'm not typically so shallow, but she chose that. On camera. Who does she call in as reinforcement, her boyfriend/husband? I wish they'd given us a little more in that trailer, and wonder if it's really mostly conflict or if they're just playing that up, since that's how they marketed the original?
  23. I've read a surprising number of people having luck with a pillowcase. I'd think it would be even harder to wrangle a fighting cat into a pillowcase than a carrier, but - living where there's an annual fire season - I always come across stories of someone who grabbed their cat with a pillowcase between their hands and the cat, somehow just flicked, shook, something, and the cat fell into/got tangled up in the case (I mean, I get the adrenaline rush thing, but this works?!) and then they transferred that covered bundle into the carrier. Now, I have also seen with my own eyes people walking out of fire zones with cats in pillowcases instead of carriers, so I'm not dismissing it out of hand, and, again, emergency situations yield creative results, but I'm still kind of flabbergasted by the logistics.
  24. They're just visiting; Charlie tells the mom, "Thanks for having us this weekend."
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