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Everything posted by lasu

  1. I wouldn't say that in and of itself is mean spirited - it could go either way. BUT, she also reposted an IG from someone else that said something how John never smiled with Shannon, and this proves Shannon was the problem. Now THAT is meanspirited and can't be taken any other way. I still feel badly for her, because this guy is OBVIOUSLY trash, and she's too dim to see how she's being used by someone she thinks loves her. She's being a fool and a pick me girl, but I still ALWAYS hate to see a woman get played by a dirty man. Shannon doesn't yet understand she's WAY better off without this loser, but hopefully she'll see that soon.
  2. I do not believe that Nicole was setting a healthy boundary. I think Nicole is being manipulative and everything about Laurel screams "abuse victim." I actually like Nicole overall, but I don't like her at all in relation to Laurel, who I'm mostly indifferent to. If Nicole does nothing further this season that seems to be sending mixed signals, I'll take back what I said. I haaaaaate seeing a strong ass woman like Laurel get played for a fool by this person yet again. I hope I'm wrong and this is nothing more than foolishness between exes, but (to me, and definitely because of baggage I bring to the table), this looks incredibly toxic and I want Laurel to run as fast as those eight foot legs will take her.
  3. Same. I watched the five episodes and I never got the feeling he was a child predator who abused anyone. But, I think they might be saying that the trailer is misleading?? I'm not sure. But otherwise, I agree, and if anything it makes me wonder why he's freaking out so badly.
  4. I actually worry a bit about Scheana being so opposed to Brock working. I think it's tied in with her insecurity, in that keeping him financially dependent on her will help keep him from leaving. And if so, that is abusive.
  5. Shannon's a loon, but I don't blame her for being upset. Though I'm interested to see how Alexis comes off in all of this - was she meanspirited? I honestly just remember her being a bit dim and subservient to her idiot husband. I'm just wondering if she'll be sympathetic to Shannon or if she's going to be more rub it in your face.
  6. I'll be interested to see this one. MoviePass was a particularly favorite period of my life. I have an Alamo pass now which suits me fine, but it was nice when you could go to any theater.
  7. Why do you think I was upset? I was embarrassed for her to have given herself the nickname, not upset. I'm not a jury. I can like one person and not another for the same behavior. Obviously people I like I give more of a pass to, and I like Kam and Leroy better than I like Cara (and Paulie). This isn't how people work though. Just like a lot of people here think Kam's actions were way worse than CM's - I think it depends on who you liked better to start with, and that's ok. None of us agreed to be fair and balanced and treat everyone on our TVs with a completely impartial eye. This as well. While I'll fully admit I like Kam more than Cara, I totally give a fresh chance when someone has been away for a while, so I wasn't holding CM's past against her. But she completely expected Kam to understand that CM would make moves to better her own game, but then went bonkers when it happened to her. The worst thing I heard Kam say was something to the effect of finding it "disgusting" that CM would put the game above friendship, which is a completely asinine thing to say. Of course CM is going to do that. But then the only other things I remember her saying was directly to CM's face (calmly) that she didn't feel like CM had her back (which she didn't - CM was rightly playing her game) and later Kam said that CM clearly had an alliance that included star holders which didn't include her, and therefor it's against her. Dramatic perhaps, but not wrong. It does look like there is more between then coming up, but so far, I haven't seen Kam throw a temper tantrum the way CM did. It's a shame, to me, because CM used to be someone to really root for, and now she's such a powerhouse it would be fun to watch her win if she wasn't so whiny. None of this is to "prove" that CM is worse than Kam. I just don't feel like if I'm going to address one person's behavior I have to write a response on every other person who might have behaved similarly. We can all like and dislike whomever we want for any ol' reason at all.
  8. lasu

    The Valley

    Huh. That's...a twist. The good ol' boy who can't handle LA and just wants to sit by the fishin' hole is actually a model FROM LOS ANGELES? I'll admit, I didn't see that one coming.
  9. Not to negate your larger point, but to his credit, I don't believe any of Leo's exs have anything bad to say about him, even once they get older. But I still think less of him for the habit at all.
  10. And regardless of his looks, his refusal to date a woman older than 25 despite being almost 50 is not awesome.
  11. Cara Maria put on one of the worst performances in modern Challenge history, IMO. Her entitlement that people who clearly could not beat her in a final should help her get to a final was bonkers. It's very easy for her to be ride or die for Jasmine - it's ALWAYS going to be in her favor if Jasmine is in the game. She acted completely insane. And it did NOT slip past me that the second Brandon said something back (that was accurate and stated mildly - that they hadn't spoken in 8 years), she immediately threw out the word "aggressive." SHE was the only person who was aggressive, up to and including her opponent. HER aggression towards Jasmine especially was really not fun to watch, but I did enjoy Jasmine calmly telling her to mind her business in the sand. Did anyone else catch that CM deemed herself "Stara Maria"??? What the actual fuck? I don't know if Rachel could have beat CM in a physical battle, but I would have liked to have seen one. Either way, I never expected to be pulling so hard for Rachel. I always hope that when someone takes some time away they will come back improved, but CM seems to have come back worse. I'm now watching AGGRESSIVELY hoping CM loses and soon.
  12. If I had to guess? I'd say Lisa doesn't actually give a flying fuck what Jax says about her (her ego is solid and isn't going to effected by anything he says), but simultaneously, she's not going to miss an opportunity to browbeat him. If Lisa actually showed up to Sur that day with no idea Jax was filming an event there, I'd actually lose more respect for her, because that would mean she knows far less about her businesses than I ever suspected, and that her staff would book someone who talks shit about her behind her back. It's weird - the story she's selling makes her look worse than reality, which (IMO) is that she doesn't actually care if Jax is there or not, and she is just showing up for work and to collect checks.
  13. Siggy's stepson was arrested on five misdemeanor charges related to Jan 6. Apparently he was one of the people who went into Pelosi's suite. And the kicker is that apparently he got caught because Siggy posted pictures of him on her social media saying how proud she was of him. Womp womp.
  14. She didn't get assaulted as a result of what she felt was standing up for herself though. So I'm not putting words in your mouth, are you saying that you wouldn't blame the drunk person for a crime being committed against them, EVEN THOUGH they could have done something (by not getting so drunk) to prevent it? Because if so, we are on the same page in this circumstance, I just also apply it people becoming violent in a verbal altercation as well. Which was probably compounded by so many people telling her she was at fault for her own attack.
  15. lasu

    The Valley

    I really did not care for the way Jasmin and Jax were pre-blaming Kristen before she'd done anything. Michelle looked completely out of control at the end. I wonder if it was fear of what Kristen might out or just general stress at the end of her marriage, or a combo? I wouldn't say that Jesse slamming his fists on the table was abusive, but I wouldn't stay either. I am extremely uncomfortable around anger being expressed that way. He did crack me up when he was yelling that if Kristen told him something he didn't already know about his wife he would end her. I'm not sure why it was so funny to me, just the "Don't you dare tell me anything new!!!" killed me.
  16. Something about her face in that picture looks like Kelly Dodd.
  17. You think it's weird to not blame someone who committed no criminal behavior for someone else's crimes? If I ordered lasagna but got chicken parm at Olive Garden and asked for it to be fixed, and my server slapped me because he wasn't in the mood and didn't like my tone, should I have known better? How do you ever stand up for yourself if you're always afraid of how someone else will react? Monique made a choice to escalate to physical violence over words all by herself. Call me crazy, but I hold her accountable for her criminal actions. If she is unable to control herself when under verbal assault, those are life skills she should learn. Just like men have to not rape women in short skirts. Monique lost control of herself and committed a criminal assault. You can say to each their own, but again, we do live in a country that has laws about behavior and interactions. And no where does it say if someone pisses you off enough, you get to assault them. So it's not like I'm just making this up out of nowhere. It's literally the law.
  18. That was actually funny. But overall, I was very annoyed with the scene, because who believes Jax actually snuck a FILMED event at Sur past LVP. I laughed when her manager dude pointed out they were over capacity for the event. Obviously LVP agreed to this because it brought her money, and it annoys me that she expects me to believe otherwise.
  19. Accurate. Also accurate, lol. I actually think this is way smarter of Jax than what Tom & Tom did. He's just putting his name on something without putting any money in, from what I understand. It's just another form of a paid endorsement, he's got nothing to lose. (Though I agree with the larger point that he's accomplished nothing.) (And yet still seems to have way more than me, lol.)
  20. Again, I've gotten hit for running my mouth, so I'm speaking from first hand experience when I say I regret nothing. Standing up for myself is worth it. I don't look back at my words with embarrassment and shame, but I know for a fact at least one of the people who hit me, grew up and became better and apologized for their actions. Also, when I apply for a job, no one can see that I have run my mouth too much in the past. But those assault charges stay with you for quite awhile. I wasn't even a rude, childish bitch with ugly behavior, and I still got assaulted by someone who control themselves (I've been hit by both women and men for my words) (I've also at a younger age lost control and hit someone for what they said to me and I suffered the consequences of that - I'm FAR more embarrassed by that than anything that has EVER come out of my mouth). I'm going to continue to be someone who stands up for myself, even though I do understand I may eventually come across someone who will assault me, simply for standing up for myself. I'm also going to wear what I want and have drinks in public when I feel like it, and if someone wants to blame me if something bad happens as a result, well, that's their problem. I'm just not willing to live my life in fear. No thanks. We all understand that verbal altercations can escalate to physical assaults. We just don't then blame the verbal person for the physical person's behavior.
  21. Yes, laws, lol. They are thing! They could even be considered a reflection of what we consider right and wrong in this society, and what (as a society) we expect to be adult behavior. I also sometimes drink alcohol in short skirts at bars where there are men I don't know. Even if I make myself more vulnerable to being raped, I hope people wouldn't be so quick to blame me because I didn't do everything in my power to prevent criminal behavior towards me. I don't know about others here, ESPECIALLY those who are too afraid to speak up for themselves, but I've actually gotten hit for running my mouth - more than once! In Raleigh, NC! Not even in a scary, dangerous place to grow up! By people you wouldn't define as those who have nothing to lose. Does it suck? You bet it does. But it also sucks not standing up for yourself, or enjoying a drink at a bar, because you are too afraid of criminals. And I, for one, will ALWAYS place MORE responsibility on the criminal for their criminal behavior than I will the criminal's victim.
  22. This isn't your best example, I don't think. There are actually laws about how you as a pedestrian can cross the street. For example, if you cross in the middle of the street, it's jaywalking, and it's illegal. And yet, even if you break this law, a driver of a car is expected to do everything they possibly can to not hit the jaywalker. If they do not do everything they can, they will be charged with hitting the jaywalker, even though the jaywalker committed the first "crime." Candiace never committed a crime. Monique did. Drivers are expected to avoid pedestrians regardless of how badly the pedestrian behaves. Hitting a pedestrian with your car is only going to be excused if you absolutely couldn't prevent it. Even if I run out in front of your car over and over, taunting you to run me over, you still are not allowed to do it or it's you've become a criminal too (which has happened with drivers hitting protesters). Monique did not do everything she could to prevent the altercation from going from verbal to physical, and that's why her actions are criminal and Candiace's are not. Candiace did not put Monique in a situation where Monique could not prevent herself from assaulting Candiace.
  23. No, the make up pieces themselves are toys. There is nothing on the mascara wand or powder puff.
  24. lasu

    The Valley

    She had work done on neck, I think lipo (or maybe something more than that, since that wouldn't tighten), just at the beginning of the season. She's said that while filming it left her with a frown as it was healing (I would assume meaning she has less of a permanent frown now, but I haven't seen her).
  25. Woah. Reading the age difference and SEEING it are two different things. That's a really big age gap to start with, and she looks VERY young for her age. I didn't think my opinion of that particular Tom could get any lower, yet here we are. Lower.
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