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  1. lasu

    The NBA

    THIRTY PAGES! I just ready 30 pages about pro basketball, which I don't even like! I couldn't have even told you if NBA was currently in season or not, lol. All this because Primetimer (A TV WEBSITE) didn't put a TV Show in the TV Show section! So I went back and read everything from when The Last Dance was current, and then the 30 following pages, all to tell you a story. These are my thoughts: A) Chris Paul is a nice guy now? Dammit. I've hated him since he played for WFU and punched the star NCSU player in the groin during the last game of the regular season. I suppose I can let it go now, lol. B) TJ Warren is doing well? I'm glad to hear it. C) I am not a pro basketball fan, as earlier stated. BUT, I am in the heart of Tobacco Road which is all about that ACC basketball. I'm even a DIRECT result of my parents celebrating NCSU's 1974 NCAA win (though I may start telling people it was the '83 championship, lol). It just never translated to follow our players into the NBA. I'm too young by just a smidge to really remember MJ's rise to popularity, but I grew up with the UNC/NCSU rivalry was at its height - it's hard to believe now, but back then, Duke was a complete non-factor, absolutely no one was a Duke fan, only State/Carolina. So, one day I'm sitting in study hall, and this black couple walks by, followed by half of my damn middle school, and basically every boy in my class gets up and walks out. It was bizarre, but I'll be damned if everyone else is going to get up and randomly walk out of class and I'm just going to sit at my desk like a chump. Turns out? It's Michael Jordan! He was either dating or friends with our gym teacher's daughter and they came to visit her. I really didn't know who he was at the time, but he was nice and signed autographs for all of us. This story has been one of my go-to stories my entire damn life. But again, I didn't really follow him - I could have told you he played for the Bulls, he played baseball, he was bad on the Wizards, and his dad was killed. That's it. Definitely not how many titles or what years or anything like that. Well, I'm watching The Last Dance, and I realize...wait. MJ went pro when?? This doesn't make sense - he came to my school AFTER this, but that couldn't have happened if he was in Chicago!! I'm just sitting watching this, and I'm like MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE. What is this memory of meeting Michael Jordan that obviously didn't actually happen? I'm trying to think of anyone from my middle school I'm connected to on social media (I moved back to Raleigh soon after this) who might know, because I'm just flabbergasted and honestly embarrassed at how many times I've told this lie of when Michael Jordan Walked Through My Middle School. But what can you do? I keep watching - and then the sun peeked from behind the clouds, MICHAEL JORDAN WAS INJURED AND WENT BACK TO CAROLINA, and the dates are perfect for when he came to my middle school! It did happen! I did a victory lap around my living room! The relief was palpable, I was not a crazy person - at least on this issue. Michael Jordan once came to my middle school, and we all followed him down the halls like he was the Pied Piper. Which, now knowing his ego, must have been bliss for him, watching each classroom he walked by empty out to follow his wake. I didn't really know what he'd been up to since retiring, but I had no idea he's just been nursing grudges and tequila this whole time. Super sad. But I'm happy, because I'm not a crazy person.
  2. I'm guessing Andy does, lol. Answering this question was honestly one of the least offensive things Bronwyn has done, lol. I mean, does ANYone think Shannon doesn't have a drinking problem?? Bueller?? However, I wish that instead of just saying "yes" she had given a more nuanced answer, that might have explained herself to them a little more. I wish that she had explained it's not about the amount or frequency you drink, which seems to be the only criteria Shannon and Kelly seem to use. It's about the consequences of your drinking, no matter how much or how little. When I went to AA, it was because I had been hideously blindsided by a break up and was in a deep depression. I would binge drink, which wasn't so much the problem as was the hangover the next day. I was RIDDLED with anxiety and depression and self-loathing, and it scared me. There were lots of people who questioned whether I was an alcoholic - it was bizarre to me. "I have a problem and and am attempting to do something about it"..."No, you don't have problem, cut it out." It was weird! I may have been what I call a "situational alcoholic" but I had a problem and I got help for it. That said, when people questioned if I really had a problem, I didn't get defensive - I just laughed it off and said, "pretty sure I would know best..."
  3. Well, to be fair, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is something you are diagnosed as having by a psychiatrist. I assumed what she meant is that she had testing and was not diagnosed with NPD. I wouldn't be surprised if she does have a cluster B personality disorder; I think Momma Deb does, and if your parent has one, you are more likely to also. And it doesn't look like Bronwyn is doing a great job breaking the cycle. If she offered to get drugs for a minor, she should be off the show. I'm comfortable with that line. That said, it looks like Shannon is using this to deflect, rather than over concern for her child, and that's pretty gross too. Kelly is so unhinged when it comes to Bronwyn. I find it so bizarre that she is so insanely threatened by the idea of Bronwyn being an alcoholic. I assume it's because she thinks B drinks less than her, so how can it be a problem?? If Kelly had evidence that B was drinking still, that would be one thing, but to claim she knows for a fact B isn't an alcoholic because she saw her in the morning and B was less hungover than Kelly? That's...not how it works. Let it go. Elizabeth seems to be more trying to sit at the cool kids table by ganging up on B rather than genuinely having beef with her. I'm not saying she has no reason to be upset with anything B has done, but I just feel like if say, Kelly was the one being ganged up on, E would have been yelling at her. She just wants an in. Gina and Emily seem great. Good on 'em.
  4. I found the whole exchange with Noel, Cynthia, and her mom weird. I understood what Noel was saying, but I didn't understand why she didn't say exactly that in the car. She knew Cynthia was going to talk about this and didn't say anything ahead of time. So it struck me as odd that Noel was essentially telling Cynthia to have her mom's back, while completely not having her own mother's back. She's young, no biggie, but no matter if I were right or wrong, I would have been a little hurt if I were Cynthia. And Mom was trying to say...she didn't know anyone was going to see the things she said...on camera? I was legit confused. Even if you don't understand what a PSA is, you do understand cameras and that your daughter is on a reality show, right?? And I'd say 99% of people who saw that footage saw it on RHoA, not as a stand alone PSA, so what's her point even? I honestly couldn't figure that out. And, I didn't like the way she looked so smug while Noel was handing it to Cynthia. I think that's backwards, but I'm not an expert so I'll just link someone who is: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html What I'm seeing is that while they are not as effective as face mask, they are a good alternative for groups like deaf communities where being able to see someone's face becomes a far more important factor.
  5. Him raising the roof without even raising his head from the basketball game on his phone cracked me up. Ace worrying about Riley's gloves cracked me up, and Kandi taking him seriously and then cracking up when he went to go get gloves cracked me up. Riley's 17 in this footage. She's sometimes bratty, but she was also very sweet to her younger siblings. She was even the one who suggested taking a group photo. Good look for the Old Kandi Gang. Also, whoooooo da fuq does Porsha think she is?? I really want to go back and watch her first season. I'm sure we all do better out from under a Thumb, but her growth has astonished me. She has become a serious person, while also being a complete goofball. She has turned into an extremely likeable and relatable person, and I find myself truly rooting for her. I was cackling when she was describing Dennis's attributes and how it made her legs go in the air. Dead.
  6. I think they also showed Tonya talking to...another contestant back at home, I can't remember who, and saying that they had taken naked photos of her. Those three were super gross to Tonya.
  7. One thing about that coat Shannon was trying to pawn off on Sophie that shows what a complete rube she is - when Sophie said she didn't like it, Shannon responded, "but it cost $1500/2000!" Um, so what? She didn't like it. Wouldn't it have been weird if she suddenly liked it because it was expensive? Wouldn't that be incredibly shallow? I have an ex like this - he was asking me if I liked a jacket (what a coincidence actually!), and I said I didn't, and he said, "but it's X brand!" OH! There's a fancy label on the inside?? Well, that definitely affects how I feel about the outside. It's especially goofy because half of "designer labels" are just branding anyway and not even "designed". ESPECIALLY SUNGLASSES! I'm on a one woman crusade to fight overpriced glasses. I promise I am NOT a conspiracy junkie, but it's true that almost ALL glasses, ALL OF THEM, are made by one company. So even if you love designer labels, please eschew designer sunglasses. They were made at the same manufacturer as my cheapos and then they just stuck a Chanel label on them, and Chanel put them in their stores for outrageous prices. It's a scam, I tell you!
  8. I feel so awful, because I am yet another person who never liked Diem. I think she was more about being The Nice Girl than anything else. That said, I was absolutely heartbroken when she died. I disliked the reality show persona Diem; there also was a real person (whose name was Denise Michelle, for crying out loud) who truly went through a lot and died far too young. This isn't really fair, and I'm not trying to project onto Diem, but after rewatching her seasons recently, I couldn't help but wonder if she had truly known how little time she had left, would she have chosen CT over career? I'm not at all saying she made the wrong decision - it was her life and her choices and I honestly hope she made the right ones for herself. But I've always wondered if she would have made the same choices if she had known.
  9. Paulie is Cara's boyfriendly person. Paul with no eeee is Josh's puppet master who lost Big Brother TWICE, and it was glorious. There are few people who annoy me as much as Paul no eeee, because he competed on Big Brother in back to back seasons and came in second both times. I was already pretty thrilled that he lost to JOSH of all people, but when I found out he didn't study BB before his first season was bad enough. But the fact that this asshole didn't review ANYthing between seasons is hubris beyond reason. Luckily though, I don't see him coming on The Challenge. On another subject, I know I've complained a bit about how much athleticism The Challenge now requires, but truly that is just because I think we lose some of the personalities we might see otherwise, and I also accept that this show has evolved. I get it. But I really do not like seeing things like Hall Brawl. I understand that any of these challenges can lead to injury, but some of these are just too brutal and the likelihood of someone getting hurt becomes LIKELY, not just possible. I don't enjoy boxing or football or hockey (and other such sports) because I don't think it's ok to put human beings in situations that are going to harm them for sport. I just don't see how they can keep doing these brutal challenges without someone getting seriously injured. I'd rather see them jump around on tractor trailers where there's a chance someone might dislocate a shoulder versus people doing physical things like tackling when they don't know how to do it without a high likelihood of real injury.
  10. Yes, Paul and Paulie are two different awful human beings. I watched this episode online, and MTV had tags like "hall brawl" and "rivalry." But the first tag? DEAD PARENTS. WTF, MTV?? You're showing less respect of Big T sharing her story than Devin. Although, speaking of which, I actually think it was the DEAD PARENTS conversation that triggered Devin. It's not uncommon for people to choose anger over pain when it comes to grief. I'm not excusing his behavior. I just wondered if that's where it came from, because it was like DEAD PARENTS - pause 2 seconds - AMBER I HATE YOU GET OUT OF HERE. And seeing this all play out, I'm surprised Tori has hitched her wagon to Fessy. It's good for him, but I don't see how it much helps her (in terms of staying cast on this show).
  11. Drew's husband makes me want to puke. His name is Ralph, man.
  12. I hope I didn't sound dismissive of anyone who enjoys Romance. I don't mind that by page 2 I know which couple is my end game. That's totally fine with me, but it's hard for me as a sexually active woman in 2021 to not be completely squeeved out by the Holy Grail Virgin. And then with the Duke and I you had the female protagonist I do like historical romances, but I can't help be grossed out by certain tropes, even if they truly were the norm back then.
  13. Well. That was...problematic.
  14. I'm currently reading The Duke and I, which is what the show Bridgerton is based on. I like to read books before I watch shows, but right now without the interesting casting, it's just a romance novel as far as I can tell. It's entertaining enough, but I hate ANY trope that places value on a woman's virginity and being the only man whose ever been with her. Even if it's accurate for the time period, I just find it gross. I think that's why when I do read romance novels, which admittedly isn't often, I like the "second chance at love" type better, because your heroines aren't young naïve virgins who must be taught the ways of romance by a more experienced man who will "give" her an orgasm on the very first try.
  15. I don't think he's dragging his feet; I think they want the Bravo camera's there. I think they will have a wedding, but I think it's going to be their storyline. I guess I'm weird though, because I kinda don't see the point in getting married. They seem fine. But I'm saying this as someone who, while wanting a life partner, isn't going to ask the government to get involved with my relationships again. As far as the fight goes, if you believe it was tit for tat in the winery, ok. I disagree, but for the sake of this point, I'll concede that what happened inside the winery was a mutually agreed upon fight. So how does one explain Monique's behavior after? While I don't condone Monique's behavior during the actual fight, if I squint and tilt my head, I can agree it looks like it was a heat of the moment kinda thing. But her response to possibly getting fired was to want to commit ANOTHER assault. She didn't feel threatened, it wasn't self defense, no one's hands were in her face. She wanted REVENGE and she wanted that revenge by causing physical harm to another human being. I don't hate Monique because of it nor am I going to label her a "hood rat" or anything like that, but I do hope that she works through this and gets the tools in her toolbox to deal with situations without resorting to violence. Her husband enabling her doesn't make me hopeful though, weirdly enough, especially with her losing the outlet of this show. She's not someone I would ever want to spend time with in person, but I do wish her well.
  16. I thought the book version of this was a hot mess, but an engaging one. The show just seemed like a hot mess, period. I watched with someone who hadn't read the book, and he kept blaming me, lol! There were certainly parts of this that I liked, but overall, I give it a thumbs down and won't be back for a second season. Womp, womp.
  17. But the implication was that it *would* have made a difference - there was a way for him to get out of his mess, but he didn't have enough time left on his clock to think it through. His clock was started at the time the match was scheduled to start, and continued running until he arrived and made his move. Beth's clock was not ticking; she still had her full time to play the match. He thought he didn't have to worry about beating her, arrived late, and ran out of time to figure out how to win. His arrogance and tardiness cost him the match.
  18. @byrd, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while. Thank you. And for the record, I didn't write the Morehouse or no house line, that goes to Stephen King's Odetta.
  19. A mutually agreed on fight is how it started - when they were both using only their words. Some people believe that if you run your mouth too much, you deserve to get hit. I am not one of those people. I know we don't all believe in the same social contracts, but I think Candiace and I subscribe to the same one (and FUCK THIS SHOW for making me say that). No matter how much I wound you with my words, you are only allowed to wound me back with your words. If you lose the battle of mouths, you may not introduce fists. Just like if two people agree to fight with fists, if you start to lose, you can't pull out a knife. In a knife fight, you can't escalate to guns. If you do, you because the person who is Next Level Wrong. Monique and Canidace started out Same Level Wrong, both acting like a pair of assholes. But Monique escalated it to the next level. She broke the social contract I believe in. Some people absolutely believe in a social contract that if you can't beat someone with your words, you fucking drag them to make them stop using their words. I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong, but I would never want to hang out with someone who believes it's acceptable to answer words with fists. I also loved the slink out, and thought everyone was having fun with it in that moment.
  20. I don't even think they are the same production companies. Monique said she didn't get paid for three episodes, but I thought if you were a full castmember you got a salary for the season, and Friends of got paid by the episodes they appeared in.
  21. I think mostly everything has already been said, so for the sake of novelty, I'm going to rank the husbands. 1. Eddie - couldn't have come across any better. He spoke about his family issues with sincerity, and he came across as genuine and likeable. It actually confused me, because I'm so used to hating everyone. Eddie, you seem like a warm, real person. Now get off my tv before you fuck it up. 2. Broke Chris - if Candace had hired an actor to play "supportive husband" at the reunion, that actor couldn't have done better than Broke Chris. He backed Candiace's every play without ever seeming like a doormat. Maybe it was an act, but he played his role perfectly. I'm not mad about it. 3. Juan - wasn't there to make things worse for himself in any way, and every clip they showed of him was a good look. I bet we see him in person next year; I think he shows up just enough to keep Robyn out of trouble and those Bravo paychecks rolling in. Well played on not even showing up. 4. Ray - no one is fooled. We all know you just announced you are divorcing Karen on national tv. 5. Jamal - boy, please. 6. Not Broke Chris - you would have well served yourself to stay home. NBC came off as completely unhinged, even if at the root of things he had a real complaint. I found his behavior bizarre and off putting. And I think more than anything, what got the Samuels into hot water with Andy was Chris's homophobic/transphobic comment about wishing he could pull a Bruce Jenner so he could hit women. I actually think he gave a half decent apology, but I don't think you bounce back from a comment like that, at least not with Andy. 7. Michael fucking Darby. Honestly, I could have ranked him number one, because seriously?? How is he getting away with this? He is a serial sexual molester of his co-workers. This is a huge deal, and I'm flabbergasted it's being glossed over. Although I did notice Andy specifically said Jamal was invited, but just that Michael couldn't join us. It made me wonder if he was actually barred from the reunion, because honestly, he is the type of arrogant asshole who would think he can outsmart, outwit, and out talk everyone else if just given the chance. I hope it's Bravo's choice, but one way or another, this man is done getting screentime on my tv.
  22. Where. To. Start... I almost want to go back and watch Monique's first season, because I have a theory with her. She was much more likeable, she was married to a rich man who was willing to ride or die against his own mother for her. She had beautiful children, nice houseS, and seemed fairly content, but also definitely a perfectionist. I think watching yourself on tv is going to be especially hard for a perfectionist, and then, honestly? I think she legit ruined her own life with this Not For Lazy Moms nonsense. She has boxed herself in to where she now has to do EVERYTHING herself, she's dumped a bunch of money into this "brand" and any crack, like hiring some damn help, ruins the entire brand. So she starts doing things like running herself ragged and then having too many drinks at lunch and cracking her car into trees. I think she wanted to have something of Her Own, which in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but the only reason she would want to have Her Own Thing is because deep down she feels everything that is Ours is really His. So she tried to make this stupid brand and she completely fucked herself and is now seething in a trap she set for herself. It sucks. I hate when rich people can't rich right. Such a waste. Hire help. She's going to end up off this show and on an episode of Snapped at this rate. But I do think she is seething. Y'all are seeing robotic at the reunion, but I'm seeing barely contained rage. I think she is absolutely furious, and for a hot second, she got to release some of it on Candiace. People who "can't control" their tempers usually display all sorts of situations where they show they indeed can control their tempers, when the consequences are great enough - such as with getting physical with Robyn. I don't think she set out to attack Candiace, but I do find it very telling she still refuses to say she was wrong. And listen, just for the sake of argument, even if Candiace straight up punched Monique first, that doesn't explain or excuse how Monique acted after. That stalking was next level. That she couldn't calm down for that long is really disturbing, and the fact that she didn't see anything wrong with it just makes it worse. She basically was like, well, I thought I was fired so I might at well try to cause more physical harm to another human being. She said it like that is just what you do. Obvy. I fully believe Monique thinks there are certain situations where it is absolutely ok to smack someone down. I guess we all do to an extent, like you hurt my cat and I will destroy you, but I don't think there is anything you could say to make me get violent with you. I'll concede maybe I just haven't thought of the situation yet. But Candiace is running her mouth essentially saying Monique DID cheat on her husband (jury's out) and lie about losing her bird (definitely), but Monique is just sitting there, seething that she can't get up and shut Candiace's mouth. But the consequences feel too great in this setting, so she's controlling her temper. Candiace, dear lord, I do not like her and I honestly am at the point where I hope she gets fired so I can stop writing anything in support of her. But I do think first of all, she's a crier over everything, but I do think her feelings are real. Keep in mind, this is an extremely similar dynamic to the insanely fucked up relationship she has with her mother. Don't forget, her mother just hit her in the face with her purse in public not that long ago, and 100% was still blaming Candiace for it later. I'm sure a lot of what she is feeling with Monique is bundled in with that. Plus, it's fucking embarrassing to have someone fuck you up like that and then for it to be on TV? And then you have to talk about with the person who assaulted you who is still blaming you and I'm sure it was making feel Candiace feel crazy. Candiace is no saint, not even close, but ugh. I do feel for her here. She's a complete asshole overall though, don't get me wrong. It's psycho that someone was harassing's her and those around her, especially to that extend. I wish she has used better words to express her anger, but I only fault her for the words she used, not the emotion she was trying to convey. And I don't find her words more or less gross because the blogger died. But I honestly question if Candiace is truly cut out for the reality show game. I don't think she knows how to not let it get to her and let it get the best of her. And last but certainly not least is the absolutely disgusting glossing over of the fact that Michael is a serial molester. What he is doing is sexual assault. It is predatory and absolutely not ok. I don't care at all if he fucks strippers (although honestly, I think Ashley was telling the sad truth - it sounded like this stripper knew exactly who he was and what she was doing and I do believe she didn't want to have to fuck Michael to get the footage she wanted), but assaulting innocent bystanders, regardless of genders, is not ok and he shouldn't be on the show. But I think the reason they are doing this is Ashley is a A Game Reality Star. She is just honest enough, just messy enough, just shit stirring enough, has just enough drama. I think she wants the post-nup so she can leave him AND have money, and I think that's exactly why he won't. I think if she felt financially comfortable enough, she would leave him in an instant. I don't like Ashley as a person per se, but I do think she is smarter than most of these idiots, and she tends to make for good tv. But I think they should ax him, even if it means losing her. I'm honestly stunned they are just letting this go.
  23. I made my partner who has never watched any of this nonsense watch the Sneaker Sequence. He had absolutely no idea who CT, Wes, or TJ are, but he was still cracking up dead. He also really wants one their black puffer coats.
  24. I have an irrational and disproportional hatred for this book, mostly due the author's complete and utter lack of knowledge of NC geography. The way she has characters up and running from OBX to Asheville is nonsensical. With today's highway system, that's a seven hour drive. In the 1960s?? I'm guessing closer to a 10 hour drive. Stupid. Also, I'm about a 10 generation NC'ian and I have never once heard anyone use this "where the crawdads sing" phrase. Never, ever.
  25. I'm probably in the minority, but while I love this book as a kid, I hated it as an adult. I strongly disliked Harriet, which was disappointing. I also found The Neverending Story to be rather...never ending, and the original Peter Pan is a horror show. Some books are best left alone in my memory.
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