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Everything posted by lasu

  1. Honestly, I think if they were going to do an all star cast, they might be rethinking it since all the lights are getting turned on. They'd be hard pressed to assemble a cast who doesn't have some questionable shit in their pasts, either on their seasons or their social media. As much as I love this show, it really is remarkable in its ability to find truly awful people, and no one is in the mood for that right now (or hopefully ever again).
  2. The problem with just labeling people/businesses as hypocrites is it doesn't allow for growth. And I don't really care why Bravo is doing this, I'm just glad they are doing it. It's sending the right message, even if it's coming FAR later than it should have and blatantly obvious they are being reactionary. Just because they have been complete shit when it comes to this stuff in the past, doesn't mean they shouldn't change their policies now. It's the right thing to do, and I've always held the opinion that even if you do the right thing for the wrong reasons, you still did the right thing.
  3. Wowwwww, I can't believe she thought that would be a cute thing to say! My jaw dropped before I even had a chance to process every way it was bad. Let's be clear - she is not only playing on the "black men have big dicks" stereotype AND she's saying their big dicks are the only reason their lives matter AND she's implying she can't be racist because she fucked at least one black guy. We've got at LEAST a hat trick going on here. Completely dehumanizes black men, the exact opposite of what she was going for. I'm glad she banned. I don't see it as cancel culture as much as I see it as you got an opportunity very few people get, and you blew it. There are plenty of people to take her spot who have not said super racist things in the middle of the world blowing up. I mean, what she said would have been awful and I would have been fine with her getting banned six months ago, but to add on another layer of being cutesy *right now* is just shockingly tone deaf. I'm ok with her losing future spots on the Challenge. I think this racism is the kind that someone can grow from (it seems more profoundly stupid than hateful), and I hope Dee does learn from it. I know I've said racist things when I literally didn't know better (and I understand it was my white privilege that allowed that ignorance), like "cotton picking hands." I just learned yesterday that "no can do" and "long time no see" have racist origins. A couple of year ago, I made a mistake at work. I liked my job, I never wanted to hurt my business, I always tried to do a good job and be a good employee. But I made a legit mistake, and I got fired for it. It was a complete accident, I meant no ill will, but a mistake was made and it had consequences. I don't see this as any different. I don't want to see Dee's life ruined. I don't want to see her doxed or get death threats or any of the other things that will probably happen. I feel the same about Camilla. I hope she has grown and learned and is a happier person today, not because I give a shit about her, but because that would mean it's less likely she's putting more negative crap out in the world. But just because I hope both of them do better doesn't mean I need them back on my tv. Dee was given a platform and voice much louder than most of us ever get and she fucked it up and now it's being taken away from her. It seems proportional and appropriate to me.
  4. I felt some type of way when he had the glasses on and I did not like it one bit lol. The worst part? It reminded me of how I felt when CT was a douchebag for soooooo long, and then he put his glasses on and I felt like I needed a shower. With him.
  5. And it was actually smart. There was probably no one except Wes who had a real chance of beating Johnny. So why not do everything you can to ensure one of the two strongest players goes home? A different scenario could have led to Wes and Johnny in the finals, and they are two incredibly strong finalists. I do think Wes should have gambled and waited. However, I think production is fucked up that they would screw him either way. Now that he threw himself in, I think there will be another round of guy's eliminations, and I think if he stayed out, there wouldn't have been, or at best a purge situation. I think they would go for maximum drama either way. I do think Johnny kind of screwed Wes, Wes wasn't wrong about that. He worked for his win and should have had first dibs. If Johnny had been salty about Wes putting himself in, but tbh, he was showing good sportsmanship as soon as Wes came down. And honestly, at the end, I was starting to wonder if Johnny LIKE-likes Wes, lol. It was intense! I do prefer Wes over Johnny, but I think this friendship makes them BOTH more likable. Also, this pains me to say, truly it does, but especially after watching older seasons, Johnny really is growing into a very good looking man.
  6. I loved this episode. I was all over the place. I loved seeing why Lawrence and Issa worked in the first place. My jaw dropped when I saw that first call from Condola, because Issa had already said, "I heard you two broke up." And he just nodded. So when I found out he was still talking to her, my stomach just dropped. But as it progressed, it seemed like maybe they hadn't been seeing each other, like dating, but maybe talking, or even just that she wanted to talk to him. Which makes me think unfortunately she is pregnant. I think that's why they broke up (with him not knowing yet, her wanting space to figure things out) and it also sort of makes sense why she ghosted Issa. I was really shocked she behaved that way towards Issa just because she and Lawrence broke up, but if you are just found out you are pregnant, I can see not wanting to be around his very recent ex who maybe he still has a connection with. I'm hopeful it's not the case, even if Issa and Lawrence don't get back together. I didn't think Issa stayed over JUST because she found out he was going to go see Condola. She kept extending the night, first the art walk (which when he walked away, I nearly died, I was absolutely gut punched and that shit wouldn't have been funny to me - I would have started crying on the spot I would have just felt so rejected, lol), then being pretty clear about wanting to come in, then going to the bathroom to extend. Yes, she had found out he was still talking to Condola, but Condola (IMO) ended their friendship and any loyalty owed, beyond some sort of "girl code" if you want to apply it here. I think she was already debating herself on wanting more from the night well before she knew he might be going to see Condola. When she did find out, she started to leave, and then I think she thought...fuck it. If I were in her shoes, feeling her feelings, I think I would have done the same thing. I would (maybe it's justification) think my history with Lawrence would trump Condola's. And to be honest, there might be part of me that would want to know...if he has to choose, will he choose me? And now that she knows for at least one night he chose her, it might be easier to walk away with that win and let him be happy and be happy for him. However, I thought they were super unclear on what happens next, or even what Issa wants to happen next. Which...real life, y'all. And I hope y'all will indulge me in a completely off topic story. Reading everyone's posts and differing opinions about Lawrence made me think about how I'm certainly partial to him simply because my dad (who raised me as a single dad and passed away many years ago) was named Lawrence. Lawrence and Susan gets you Laura Suzanne which gets you lasu. Well, that thought process made me also think about how my grandfather had a little clothing line when I was a kid named after me, but I have not a single piece left of it (this was the early 80s!!). This led me to google for the millionth time and for the FIRST TIME EVER, I found a skirt! I literally burst into tears and bought a piece of my childhood for $8.00. All thanks to debate over whether or not Lawrence is a good guy!! Can you be high key happy?
  7. Yes. What the Beatles were doing was WILDLY innovative. And you can't ignore that these songs weren't written in a vacuum. You needed the Beach Boys pushing them, and vice versa. As much as I love the Beatles, and they are by far my favorite band, I don't think if the world had never heard of them, and then their music was released (as subpar covers, no less) today, I don't think it would have the impact this movie implied it would. I'm not detracted from the Beatles. Not at all. That said, I really hated this movie, lol. I think that's a pretty unpopular opinion, but I really, really didn't like it at all.
  8. I just watched Exes II, and a lot of it is how much thinner she is now. I'm sure she's also maturing, but by TV STANDARDS (not real life standards), she was nearly pudgy on that season. Still gorgeous and a smoking body, but there is a serious weight difference between now and then. Someone said it! I didn't catch who it was, but I assumed one of the BBers. Dee is stupid. I can't believe she keeps saying she learned everything from Wes, because her moves are so stupid, especially if you plan on coming back for later seasons. She's doing a good job of making sure she could be cast again, but she is burning EVERYONE. First, she pissed off Tori and Jordan by giving Jenny the lay up. Now, she has pissed off Rogan and Jenny because she wants to get rid of Jenny. She gained all that trust with Jenny, just to turn around and burn it, and lose Rogan's trust at the same time. She's not going to have anyone to work with on future seasons - she better hope for a team situation where she can piggyback on someone else's goodwill. I'm always surprised at how much I've grown to like Wes. I loathed him on his Real World season. I mean, loathed. So I'm not sure exactly when I turned the corner with him. I think the first moment was when he was self aware and laughing at himself for getting himself into the situation where CT worked him over for an entire night and woke up the next morning ready to keep going. Wes knew he brought it on himself and had no one to blame. I don't know, but I would say he is unquestionable my Most Improved cast member.
  9. I don't think it's unforgivable either way. I'd definitely think that Molly's assistant is shared, and while that does make the mistake more understandable, it's still a really big mistake. One and done, no big deal - people make mistakes. Certainly in my career as an EA I made some doozies, but you move on. I don't think the assistant should be fired over it or anything, but it really was a big mistake. My point in pointing this out was more that I'm surprised they didn't find something a little more ambiguous, because I'm sure the show wanted us to feel Molly's reaction was really out of line, and I only found it slightly out of line and only truly problematic when coupled with her earlier scene of being annoyed the assistant tried to be friendly with her.
  10. If the incident with her assistant was isolated, I wouldn't have much of an issue with it. Was she a bit on the harsh side? Yes. But making sure meetings are on a calendar and the principal is aware of it is insanely basic. I was an EA for probably 15 years, and this would be considered a huge mistake. This was compounded by the fact that the meeting was before a flight, and I'm certain the assistant knew that. When I was in this role, first of all, I would have pushed HARD at anyone I could that it was my boss's vacation day and done everything I could to get it scheduled to a different day or at least via call. But at the very, very, very least I would have let her know the second I did that she now had a meeting on what she thought was a vacation day. Seriously, this is such a stupid mistake for an assistant, I'm surprised they didn't make it something more subtle, because Molly's dressing down wasn't completely out of line. Not completely. THAT SAID, we also saw an earlier scene where Molly's assistant tried to tell her something about her weekend or something similar, and Molly muttered under her breath about how she didn't care. That told me a lot more about Molly's opinions about their roles than her reaction to not knowing about the meeting, and it doesn't raise my opinion of her. When I was an assistant, it wasn't unusual to deal with people who viewed me as "just a secretary." But I only dealt with that from my actual bosses when I first started out and was assigned to people who were getting an assistant for the first time. They were the WORST to work for. Once I worked my way up to senior VPs and finally a CEO, they always treated me with insane respect and were never shy about being grateful for the value I brought. Molly has a LONG way to go.
  11. I think for some of the newbies, staying on the screen is more important than winning, per se. While winning would be nice, for people like Chris and Bayleigh, getting viewers to remember them so they will be invited back should be the main goal - if the goal wasn't one and done, and it never is with famewhores. I think someone like Rogan who went out in the first episode of his first season was very lucky to be invited back, especially since he didn't come from a show (I have...no idea where he came from) most Challenge viewers already watch. It's not a bad move to simply try to stay on the season for as long as possible, if your goal is to come back for multiple seasons.
  12. I'm not saying you need to stage an intervention, but it might be more meaningful than you think to just simply say, "I see what's going on. I don't like it and I don't think it's ok, and I love you and I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about it." It was very powerful to me the first time someone (our couples therapist, no less) described my partner's behavior as abusive. It was shocking and upsetting and very, very scary, but it was powerful to have someone see and label what was happening.
  13. Oh Zack, you utter fuckboy. I SEE YOU. "I have absolute proof you cheated! You're caught redhanded! But if you think you didn't do anything wrong, you better come home right now and fix this or I'm done!" I don't believe he has any proof, and I don't believe Jenna ever cheated. He is just being a controlling, abusive, manipulative asshole. It's absolutely stunning to see it play out, and if her family is seeing these episodes and not doing everything they can to get her out of that situation, I don't know what to say. The kind of abuse she is experiencing is very rarely seen displayed in public like this, and it's just astonishing. Jordan? He's just a run of the mill asshole who thinks he knows the best way to do everything and everyone should just listen to him because he's always right. I can't stand him and surely wouldn't want to date him, but I don't put him in the same category as an abuser like Zack. He's not manipulating her, not really putting her down, not making her doubt the stability of his love or their relationship, he's not questioning her character, he's not gaslighting her. He's just a stage mom, and Tori can handle a stage mom. And hopefully she can wrangle him in when/if they have kids, because while it's not a good look to be screaming at your girlfriend, it's far worse to be doing that shit on the sidelines of a little league game. The difference is that I have a feeling watching this back, Jordan probably apologized to Tori and realized outside of the heat of the moment, he was truly wrong, while Zack will probably break off their engagement because Jenna forced him to look bad on TV.
  14. I'm not going back and watching it again, but wasn't Portia actually talking about going to the upfronts in relation to how Nene was a good friend to her? I don't think she was actually complaining Bravo didn't postpone their upfronts for her divorce.
  15. I think I am the opposite of everyone else here. I thought the pilot and start of the season was far better than the latter half, and I thought the last two vacation episodes were just embarrassingly awful. I certainly would check out another season, but I'm definitely iffy on this show after those last two episodes.
  16. Up fronts are when new and returning shows are presented to the media, I think mostly to secure advertising dollars for the new schedule. They usually show clips from the shows, and I think a lot of the casts of shows will show up and smooze and try to get people excited about their show. I assume Portia is talking about having to go to this event in the middle of her divorce.
  17. How does someone as gullible as Nick become a lawyer? Someone told him it would be a good idea and he fell for it?
  18. My blood was BOILING during that call between Jenna and Zak. What a completely awful scumbag human being his is. I felt so badly for her during that whole thing. It's easy to say she should just move on, but I can't be clear enough that what we were witnessing was full on emotional abuse. Not just an asshole boyfriend. Abusive boyfriend. They didn't even once, not even once, mention that this was all a result of him being a f'in snoop in the first place. Why was he even reading her DMs from TWO YEARS AGO. He has whole cloth made a problem out of nothing. I 100% believe that she has never cheated on him, and it can be the most disorienting and hurtful thing to be accused of something you have never done, especially by someone you have forgiven for doing that exact thing! He refused to take her calls or tell her what was going on. He also accused her of being a bad person. He withdrew his affection and refused to say I love you. He threatened the future of their relationship if she did not jump and coming rushing to defend herself against his completely baseless accusations...he was vague in his accusations, just enough to further confuse and scare her. He wants her to burn bridges with her friends, alliances, and MTV to prove her love to him, which she should already be doing after "what she did." As far as I can tell, he's the only one who has done anything wrong, but he deftly has her jumping through hoops to prove what he thinks about her is wrong. She thinks she can defend herself, prove herself innocent, and logic him back to reason. There is nothing logical or reasonable about what he has done. Essentially, his girlfriend went on a business trip, he snooped through her DMs and created a false situation where she is the bad guy and he is the victim, and now he is demanding she quit her job and come home. It's fucking psycho. It's a horrible abuse cycle, and I hope she gets out.
  19. FWIW, all of the seasons, including OTT, are on CBS All Access, and they have a free month with no commercials option. Plus all of Survivor and Amazing Race too.
  20. Oh Aaron, shhhhhhh. You are very pretty and obviously a dynamo in bed, so just shhhh. My goodness. More surprising to me was Denise co-signing. I thought at first she just rolled with his nonsense because of the pretty and the dick, but when she was fully buying into the paranoia of them being followed, I was like, oh no, girl. There's other dick out there.
  21. Ashley did an interview with EW, and dare I say it? She comes verrrrrry close to sounding self aware.
  22. I think Wes is actually crapping in his pants over the Josh situation, and not for the reasons discussed on the TV. I think Wes is terrified of Josh making this a thing and then being partnered up with him in a Rivals situation. I honestly don't think Josh is smart enough to think of this, but Wes certainly is! I wouldn't even be surprised if that's the reason he's turning up the heat with Jordan - would you rather be rival partners with Jordon or Josh?? Again, Wes is certainly smart enough to think of all of this, especially since he knows he would be unlikely to be Rivaled with John. I strongly disagree that Bear is today's Puck. I can almost see it, if I squint a little, but at the end of the day, I still disagree. The behavior is similar, and perhaps living with each of them would be similar in that they are so disruptive, but I think Bear is an attention-seeking idiot with poor impulse control, while Puck is actually anti-social and malicious. Bear just gets bored and wants everyone to pay attention to him, while I think Puck tried to hide his actual hostility under his "Puck" persona. Don't get me wrong, if you spray a fire extinguisher in my face, I am not going to really care WHY you did it, but I actually think Bear is a better human being than Puck. But, I'm probably forgetting a millions actually intentionally hurtful things Bear has done. And that said, he's a jerk for what he's doing Kailah. She's an adult in charge of her own actions, but his full court press of her? Nothing but boredom. I'm not saying he's not genuinely attracted to her - as mentioned above, the thin sweatpants definitely let us know he really is! - but it's still just boredom, perhaps coupled with genuine savvy on what makes a good storyline. I feel for her. She's exactly the type of idiot that is going to let this all go to her head, make poor choices, and then be really hurt when he gets distracted by someone else. Again, she's an adult responsible for her own actions, and it was HER responsibility to not cheat on her boyfriend and make a fool of him, but this is exactly the kind of bullshit I would have fallen for in my younger years, so I do feel for her. It's going to be a tough lesson to learn. I know Bear won Celebrity BB UK, but was he a "celebrity" for being on a previous season? I've watched a few seasons of BBUK, both celebrity and regular, and I love it so much. She's far too old now (an elderly 38) and the show is way too athletic, but I would have LOVED to see Nikki Graham cross the pond and join this show.
  23. I've started listening to Dr. Death and discovered that while I am somewhat fine listening to details of murders, I'm a bit more squeamish when it comes to bad surgery details! Otherwise I'm enjoying it and and interested to see where it goes! I do wish it had less commercials, but thankfully on spotify I can FF.
  24. I'm also furious about the way everyone came down on Ashley. I know it's really just an easy excuse for voting, but Mattie got completely off. She burned the HELL out of Ashley. Don't get me wrong, I went OOOOHHH along with everyone in the house, because dayum, that was harsh, but also well played! That said, it was "slut" shaming, and obviously Ashley was embarrassed. So she came back at Mattie about her DUI. Why was that out of bounds? Mattie embarrassed Ashley for (as far as I know) completely legal activities with consenting adults, and Ashley embarrassed Mattie for something she did which was illegal and could have killed someone. Mattie threw the first blow, I honestly don't see how Ashley is the bad guy here. I hated that Wes helped Dee, but I think it was fair play. They've always done it, and I've never complained before so I guess I can't now. But I do wish everyone else had been more successful at drowning him out. I'm developing a strong dislike for Dee, and if she takes ANY credit for beating Ashley, it will grow even more.
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