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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I'm not familiar with any of the three of them, but if things went down as stated in that linked post, the estranged husband is a massive jerk (to cheat and in other ways treat her like shit for several years instead of being honest and leaving and then finally coldly drop an "I don't love you, I'm out" bomb after over ten years of marriage and two kids), the new girlfriend is tacky as hell (to be the other party to cheating), and I understand why the wife is still very angry, hurt, and betrayed. So she's last - and way down - on my list of offenders in this situation (again, if it went down basically as alleged). But she is indeed on that list, because, dude, that's what your momma and your friends are for - open up some wine and unload on them about that POS and how he did you wrong. (And good gods, indeed focus on him, the one who betrayed the respect, fidelity, and trust he owed you, not the woman who was dumb enough to help him do it.) It's a very big thing to deal with and there are going to be some irrational moments. But don't broadcast them to the world like a teenager throwing a fit, especially when you have kids old enough to possibly see or be told about your posts; it sucks to have to be the bigger person, but it's better for everyone, including you.
  2. They should have had the same amount of time there always is in such situations; when a contestant is ruled incorrect, the buzzer system resets, so the "you can buzz in now" game board lights go on again and the other two contestants' signaling devices are reactivated.
  3. We saw it happen. Darlene brought it up to the two of them, thinking it would scare Aldo off and that would piss Harris off, but he was all in. Because he's an idiot. He's been dating a teenager for about five minutes, has two of the most fucked-up kids in America living with him full time - because they have a mom who can't be with them unsupervised due to her addiction-induced behavior - and decides, yeah, that would be a great idea, move on in!
  4. Football for me tonight, so I just checked the archive. I'm a bit surprised no one figured out Taylor had simply left off the S in the punishments TS. (I think most people join Taylor in thinking the singular is what's stated in the amendment, but once that was ruled wrong, I guess there just wasn't time for the confusion to give way to Oh, it must be plural realization, even though the replacement word, amphibians, being plural was another hint.) Unless it was a bad picture, the wontons TS surprises me a little, too. I didn't know the origin of "cakewalk", so that was interesting to learn. I joined the contestants in being stumped by talc, and also missed two in fairs, but got everything else in the first round. In DJ, I only ran medicine. I should have run typography, but I could not for the life of me get kerning from my brain to my mouth. I also missed one in homophones, two in poetry, three in territories and was absolutely terrible in TV husbands, missing all but one (the only show I knew was Modern Family). For FJ, I said the Punic Wars (which was a guess) rather than the Third Punic War (couldn't have told you how many there were), but from the wording on the archive it seems like that would be accepted?
  5. Per the Halloween episode (when Darlene asks Harris why she's playing stepmother to these creepy children and where their actual mother is ["I'm guessing, hiding?"]), she's addicted to drugs and isn't allowed to watch them.
  6. Often, I'm sure, which is one of the reasons I'm not on it. But I've checked in on some celebrity accounts over the years, looking to see if they commented on something, and never come across one like his; it's striking in its ridiculousness.
  7. They are old enough to grasp what death means, and deserve the chance to say goodbye. And the dog deserves his suffering to end ASAP. In your sister's shoes, I'd keep the appointment, and sign the kids out of school for the afternoon so they can spend the dog's final hours with him. I was seven or eight when our first cat died, and I'd have been devastated if I happily trotted in after school only to be told he was gone rather than being given the chance to tell him one last time how much I loved him.
  8. Obviously I have no idea what he may have done privately, but as for what he did publicly: A few days after the crash, he re-posted Blue Origin's tweet and wrote "Very saddened to have learned about Glen’s passing": And, yikes, scrolling through his feed was painful; what a petulant jackass that guy is! It seems he gets on Twitter for about an hour each day to toss out insults and engage in petty bickering.
  9. "I'm pretty sure that's a pre-existing condition" about the birth control pills making Harris moody made me laugh, but I certainly hope she's using something else instead. It's easy to be all zen if your daughter makes thoughtful decisions like Nick's does, but Harris is a raging idiot right now, so, while Darlene has no veto power over her at this age, it's pretty unrealistic to expect her to just sagely accept she has to advise where she can and then just let it play out. But what she wound up doing was moving, since it was rooted in her fear that their relationship would be irreparably damaged. Is Odessa still around? (I don't remember why Harris wound up leaving her apartment and moving back home.) Hopefully Harris can go live with her. (All of Harris's stuff fits in one suitcase?) The kids objecting to getting rid of any of the furniture was refreshingly realistic, and better be a precursor to finally getting an honest emotional reaction to Louise marrying Dan and moving in out of them. Fair warning that if that doesn't happen next episode, if it's just about Dan's reaction to the final stage in transitioning the bedroom from his and Roseanne's to his to his and Louise's, I'm going to freak my shit in here. Also, you don't just fill a pod with all your furniture and expect your husband to make room for it; for every piece of furniture there's now two of (with only room for one), decide which one to keep, and then fill the pod with the stuff that's moving in with you and sell/donate the stuff that's not. What Louise ultimately came up with - keep the living room and kitchen as it is, since that's family space, but replace the bedroom furniture with stuff that's neither his nor hers but theirs - is great, so all's well that ends well, but it was contrived getting there. It's weird that she talked about renting out her place, period, rather than saying she didn't have time to prep it for sale before going on tour, but could still clear it out now and temporarily rent it for some extra income. Or is she renting, her lease isn't up yet, but same idea, she can sub-lease for the rest of the term? Between that and the talk of storage, it was just a weird way of dealing with a move that's intended to be permanent. "Burn victims and lawsuits in 3, 2, 1" was funny, but Jackie's stupidity in operating the restaurant is wearing thin.
  10. I finished up work early this evening, and tuned in for the second half of "Out of Bounds". I cannot watch either of the beatings (Amy's by Lamar and Lamar's by Julio), but I watch the hell out of Provenza's response to Sharon wondering where her plan went wrong. Just a few episodes ago, she wouldn't have made herself vulnerable enough to ask him, but if she had, he'd have been condescending about having more homicide investigation experience than she does, and the only way he'd have ever called her by her first name rather than her rank would be as a sign of disrespect. But, thanks to the self reflection and resulting attitude change he's been undergoing since talking with the life coach intuitive life strategist in episode four, she's willing to ask - in front of others, no less - and he responds by giving a genuine and reassuring response, and calling her "Sharon" for the first time is as a means of connection. I think it's two-fold for him in that moment (in addition to the fact she'd earlier doubled down without blinking when Taylor threatened her job): He appreciates her asking for his expertise in front of the squad and Taylor, and he respects that, unlike Taylor, she has Amy's well-being, not the case, as her primary concern. It's the first lovely moment between them.
  11. The breakfast TS surprised me; I guess dessert would have also fit as a meal in which you have coffee and something with crumbs, but breakfast was the easy guess and none of them took it. (Maybe another one where they thought it was too obvious?) The Glen Campbell TS made me a little sad. I don't think just "Hill" should have been accepted for the "'The Miseducation of her'" clue since it's her full name in the album title. I missed two each in Italian and machines, but got everything else in the first round (yes, including all the biblical names). I didn't run a single category in DJ, but I got close in all of them, missing one each in three and two each in the other three. I got FJ almost immediately, and have no idea why.
  12. Bandit is really struggling, too, to the point we're considering putting him on Prozac for a few months (he's been prone to anxiety before, but never this bad). We even took him in for a full work-up recently, even though he'd just had one in July, to make sure there was no physical problem causing his agitation (since it was possible the timing was coincidental, and he'd developed hyperthyroidism or something). Nope. And of course we're glad for that, but now we have to figure out the best way to aid his mental health, because giving him time and extra attention isn't doing it. I'm sorry to learn Jack is having such a rough time as well.
  13. I watched "Reservations For Eight" overnight when I couldn't get back to sleep for a while, and, my gods, I love it so. It's really something close to perfection. The script is one terrific line after another, and what's most impressive is all the "battle of the sexes" arguments are things actual people actually argue about. Usually when someone tries to pull that off in 22 minutes, it's filled with things real people don't say. But she set a completely organic stage; all the stuff that happens on day two would totally unfold like that in real life. They've been stuck there for 36 hours, no one is getting any, daytime talk shows are on the TV ... it's gonna snowball, where one couple's argument becomes everyone's. As always, the cast chemistry takes the brilliant writing to an even higher level of greatness. While I've seen most of the actors in other things since DW, I watch this series so frequently they're kind of frozen in time to me. So it's weird sometimes to think Dixie Carter, Hal Holbrook, Meshach Taylor, Alice Ghostley, and Richard Gilliland are all no longer with us.
  14. Check around. All the services that provide in-home euthanasia here were in full swing when we needed them for Chester this summer, and it was even no problem back well before vaccination when my friend needed them for her cat (back then, we thought they'd require it to be done outdoors, which is where she wanted to do it anyway, but that wasn't the case; the only requirement was wearing masks, but the vet always gave opportunities for her to step away so we could remove our masks and kiss him all we wanted). Bandit clearly knew when Chester died (I guess there's a pheremone released?); he had been his happy, talkative self the whole time, pestering the vet to pay attention to him (which she did), and then shortly after the final injection, he got really quiet, looked up, and then left the room. I think it was good for him to be there, to at least somewhat understand what happened (he never once looked for Chester after that, while he had looked for Bailey after he never came home, so he doesn't seem to be dealing with any confusion, but he's definitely struggling with some anxiety over his buddy being gone). But that was at home; when the euthanasia has been performed at the hospital, I've never taken another pet along to be there for it (given the stress of a trip to the vet). Pearl will need time to grieve whatever you do, and in time she'll be okay whatever you do. There's no right or wrong choice. I'm sorry you have this on the horizon.
  15. I can't think of anything, but maybe as more answers are posted, I'll think, "Oh, I like that, too." Well, maybe I have an answer. This isn't an odd smell to like, as it's incredibly popular, but I guess it's odd that I like the smell of it as I loathe - to the point of won't touch so much as a drop of it - the taste of it: Coffee.
  16. That was a DD, so the other two didn't have a shot at it.
  17. I like that, too, and it's one of those songs that, even though I'd heard it dozens of times prior, once it was used in a Cold Case closing montage, that's what I came to associate it with (because that show, like all cop shows, had issues, but those montages were fabulous commentaries on the futility of violence and sometimes lovely celebrations of life). This was the latter, the song used to close "It's Raining Men" about a murdered AIDS activist, whose then-partner got to now celebrate his marriage (which, of course, would never have been possible back when he was with the victim) with the added bonus of finally knowing what had happened to his first love. It's shameful the show didn't include the wedding kiss they'd have included for any heterosexual couple in this visual celebration of progress, but it's still the first thing I think of when I hear the song (which I have on my iPod - and had on at least one mix tape back in the day):
  18. We had three cats for much of my childhood and teen years. One went to the vet and never came home, and shortly after that, one of the other two needed to go in. The third - who normally dove under the bed at the first glimpse of the dreaded carrier - threw himself on top of the carrier when we put her in it, trying to stop us from taking her away, too! It was heartbreaking. We were pretty sure we knew what she had, and the vet would confirm it and send her home with meds, which is what happened, so he only suffered for an hour or so, but if she'd had to stay overnight that would have been terrible for him, poor guy. This summer, my best friend had to have two of her three dogs put to sleep within 48 hours of each other (and this was just over a week after her mom died; I still have no idea how she survived). Same scenario with both - she left with a dog and came home without. Her third dog freaked the fuck out, really anxious and destroying the house. My friend has since brought home another dog, and things are settling down. Anyway, @Scarlett45, Cosmo's thought process isn't going to be remotely on that level, given the time passed, but the fact they understand but don't means it's completely normal for you to worry about the big baby man's reaction to this first absence of yours. But, first, it will be different (if I understand it correctly; before, he was boarded, and now he'll be at home with visits from the sitter?), and, fundamentally, you'll be home at the end of it. That will be his new association - Mommy comes back. And then is home for a long while. Then goes away for another vacation at some point, and comes back. It's a different timeline, not just a different setting. He'll be fine, so will you, and so will Blake. Have a great time, and then enjoy the hell out of catching up on snuggles with them when you return.
  19. I was surprised by the skiing TS. I've never skied, but a $200 clue basically asking for a sport in which you turn on the snow is something I'd have confidently predicted at least one J! contestant would join me in correctly guessing. The Matterhorn TS was unexpected as well. I think sometimes contestant think their guess is too obvious and try to come up with something else, and I've second thought my way out of correct responses that way, too, but I'm pretty good at recognizing that for $200 clues, I should go ahead and stick with my "obvious" guess. I didn't know a single TV family, and missed three in X, but got everything else in the first round. I was excited to run the book titles, since I don't speak French; thankfully, they picked very well-known books, and I was always able to recognize one or two key words in French and fill in the title based on the rest of the clue. I had a great DJ; I ran words, airports, comedians, and exoplanets. I missed three in opera, but that's a bad category for me so I'm satisfied, and two in names. I was initially at a loss for FJ, as I knew from 25 films it was a film series I've never seen. Concentrating on the year, trying to figure out what dating back to that era spawned so many films, I felt like I was right on the brink of it coming to me, but James Bond didn't pop into my head (in a questioning tone, as I didn't realize there have been that many Bond films!) until time was up. Then the three-word phrase that came to mind was "shaken, not stirred". When the answer was revealed, I did the V8 head smack, because, yeah, that makes a lot more sense as practically the first thing the character ever said.
  20. Sigh. Like Darlene needs a love interest right now. Although it could be nice if she just has some fun with someone, not intending it to be anything more (but, then, why would she be bringing him around the family?) and giving her something to do besides moping about Ben. Of course, solidifying her management position at work, paying attention to her kids, and maybe making a friend (since her brief reunion with Molly made her remember that's a nice dynamic to have in life) would also occupy the time she spends moping about Ben. I'd rather see more of Darlene and Robin, Darlene and Harris, Darlene and Becky, Darlene and Mark, etc. than Darlene and some new dude. Why is it always a love interest? TV writers are so damn lazy. (And someone fell down on the job; that article describes Darlene as the eldest Conner sibling.)
  21. I need that as a t-shirt. Or maybe a tattoo.
  22. Ugh, yes, Elliot is horrible (well, he was way back when I watched; I have no idea about now, but I would not be surprised if he still treats civil rights like a horrible impediment to his job, to be ignored at his whim), but there's something appealing about Meloni. Not any specific physical feature(s) - but, yeah, that ass is fine - just a quality that grabs my attention. He's also one of those actors who has chemistry with everyone, and could probably generate some with inanimate objects. Allison Janney is another one like that.
  23. Bastet

    Scream Franchise

    What were the original plans for 5? I liked Kirby; she was by far my favorite of the new characters. I had no idea until the credits came up at the end that she was Hayden Panettiere, as I hadn't seen her in anything since she was much younger (and had really long hair).
  24. My cat is relieved I haven't come across any Christmas commercials, because even the ones I like I don't want to see in November, so she has so far been spared the annual tradition of Mommy walking around the house muttering her It's not even Thanksgiving yet and War on Christmas, my ass rants.
  25. The summaries sound repetitive, but I'm all for it not being wrapped up in one episode if they're going to address the fact Louise marrying Dan, moving in, and thus necessitating changes in the house is something for the family to work through. And it better not just be Dan; I want to finally get something real from the kids on this.
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