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Everything posted by Cementhead

  1. Watching those two morons trying to figure out how many square feet that house was with their phone:
  2. I find it super awkward to watch Kalani try to have any sort of deep, meaningful discussion with Asuelu because their emotional intelligence levels are so far apart that it is impossible for him to understand or comprehend half the things she is trying to explain to him. At the end of last week's episode when she was mad at him for not asking her the right questions and for not coming at from the angle of 'what can he do for her?' and 'how can he meet her needs?' etc. Are you kidding me?? This guy has the emotional intelligence of a 3 year old and his maturity level probably sits at about 10 so she might as well go bang her head against the wall. He stands there perfectly clueless as she berates him and he probably understands about half of what she is saying verbally but has no earthly clue what she means. Super cringe. That TLC money must really be worth it!
  3. I have tried to make it to the end of this first episode 3x now and just can't get into it. Is the entirety of the series worth a 4th try?
  4. In general, I don't care about any of these fools because most of them are just garbage people but every once in a while someone will show up who makes me a bit uncomfortable to watch because it feels almost exploitative and Liz is one those people. I feel like she is emotionally fragile and too vulnerable to be on a show like this but far be it for TLC to give a shit about that.
  5. She really does make it too easy for us, doesn't she? The jokes write themselves.
  6. Along with her constantly running her hands down the sides of her face to make sure her little side pieces of hair are perfectly smooth and in place. In the dinner scene at the restaurant she literally just went back and forth with the hand over mouth move to playing with her hair. She is too hyper aware of the cameras and how she looks for me to care much about her and her 'story line' aside from the death of her husband and kids. She should have just stuck to Instragram because there's not much 'there' there apart from the pretty exterior that she is so very constantly aware of.
  7. I ❤️ John so hard. Can we lose everybody else and just have him? I'll take Patrick, too, since they come as a set.
  8. How many more scenes do we get with 'Statler' (puh-leeze) talking about taking a dump? And how many weeks of '90s female stand-up comedian recordings did this loser study to cultivate her formulaic, over-rehearsed 'awkward' shtick? Hi, I'm Statler. I'm awkward. Fuck off, poser.
  9. I had to google the other two judges off that poster and I still don't know who the hell they are. A real who's who of talent.
  10. Uh, is that NSYNC's Chris Kirkpatrick in the front row and no I am not even trying to be funny, I think dude is him.
  11. I thought you added the "World Renowned" part to be funny because really now. Would, say, my hypothetical cousin from Dublin, Ireland know of it? Or my hypothetical brother-in-law who lives in Amsterdam? World renowned. Ha. Let's calm down.
  12. I don't watch the show but I do read the comments so I can keep up with what further destruction they are doing to the legacy of SATC this week and it keeps sucking to hear that Harry & Charlotte ended up with such shitty brats for kids. That pisses me off.
  13. I don't understand what Kenny and Armando are doing on this show. This makes no sense to me. I guess it's because they are a fan favourite and it gives them another go at the TLC money but it makes me like them a little less. I'm sure they'd be really heartbroken to hear that though.
  14. Amen to that. The most jarring for me was going from Claire Foy to Olivia Colman. Claire Foy's portrayal was so thoughtful and intentional. Her Elizabeth had the most gravitas even though she was playing the youngest version. Colman's Elizabeth, on the other hand, was a silly caricature, so much so that she reminded me of ding batty Edith Bunker. That was all on Colman. From the little I did watch, Imelda Staunton has managed to right the ship but at this point I no longer care. Elizabeth Debicki being the only one to get an Emmy nomination this season isn't surprising but even that is a reach. She did as good a job as she could portraying Diana but I never once got lost in her being Diana. Her best scenes were when she was sitting down on the couch talking on the phone doing the 'Diana' eye thing.
  15. I just remembered now that I never did bother to even finish watching this last season. It was that forgettable. This is definitely one of those series where the quality goes way down with each passing season. The first season was phenomenal.
  16. Now I do! My nerd husband knew 42 but I did not and this is a perfect example of where Mayim is lacking as host for me. Ken would have followed 42 up by making a quick and clever quip to help fill in the blank for the people at home who didn't get it but Mayim never does. But then on another show, on another day, she will say something like "Mmmm, ice cream" after an answer is given. Same thing -- when Bryan tells his hairy chest story, he sets her right up to say something witty, funny, snarky, anything and instead she says something like "I have nothing to say to you." Yeah, and that's exactly the problem! Ken keeps up with the stupidity of it all with a fun, snappy comeback which makes the stupid segment a little more fun. The best Mayim can do most nights is giggle.
  17. That movie was solid proof that the city of New York was just as important to the show's success as the 4 lead cast members were.
  18. That's Phil Mattingly. He's their Chief White House correspondent.
  19. Ugh, this guy. I bet he is one of those guys that is just full of stupid "inside jokes" and imposes them on all his girlfriends. 'I give Violet the finger because it's my secret code for I love you.' 'The first person to touch the other one is a dirty, rotten egg!' 'Pull my finger' Ugh. Grow the eff up. No wonder he's single. I would last 20 minutes with him. Which would probably give him enough time to come up with a special inside joke between the two of us before I tell him to fuck off.
  20. I'm guessing that the event had a western theme because of the "Howdy Y'all!' at the top of the poster so in the context of that of which I am just entirely guessing, her outfit makes more sense.
  21. I know this is the angela thread but I swear to dog that I am incapable of reading the name Asuelu without hearing him say "the best of the best!" in my head. It gets me every. single. time.
  22. Probably not such a bad idea:
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