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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. You must be thinking of another show, as I don't recall that scene and I've seen this show numerous times.
  2. Another great game by Amy; 37 correct (including 2 DDs) and only one wrong. She's going to be tough to beat! It was an archive game for me, so I couldn't see the photo clues and have to assume on a few. The red tape TS surprised me, but perhaps they all forgot the category. I'm not a Beatles fan, so that was a bad category for me; the only one I knew was Rick Rubin (I didn't know it just from the clue, but I know what he looks like, so unless it was a terrible picture I'd have identified him). I was also terrible with the monarchs, because often even I know the name I don't know the number, so I missed three in that category. I only missed one other (one of the detectives) in the rest of the first round. I did better in DJ (it's usually the opposite); I had no bad categories, and only missed six clues! FJ didn't come to me, though.
  3. Is she just going to keep going until the next pregnancy kills her? I'm glad she and the baby are healthy, but I'm not going to celebrate anyone churning out six kids in the midst of an overpopulation crisis, and I'm also going to be concerned when it's someone whose physical health has been jeopardized (she needs blood transfusions and gets infections) on top of the emotional damage of going through five miscarriages; continuing to get pregnant under those circumstances when she already has five, now six, kids makes me hope there's not something creepy going on in that marriage.
  4. I love his reaction to airing the documentary clip. I don't know anything about Cumberbatch other than he has a great name and I saw him in August: Osage County, but from that clip I like that he both has a sense of humor about himself and points out that there were people involved who know a lot more about penguins than he does and really ought to have pointed out his pronunciation had gone off the rails.
  5. Yeah, my mom used pads, so she was no help, and it was long before the web was a thing, so I just had to rely on the instructions in the box. I think it's good to have a demonstration casually out there - and Schumer munching on the doughnut afterward made me laugh.
  6. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I hate Washington, but not with the usual intensity of a division rival; now that they no longer have a slur as a team name, I'm just not particularly fired up against them. The Eagles I properly hate as a division rival, and the Cowboys I loathe, regardless of division, with the heat of a nova as the laws of nature command.
  7. My must-haves for Thanksgiving are all the snacks we nosh on throughout the day while watching football; that's what I love about Thanksgiving. The dinner is mostly just a typical meal that happens to have turkey as the main course (we're in a motorhome for Thanksgiving, and there are three of us, so we don't make a huge spread, and two of the dishes - cornbread dressing and pumpkin pie - I won't eat, so it's very much a regular-sized meal for me). If there's a must-have for the dinner itself, it's wheat brown and serve rolls. I have no idea why, as I am not much of a bread person (and the fact I don't eat the dressing doesn't mean oh, there must be an alternate starchy side dish as I frequently eat meals that are just side salad, main, and green vegetable side), but for some reason I like having those rolls at Thanksgiving.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I don't care about the Chargers, and before Big Ben I rooted for the Steelers and after the rapist is gone I will root for them again, but for tonight I sure enjoyed those final minutes, putting Ben on his ass.
  9. However they want, but maybe they'll do like is common in many Latin and Hispanic cultures, where folks generally have two last names, often the first surnames of each of their parents, and they keep those names through marriage. So if Maria Vega Aguilar marries Manuel Lopez Morales, she retains Vega Aguilar as her last names and he retains Lopez Morales as his, and their kids could have Vega Lopez as their last names.
  10. LOL. But why do people do this to their kids? Folks can make terrible jokes out of innocuous names, and even among the obvious landmines, Michael Angelo isn't on par with Dick Trickle or Moe Lester, but come on, parents - don't make it so easy.
  11. As a civil rights lawyer, I am used to explaining some constitutional intricacies and am happy to do so (after all, as we learned from Thelma & Louise, "the law is some tricky shit") in even casual ways, but, holy shit, the number of people who think the First Amendment doesn't just limit the goverment's right to suppress or punish most (yet never all) speech, but grants some bizarre, non-existent carte blanche, where one can say whatever one wants without any consequence, public or private, drives me batty. "Cancel culture" is a made-up term distorting the simple fact that words and actions have consequences. It just used to be that the obscene power differential in our society meant there were no meaningful consequences for many harmful words and actions done by members of dominant groups, while there were debilitating consequences for those who spoke truth to power about disenfranchised groups; now that there is some slight measure of attention and resulting (usually temporary) consequence for punching down, previously shielded folks want to decry that cause and effect.
  12. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I hear you. I don't care about either team on an average day, and really don't today, yet it's my only option for the morning game as CBS isn't showing one in my market. I'd normally lean more towards the Packers because a friend is a big fan (which didn't matter to me when Favre, whom I could not stand, was under center, but I lightened up afterward while still liking the Bears best in that division) and I have not a single tie to the Vikings, but Rodgers's lying ass casts a different light these days. I'm not rooting for a meteorite to hit the stadium - my go-to wish for games between two hated teams - but, yeah, I'll go ahead and hope for a tie because I can't muster up enthusiasm for either team.
  13. I only "know" Peter as described by Dan in explaining how Dan used Peter to inform his wonderful portrayal of Mother in Sneakers. Mother is a character that could have easily gone wrong then - early '90s - and could especially play terribly now, given all the conspiracy theories to which he subscribed. But Dan read the script and thought, "That's my brother!" Taking what was on the page and fleshing the character out based on a very real person he knew and loved, Aykroyd presented a character who, yes, has some outlandish beliefs his friends sometimes find interesting, sometimes tolerate, and sometimes roll their eyes at, but who is an intelligent person wanting to work for the greater good. Like Fox Mulder, but maybe even a little better, even though Mother existed in a single film while Mulder had 11 seasons and two movies - and I'm sure that's because Aykroyd had such a close relationship with an actual example of the nuance that's possible. So I think that performance of Dan's is a lovely tribute to Peter that can be enjoyed in perpetuity. (Also, if anyone hasn't seen Sneakers, rectify that at once! The cast is OMG! talented - Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Mary McDonnell, David Strathairn, River Phoenix, Ben Kingsley, Aykroyd, Stephen Tobolowsky, Lee Garlington - and it's just a fun, intelligent caper. That still works surprisingly well all this time later, because while the plot technically hinged on the technology, it was really about the people.)
  14. That's cruel. That's like a parody of bad names. Many years ago, Utne Reader published an article written by a man detailing all he had to go through to change his last name to his wife's upon marriage, where she basically could have checked a box on the marriage certificate and been legally done. I would never change my name due to marriage (well, I would never get married to begin with, but go with me here); I am [my name] and getting married wouldn't mean I was now someone else. But any woman choosing to do so because she wants to, not because she think she's supposed to, is obviously no skin off my nose. It is ridiculous, though, how it's still, in this the year 2021, assumed that if there's going to be a name change upon marriage, it will be the woman changing her last name, to her husband's. Why not he changes to hers? They choose something new together and both change? And then, when a couple with their own last names has kids, the sexist assumptions kick in again; the kids will either have Dad's last name or both last names (hyphenated, with Dad's being last, or maybe Mom's name gets relegated to middle name) and they decide between those options. Why is the kids having her last name only not just as much under consideration?
  15. I'd read an article about the actor signing on to do a few episodes as "Darlene's latest love interest", so I knew that's what they intended, but their interaction didn't at all play that way to me. Their interaction at the bookstore didn't give me the sense he wanted to date her, it seemed like he's just really into how he's changed his life, particularly his relationship with his daughter, via these techniques, and likes helping customers do the same. And why he'd want to date her after seeing the family in all its dysfunctional glory is beyond me. Nor do I understand why Darlene would want to date anyone right now. She's still processing the break-up of a very serious relationship, she's got a kid at home who's having a tough time transitioning to high school, she has a teenager who's making stupid choices, she has a job with responsibilities she's still settling into, and she thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with her approach to life so is searching for a healthier way of handling things. Adding a new dude to the mix seems like a good idea?!
  16. Great game by Amy! She got 32 right (including 2 DDs) and only one wrong; she dominated the game from that first DD on. That's two lock games in a row. I'd be happy to see her keep winning. I didn't know Kim Cattrall was British (and the picture was much needed for that clue, so I'm glad this wasn't an archive night for me). Granted, I don't really know anything about her other than she was one of the Sex and the City actors, but I'd never come across that tidbit. In looking up the correct show title (I never watched it, and for some reason each of the few times I need to mention it, I can't remember if it's and or in), I went on to read that her family moved from England to Canada when she was only a few months old (thus the "British-born" wording of the clue), but studied in London at eleven before returning to Vancouver to graduate high school, then moving to NYC. Quite the cosmopolitan. I only ran j-e-t and power companies in the first round, but in most of the other categories I only missed one each - except for the music category, where I missed three. I had a terrific DJ round! I missed two capitals (I can easily rattle off the capital to any U.S. state, but since the category first required me to identify the state by the listed county, I did not sail through) and two barriers, but got everything else. And I knew FJ, so my J! week ended on a great game.
  17. Sharon and Rusty's first hug, in "Cheaters Never Prosper", is just perfectly acted. Sharon has pulled herself back several times when she's reached out to touch him, respecting his discomfort. But if she has to let him go spend the weekend at Daniel's, by gods, she's going to send him off with a hug. She does it in a way that allows him time and space to back out of it if he doesn't want it, and once she has him in her arms, he slowly melts into it. The look on Graham Patrick Martin's face always makes me sad, thinking about how long it must have been since Rusty got a loving hug. Then she gives one little extra squeeze before letting go. I also love when she starts to tell him to be careful, stops herself, and changes to "have a good time". And I find the "miss you" at the end of his text to tell her he's there and everything is fine cute. Of course, it all goes to hell the next night. Despite the horrible circumstances, it's another beautiful moment between them when he finally tells her the whole story of how he wound up abandoned at the zoo (the he finally fought back the last time his mom's boyfriend beat him, and the next day they dropped him off there and took off together). And, of course, "We have moved on to the 'please don't let me drive over to his house and shoot him in the head' phase." I love Mama Bear Sharon.
  18. Yeah, it's hard to figure that one out; she can't be blinded by her high school crush all these years later. I understand why she's in love with Dan and wants a relationship with him, but marrying him and moving in with him, I don't get. Hopefully once she actually moves in, we might start to see some realism from everyone, including her, as everyone acclimates. Adjusting to living with a partner is enough of a process - ever, but especially after having your own place for so long - but doing it in a house packed to the rafters with a multi-generational family - particularly this family - is on another level.
  19. It is. If you mean why I'd been reading it - which, unlike feline and canine, I hardly ever come across in print and have never heard spoken - the wrong way, I have no idea. If it were spelled lionine, maybe I'd have pronounced it correctly.
  20. Oh, dear. I'm not the target audience, as I tend not to like rom-coms, but that looks utterly ridiculous.
  21. Overweight people, particularly overweight women, are subjected to a lot of fat shaming and even more subconscious prejudice, and perhaps other than a support group of and for obese people, I doubt there are any spaces where one could feel secure there's little chance of it happening. Like anyplace else, Harvard will have some people who don't care, some who are actively understanding and supportive, and some who are rude.
  22. In reading a Newsweek article about new champ Amy (and how great it is to have another transgender J! winner, especially when it happens in the middle of Trans Awareness Week), as posted in the Media thread, I came across a couple of articles about tweets Matt Amodio and James Holzhauer had posted throwing some pretty good shade at Aaron Rodgers's lying, unvaccinated ass. When the truth about Rodgers came out, Matt said: And threw in some snark: James also went the snark route, tossing Dr. Oz into the mix: And when Rodgers returned to the field this weekend after his 10-day isolation was up, James tweeted:
  23. I, too, learned I pronounce it incorrectly. It's one of those words I had never heard said, only seen written, and I always pronounced it in my head as "lee-uh-neen".
  24. Pasta night here, too - lemon garlic scallops and asparagus with whole wheat linguine. The salad was arugula with shaved parm and lemon vinaigrette.
  25. Yeah, that's really noticeable, and women shrink more than men as they age, so it's totally unrealistic (unless he developed some particular disorder in the interim years that caused significant loss of height, or she had a late onset major growth spurt). Especially if you consider she likely would have been wearing heels back in the day, making their height difference then even greater, but even if she was in flats like him and that was their true height difference then, they wouldn't be pretty much equal now absent absent special circumstances.
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