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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. So much of the time Jeff thinks it is hilarious and sort of eggs them on. I thought he did this before between Zoila and Gage several seasons ago and the last episode with the nanny and Gage.
  2. I wonder if the designers are suppose to leave all their design tools in the workroom and not bring them back to the apartment. I would love for Claire to be shown the door especially soon after her twin. I doubt it will happen though. Tim will probably just be mad that Michael is saying something or making accusations that cannot be proven. I would have given Kentaro the win, because his seemed to be more designed than Claire's, which you might have to travel back in time to buy. I actually liked all the designs of the designers that were safe and Kentaro's. No one really wowed me though. Claire's first shirt design that was basically Margarita's dress from the previous challenge cracked me up. I kept thinking Claire does not think it is the least bit familiar? I really dislike the real women challenge, especially this season with different sized models (though the models are probably more proportional), because some of those women really love their outfits. Then they get in front of the judges and the judges tell them they look awful. I would be fine if someone I was close to told me my outfit sucked, but on national television I would be embarrassed especially if I loved the outfit prior. I am probably not making any sense. I blame the wine. Ugh Yolanda. I cannot stand her.
  3. I think both Shannon and David are at fault for their shitty marriage. He did cheat, but man, they both make passive aggressive comments toward each other. Shannon did it before she found out about the affair. I think David just looks so over all things housewives. I feel like this show has made Shannon more neurotic as the seasons go on. I thought David's silver spoon comment meant that Shannon never pumped her own gas before.
  4. I agree. That is one of the reasons why I was fine with Michael Weatherly leaving as well. Their characters seemed so stagnant. DiNozzo was never going to get his own team, because that means he would not be around and they never seemed to want him to get a serious love interest because that shut the door on all things Ziva. The first couple of seasons Abby's personality was more low key, than the made her so over the top. I do think they have tried to tone it a bit the past few seasons. TPTB did not seem to interested in letting their character's grow.
  5. I do not know who was supporting Teresa, but my guess was Joe's brother. I think @ghoulina mentioned that she thought it was Teresa's lawyer, which it could be. I did not get the best look.
  6. I think Shalita Grant who plays Percy started filming the season a week or so later, because she was still doing Shakespeare in the Park A Midsummer Night's Dream in NYC. When I went to see it during the summer I was surprised to see Percy onstage. I am surprised that they did not have some throwaway line about why she was not around. I really wish instead of Percy or Patton that Gregorio would disappear for several episodes.
  7. I actually enjoyed it. I don't know, maybe it is the lack of Jacqueline who made me rage-y whenever she showed up onscreen. I thought it was way more entertaining than any episode this season of RHOC. I never thought I would say that. Though OC set a very low bar this season.
  8. I thought, and I might have heard it wrong, that when Captain Lee had Nico meet EJ he said something along the lines of making sure EJ gets a bunk. Captain Lee wanted EJ to have a bunk, which logically makes sense since EJ is the bosun, but it really screwed with the living arrangements for the rest of the deckhands. I agree. I appreciated that Matt did not flip out. It seemed like he was just trying to get through the rest of service.
  9. Hee! I recognized the CIA woman as Ellie from Degrassi The Next Generation.
  10. I actually like Austin, but I do tend to like the more polarizing contestants like Arthur Chu, Matt Jackson, and Alex Jacobs. I was pretty indifferent to the much loved Julia. I did get FJ, but I attribute that to my dad being an art teacher. I might not have known it otherwise.
  11. I did like Lydia's son giving her and her mother a WTF look at the end of the Easter scene. It perfectly mirrored my expression watching them.
  12. I am sure this has already been discussed, but were there any more details of the boy (was his name Tyler?) who Jessa and Ben took shopping with them? She said he was her cousin and that Michelle and Jim Bob have guardianship? Everyone here is way more on the ball with all things Duggar than I am. Is he on Michelle's or Jim Bob's side of the family. I am sure the kid's circumstances were less than ideal to end up living with the Duggars, but I feel sorry for him if he ends up Duggar-ized.
  13. I would have killed for a duet with Brian Stokes Mitchell and Christopher Jackson. I am all for Chunk getting more to do with going to law school, but I just want him to sing. Who do I have to do to make that happen?
  14. Hee hole-mills!. The hole-mill bit made me realize that all over the housewives franchises a lot of the women mess up or misuse various idioms or slang, but at least I feel they get the gist of the saying or what they are trying to actually say, but Peggy acts like she is completely clueless about every one of them. She does not even seem to understand the main point of certain sayings even though she is not familiar with them. I would imagine that even if she spoke Armenian at home that she went to school or had friends that spoke English or came across people who used some idioms here and there. I am probably overthinking it all.
  15. Seriously, if Jenny McCarthy wanders in as a love interest for Danny I am out. I always wondered how or why Linda was accepted by the family. I liked her, but the Reagan's seem so suspicious or dislike the significant others or possible significant others of the various family members over the seasons. I cannot say I blame Amy Carlson if it was her decision to leave. She was not given much to do.
  16. I like Meaghan Rath, so I feel like I was kind of predisposed to like her character. Bonus if Sam Huntington or Sam Witwer pass through, because I could use a dose of the Being Human threesome. I laughed at the house being lifted by the helicopter. I am use to the cheese on this show, so I try to roll with it. That was a over the top for my incredibly low standards with this sort of show. Then again it did make me laugh, so I guess I found the unintentional hilarity entertaining. I did not miss Chin Ho or Kono that much. Well on a shallow note, I did miss staring at Daniel Dae Kim. Joey Lawrence does play the villain well. Even though Eric is Danny's nephew, I was kind of hoping for a twist that he and the Joey Lawrence character were somehow related.
  17. I agree. I am not a person that thinks a woman over a certain age should have a certain length of hair. I do think, regardless of age, you have to take care of it though. I think it is easier to spot on longer hair when it could use a trim or a flattering cut, because it tends to start getting stringy with a lot of dead ends. Though I wondered if that was Jackie's actual hair or extensions. I am a bit similar to Jeff, because when I watch Hoarders I start to clean and I am a fairly neat person anyway. If I walked into that warehouse I would probably go home and start throwing things out.
  18. I do not like the twins, but I do like their bold lipstick choices. I am very fair skinned and love a bold lip. I am sure people think it looks garish on me, but I like it. I pretty much agreed with the judges this week. Though I would have bought either Brandon or Kentaro's designs. Margarita's dress was nice, but I did not love it. I laughed at the twin's saying Brandon and Kentaro's looks were not menswear inspired, because Claire and Shawn's did not look to be inspired by menswear either, maybe inspired by Forever 21. At least Brandon and Kentaro's were athleisure, which could be inspired by menswear. My pure speculation on the cheating is that the twins do end up helping each other in the head to head challenge. I would have to watch the preview again, but is Michael clearly upset about cheating or being thrown under the bus? Though my whole speculation is probably way off base.
  19. Here I was thinking Kris sabotaged their birth control. This all sounds so freakishly planned, which I hope all parties involved were in on the plan. This whole thing sounds like a bad sitcom. I am already rolling my eyes at the contrived wacky hijinks that will ensue.
  20. I think I have a fairly normal amount of patience, but between the cake tasting last week and the dress shopping I would so be Jessa in this situation. After awhile with Joy saying "I don't know" to practically everything I would be thinking just pick something already or I will do it, because this is getting ridiculous. Maybe I need more patience. It is also ridiculous that the viewers have to watch wedding planning with indecisive Joy when the wedding has already aired.
  21. As for Kylie possibly being Kim's surrogate, did the initial announcement that Kylie was pregnant say specifically that she is having this baby with Travis Scott? It is not like I would be surprised if any of the Kardashians were lying or trying to mislead the public, especially with the season premiere coming up. They are so calculated that I can see them fanning the flames of the rumors of Kylie being Kim's surrogate just to get more attention and press. I am leaning toward Kylie not being a surrogate, but would not be shocked either way.
  22. I am assuming that they get to pick their own partners next week, because it looked like Brandon and Kentaro are together. I do love their relationship so I hope they work well together. I feel like Tim can only say so much about the twins helping each other, since technically they are allowed to help one another. As for Shawn combining her outfit and her model's, I guess since it was not an exact copy that the whole issue was let go. I would like to think that the helping issue would be brought up again. Zac and Nina seem to not be enamored with the twins, so hopefully they will get called out on their crap eventually. If one of them makes it to FW I can see the other twin helping out with designing. The only designs I did not like were Claire, Batani, and Margarita's. Batani's did look well made and complicated, so I can see how she was safe.
  23. I agree. I would rather watch competent people do their job and have the drama not be job related. I can deal with one or two people being newbies at yachting, but when pretty much the whole crew is so green I do not enjoy it as much. I liked that Matt did not freak out or yell about doing sushi even though it was not something he was proficient at. I assume that he will turn into a dick sometime, because this show never seems to just have a mellow chef.
  24. I know! I was yelling at my television for them to pick a freaking flavor of cake. All I wanted was Joy to make a decision about anything. Listening to Joy and Austin is like one of those phone conversations where the couple goes back and forth with the "you hang up/No you hang up" trope. Also, why do I care about Joy and Austin wedding planning when the wedding already aired? Kendra has a nervous laugh. It does not bother me, because I have a friend who is the same way. I guess I am used to it. Uh...Spurge was cute. That is really all I got.
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