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Everything posted by lasu

  1. I think she absolutely could have made that much on OnlyFans. HOWEVER, not without first being famous for being Scotty Pippen's wife. Even if she didn't specifically use his cash to pay for that place, she certainly used his capital.
  2. What's extra bizarre is that a lot of times, it can be GOOD to have a mortgage. I've known more than one person who had enough money in the bank to pay off their mortgages in full, but didn't because of interest and tax reasons. It made more financial sense to keep the mortgage. I have no idea if holds true for properties at extreme values though.
  3. I was...confused, lol. This is nothing new. But it seemed odd to me that a charity would focus on giving homeless kids a private school education. Now, I'll fully admit, I'm VERY pro-public schools, but free education is available to all children, including homeless kids. It should even come with two hot meals a day. So why move them from a free school, to one that needs resources to function? Why not put those resources into things that cannot be had for free? Maybe even free afterschool care with tutors. And if the public schools are that bad, put the resources into improving them, which benefits ALL the kids in that area. I don't know why they wouldn't build programs in addition to public schools, rather than duplicating the effort. Of course, I also could simply be privileged enough not to understand the issues here.
  4. There is on Spotify. When you are on the Watch What Crappens page, next to "all episodes" there is a "sort" button. Click on that and it opens a drop down list - the bottom option is to change sort by date.
  5. Thank you! Lucky for me, I'm actually rather fond of my boobs, lol. I posted more to point out that when we take shots at one woman's body, there are a lot of other women catching strays.
  6. Dang. Y'all could have me feeling pretty badly about myself - push those boobs slightly closer together, and they look like my real, 48 year old boobies.
  7. FWIW, that donation is no longer on the gofundme page. The total is less than $2K for all donations. I probably would have sworn I would never speak to or film with Raquel again, but I also wouldn't let her presence keep me from getting MY paycheck, that's for damn sure.
  8. Did you watch that season of Real World (Chicago, I'm 99% sure) that the lead singer of Big Head Todd hooked up with one of the castmates but then they had to blur out his face?
  9. Ok, so this is what I've got: I think Frank, Delores, AND Frankie are telling the truth. I think *something* happened with the job with Louis, and then after that happened, Frankie got a better job. I think whatever the *something* is, it's not that big of deal to Frankie or Delores and they don't want it on the show. I think Frank Sr is telling the truth that *something* happened, but also he's dead wrong for bringing it up on TV when his son doesn't want that. I think Fuda truly believes Louis had him investigated. If he doesn't believe that, he should be an actor. I'm not saying him believing it makes it true, but I do believe he thinks the investigation really happened. I might have heard wrong, but I think what was in the envelope was supposed to be the results of their retaliatory investigation on Louis, not evidence that of Louis's investigation. I think *someone* truly called Margaret's son. I think she also truly believes it was Louis. I don't care who is right or wrong anymore - Theresa and JoeGo need to give up and move on. I very much hope they dump at least one side, if not both. I'd advocate dumping Theresa (if not both), because I think the jostling to be Queen B would be interesting (and a reason to keep Melissa - she would see herself as the heir apparent, but I don't think she'd end up on top). Other than that, I just sincerely hope that I (and others) are dead wrong about Louis. I loathe Theresa, but there is ZERO percent of me that wants to see her hurt by the man she loves and trusts. But I've been in a relationship with someone with a Cluster B diagnosis (an actual diagnosis, not me arm chairing), and I feel so deeply uncomfortable watching Louis. Again, I hope I'm very, very wrong.
  10. If I have cheated in my past, does that mean I can never comment on someone else's cheating or get upset if I am cheated on? Like, forever? That's an odd concept to me. There are a lot of things I've done in my past that I now recognize as wrong. I'm of two minds when it comes to how harsh Ariana was. On one hand, this was three weeks later. Obviously it was raw, and I absolutely understand how she was feeling and shouldn't have to censor herself. And I don't believe seeing her at her worst moment shows "who she really is." It's not who she really is usually - it's who she is at her absolute worst under extreme provocation. I don't like her very much at all, but not because of any of this. On the other hand, if it's wrong to say something, it's wrong to say something. It's still wrong when you're mad. If Raquel had been a Black woman, I wouldn't have stood for any racial slurs, no matter how upset Ariana was and how much she was betrayed. So I don't give [much of] a pass on gender slurs. On the third hand! I didn't think most of what she said was indeed gender-based slurs. Certainly some was, but I'm not one to be bothered by c*** the same way I am bitch, whore, slut, things like that. Yes, I'm without question a feminist who will call you a c*** if you piss me off - same for a man or a woman. If I was going to ding Ariana, it would be more for the "you are nothing" and "you have no friends" business than any misogyny. On the fourth, and I hope final, hand, it's absurd to me to say Ariana was wrong because Raquel may harm herself. I do agree that there are people who harm themselves because of other people's words, and it is something to to keep in mind. But to hold Ariana responsible for Raquel's mental health doesn't make sense to me, especially when what Raquel to Ariana was so much worse and caused so much more harm. Yes, Ariana was viscous, but it didn't just come out of no where. As for the first foot AND the second foot - those are both going straight up Sandy's ass because he's the absolute worst. I'm even an example of what makes me the most mad - a whole long ass post about what two women did wrong, while the mustachioed worm wriggles off to perform more sub par karaoke shows.
  11. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's ok.
  12. I wonder if they realize they are accidentally supporting some trans men.
  13. I'll be honest, I forgot about her lying to Kristen's face and insinuating she was crazy. I personally don't think it's as bad as what Raquel did, except I think Ariana is far smarter and fully understood the wrongness of what she was doing. But I agree it was a fully shitty thing to do, and I wasn't thinking of it in my original assesment.
  14. I in no way think this is a mitigating factor for cheating, watching the early seasons, I'm reminded of how much I loathed Arianna. Even though I understand Stassi, Kristen, Scheana, and Katie have all done things that I think are far worse than anything Arianna has ever done, I still actually liked them all better - at least as characters on my tv. Arianna was just so smug, sour, and above it all. When she got her panties in a twist over sketch comedy, she was so unintentionally hilarious. I actually felt sad for her - despite all the things going on for her recently, when I tuned back in for Scandavol, she actually had many likable moments where she seemed to really be having a good time and enjoy the people around her.
  15. I just finished reading Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, which takes place in the very early 2000s. It uses "dipped out!" Several times, and always meant that the person was passed out from drugs, not exactly the same as passing out for the evening. More like, he did a bunch heroin and then "dipped out" until it wore off a bit. I cracked up every time though!!
  16. This made me giggle in the best way - if you pay for the subscription, it'll play the exact song you want. Same with spotify, et al. Oooh, I missed this obviously, but I love this even more. Leave-cute.
  17. Which is fine for you. Obviously no is advocating that anyone *should* be doing this. But cheating is breaking the rules. The goal and rules for everyone is not lifelong monogamy. If you did hook up with your friend with your boyfriend's consent, you might regret it later or decide it's something you don't want to do again, or even end up feeling it had a negative impact on your relationship, but you absolutely would not have cheated on your boyfriend in this scenario. Even if this is true (I'm not doubting you, just I don't remember myself)... this is also true. Even if the Lala and Arianna hook up was cheating - if it broke their rules, it was cheating - it's still not the same. It's just not.
  18. There are no "vets" on that list. I know they've all (I think) had seasons before so they are technically vets, but those are all newbies as in they haven't been around for more than a year or two. I can absolutely see how this would be a breath of fresh air for a lot of viewers, but I need a stronger tie in. I'm not going to say I'm not going to watch it, but I probably won't watch it in real time. It'll probably be a season I binge at some point later when I'm sick in bed.
  19. Thank you! This is going to sound like a weird thank you, because I actually loved this book. But, I think you just cleared something up for me. I listened to this on audio, and I've known for a while that there is a common theme (though not absolute!) that people who listened to it liked it, people who read it with their eyeballs hated it. Your description just made me understand that the voice actors are indeed doing a lot of the work the author didn't. The audio version of this is so, so good, but this confirms that the book itself isn't. This makes sense to me, because I've read two other of Don't-Reid's books and thought they were both absolute drivel. So I really appreciate this description of the book as written.
  20. I overall loved this show, but there were some things I ended up very puzzled over: Beard marrying his abusive girlfriend. He was in an abusive relationship, and they tried to make it cute. No. Michelle realizing her boyfriend was a dweeb because of his immatureness during the final game. No. The problem was that he was an unethical predator, not that he was a doofus. While I hated the therapist character, I doubt he would have been so emotionally blind in that room. And they still never labeled this as the abusive relationship it ALSO was. The whole Danny turns insane storyline. I suppose it was just to get the Zorro payoff, but it wasn't worth it. Yet another abusive relationship - Danny, from what it sounds like, purposely hit him in the face and broke his nose, causing him real trauma. You can't make up for that with a mask. It's like breaking my legs and getting me bejeweled crutches. I would have preferred you not cause me to need crutches in the first place. It ruined Danny's character for me. Roy being a manipulative fuck towards Jaime to get him to lay off Keeley. That was AWFUL. I've loved Roy, so much, but between that, asking Keeley who the video was for, and then making sure Jaime knew he had recently slept with Keeley, he was awful. And again, the show didn't even acknowledge that Roy playing on Jaime's need for his approval as being problematic. Jaime telling Roy the video was his. Jaime had done so well through out the whole storyline - it really showed his growth. But then they had him backslide to get back at Roy. Not a fan of that writing choice. No resolution to the love triangle. If they weren't going to have Roy and Keeley get back together, they should have had a break up that made sense. When the boys showed up saying she "could" choose, I was 100% hoping for a Reverse Kelly Taylor and she choose BOTH. I would have been thrilled with a throuple, but I would have also been ok if she had been more clear she was moving on from both of them. Jason's acting choice during the musical scene. I adored the number, but he looked so uncomfortable. Like he was having to watch his friend's kids do a play. Having Rupert have a humanizing moment just before his ultimate takedown. I didn't feel gratified during the WANKER moment - I just felt sad. Not like he didn't earn it, just that... I don't know - it's a show about compassion. And they JUST gave me a tiny sliver of reason to feel compassion for Rupert. It even flickered on Rebecca's face - I honestly thought she was going to go and have A Moving Talk with him, but instead, that was just the end of him. On the same note, I thought when he came striding (and limping??) on and off the field, Nate would somehow do something. Don't ask me what, just not the staring as Rupert went by each time. It was odd. I'm actually fine with Nate. I don't think he is redeemed, nor do I think she show expects us to think he is. I think he's on a PATH of redemption. Other shows would have had him as the new coach. Last we saw him he was the assistant kit man. (Correction - assistant TO the kit man!) Another thing I really liked that I barely caught - when Rebecca came to the airport, Ted something like it was a rom-com meet-cute, and I thought, "what? No, do you now know what a meet-cute is?" Only to have it end up being a meet-cute with the Dutch guy. That was well played. I really enjoyed this show as a whole. I enjoyed the finale quite a bit overall - I laughed and teared up both. But a lot of the things I listed above - I feel like there was a lot of abuse in this show that was never labeled as abuse and that's a big deal to me.
  21. As an NCSU fan, I've loved the Valvano poster in Ted's office since episode one!! Sorry, absolutely couldn't resist, I'm just being cheeky, I promise. And I'll fully admit I was hoping they would have Ted run around the field trying to find someone to hug, a la Valvano after the '83 championship. Even though I'm a State fan, I do have a ton of respect for Smith unlike some *other* former head couches 'round here.
  22. Aw, my mom and I used to watch this on Saturday mornings when I was in like 8th/9th grade. I don't remember much about it, or what had us hooked on it. I'll definitely have to catch this series.
  23. FWIW, temporary restraining orders are very easy to get, as they should be. I agree that there was some sort of physical altercation on Scheana's part, which would be (and should be) enough to get a temp restraining order. Honestly, I think she probably would have gotten a permanent* one if she had gone to court. It doesn't seem in question that Scheana put her hands on Raquel. *Permanent is rarely permanent. They are normally set for a certain amount of time and have to be renewed, except in cases where it's a lifelong restraining order.
  24. I also caught in either season one or two - Schwartz caught Sandy having lifts in his shoes, for when "Kristen wears heels." There was actually something funny with Sandy's language, which I think was on purpose. He said something like, "There was the first time...then we stopped." I feel like that ellipses is doing "dipped out" work.
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