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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I wonder how many people who came up with FJ got there by going through the "Bohemian Rhapsody" lyrics - which I think is the hard way, given its length and numerous references - rather than concentrating on the year and "Europop" aspects of the clue to come up with what might have replaced BR atop the UK charts, while also keeping the BR lyrics in mind to confirm. The latter is how I came up with it; I don't think I'd have had time if I just tried to speed sing the lyrics and a-ha! the right reference.
  2. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Okay, that's the last straw; now that Aaron Rodgers has forced me to agree with Howard Stern, he is dead to me. (Joe Rogan is the moron whose sage advice Rodgers cited.)
  3. I was a little surprised no one guessed Sean Connery - especially Hillary, with two others ruled out - since he seems to be the most popular James Bond. (I've never seen any of the films, but, sadly, I figured I had to go back to his era for Kim Basinger to be a love interest; she'd have been considered too old to cast alongside Brosnan [who was my initial thought], even though they're the same age.) I laughed at Ken's diminishing returns joke, but he should have been on the ball to rule "hedge farm" wrong. (And, my stars, the contestants were bad in that business category! Almost as bad as the infamous NFL category full of TS to which Alex reacted so memorably.) I only ran crust and crossword clues in the first round; I missed two books because I couldn't spit out the answers fast enough, and then there were another two in beginnings and one each in potpourri and movies that I didn't know. So, a fairly average performance. I didn't run a single category in DJ. I wasn't terrible, although I did miss three each in cities and names. I also missed two each in palindromes and creatures, and one each in the other two. FJ came to me in time; probably because they're in the news lately, Abba came immediately to mind from 1976 + Europop, and then I quickly rejected my first thought, "Dancing Queen", as not appearing in "Bohemian Rhapsody", and shortly after that knew my second thought, "Mamma Mia", was the song when I sang "Mamma Mia, let me go" in my head.
  4. Palm oil is also a major factor in deforestation, which is destroying the habitat of several endangered species and furthering the greenhouse gasses problem. I try to avoid it (it's in a lot of things), because it's still frustratingly difficult to track the supply chain and the sustainability and labor practices along the way. Here's WWF's Palm Oil Scorecard, showing there's still a long way to go.
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Yeah, Marsh - and the Bears - got terribly hosed on that one. The Bears mostly shot themselves in the foot with penalties (an 11-year veteran lines up offsides twice?!), so they certainly didn't need the refs piling on by inventing additional infractions (or not calling late hits). Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has been doing such a great job taking anti-vax athletes to task, it's no surprise he did it again with Rodgers. That was a terrific read.
  6. Including Myrna Loy and William Powell, as he played their son in the sixth and final Thin Man film. I didn't watch Quantum Leap, so to me he's Cavil from Battlestar Galactica, who I found to be the show's best villain, largely due to his performance. His delivery of the "I don't want to be human!" speech was terrific:
  7. I have no idea; I've never tried to (I just have one to keep with me in the car should I need to make a call from there). Update: I just looked at the menu and there's a browser option, so I guess so.
  8. If it's the same one they sent me, there are some set-up steps I found more involved than they needed to be, but once I had it up and running, it's been pretty intuitive to use (which I hardly ever do, though, so I'm easily satisfied by the basics [thus having a flip phone]).
  9. It's daylight saving (no S) time. I vote for year-round DST; it gets dark far too early for my happiness this time of year anyway, and then we make it worse by falling back an hour.
  10. I'm watching football, so checked the archive earlier today. I missed one mountain, but got everything else in the first round. In DJ, I missed the Chagall TS because I could not get his name from my brain to my mouth. I also missed three each in landmark and governess, and two in movies, so that's not bad for DJ. FJ was an instaget (instaguess that I was pretty sure was correct, at least), so my J! week is off to a good start.
  11. Same here. That's the exact opposite of how I want my chocolate chip cookies - I want soft and chewy, not crispy! - but even if I did like that texture there's no way I'd go through all that to get it.
  12. I made an indulgent snack for football watching of bacon-wrapped scallops, and now have to contemplate dinner. Larb was included in a Jeopardy! clue a couple of nights ago and I've been craving it ever since, so I thought about making that but now think I may just have a lazy Sunday night and order in.
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    That's what I'm watching, too, and I feel the same - my one-morning stint as a Broncos fan better pay off.
  14. Bastet

    Scream Franchise

    I love her. I'd watched her on As The World Turns back in the day, and seen her in many an indie film, so it was really fun to see her turn up in a Scream movie - where she's an absolute delight as the movie version of Gale, so I particularly love the scenes she and Courteney Cox do together. "Alright, easy Geraldo" makes me laugh every time, the scene with Carrie Fisher is great, and I love this exchange: -What the hell are you doing? -Being Gale Weathers! What are you doing? -I am Gale Weathers! -Here's how I see it: I've got no house, no bodyguard, no movie, and I'm being stalked. Because someone wants to kill me? No, because someone wants to kill you. So, starting now, I go where you go. So that if someone wants to kill me, I'll be with you, and, since they really wanna kill you, they won't kill me, they'll kill you. Make sense? -None! -You know, in the movies, I play you as being much smarter. -And as a sane person. For you, that must be quite a stretch. I love that little glance, too, for the same reason. All the murders were traumatizing, but Tatum was Sidney's best friend and Dewey's sister. Who spent all her time teasing him, but that's being siblings at that age -- bottom line is his little sister was murdered by the killer he was hunting, and, as you said, that deserved a moment. Sidney discovered Tatum's body, so we got the payoff of her reaction in the original film, but the way the killings and final showdown proceeded - especially because Dewey was supposed to be dead but then that shot of him being loaded into the ambulance was added to leave it open for the sequel - Dewey's reaction didn't exist. There needed to be a nod to that in the sequel, and Cox delivered it.
  15. I've only seen her in Anywhere But Here and Where the Heart Is, so not in 20 years, but I liked her in both of those (especially the former).
  16. USC has enough problems, and I'm concerned Jaxson Dart is going to add to that by giving himself whiplash flipping his hair out of his face the way he does. Adjust your headband or cut your hair, dude.
  17. Bastet

    Food Hacks

    My cat would kill me if I employed any of those techniques; she loves getting to lick the cheese dust off my fingers.
  18. Parton had said back near the beginning of the year she'd indeed be making an appearance this final season once filming was safe, so it's no surprise, but still quite exciting. She's so very Dolly it's hard for her to successfully play a role rather than making a cameo appearance anymore, but I can't wait to see what character - as that's the route I assume they'll take - this show comes up with, having had all this time to vaguely think about the possibility before making the final call.
  19. Bastet

    Scream Franchise

    It drove home how old I'd become, since I didn't recognize any of the actors in the opening kill, no this is the opening kill, no, really, it's this one pre-title sequence. I was excited to see one of my favorite actors, Mary McDonnell, but much of her storyline as Sid's aunt/Maureen's sister got cut for time, so that didn't pan out as I'd hoped (and I'm irked the deleted scenes aren't on the Blu-Ray). But I still like it, especially for the "What am I supposed to do - go to college, work?!" commentary about the next generation of killers, and how fun it was for a bunch of us among the opening night cinema audience to say "Clear" along with Gale, having realized what she was going to do but not being rendered any less excited by it.
  20. Flood insurance in the coastal south, earthquake insurance in California, tornado insurance in tornado alley ... insurance companies are in business to make money, and they do that by taking in more in premiums (and then reinvesting those premiums for additional income) than they pay out in claims. So they make it difficult and expensive to secure coverage for the natural disaster most likely to cause extensive damage to the property. And they make it easy for policy holders not to understand the limitations of their coverage. Many people find themselves in the same position as Dan.
  21. Great game. I was rooting for Kate, but I'd have still thoroughly enjoyed it if one of the others had won. The Dover TS surprised me. And now I'm craving larb gai, but I'm already brining pork chops for dinner. Maybe tomorrow. I missed two in kings & queens and one each in straits and clubs, but got everything else in the first round. I had a fantastic DJ round, I believe my best ever, missing only two (the Emily TS and one in computer history [I'd never heard of Moore]). FJ was an instaget, then I second guessed myself that maybe it had been introduced earlier than that, but I stuck with it -- I'd never heard "land adventurer", but falling out of favor in '69/'70 screamed G.I. Joe to me.
  22. From your first sentence, I thought you meant she had surgery this week and you forgot, so she was upset you hadn't called to check on her. Not that you forgot she had it done 20 years ago!! That's ridiculous.
  23. While deliberately curating the impression he was vaccinated. And I think Mike Florio is spot on in his theory as to why Rodgers wasn't open about his unvaccinated status, because, yeah, the dude notoriously cannot handle scrutiny (even though he got a bit too big for his britches in recent years, I don't even dislike Rogers other than this massive display of jerk behavior, but for those who don't follow football, "the guy who is so sensitive that he’s sensitive about being called sensitive" is accurate as hell): And now that the truth is out, he decided to just go ahead and show his ass in a 45-minute interview in which he not only trotted out the old "did my own research" and "cancel culture" chestnuts - and not only cited a study that hasn't even been peer reviewed and the results of which have been contradicted by other studies, but misstated the results of that study - but also dared invoke Martin Luther King Jr. and used phrases such as "woke mob", "crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something", "witch hunt", and "stooge". He's been a real punk-ass jerk about this whole thing, and the Packers (and maybe the league) let him.
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