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Everything posted by lasu

  1. Based on the schedules they released last year, I don't think they were going to have it even if covid didn't covid. I hope it comes back though; it's my favorite version, probably because the age of contestants skews upwards.
  2. From what I gathered from the conversation, the problem wasn't what Boogie had to say, but how he said it. Ian said it was really tough, and it went on for 30-45 minutes. I think Kaysar's point wasn't that someone didn't need to point out his behavior, but it shouldn't be done in a way that causes obvious trauma this much later, that Boogie should have tailored his message to his audience. It wasn't the right way to get a point across to Ian. You could see Ian start rocking harder as he talked about it. Was this shown on air? I have no memory of it.
  3. Thank you. I missed the beginning of the conversation, just that Boogie had given "tough love" to Ian, and Ian was saying how awful it was, but that it always was a life altering conversation. Kaysar was like, yeah, but that doesn't excuse the trauma he caused you as well. It was just nice for once to recognize abuse for abuse, and tell the abusee it wasn't ok.
  4. Double post because I totally forgot the MOST surprising thing from the Gauntlet was some behind the scenes footage where TJ and Cyrus nearly got into a physical fight. TJ was completely puffing back up to Cyrus, until Timmy came over and chastised him for not being professional, which literally made me lol. TJ immediately went from 10 to 1 and was like, you're right man. BUT STILL. TJ almost got into a fight with a contestant! Can you imagine??
  5. What is the shower situation with Boogie that Ian and Kaysar are talking about? I'm loving the way Kaysar is talking to Ian right now.
  6. In the African American Vernacular English, there is a rule about vowel-consonant combination. It's the same rule that leads "ask" to be pronounced as "axe". So, "liberry" would be considered a dialect pronunciation, not an incorrect one. It's like how "y'all" isn't correct in Standard American English, but is completely accepted as part of the American Southern Dialect. There is an extremely good podcast on this that was really eye opening to me if you're interested in learning more and another article on the dialect. My link button is broken so I'm just going to paste the links below. https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/michael-hobbes/youre-wrong-about/e/59847205 https://www.hawaii.edu/satocenter/langnet/definitions/aave.html
  7. It's not that I believe Brandi. I think Brandi is desperate and would do anything for attention and money. I absolutely think it's within her capability to make something like this up, and I give her almost no credibility in any given situation. I think she COULD lie about something like this, but for me, the question still remains DID she lie about this? And my ruling is based on Denise, and I think something certainly happened. Denise is just being too weird about it. When she was talking to Rinna, she said something about Brandi's trip to do the podcast, "She was there for like a day, I think she might have stayed over..." C'mon. There's just no way she doesn't remember if Brandi stayed in her hotel room. I just don't believe that Denise has random female acquaintances stay over in her hotel rooms, with her daughters there, that she can't remember this time from all the others. And then when she was talking to the group, she glossed over the overnight part even more, and said something like, "She flew to do the podcast, we did the podcast, she flew back to LA, that was that." Then you add on the part where she is changing her story on whether or not she talked to Brandi before Kyle's party, and then the sudden remembering that she did talk to Brandi, and Brandi told her she had sex with Kyle or Rinna. Again, c'mon. To me, there is just no question Denise is hiding something. So it's not that I believe Brandi, it's that I DON'T believe Denise. That said, I'm not mad about Denise lying. I definitely think this is a hit job, and while if you are on reality tv, you have to worry about skeletons in your closet, that doesn't mean if someone drags a skeleton out, you immediately have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I think Kyle, Brandi, Kim, and likely Teddi are far worse assholes for purposely bringing this in front of the cameras. So, I'm fine with Denise lying to her heart's content, but it is annoying she's so bad at it.
  8. One of the interesting things was seeing how polished this show has become. While I think the older seasons are more fun and I like the summer camp vibe, it also looks so low rent to have them competing in their own shorts and tshirts, and people watching the gauntlets drinking beer. It's pretty funny to me. I just started Fresh Meat. I was shocked that Casey and Ev were only 18 for this season!
  9. I mean, if Zingbot hasn't caught anything from past houseguests, I'd say he has a pretty robust immune system and is up to date on all shots.
  10. My very first post ever was about Big Brother season two! Way back when it was Mighty Big TV, before TWoP. I actually liked Dr Will from the beginning* - I enjoyed his unabashed glee at being such a liar (and you have to remember, this was when lying was still considered novel - he was, for me anyway, the first "villain" I loved to hate. I liked Hardy better once he dyed his hair black and went crazy. *ETA: Well, since his original season anyway. I don't think I actually liked him until Booger and Shannon went home. But Will getting out of bed at a full tilt run, eyes barely open, straight out of a dead sleep, to go see the new trampoline is one of my favorite moments of BB ever.
  11. Oh, I stopped believing in aging gracefully once I actually started aging, lol. The only reason I haven't done botox is because of the domino effect with it, but I would love to get a boob lift, and whatever I would need to do tighten my neck and jawline. But I am more terrified of ending up looking like Brandi or Adrienne than I am looking my age.
  12. OK, I can see that. I think it's just semantics, but when I hear "had work done" I translate that as plastic surgery, and I don't put botox or fillers in that category. So, I would still say she hasn't had "work done" (again, it's not like I'm claiming there is an official definition of "work done"), but I would agree that botox or fillers does disqualify you from saying you have a natural face.
  13. I'm not arguing, but what do you think she has had done? I just looked at pictures of her from ST, and the main difference I see is age. She was 26 in that movie and she's 49 now.
  14. My old boss told me he had a fake ring made for his wife to wear when they traveled. I asked why, and he said in case they were mugged. I suggested maybe not wearing a ring at all, since his wife's finger/hand/body was going to get just as jacked up over a fake ring as a real one. The expression on his face told me he never thought of that.
  15. While I'm more of a Denise, in that I vastly prefer tshirts, jeans, and flips, I also adore Erika's style. Sometimes she has some crazy misses, but I almost always appreciate the effort. I have from her first season. I'm 99.9% sure we never saw her on camera in first season that she hadn't gone through glam, and I admire that dedication. I mean that. I know she couldn't have the "dedication" without the resources, but I honestly get ready for work in about 7 minutes. So, I think that makes me enjoy her costuming quite a bit. It's like how I love other people's beautiful gardens but I'll be damned if I'm going to plant anything or pull a weed.
  16. This show makes me laugh, but not for the reasons you might think. My ex tried to watch this show on demand. I could not explain why, trust me, I cannot, but he thought rather than watching the episodes in the order they appeared in the on demand list, he needed to watch all the ones with Laura as a patient, then David as a patient, then Bill (names made up). Obviously it made no sense to watch it that way, either as a choice or as a show with a cohesive storyline. What a dum dum.
  17. Requiring someone to go through a program before you teach a program isn't unusual. Weight Watchers coaches have to have gotten to lifetime maintenance, and that's their only requirement to be a coach. What would make Teddi's All In pyramid-like is if your success is completely dependent on you signing up new people who then sign up new people who then sign up new people. If one can become a successful coach by ONLY signing up clients, then I say not pyramid-like. If one can only be successful by signing up clients to become coaches, then that's pyramid-like. At least this doesn't require you to purchase hundreds or even thousands of dollars of worthless merchandise.
  18. That's pretty much what this episode of the reunion was.
  19. I'm glad y'all explained what was going on with CBS All Access. Though it's extra weird, if you hit FF at the actual end of the episode, it doesn't repeat those minutes. But I thought I was losing my mind. Is Gauntlet II the one where supposedly the entire cast was sneaking off and getting high? There are a LOT of invisible people on this season.
  20. Dang, I dunno how I feel about the fact I thought they were BOTH a little older than me, and they...are not.
  21. Yes, I agree with this. Even if Denise did it and is lying her ass of about it, this is still an incredibly painful thing to go through on tv, and Kyle, Brandi, Kim, and likely Teddi made a choice to bring this on camera for revenge. I don't think cheating on your husband is admirable, but I don't think it was a calculated at this revenge is. Even Sutton caught on pretty damn quick that it seemed like the entire point of bringing up what Denise supposedly said was merely an excuse to bring up the sex rumor. Mine is a lifesaver if I'm dressing up, or it's rainy or super humid outside. I get so many compliments, I feel it must look sorta natural, and I take the time to use brown eyeshadow to blend the top of my hair into the base of the pony.
  22. Haha! I don't think you can tell in my tiny thumbnail, but I'm wearing a clip on pony in my profile picture! No shame in my game, but I spotted Brandi's the second she appeared on screen.
  23. Do you mean you're down with *not* slut-shaming? The first part of your post seems like that might have been what you meant, but my apologies if I'm putting words in your mouth. FWIW, I don't think any of Denise's reactions are any kind of evidence the rumors are true, EXCEPT that she feigned like she didn't know what Teddi was talking about, when she clearly did. However, the fact that Denise knew about the rumor doesn't make me think it is more or less likely to be true, only that she clearly knew it was out there. Also, how hard she downplayed her friendship with Brandi, when obviously, at the very least, they were friends for a period of time. Having watched the segment and her reactions, I personally judge she did it, but if I was on a jury, I couldn't convict. I unquestionably think Denise is lying about talking shit about the others. Point taken on probably having lots of lawyers on speed dial thanks to being the ex of Sheen. I think Sutton could have heard the rumor organically, and I honestly don't think Dorit and Garcelle knew about the rumor. Erika's impossible to read, but the other two at least seemed genuinely surprised. And finally, whether this is true or not, I absolutely still am team Denise, because this is a horrible thing to go through on camera. Even if she 100% cheated on her husband and tried to get Brandi to lie for her, it doesn't mean I still can't empathize with what's she's going through. Especially because I absolutely agree Kyle certainly and Teddi probably made a choice to put this on camera to get back at her for mommygate, which is insane.
  24. I don't believe in slut-shaming anyone (enjoy your sex life! It's fun!), but wouldn't Denise be the one in the more-wrong here? If this is true, she cheated on her husband, which I personally would find worse. Especially with Brandi!
  25. Yes, this is what I read too. And if you watch closely after she says she has the garlic allergy, his face cracks slightly before hers, then she gave the wry smile and sorry. I took it as both of them acknowledging the absurdity of a garlic allergy in Italy. Then, we get compliments on how great the Italian food is, and Erika makes a point to compliment it by putting down Italian food as shit in America. And Dorit's face said that shade was received and noted. I totally laughed out loud, because while I think the idea of not being able to get great Italian food at all in America is absurd (and I say this having had one of my 10 best meals of my life in Rome), but the thought of anyone describing Buca de Pepo (maybe I got that right?) as good italian food is silly. It's aggressively mediocre. The question is, was that intentional on Erika's part, or did Dorit just get caught in the way of Erika's general snobbishness? I don't think the footage from Bravocon really gives me any evidence to apply here. She gave a pretty generic response about being friendly with Brandi. She didn't say she was talking to her or seeing her, or had done either recently. It's not evidence she wasn't talking to Brandi, but based on this footage and quote alone, I'd say Denise could have given the same answer about someone she runs into a parties and chats with for 15 minutes. There's just nothing to the footage. Which actually makes me wonder all the more why Bravo presented it like a smoking gun. So, one of my personal questions is whether or not I think Teddi knew what they were going to be filming with Brandi. I'm 99% that Kyle, Brandi, and Kim knew (I won't say I'm 100% on something I have to recognize I don't actually know for a fact). I'm about 90% certain she did, and I can't stop laughing that she yet again has gotten used into doing dirty work. Either way, I think she's just smart enough to realize she's gotten herself in it again and the anxiety is from the blow back she knows she's going to get. I certainly don't think she was in on the part of the script about living in her dad's shadow, because that shit clearly hurt. Poor dumb Teddi. Denise's eyes look red and watery before they even get to her, when it's still on Garcelle and Sutton. Erica's do towards the end, and I while I low key love her cold ass, I don't believe ANY of this shit brought her to tears. It's all weird. I definitely think Denise is lying about something. Even when it's just what she supposedly said to Brandi about the others, she really downplays her friendship with Brandi. Which, is Denise denying she slept in a bed with Brandi? The only reason that matters to me, is I don't think much of sharing a bed with a platonic bed, but I'm also pretty good friends with the platonic friends I have shared a bed with. So, if at one point Denise and Brandi were friendly to the point of even sharing a platonic bed, then at least for a time period, they were friends. Even sharing a hotel room period! And if they were friends at all between these two seasons, I am absolutely not going to believe that they never talked about the other castmembers. C'mon! That would be one of the very first things they would talk about, and Brandi is exactly the kind of person to encourage someone to talk shit about others as a form of bonding. So I find it highly unlikely they had any sort of friendship where they never spoke of any of these women, which is what Denise says over and over again. I find the thought that she said absolutely nothing completely impossible, and the idea she said nothing disparaging unlikely. So, I think she's lying on this point. I also cannot buy that Denise didn't not already know this rumor (or truth) was out there. Look: Garcelle: Do you want to know? Denise: But I don't know... Garcelle: But do you want to know? Denise, do you want to know? Denise: If this is a dangerous area, then not on camera Teddi: But it's already on camera. Denise: Teddi?!?! [I honestly have trouble getting a read on this. Her shock could be because she has no idea what's going on, her shock could be because she just found out this rumor/truth is already on camera. She's definitely already shook.] Teddi: Well, I'm warning you because there's going to be more. I telling you. Denise: And I'm telling you there's no truth to that. [Truth to WHAT? If she didn't already think Teddi was talking about something specific, why wouldn't she be trying clarify instead of trying to make a blanket statement that no matter what it is, it's not true. Who denies something without even trying to find out what they denying? And even a dummy like Teddi can pick up on that because...] Teddi: So you already know what it is? Denise: To nothing! There's no truth to anything. SNIP Teddi: Denise, I'm not going to torture you any longer. She said you two had sex. OK? Then Denise's reactions just seems odd to me. Again, based on the above, I absolutely believe Denise knew what was going to be said before Teddi said it. So her denial otherwise makes her less credible to me. I'm not saying that makes Brandi MORE credible, but Denise just seems off the whole way down. I 100% believe that true or false, she knew this was what was coming either A) because it happened, or B) she had heard rumors of a rumor. But even earlier, when they are asking Denise why Brandi would just make things things up, Denise says she doesn't know why Brandi would do it, and Teddi says it's because of what happened between the two of them, and Denise immediately says nothing happened! So, again, what exactly at that point are you denying? If I were in here situation and this was all new news to me, I think I'd say something like "what do you mean what happened?? What could she be upset about, what did she say?" I'd be interested in knowing how Sutton heard this rumor and who from. I do think the main difference between Teddi/Kyle and Sutton is that Teddi and Kyle made a choice to bring this on camera. I think left to her own devices, Sutton wouldn't have mentioned it on camera. But when producers directly ask her, she's going to answer. I also didn't get an impression that Sutton had an opinion on the rumor. She just said she heard it. That's all. The only reason that's interesting is that it could prove that the rumor predates Mommygate. I still certainly think the reason it was brought on CAMERA is mommygate, but I'd be interested in knowing when Sutton heard the rumor for the first time in relation to 3somegate. I think Denise is very worried about how this truth/rumor is going to affect her marriage. I think when she says she a very married woman and loves her husband very much, she's telling the truth. That doesn't mean something didn't happen with Brandi. If it did, either Aaron already knows and it's been a problem, and obviously being on camera is going to make that worse OR he doesn't know, and we witnessed her realizing there is certainly no stopping him finding out at this point. If it's true, either way, it's a horrible thing to have to process on camera, and I would want to bravo, bravo, bravo my way right on out of there. Honestly, if you are still reading my fucking manifesto on the housewives, you should stop! I'm just rambling. But my final thoughts. I think something happened between Brandi and Denise, and for whatever reason, it was against any agreement between Denise and Aaron. It could be that there is NO agreement and that's the problem, or that somehow she specifically broke a rule of their agreement that night. Maybe it was girls only, but never even remotely around the kids (I'm not saying the kids heard or having sex with kids in your house is immoral), it could have been something about Brandi specifically. But I think something happened, and she has been trying to hide it. I think regardless, what I'm witnessing is genuine pain, either because she feels guilt for having done something wrong, or hurt at someone going to such extremes to hurt her apparently without reason, and the effect either one may have on her, her marriage, and her family. And I honestly do feel for her on that. But she was also quick with a swiftness to mention she was headed straight to call lawyers. Not so much confused and shook about what happened, not so much trying to figure what the fuck just happened, but more like how the fuck do I get ahead of what just happened? Odd. I feel for her going through this on tv, but I do think there's some fire to this smoke.
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