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Everything posted by lasu

  1. lasu

    The Valley

    I think this was a set up, honestly. I think Danny might be taking one for the team, and looking bad, because I think she wanted to come home. I could be completely wrong, and if she did actually want to stay and wasn't complicit, then yes, he's a complete asshole. But, didn't she just go off to do something for Miss USA overnight and he was fine? When they were talking, she didn't seem like she had any resentment or animosity towards him or his support. I honestly hope they address this one way or another at some point so I can decide if he's an ass or not!
  2. Monique complained plenty. So did Debra. Monique had nothing to lose? I mean, really, at the end of the day, one is criminal behavior and one isn't. Of course running my mouth could get me knocked upside the head, because there are criminals. I also lock my doors because of criminals, but if I leave my door unlocked (legally allowed action), I do not deserve to have my house broken into (criminal action). Monique's actions were criminal - Candiace's were not. I consider Candiace's actions (while often incredibly childish) to be more more mature than Monique's.
  3. Sorry I kept putting my dick in your friend... I personally find Arianna to be very dour and not my cup of tea, but from what I've seen, she seemed to be a good partner to Sandoval - it didn't look like she cosigned EVERYthing he did (which I think is right), but she did show up to his stupid shows and act like she was having a good time.
  4. What the actual f? LOL, I honestly need to know the circumstances (not that I think there are any that make this ok), but I just neeeeeeeeeeed to know because that's so random! I very, very much want to know what led to this, but most certainly, I hope Henry is not bothered by this at ALL. As far as her being fired (from the same article):
  5. Which is bonkers. I really hope the mom didn't pressure Drake not to tell his father, because that's a pretty big secret. Not just the abuse, but the fact he was going through a whole trial against his abuser. They never said anything about when Drake's father found out, did they? What a weird situation (among the awfulness, I mean. It's just weird to not know your child is going through a huge criminal trial).
  6. That woman in question has already admitted that the one man believed just as strongly that he had a son as she did he didn't. She just somehow thought she knew better. The audacity is insane.
  7. I don't expect you to tolerate anything, I just expect you not to get violent over words. How is not learning to keep your hands to yourself not a bigger deficiency than not learning how to stop running your mouth? I'll admit to having a mouth on me, but I've managed to keep my hands to myself when I get it back. I don't understand full grown adults who haven't learned how to not get violent when losing a verbal battle.
  8. I think actually most reasonable people fall here. I personally agree on all counts with what you said.
  9. I liked Monica overall (as an amazing reality TV villain, not as a human being), but I definitely wished she would have cut out the age shaming and some of the weaker insults. I wonder if having another baby hurt her chances of coming back?
  10. It's not going to be easy to come after her relationship again, because Gordon fell on his sword like it was part of his alimony settlement. He either truly feels she hasn't done wrong by him and is continuing to be a good friend/partner/co-parent, or he can SERIOUSLY play the game to keep her sipping out of that flute. I don't know which, but it was impressive either way.
  11. It's not just some people who feel this way - it's reflective of our society's value system when it comes to physical versus verbal assault. It's a fact of our society that it is not legally acceptable to respond to a verbal assault with a physical one. I can agree that there is such thing as verbal abuse and that people can go too far and should experience consequences as a result of their words, but I will never agree that physical violence is an acceptable response to any verbal assault. I don't think that anyone here has actually said that people who go too far with their words should experience NO consequences. We just strongly feel none of those consequences should include physical violence. I certainly agree that a physical assault MAY indeed happen as a result of a verbal assault towards the wrong person, but I can't understand justifying it. What if Candiace had run her mouth at Chris Bass instead of his wife? Would it be ok for him to assault Candiace because she went too low and said something too nasty? What if Candiace was the SIZE of Chris Bass and ran her mouth the same way? Would Monique have still attacked her, or figured out a less violent way to deal with the things Candiace had to say? And how do you decide, using this metric of words can get you assaulted and you need to expect it any moment, when to ever open your mouth? Do you complain to the manager if you get the wrong dinner? What if he doesn't like your tone and slaps you? Why do you think the law doesn't allow for this aspect of human nature that is apparently completely normal when someone pushes your wrong button that day? If people aren't expected to control themselves, why aren't there "Yo Momma" clauses in assault laws? Because we, as a society, expect people to keep their hands to themselves, unless they are protecting themselves or someone else from imminent physical (NOT verbal) danger.
  12. But that has nothing to do with the party. Once she decided to go with donor sperm, I think this was a lovely way to handle it. If you don't approve of her getting donor sperm, you're not going to think the party is cute.
  13. lasu

    The Valley

    Has anyone seen Michelle's feet? Their attractiveness could be a clue.
  14. I'd move Adrianna to fourth place. When was the last time she hooked a new wallet?
  15. I actually thought the party was cute, all things considered. I'm not a huge Lala fan, but I don't think she's wrong that this will be a lovely story to tell her child one day.
  16. I did too, but I also caught that Drake said at the sentencing, that his side of the court only had him, his mother, and his brother. I wondered why his dad wasn't there. It does seem there was a bad estrangement for a while, and that it seemed to encompass the time Drake was going through the trial, and that's unfortunate.
  17. lasu

    The Valley

    I said this after the last episode and I'll say it again - I'm not a fan of how these people are willing to step on Kristen to get to fame. They are treating her like shit, but if it wasn't for her (and Jax), there wouldn't be a show. I've never said this before about any show or any cast member, but if these idiots push Kristen off the show, I'll stop watching. It's not even that I love Kristen so much, but the way they are using her is absolute bullshit. I honestly think they think that because "we" (the audience) has turned on Kristen before, we'll do it again. Which, sure, in the right circumstances. But Kristen is the one we "know", and we're not going to take the side of strangers over the person we "know". They're very stupid to think that.
  18. Much shorter filming time, and you're not cut off from "the outside world" like you are on The Challenge.
  19. lasu

    The Valley

    I'm not loving the way this cast seems to think they can use Kristen as a stepping stone. They had no problem using her fame to get their show launched, but now they're going to try to ice her out. It was also making me a little bananas that everyone kept saying Kristen called someone racist. She did not. She said that Janet implied that Michelle was racist.
  20. Unfortunately, when they showed Sandoval grandstanding on camera and changing the litter box, she has a litterbox cabinet with a regular (looked very small, tbh) litter pan. And it really did look bad. She really should get one of the litter robots, if she hasn't already at this point.
  21. FWIW, I'm getting the same message in the US.
  22. I agree this is incredibly tough IF that's what someone is actually doing. But based on this, it sounds like Schwartz could say he was pre-med based on nothing. It sounds like anyone can declare themselves "pre-med" (or, I'm guessing, "pre-law"), but in reality they are just working on a bachelors like everyone else. I'm sure those that do get accepted into med school have followed an outline like you describe, but I don't believe Schwartz was. Is anyone else horrified at someone who can't handle the stress of a bartending shift becoming a doctor??
  23. Serious question - what exactly is pre-med? Is it just the intention of eventually going to med school? Or is it something you apply for and are accepted into? I've never understood this. Sandoval is absurd. He was bitching that Arianna moved on so he should too. Um, sir, you moved on BEFORE you left the relationship, so shut up about what she does. I also wonder if he realizes how bad it makes him look that he penalized Ann financially for daring talk to Arianna about changing jobs. It's petty, vindictive, and controlling. He needs to stop acting like he's the victim. He's a bad look. Arianna - look, I can kinda give a pass on the take out box still being there less than 24 hours later. It's still pretty gross, but whatevs. However, bragging that you cleaned the litter box last week??? What the actual fuck? You don't get to call them your children and take subpar care of them. Definitely not ok. Pull yourself together, ma'am, and take better care of your pets.
  24. I think there are plenty of reasons to not like Lala and plenty of things to call her out for, and certainly the way she fat-shamed others is a huge one. My only (original) issue was a poster using how many people Lala has gone down on as an insult to Lala.
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