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Everything posted by lasu

  1. OK, while another poster saying Gia's instagram was private was incorrect, I also don't agree with this. I don't think that a young woman who has an instagram with a decent base should have to expect and accept harassment. There is no crime in being vain on social media these days, and if it were, the punishment shouldn't be online abuse from internet trolls. While I'm sure some of these trolls latched onto "did cocaine at party" (which to me is the same as "smoked a joint at a party, nbd), I'm sure these trolls would have found SOMETHING to harass her about, regardless of what Jackie said. It's not Jackie's fault, it's not Theresa's fault, and it's not Gia's fault. The fault lies ONLY with the people who choose to hurl abuse at other people from the anonymity of their computer screens, and that is where our scorn should be directed. That said, I'm abandoning Team Jackie. This is all her fault. She had Theresa dead to rights, but she forgot what fucking show she is on. This show isn't at all about what you ACTUALLY say or what you ACTALLY mean - it's about how I PERCEIVE IT. That's all that matters. So no matter what Jackie meant when she said that about Gia, Theresa's reaction was completely and utterly predictable and she is going to be a pit bull with "Jackie says my daughter is a cokewhore" business. We will never get anyone to focus again on what Theresa actually did wrong. This whole season is going to be She Said/She Said-gate and I'm already over it. When Theresa was saying there was no truth in the rumors, Jackie had nothing to be upset about, Jackie was dumb to bring Gia into it because that's just a distraction. What she should have said is, "Oh, so the only reason you got upset about all of Joe's and your cheating rumors was because they were true?!?"
  2. I hated that I had to defend John over that. But considering Devin's goal was physical assault, I'm hard pressed to say John was wrong for delivering a verbal assault. It was a foul thing to say, don't get me wrong. And I also appreciate that Devin wasn't his best self at that moment either. It wasn't a good look for either of them, but I just can't blame John for delivering the verbal punch he did.
  3. Team Jackie, even though I don't really like her. I hate that Theresa is too dumb to even know what "spreading rumors" means. I think Jackie was dumb to bring Gia into, but only because it's going to distract from her point. Gia is an adult who is likely getting a Bravo paycheck with her name on it, and her signature at the bottom of a Bravo contract. She has almost a million instagram followers. She's graduated from the kids' table and is now making adult choices to be on this show. That's her business, but you can't have all that AND be declared a child who is off limits. And being accused of blowing lines at a party? This isn't "criminal activity" that is going to haunt her, it's not something she has to "live down." If I had to bet whether ANY of the kids on this show who are over 18 are hitting blow every now and again? I'm betting on white, lol. To me, this accusation has about as much heat as if Jackie had accused Gia of drinking beers underage at a party. Just not a big deal. Stupid to bring Gia into though, just because you are never going to redirect Theresa now. Jackie's point, and war, have been lost. Is this the yelliest of all the franchises? I feel like it is.
  4. I'm not sure I like him, but I think Devin is smart and even smarter than he lets on. I truly believe every bit of all that nonsense, names being thrown out right and left, yelling VENGEANCE IS MINE, putting up all these different scenarios - all smoke and mirrors. I don't think Devin cared about a single thing - not stepping down into the crater and making sure Gabby didn't drag him down into a men's elimination. And...it worked. And the fact that he is now even turning it all around on Gabby? Hilarious. I think the thing I like the least about Devin is that he made me take John's side when he started dragging dead dads into it, and it takes a LOT to get me to take the Dead Dad Dragging side. LOLO. This woman PETRIFIES me. Not because she could run me down and kick my ass, I know she could and I can live with that idea. But it makes me go fetal when I see people this completely and solidly lacking self-awareness. Because she 100% thinks she is fully self-actualized and that she is truly seeing what time it is when she is talking to Nam. But the things she is saying to him? WEEP. Absolutely no self-awareness. Poor Nam, just sitting there trying to placate her and probably thinking "does 'stubborn' mean something different in english than I think it does??" He's like, I think it might be best if we get new teammmates. Lolo: You aren't listening to me! You need to accept me for who I am and stop being so stubborn or I don't think we can be teammates!" Nam: Ok, I think it might be best if we get new teammates. Lolo: You're not listening to me and how are we going to be teammates if you don't listen to me, maybe we should get new teammates! I think Lolo, who is truly an athlete in the truest sense of the word, probably needs a coach like a therapist. She sees Nam as either her equal, or more likely, her less than. So she can't take instruction or criticism from him - she knows more than him. But I do bet that she has had good coaches who know how to talk to her and she is used to seeing Coach as Boss. She probably is floundering without that direction and moderation because she HAS NO SELF-AWARENESS, and this scares me so, so much, because how does one know if one has no self-awareness?? Lolo clearly has NO IDEA, so do I have NO IDEA? Absolutely petrifying. CT: Oh excuse me, pardon me, I'm going to go get my ball, can I get you anything? Dead.
  5. It's always very confusing for me when I have to make a hairpin turn from hoping couple breaks the fuck up to hoping they make it work, and the only thing that changed was a renegade sperm. But here we are.
  6. Repuposed from somewhere else, the case against Justin Timerberlake in regards to Britney (Janet Jackson deserves this same treatment - this covers (or uncovers, heh) it as best as I've seen it): How long has Justin Timberlake furthered his own career at the expense of Britney Spears? Early 2002 - BS and JT break up. September 2002 - JT's first solo song debuts and doesn't perform as expected September 2002 - PR narrative of Britney cheated, Justin's heartbroken begins in earnest. Justin appears on many magazine covers, including Details with the headline "...at least he got in Britney's pants." He also called her "clueless" for doing the movie Crossroads September 2002 - When asked if he performed oral sex with BS, he says, “I did it. I’m dirty,” October 2002 - Single peaks at 11, a disappointing showing. November 2002 - (JT is dating Alyssa Milano) Barbara Walters interviews JT. He sings Horrible Woman: So you had your chance to be my lover And there's really something more undercover And you know that ain't cool So I said in an hour call your momma and tell her she better just come get you Cause frankly, baby, you ain't worth the gas in my BMW Thought our love was so strong I guess I was dead wrong But to look at it positively Hey girl At least you gave me another song about a horrible woman And that's you, but its true In the same interview, when asked if Britney kept to her desire to wait until marriage for sex, he scoffs and says, "sure." November 2002 - Radio interview, "Did you fuck Britney Spears?" [laughs] "YEAH I HIT IT." December 2002 - releases Cry Me a River, with BS lookalike in video, gets him his first solo #1 and 1st grammy 2003- BS releases her album with Everytime, considered to be a public apology to JT 2003 - on Ellen, when asked if Cry Me a River is about Britney, JT literally sips tea August 2003 - (JT is dating Cameron Diaz) BS kisses Madonna at VMAs. JT goes on Sharon Osbourne and says he wasn't "upset," just not "impressed" with it. "If you're gonna do it, do it," he added. "I would have liked to see some tongue. Lick her face. That's hot lesbian action." 2006 - During his Man of the Year interview with GQ he says, "I felt like she had a couple of opportunities to just sort of stick up for me, and she didn't. Which is fine. But at that time, you know, I fought back, and that's the way I fought back. I used my mind. I came up with a song." 2006 - Britney is being destroyed in tabloids for erratic behavior, being accused of being a bad mother, accusations her marriage is on the rocks December 2006 - JT releases What Goes Around...Comes Around January 2007 - Britney files for divorce, kicking off extreme public meltdown and media feeding frenzy. 2007 - Justin perhaps cheats on Cameron Diaz with Jessica Biel 2007 - Makes a very thinly veiled reference to tell Britney (pointing to the camera - you know who you are) to stop drinking and don't get sloppy 2007 - (JT is dating Jessica Biel) starts adding "I think she's crazy" multiple times to the beginning of Cry Me A River at concerts 2008 - when introducing Madonna's induction to hall of fame, JT makes fun of "Madonna wannabees" some of whom he may have dated. 2009 - Jokes on SNL about being pop stars pretending to be virgins, but "privately? He hit it." Also says, "sometimes in your life, you think you've found the one. But then you find out, she's just a bitch," before playing Cry Me A River 2011 - JT supposedly cheats on his wife with Oliva Munn 2013 - Continues to start Cry Me A River with the "you find out she's a bitch" line 2014 - makes fun of Britney's Vegas residency, saying it's scary to him, that's for retirement (I wish I could make $58MM a year in retirement, but ok) 2016 - brings up Britney hurting him in reference to writing Cry Me a River, saying it was "written in a time of pain, like everyone knows…” 2019 - JT supposed cheats on wife with Alisha Wainwright I only threw in his own cheating allegations, because IMO that should make him retroactively more sympathetic if she did cheat (and cheat first). I'm not blaming him for what happened to her singlehandedly. I also think, at least at the beginning, he was himself very young and likely had a LOT of people telling him this was the path to take. But at some point, it's just like ENOUGH DUDE. He didn't just passively benefit from a sexist system, he courted it and used it to his benefit. What Goes Around came out at time it was clear to anyone, even if we were all making fun of it, that her life was falling apart and he's putting out lyrics implying he was on the verge of marrying her and this shit: heard you found out That he's doing to you what you did to me Ain't that the way it goes When you cheated, girl My heart bleeded, girl So it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt Just a classic case scenario Tale as old as time girl, you got what you deserved That's FOUR years after they broke up. He's been dating Cameron Diaz for like 3 years at that point - longer than he dated Britney. And he's seemingly and publicly gleeful she's getting what she "deserves." Looking back, it's clear he was punching down and he profited monetarily and in the public's good image of him. He has painted himself still as the victim as late as (that I know of) 2016, over a decade after they broke up and well past the point anyone thought BS deserved anything but our sympathies. Again, I'm not blaming him singlehandedly. Not at all. I think especially when it came to Janet Jackson, Les Moonves is CLEARLY the villain. But I don't think it's too much to ask JT to look over a timeline like the one above and come up with more than an apology for "missteps." But I do think he took advantage of a system designed to prop him up at her expense. Her career and her life were damaged by his actions. He needs to take more accountability for his part in all that, that's all. And holy shit, the things I will do rather than do my actual job, lol.
  7. I saw AbFab mentioned somewhere else, and was delighted to find this thread. My old college roommate turned me onto the show in about '96. We would go out on Friday nights, and convene on the couch on Saturday mornings to watch the double eps of AbFab on Comedy Central. If we were truly lucky, we might even have a bowlpack to help get us through. I think I really only watched the first three seasons, and sporadically other ones, but I've never even watched the movie. I know I say a lot of things from the show, but I just learned TODAY it was the "car clamp club." I always thought it was the car club club, which was funny to me in its redundancy, but I have been misquoting this my entire adult life and I see no reason to stop now. I will continue going to the comedy club club or the dance club club. And now I've used the word club too much. As I've crept into middle age, I have sometimes looked in the mirror and thought "great big pendulous breasts," followed by "fuck you bubble." lol. Also, I even sometimes seriously talk about things being a false economy, even though it came from the car club club episode. And if I meet someone with the last name Stone, I secretly think to myself, "Stone. Patsy Stone." What a fun show. I'm going to need to watch it again now.
  8. Which really stresses me out. It's like the opposite of a long weekend, and now I have to go back to work on Sunday afternoon.
  9. I'm not a Theresa fan, but I actually felt bad for her in this episode. I don't like to really see anyone so demoralized, and it had to be hard with everyone cheering against you. And obviously Leroy is going to pull for his partner, I can't fault him for that, but it must have been hard for her to hear it when they have history together. I would be extremely shocked to ever see her come back again. One thing I can't quite figure out, why do the non-BB castmates think that BB players are so much shadier, that BB is is a shadier game? To me, they are extremely similar games. I know not everyone here watches both, but am I missing something? Is it just something to say to target that large alliance? Because honestly, only on one of these shows have I seen someone dick over their partner and take all the prize money, which while I approve of such shenanigans, I can't see how it gets much shadier than that.
  10. By TODAY'S standards! I can't even imagine how long it took place before 1-40 was in place. You would have to have something seriously wrong in your head to drive from OBX to the Western Auto in Asheville to buy your child a bike. Every single solitary city in North Carolina is closer than Asheville! It is barely farther to drive to ATLANTA from OBX. I'm sorry, I know I'm a basket case about this, but it's so freakin' stupid. The author did not grow up in NC; she only visited OBX and Asheville, so that's what she used. But just look at a map!! Also, "Where the crawdads sing" isn't a saying. It's just not.
  11. Infuriating. I nearly lost my mind trying to deal with people just taking a wee little trip from OBX to Asheville!!
  12. Targeting Laurel wasn't a bad move. Burning her vote and her allies at the last second was beyond dumb, and it obviously gave the other people who voted for Laurel a reason to turn on Theresa, and point Laurel's wrath in her direction. It was worse than if she had voted with her allies. And then she gets confused and upset when she makes what she feels is a "good move" and people aren't happy about how she made the move. It's like she thinks if it's a "good move" to lie to Cam about putting her in since it resulted in her goal of getting Ashley out, then Cam and everyone else isn't allowed to be mad about it, and she gets super confused when they DO get mad about it. That's what I don't understand about her - her complete inability to see what seems obvious. If she were a rookie, I would get it. But Theresa is a vet, and what's more, I think she's actually an intelligent vet, so I just don't get it.
  13. Theresa just baffles me. I'll admit I'm not a fan, but she seems more intelligent than most of the yahoos who show up for this, but she has an inexplicable inability to follow things to their logical conclusion, like she's always brand new. In a past season, she didn't say Laurel's name when she should have since it didn't change the outcome, but then she got all butthurt when things went EXACTLY as anyone could have predicted. She she told Cam one thing and did another and then got all butthurt when Cam reacted EXACTLY as anyone could have predicted. She decided to try to throw CT under the bus and then got all butthurt when he reacted EXACTLY as anyone could have predicted, and that one didn't even have the benefit of being arguably a good move. No, she would have been better off lying and targeting someone else than trying to tell the truth with CT, because OF COURSE he is going to turn immediately and start shouting you down. And I think part of what CT was saying to Theresa was that the truth really doesn't even matter, because even if most people actually believe her, they're still going to stick with him. I just don't understand how she never sees any of this coming, and then says she is so "misunderstood." Theresa looks more hollow in the cheeks because she is leaner now, even though she's about the same size-looking. She's older now and has had children. 120lbs when you are 20 looks far different than 120 does later on. When you're younger, you can be 120lbs and still be soft or soft-ish. As you get older, you have to work harder and harder to keep that weight, and you have to replace that softness with leaner muscle, if you want to stay the same size. If I tried to get down to my weight from when I was 20 at my now 46, A) that's way more work than I would ever care to do, and B) I would look absolutely frightful at that weight now. It would be far, far too thin for me now, even though I looked fine (and soft!) at that weight 20 years ago. (All of this is a general rule; I'm no expert. But I definitely believe that's what's behind Theresa's sharper facial lines.)
  14. Now that I have no answer for. One well played moment does not make up for him. Take her peach. You know who to give it to. Is this the most amount of "friends of" they have ever had on a vacation?? I know it was close by, not the same cost as Rome, but damn there are people everywhere! Oh, and Kenya! If there was so much wonderful food in the fridge, why did you need to order out?? Because you* bought food even you** don't want to eat! Just make a group order and move on. *You, being production. **You, being Kenya.
  15. Porsha for the WIN AGAIN. WTF?? I'm rewatching old seasons just to get to her debut because I honestly can't comprehend that this is the same person. "I don't understand what is happening!! I just came to dance and drink!" I'm with you, Porsha, I'm with you. OK, I'll admit it, well played, Drew. She was the perfect amount of salty without being a complete asshole. It was a good moment...but, is that it?? It that her peach moment?? I'm still not seeing how she is holding a peach. Especially when Marlo isn't. Look, I understand why they have been hesitant to had her a peach, she has some pretty serious violence in her past (and I believe her victim ended up dying by suicide?), and she dropped a major F bomb (not fuck, the other one) in an early season. But enough with straddling the fence, Bravo! You won't give her her peach because of her problematic past, but you are having your cake and eating it too by still having her prominently featured every season. Plus, I think she turned over a new leaf with her nephews. She's reality gold, and she is giving me life as the Covid Police, so give her her peach already. If she's so problematic you can't, cut her loose. But don't do that - give her her peach!
  16. Oh, I don't care what Kelly thinks about me. It's just rude when a lot of people have made real sacrifices (I'm not counting myself among them, I've made small, minor sacrifices) to sneer at them about how you aren't making the sacrifices at all. And it's obviously fine not to care what Kelly does, or if this has any impact on her Bravo status, but I would say the people who have to be around Kelly, and especially the health workers of Orange County, do care a great deal with this dingbat does. I'm actually bummed because I was kind of secretly hoping they would bring back both Kelly and Braunwyn (who I think should be fired more [except that her offence happened two years ago and Kelly's happened less than two days ago]) because I think they would have completely undone each other. They actually very weirdly make each other more tolerable (more entertaining, I think) when they are together.
  17. Well, yeah, Braunwyn's a shitty mother. I don't know who Kathryn or Saint are. But Kelly isn't just expressing an opinion - she's also going out and making fun of those of us who are trying to get us through all of this. And, if she truly has the vaccine, it's fucked up that she A) somehow gamed the system to be a the top of the appointment list, and B) after downplaying covid this entire time, she went racing to get the vaccine as soon as it hit the ground. Or, she's out and about and lying about having had the vaccine. Definitely we all have our own lines with these ladies, and this one is just mine with Kelly. That said, I do think the firing came first, and Kelly is just getting herself all geared up to yell #cancelculture at the top of her lungs. If she gets fired, I'll be convinced. If she doesn't, she'll still be an asshole, just not an asshole with an agenda, lol.
  18. You know, I was completely on board with and had even said Braunwyn should be fired over what happened with Stella. But after reading the article another poster linked, if Shannon doesn't care, why should I?
  19. I think the speculation that Kelly may know she isn't being asked back makes sense. I know Kelly makes some dumb choices and her mouth certainly flies off at the drop of the hat, but this is dumb even for her if she planned to come back next season. She already knew Andy held her feet to the fire and there were a lot of viewer complaints, especially about covid. So this would have just been an odd choice, when doing or saying nothing was another option. That said, this is just too far. If she wasn't already fired, she needs to be. She can't actually be so dumb as not realize those of use playing by the rules and making the sacrifices are the ones helping her dumb adventures safe. And then she makes fun of us?? Fuck you, Kelly.
  20. Isn't it interesting...now this thread could easily read Most Likely to Become a History Professor.
  21. Is "I can't be racist, I have Black dna!" the new "I can't be racist, I have black friends!"?
  22. Didn't Ragey Ryan once say he or his family was from part of NC? I'm in Raleigh, so it's fine by me if the whole lot clears out.
  23. I just finished S-Town, which was...a lot. I know it's discussed more in the Serial thread, but I wanted to mention here as it's a really good limited series. I have a lot of trouble finding good limited series, and You're Wrong About is the only ongoing series I've stuck with so far.
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