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Everything posted by lasu

  1. This Raleigh, NC native is NOT happy to hear these fools are moving here. NC is his home state, but it doesn't seem Raleigh is his hometown--it never is. They would fit in better in Eastern NC (though I'm going to guess he's from Western NC based on nothing but gut) than they will here in Raleigh.
  2. HOW did no one show up to Cynthia's party in a Fred Sanford tshirt?? Huge fail.
  3. Jenna and Kailah were making me crazy when Jordan was talking about he would rather run with Tori than with Jemmie. OK, I get that, but what he is saying is he would rather have someone strong to BEAT THEM. If Jenna is partnered with CT, and Kailah is partnered with Johnny, would they rather race against Jordan/Tori or Jordan/Jemmie? It doesn't make sense to help stack the girls for the guys' benefit. I'm not a fan of Veronica's historically, but I CHEERED this move, even though I love LeRoy. She had absolutely nothing to lose, and had potential gain in helping her friend Derrick, and she also made a move which gave her a ton of visibility, should she want to come back again.
  4. Y'all can't be really telling me Paul went into the Big Brother house not once but TWICE without doing his homework? Nah. No one is that stupid. He's in there telling people I'M A VET, I KNOW THIS GAME, and a motherfucker doesn't even know the damn jury can talk to each other? Nah. Listen, I've watched this show since the jump, and if I got accidentally cast on this show with no way out, I would be OBSESSING over every minute detail of every episode. I would be reading every board to make sure I knew how to act correct to make you all love me the most. I would be studying juries like a man person, and reading follow up interviews. I would be taking videos of myself to learn voice control in the diary room. I would be getting my eyebrows microplaned because I wake up looking like Pink Floyd. I would be outside running eggs up a chain link fence and putting crisco on taped together garbage bags. I would be practicing how to say I HAD TO GET YOU OUT BECAUSE YOU ARE SO STRONG I WAS A SCARED LITTLE GIRL WITH YOU IN THE HOUSE without laughing. I would learn how to change clothes and pick my nose under the blankets. I would not be playing around, I would be writing my doctoral thesis on how to win Big Brother. So if you are telling me this fool spent SIX MONTHS of his stupid life on a game and never learned how to play, then I am telling you that fool DESERVED TO LOSE.
  5. Bit late to the game, but HAD to say, I love giving BJs. Like I enjoy the physicality of it. I've learned to use my hands so not being able to breath and worrying about gagging are not in my rotation. I switch to just hands when I need to chill for a minute. I don't think there is anything wrong with not enjoying it, and I don't think I'm superior to anyone or more sexually evolved than someone else who doesn't. It takes all different kinds of folks. But please believe me, at nearly 43 years old, I've been done for a hot minute doing shit to impress a dude. My guy looooooooves high heels. I'll wear them on his birthday because I don't want the discomfort of wearing them. But I know plenty of women who wear them comfortable on the reg, and I would never deem to tell them it wasn't so. Now, I'll admit I've gotten halfway through before and gotten bored because it's taking too damn long, but that's true of just about anything in my life. Point being, it's safe to believe there are straight women who enjoy giving blow jobs.
  6. I'm surprised everyone thinks Dro is either flat out lying about being in an open marriage or breaking established rules. My suspicion is that he is telling the truth, and that he currently doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. However, I think when his wife finds out, she's going to lay down the hammer, and Molly is going to be left out in the cold, hurt and confused. I don't think she's done anything wrong technically, but I agree it was a bad idea for her personally, both because she does care about Dro, and is looking for monogamy. I think she is going to be surprised when Dro cuts her out of his life at his wife's wishes. My bf and I watch this together, and he went on a hilarious monologue watching this episode about how Daniel is for fucking (including lines like "no one has abs like that AND a big ass!) and Lawrence, now that he has his professional life together, is for marrying. I was just like...um, is there anything you want to tell me? Because he was super detailed about why someone should want to fuck Daniel, lol.
  7. If Dione hadn't touched the pole, they would have failed the mission? So...if Dione hadn't touched the pole, he would have been the reason they failed the mission? Wouldn't that make him the weakest link and the person to be sent home? Kailah did her part, even if she did it poorly and by the skin of her teeth, but she was at that pole with her hand on it before time was up. I would have loved to see Dione not touch the pole, and everyone else come to the conclusion he was the reason they failed the mission and should be sent home.
  8. Meghan's crazy ass called up Brooks's doctor and pretended to have cancer. OK. But we have established that there is nothing worse on the planet than pretending to have cancer. So...which cast member is the one who has admitted that she has pretended to have cancer?? Is it ok, provided it's on your quest for knowledge? Maybe Brooks is on a quest for knowledge of how much sympathy he can get. Meghan sucks so much that I am now on the side of a complete grifter who I personally think actually IS faking cancer.
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