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Everything posted by lasu

  1. So, if I yelled DRAG ME in your face, you would attack me? What happens if I yell GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY? What if Candiace had yelled at her husband to hit her? Would it then be totally cool that he did so? Talking about being violent and being violent are two different things.
  2. Maybe her mother can call and tell her it's real from her hospital bed.
  3. Also, was she going commando? Because for her to have blood dripping down her leg, it would have had to soak her underwear, yet she had nothing on her skirt. And I have done the rolled up toilet paper thing in a true emergency (I'm a few years away from menopause and I am STILL consistently caught unprepared for my period - complete failure in life on this front), but she just used a few sheets! I've used practically half a roll when I've had to do it. There's no way that would have worked out until she got home. And yes, I'm certain she could have gotten cigarettes for herself if she wanted. I started smoking at 15 and never had a problem. The legal age when I started was 17, and then changed to 18 while I was 16. And yet still, I never had a problem being very underage and getting cigarettes for myself. And yeah, my mom used to send me into the gas station while she waited in the car when I was 8/9 to get cigarettes AND beer!
  4. I am honestly surprised, as I was by the original news. If this is true, I'll be intrigued. Even though Erika Jayne is an overly sexualized character, I never got the idea she was super sexual herself, and I often thought EJ was styled more for the gay male gaze rather than the straight male gaze. So if someone has sparked a passion in her to leave a nice cushy marriage, I'm going to be intrigued.
  5. I'm calling BS on this, especially since none of the other cast members are still up on the website. If you didn't want drama, you put a picture of Karen up and low key replace it later. Me thinks this drama is what she had to do to get another hat segment on air. No, she should realize her privilege because it will make it easier to have compassion and understanding for those who didn't have the same. Recognizing our own privilege makes us better people. I lost a quote somewhere about why Ashley is coming off looking bad with her letter, and it's because, to put it in Housewives' terms, she isn't OWNING IT. She's being mealy mouthed about what she did. Just admit you're being a snake.
  6. I'd guess about a month. BBAS premiered on Aug 5, so they went into the house about a week before that? Meaning Kaycee and Josh would have tested positive (which I think everyone has denied but no other reason has been offered for them not being on there, and they are two former winners so...) in late July and gone into quarantine for The Challenge in late August.
  7. I don't think they fully left it out, even so far. The brought up the horse instructor and the bodyguard, and Ann said she had a revolving door of men. I'm pretty sure the art dealer comes slightly after we have left off; I think it was after the official separation. They can still easily bring that in if they want to next season. It's made so much worse because HBC seems to have laid off the botox (in general, I mean. I'm not implying she normally does it and stopped for this - I have no idea) so her forehead would move but her hairline wouldn't. It was like you could almost literally see her forehead going under her wig line. So upsetting/distracting.
  8. What an odd article. Obviously a lot of this show is made up whole cloth, and yet I'm sure there ARE still people sitting at home, "How do they know this??" like these are all word for word transcripts, but I kinda think that's on them. And I get why making up things about recent events and real people can be problematic, but this article steps on itself several times. First, it lists several historical inaccuracies, all of which this article purport to show the Royal Family in the worst light but includes these: millions of viewers are told that both Diana and Thatcher were humiliated by the royal family at Balmoral Diana was shown to be a complete triumph at Balmoral, and while I do think they were assholes to the Thatchers, I think based on what the show showed, these were the same asshole tests for everyone, not just the Thatchers. The Queen was responsible for leaking her view of Thatcher as “uncaring”. The show clearly said the Queen never stopped denying it. And even if she did leak it and it was a disaster, I still don't think it shows her in the "worst possible light." Thatcher WAS uncaring, even the the Queen should have kept her mouth shut. Yet it was curiously unnecessary, since there were plenty of occasions, as in Mirren’s interpretation, when royalty can be shown behaving badly. Morgan could have made his point truthfully. Er...does the article of this author know Morgan wrote "Mirren's interpretation" as well? I don't know - I completely understand why some people want this to stick as close to the facts as possible. But this isn't a documentary, and this article makes it seem like it should be. Or, that this show shouldn't have been made at all. He says the "words and actions of living individuals were made up to suit that could have been scripted by Diana’s biggest supporters." Again, this isn't a documentary so of course the dialogue between two people is going to made up. And as far as Diana's biggest supporters? Did he catch the scene where Ann reported Di was a revolving door whore? I just enjoy the show, and I don't need it to present to me a neutral facts only story. Again, I'm not saying that others are wrong for being turned off by the show for the inaccuracies, but they just don't bother me. HOWEVER, some of those wigs, FML. HBC's towards the end was distractingly bad. Forget bad history, I'm more upset about bad hair.
  9. I agree. I think they would let Beth, Mark, Eric Nies come back, and the other guys have mentioned have been doing it consistently. I don't think MTV means Cody is too old physically. I think they probably mean he's too old, too married, too fathered to get up to real hijinks. He won't be around long enough to make long-term alliances and enemies, he's not going to have a string of exes behind him. I think it's more you can't START the show as an elder statesman, regardless of how you would perform in the challenges. You have to pay your dues first. I'd enjoy him, just to watch everyone bang their head against the wall trying to break his robot self, but honestly, I can kinda understand why MTV thinks they way they do on this one.
  10. This I agree with, but I feel it's true of pretty much all the kids on these shows. I don't feel like letting him be seen on camera in "girls' clothing" is more or less wrong than any of these kids being on camera. I think ALL of the parents are crappy on that front, for having their minor children on these shows. I'm sorry your son was bullied.
  11. Honestly, I don't mean to be harsh, but I think we will all be better off when we don't see parents as disgusting assholes for letting their kids step out of traditional gender roles or try to force them to conform or be someone they aren't. He wore a dress and make up on TV! That's it! And he looked great, lol. I'm no Brauny fan, but IMO, if Jacob gets bullied then that means OTHER people's parents failed, not his. (Not that they aren't failing spectacularly in a myriad of other ways, just not this one.)
  12. Legit - I worked as the EA to the CEO of a tech start up. I worked hard, grueling hours, tons of money. I sat in and participated in high level meetings. I was very lucky that I worked for someone who viewed his EA as being on level with his vice presidents, and I was great at my job. And still? I only had the vaguest notion of what we did as a company. Seriously. I could recite a few lines to keep from embarrassing myself if I needed to, but fundamentally...yeah, I can see not really understanding someone's techy job, even if you are married to that someone. I did it my first try, though from AA's perspective I failed because I quit eventually (I don't feel like I failed at all, but it doesn't bother me that someone in AA would see it that way). But I went a year and half and never "slipped." I saw plenty of people who did get it on their first try, and plenty who have probably a hundred white chips. It seems she's put together some time under her belt, and I certainly hope whatever she is looking for, she finds it.
  13. The reunion wouldn't have been filmed yet, so we don't know if that will end up being in person or via zoom. Has Aneesa ever made it to the final? FOURTEEN challenges with no wins. Leroy is on her heels with 12 challenges and no wins. Nany is at 0-10, Cory at 0-8, Kyle 0-5, Nelson 0-7, Theresa 0-7, Tori D 0-5, and Devin 0-5. And, wow, CT has done EIGHTEEN challenges with three wins. Remember when we thought Mark was too old? LOL. And Wes has only won twice in 14 appearances. We're getting Devin back, but will he be at all interesting without Johnny? Or far more interesting? Will we get another round of Kam and Leroy? What about Kaycee and Nany? Nicole, but no Laurel. When was the last time Theresa and Wes met? Did Tori's fiancé get cancelled or will we see him again? How many seasons has it been since neither Johnny nor Cara will be on the show? I know I'm alone on both of these, but first, I love Ashley and all her craziness. Can't wait to see what she brings. Second UO, I can't wait to see how Natalie does. I didn't think I ever would have liked her, but separated from her Twinnie, I grew to adore her. She's a beast, but it's hard for me to see her really carrying any storylines. Of course, I've never seen her on a show with free flowing booze, so who knows? And HOLY SHIT, not only did they clean house on some folks, is this the most diverse cast we've ever seen? There are about twice as many people of color than white folks! Finally, please let there be gorgeous scenery this time in a luxury villa. I can't handle another bunker season right now.
  14. Yes. This is actually considered a better approach - again, people already usually know the reasons they should stop drinking. There normally is a high level of self-loathing towards one's inability to just stop, when it's so clear all the negative consequences drinking/addiction are having one their life. Drugs and alcohol are filling some hole, numbing some hurt. So if you are drinking, for example, because you had an abusive childhood and alcohol numbs the pain, then you need to focus your therapy on coming to terms you can live with about your past. Alcohol is usually used as a tool. When you can figure out what tool alcohol serves for a person, you can start to figure out what different, better tools they need to have. It's not just a philosophical exercise - it's fixing root causes.
  15. One of the ways people are trying to change the conversation around is addition to stop asking why someone wants to quit drinking - what are the negative consequences. Anyone can answer that question. The real question should be what are the POSITIVE consequences you get from drinking. If drinking makes you feel pretty, if drinking makes you forget the past, if drinking makes you sleep at night...if you take away drinking, what are you going to replace it with that will make you happy with your looks, give you the ability to deal with your past, what do you need to sleep through the night? Otherwise, why not go back to drinking? Legit laughed out loud. Because, same.
  16. They literally have "open" and "closed" meetings. Open is for ANYone who feels like wandering in, including friends and family. Even when she and Shawn were going, she actually said, there's an open meeting at 330, or whatever. I was in AA for a year and a half (I was what I call a "situational alcoholic," meaning I was in a dark place emotionally and used alcohol to deal with it, and needed to stop. I did for a year and half, worked through my issues, and decided I didn't want 100% sobriety anymore. This is an INCREDIBLY unpopular opinion to have in AA) and a few times my very, very close friends attended a meeting when I picked up a major chip, but that's it. I never asked anyone to go just to go (and the meetings I attended were "open"). I'm baffled by people who say Brauny couldn't diagnose herself as an alcoholic, or that she should have gone to rehab. You can only diagnose yourself as an alcoholic. She's physically detoxed at this point, but she's clearly still struggling. But it also didn't sound like she started going to meetings until a few weeks into quitting. And anyone who thinks she is faking this??? Holy shit, you must think she is an incredible actress! All that said, she IS lying about the Shannon situation. I'm not saying Shannon didn't say it, but Brauny is still lying. They haven't replayed it since this was all introduced, but Brauny said that Shannon said something like, "and you if you repeat that, I'll deny it 'til the end." If Shannon had truly said THAT part, Brauny would be repeating that part over and over. So, she lied in her talking head when she said that.
  17. Count me in as someone who was actually shocked. I'm in the same boat as other posters - it's not like I thought they had some great love affair, but it did seem like what they had was working for them. I also haven't ever gotten the impression that she's been sweating not getting sex, and I've never gotten the impression she needs male validation, at least in a sexual way. I truly thought they would stay together until he died. I'd be very interested in knowing what's going on, because I don't think it's as simple as Erika waking up one day and just being like, hhhmmmh, I don't feel like being married anymore. Her marriage didn't seem to be holding her back from anything, she seemed to genuinely like Tom. It strikes me as odd, and I wonder if we will get any idea of what is really behind this.
  18. I think that Challenges will overall become less problematic, because the Challengers are seeing that even "but I didn't mean it that way!" statements will get you booted. The contestants that come on now are super aware of their "brands" as well. That said, the real ugliness happens when there are large co-ed teams. It's not as bad if it's partners, but otherwise if the final teams competing are mixed gender, the real misogyny comes out. Women start getting referred to as "fat" that needs to be "trimmed." If you view your female teammates as someone who is going to drag you down and potentially cause you to lose a large amount of money, you are going to resent those women, and the more you resent someone, the more likely it is you will treat that person fairly and with respect. I'm not excusing their behavior, it's abhorrent, and it's not like that mentality hasn't been directed at men, like Eric, but that mixed gender team dynamic really should just be avoided at all costs.
  19. There's actually a pretty good deep dive on this forum here on this topic. Now, my personal opinion is that I do think they inserted the toothbrush into her vagina. I think there is almost no question they took a picture with the toothbrush next to her vagina. Susie and Sarah have both said there was "sexual misconduct" but "no touching." No touching could easily include insertion without actually touching her with anything but the toothbrush. I think Susie and Sarah both though Tonya had "it" coming, regardless of which version is the "it." I also think because they are actually both sexual assault survivors, they may have simply seen her assault as "less than" rising up to the level of their assaults, or simply that her assault wasn't in the same category because of Tonya's own problematic behavior. Keep in mind, Johnny apparently told Susie she should speak out specifically because her word would carry more weight as a survivor, and MTV CERTAINLY blamed Tonya for "not preventing her injures." Also, Susie and Sarah have played coy about exactly what DID happen, despite the fact they have no obligation, especially now that they aren't coming back, not to spell out exactly what happened. I also think it's entirely possible they might have missed a moment when insertion happened. I'd also love to know definitively who told Tonya. I've seen reports it was Kim and that it was Wes. So I'd love to hear from both of them, and from Katie as well, who apparently was interviewed by one of the lawyers. So, at the end of the day, while my PERSONAL opinion is that they probably did insert the toothbrush at the worst, and at "best", "just" took pictures with the toothbrush next to her vagina. Honestly, if I found out it was just the latter and there was no insertion, it actually wouldn't improve my opinion of them in anyway. Complete and utter scumbags. I think he just realized they went far too far with someone far too damaged, and it was going to look awful to viewers (especially if you think some of the toothbrush footage may make it on air) and it was damage control.
  20. I have a seething hatred for that book, so I am bummed to hear this, since I like the actress. Maybe the TV show will fix the incredibly, insanely, stupid geographical problems.
  21. Yes, if you get CBS All Access through CBS All Access, it starts at 11, skips 15, and goes through 31. Is it cheaper through Amazon Prime?
  22. CBS All Access starts with Season11, which is The Gauntlet II, skips season 15 which is Inferno III, and goes through season 31, Vendettas.
  23. No. Mike lives in the same world the rest of us do, where a punch is NOT reasonable and acceptable, even if it's reasonable to him. He's also someone who thought it was reasonable to bite off someone's ear, and I don't think Holyfield found that response reasonable and acceptable. He also thinks it's reasonable and acceptable to rape women in his world, but that's why he went to jail in the real world. Mike Tyson is a violent, raping, spouse abusing sociopath and the only reason we should take anything he says into account is to do the exact opposite. FFS. Candiace has shown herself to be a complete asshole and one who takes things too far. She has not, so far, crossed the line into actual violence. Monique has. I like Monique a LOT more than I like Candiace, but when one person has been violent and the other hasn't, I can't call that even.
  24. That is a fascinating interview. I've always like Adam, so it's disturbing to hear he is an accused serial rapist. It's interesting too, because I just started watching The Ruins, and one of the guys (I forget which one) was mad at Wes, so he started attacking KellyAnne, because that makes sense. He started saying KellyAnne had slept with every guy in the house, which is gross and irrelevant to start with. But KA was like, "Who have I slept with in this house? Wes? Cohutta? Who else? Adam??. Even before reading this, I thought it came out weirdly, and now I know why. I'd also really like to know why she doesn't like Cohutta. He mostly seemed like a good guy, but I have vague thoughts about him saying some things that made me side eye. I almost stopped watching The Ruins, because everything with Tonya is so fucking awful. It's disgusting to watch her edit, when I know they chose that edit while also knowing she was sexually assaulted on the show. The shaming is awful (and wow on a flashback of Veronica accusing Tonya of masturbating). She is clearly not ok, and she shouldn't have been cast on this season. She was so clearly unwell entering the show, and then to get sexually assaulted? To see a damaged person damaged even further, just for the fun of it? Fuck. But probably the most stomach turning part was after Tonya got into the fight with Veronica and was completely falling apart, was Evan "comforting" her. Seriously, you should my face right now. He was all pulling her onto his lap like he's her protector and giving talking heads about how he knows the challenge family is the only family Tonya has, and I'm just sitting there like YOU RAPED HER WITH A FUCKING TOOTHBRUSH. I feel like that must have made things even worse when she found out about her assault, that the person who was "comforting" her and "protecting" her was the person she needed the most protection from. Fucking sociopath. And then all of them coming together after she left, and being like, OK, guys, we went too far. And Wes is like, um, I didn't. Brad didn't. YOU GUYS DID. So fucking disturbing.
  25. lasu


    Wow @methadonna and @methodwriter85, that was kinda awesome to watch. It's really refreshing to see Person A say why they think Person B's opinion is wrong, and Person B doesn't get mad and huff off all offended! Cheers to you both! (See how I tied that topic in!?!)
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