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Everything posted by lasu

  1. Fearless and ambitious? They're saying this like Marla is someone we should root for because she is walking a man's path, but it's an asshole's path no matter the gender. She didn't just use her "smarts" instead of sexuality to get ahead in a man's world, she was a con woman who caused real harm to a LOT of vulnerable people. The director and I do not see the same woman.
  2. No, nothing funny at all. In real life. But in the movies, you can make anything funny, at least to some folks. Teen suicide isn't funny, but Heathers is. Dragging around a corpse isn't funny, but Weekend at Bernie's is (ish). There's certainly nothing funny about Hitler or the atrocities Jewish people faced, but Jojo Rabbit is hilarious. Ditto for Inglorious Basterds. Schitt's Creek got a legit lol out of me over the death of a kitten, and believe you me, I'm notoriously uptight about even completely fake harm to animals. I can't tell you how many awful, awful things I have laughed at in It's Always Sunny or other similar shows. My point is that's what dark comedy is (and not everyone likes black comedy and that's ok! It doesn't have to mean you just don't "get it"). Taking something that is inherently NOT funny, and making it funny. If you can get me to laugh at something that makes me feel vaguely bad about myself, you are fucking funny. (As an aside, to be funny when it comes to any marginalized group, the group can NEVER be the target of the joke.) So, I absolutely think you could make a dark comedy about a woman who steals control of elderly people. However, this wasn't it. This just wasn't a good movie, no matter what label you put on it.
  3. My understanding is that they weren't actually giving places on the teams or scholarships. Or were there some that did get scholarships? Most of them were paying to have the coach say they were recruiting the fake athlete for a possible spot on the team. In non-bribery land, the student athlete would be admitted to the university based on that. Then, at the start of the school year, they would try out for a walk-on spot on the team. With the fake athletes, they would say they were recruiting the student. The student would be admitted based on that. Then at the start of the school year, the student does NOT show up for try outs, the end. Even a real athlete could be recruited, admitted, try out and actually not make the team, at least theoretically.
  4. You know, I didn't think about it, but honestly, Cassie created many more victims. Her own family is obviously going to be traumatized knowing their daughter died such a violent death, but also Nina's mom. I imagine this is going to be horrific for her.
  5. I'm not at all arguing with you guys, just trying to understand this whole mess. How would these "backdoor" methods be fundamentally different from Sailing Coach's situation? He didn't get any personal financial gain, and the school itself benefited (even if it technically only paid for sailing, since sailing was normally in the red, this means those sweet, sweet football dollars can go elsewhere), and from my understanding, never actually took a student this way.
  6. One thing I was unclear on was if going through the "backdoor" is illegal or as illegal as this side door situation. Like, if I say, Hey Harvard, I'm going to build you a sweet library and that's where my kid's gonna study! Is that illegal? I'm not sure the sailing dude truly understood what he was doing, but I am an awful person because I still laughed my ass off to realize he got off of a year's house arrest about three months before covid. Hope you lived it UP, my dude.
  7. Yep. Sometimes you can tell who is going to go very deep in the game because they will have interviews with a very different look, meaning MTV wanted interviews from them after they came home. I don't think they bother with people who go out early.
  8. CT is wearing the same thing in a few of those interviews, and you can tell it was filmed after he was back with Big T. So it was pretty easy for him to give an interview about how he would love to have her back - he already did. Same thing with Leroy seeming so generous in his interview with about Darrell, saying he hoped D came back even if cost him Kacee. Again, easy to say because he already knew that's not how things played out. Not saying this is evidence against it being completely scripted, lol.
  9. I think my original post where I said Mia was probably a neglectful parent probably didn't accurately convey what I meant. I didn't mean that I felt her kids were neglected, but that I don't think there is any way one person could adequately parent that many children by herself. And I do think it was a bit disingenuous the way she made it sound like she was with her kids 24/7 when she wasn't (nor do I think any parent should be). I'm not entering this as evidence in any way against Mia, and certainly not pro Woody. However, I do think it's a misstep when telling a story that is so hinged on believability to have something where I'm left like, "hmmh, that doesn't seem 100% true..." I do not think Mia was a bad or abusive parent. But I do think she tried to make us think she spent more time with her children than she actually did - and this is the worst of the charges I can really bring against her so, really not bad.
  10. Be prepared to cry. I wasn't.
  11. Finally finished this up last night: Man, it is really disheartening how much misogyny plays into abusers hands. It's crazy to me that so many people find it easier to believe that "bitches be crazy" than a father sexually assaulting his daughter. To me, had Mia Farrow coached Dylan into this, it would be a far worse parental betrayal than what Woody actually did, not to diminish that at ALL. I'm not saying that fake abuse allegations never happen; I'm sure they do. But I think it's probably incredibly rare and not super relevant to this situation. But it boggles my mind the scope of what people believe Mia did, and continues to do. Mia Farrow does strike me a kook, and I did catch that the documentary was contradictory with her. She talked about always being with her children and never doing anything else, and that she always brought her children to work, but then later she was talking about doing a movie in Egypt (I think?) and she mentioned she took Soon-Yi with her to help with bonding. I inferred from that that A) she didn't always take them but it was important to take Soon-Yi this time, and B) she left the other 8549 kids at home. They actually did the same thing with Woody - they had interviews with the kids talking about how he was always there, in CT, when they woke up and when they went to bed...but he didn't stay there? He was going to CT to hang out every day and driving to NY to sleep? It was confusing. I think Mia may have been a neglectful as a mother. I think it would have been nearly impossible to be a great parent to so many kids, even if none of them had had extra needs. I don't know why she chose to adopt so many children, but I'm in NO way surprised they kept giving them to her. The only one I wonder about at all is Dylan herself. All of the others, even if Mia's home was negelectful, it was probably far better than the conditions they were removed from, and it's not like people are fighting each other to get special needs children from foreign orphanages. I don't like to talk this way about human beings, but these were kids no one else wanted. Now, Dylan on the other hand, white newborn baby? People will literally kill to get their hands on those. Dylan would have been adopted, period. I have to wonder if it was a private adoption...geez, though, imagine if you knew THIS was the household you gave up your baby to go live in? Horrific. Other things that struck me - it seemed like Mia wanted to get back together with Woody even after he slept with Soon-Yi, which is bonkers in and of itself, but I can also kind of see it, especially if he negged her the way it appeared he did. She'd been with him for 12 years and they had a family. I think it would have been the wrong choice to stay with Woody after that, but people have done worse. What really struck me as odd is how much they talked way into this situation. I get that each of them was taping the other and trying to get them to say something incriminating, but it still just seemed crazy to me. Also, that she continued working with him after she found out about the affair (but not after the molestation?). I couldn't have done it. Going to the DA, I've seen it posted several times that he got in trouble for what he said at the news conference. That is simply not true at all. Woody's lawyer filed a complaint, it was dismissed. I have never once heard him say he thought Woody was guilty, or even that he thought Dylan was telling the truth. I think he was very careful about that, it was his job to determine probably cause and if charges should be brought forward, guilt would be determined by a judge and/or jury - not him. Even when he met with Dylan, he didn't say it, and I thought that was correct. I have absolutely no reason to think he was telling the truth about why he didn't bring charges - he didn't feel he could pin a case on a traumatized 7 year old. He even said it - he couldn't chance her freezing up. I think he knew his case was iffy ONLY because his star witness was an abused child and might not be able to handle the cross. Which I think is fair. It's been suggested he made up this excuse to save face because he didn't have a good enough of a case. Save face from who?? The public was mostly on Woody's side. The DA could have cozied up to NY elite by simply saying nope, not enough here for a case. So I believe him. Finally, I don't think Woody is a typical pedophile, I think he's an ephebophile - attracted to teens, also hugely problematic. I don't think he primarily is attracted to children, but a lot of his focus has seemed to be on bright, innocent young women who he wants to "mentor" and "nurture." So while he wasn't attracted to MOST children, who is going to seem more innocent, more pure, more special, more untouched by anyone but him, more moldable especially to him...than Dylan? So I think he's unnatural obsession with her combined with his ephebophilia led to a nasty place, but maybe one he never went to before or after. Even if most abusers have multiple victims, I can't use that as evidence nothing happened here.
  12. That's what I was hoping more for too. But, I did catch that there was a challenge where they were melting a giant ice cube with someone's body, so hopefully it will be more stuff like that and not the super athletic challenges on the regular season. But it's kind of hard to pair "goofy challenges" with "All Stars". I don't even know how they can call it All Stars, tbh, without the more recent Challenge big winners like John, Wes, and even Ashley. It's Old Stars, and that's what we wanted in the first place!
  13. Yeah, I feel badly, but I'm over Jackie and this whole situation. She's in the right, but it doesn't matter. Teresa gave her a gift - coming to Evan's home for a party to celebrate his birthday with real friends and family and talking shit about the dude? It doesn't get more clearly wrong than that. But, alas, Jackie badly played her hand, and she gave Teresa a get out of jail free card. As soon as Gia's name was said, it was game over. Teresa's the one in the wrong, but she will NEVER let go of that bone, and the others don't care enough to try to freeze her out on Jackie's behalf. She doesn't have the support for a coup, and she can't figure out how to back down, so she's a goner. Meh. If I found out my finance person who I had been with a while and had done well with my money was cheating on his wife, I probably wouldn't care. If I found out my finance person who I had been with a while and had done well with my money was joining a reality show, I probably wouldn't care. BUT, if I were picking a new finance guy and all other things were equal, I would not pick someone who was on a reality show or cheating on his wife. To me, I would consider either of these things as a potential negative for someone handling my money, and would probably choose someone else (knowing the someone else could be up to all sorts of no good I don't know about).
  14. I think I'm pretty much with everyone else. It's fine that CT wanted to change partners; it was a smart move. But GOD could have been more of a dick about it? I can see that would be humiliating for Big T, especially after she truly pulled her weight in the daily mission that helped him get to that point. It was completely ungracious. And then the whole theater of the bonfire, only to turn even more on Big T? It just wasn't a good look at all. The bonfire wasn't even about him wanting to apologize - it was a GRAND GESTURE. It was only meant to make him look generous in his "apology" and his "apology" was only a vehicle for Big T to make him feel better. I honestly couldn't be more disappointed in CT. The way he gaslit her and turned things on her, for daring to make him feel badly about his dick behavior? Ugh. And now someone mentioned it has them set up for a Rivals situation, and it just made everything worse for me. It's the same thing (albeit on a much smaller scale) Adam. CT was insanely wrong with Adam, and then was paired up with CT on Rivals. The storyline was very clear - CT will goofily grovel, Adam will eventually forgive, and CT's image is rehabilitated. I don't think Adam had much choice - it was almost like he was bullied into forgiving his bully. And that's what's going to happen with Big T. It's going to end up being on her back to make CT look good again. I bet he has another GRAND GESTURE at the reunion - he's got to know he doesn't look good in this situation, and I think for most of us, it takes a lot to make us side with a newbie over a vet, but CT really misstepped here. I've actually always said that although I loved the redemption arc, CT never should have been allowed back on the show after the way he attacked Adam (not only because of the fight, but also because it was clear they had no way to control him. However, the storyline was worth it and CT is hot, so...but I don't really want to watch it a second time. If Big T genuinely chooses to forgive him, that's great, but if she is forced to sacrifice herself to the Challenge gods, I'm not really here for it.
  15. You have to understand we are living in Bizarro-land. I the real world, I would be on Jackie's side. However, this is Teresa land and it is an alternate reality. As soon as Jackie said "gia" it was game over. I'm mad at Jackie and blaming her for giving Tre the bone she's not going to let go of all season long. I'm normally extremely, incredibly, over-the-top against any sort of victim blaming, but here? I'm blaming the victim. Because now to listen to an entire season of Tre screetching about HER DAUGHTER being ACCUSED of doing DRUGS. I'm the real victim here.
  16. My nickname is La, and I certainly became sadder and sadder as the group kept shrinking. I don't think Colin was raped, but I definitely don't think it was a great experience. I'm sure that the landlady's son explicitly was clear what would happen if Colin ever said anything. It wasn't a great situation at all, and I'm glad Colin found another place to go. Even if he did enjoy the sex, it was still an overall hostile place for him to be, and I think he finally recognized that.
  17. I started out Team Jackie, because technically, I think she's correct. But I have fully changed my mind, because as Marge pointed out, she didn't know her audience. I don't care if she had said "This is an ANALOGY this is NOT TRUE this is an EXAMPLE I am MAKING UP only to PROVE A POINT - what if as an ANALOGY I asked about a HYPOTHETHICAL rumor that is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE about Gia doing coke in the bathroom?" It still wouldn't have worked. Teresa is both excruciatingly stupid and simultaneously quite shrewd. While I truly believe she is literally too stupid to understand that she is wrong and a hypocrite to boot, she knows better than to ever give an inch of ground on whether or not Jackie took out a signed declaration that she personally watched Gia doing coked and knows for a fact it's true. Tre will never, ever give an inch on this subject, and that's why I can't be Team Jackie, because Jackie gave Tre the bone she is going to work all season long. It's just painful to watch Teresa because she is truly dense. She literally doesn't understand that she was spreading rumors at Evan's party. She doesn't understand that saying "as a wife I would want to know" makes no fucking sense because A) we have seen you freak the fuck out at someone saying your husband might be cheating (and with a lot more evidence), and B) you told everyone BUT Jackie about this rumor. I think she may be my least favorite among the housewives just because of absolute and utter denseness. It's not interesting to watch anyone argue or debate with her, because she is just in a different world and doesn't allow any information to filter through that might force her to reconsider. It's frustrating because in Tre's head, Jackie saying something about Gia RETROACTIVELY makes what Tre said about Evan ok. And honestly, they aren't even in the same ballpark - first, Teresa came to a celebration for Evan in his own fucking home and decided THIS is the time to start this rumor - and for the record, I think she is making this up entirely. I don't think there's any smoke - there wasn't a single nibble from anyone we saw at the party with her going around asking everyone. And not only did she come to his home and his party, but personally, I find a married father who cheats on his spouse to be WORSE THAN a college student who does a few lines at a party. But with one dumb analogy, it's now all about what Jackie said, instead of what Teresa said, I just don't know if I can take a whole season of it.
  18. I in no way believe these shows are pure and never cheat for their favorites or for a good storyline. I absolutely believe they do, and since my personal goal is to watch an entertaining show, I don't particularly care how we get there. THAT SAID! I think Lolo is lying/wrong on both statements. First, I don't believe she was asked to leave unless it was because her mental health was getting too bad. I don't think the producers were going along with filming and were just like, I KNOW, let's force Lolo off the show. The same Lolo who was featured prominently the week before? Either they were legit worried for her, or perhaps the remaining male castmembers unionized against the idea of ending up with Lolo as a partner. She's a weird one - I thought she had the perfect combo of athleticism and crazy to become a staple. And, again, do I think they would cheat on times in challenges? YES! YES! ALL DAY YES! But do I think they did THIS TIME? I don't! I wouldn't bet my cat over it, but when they gathered at the end, everyone seemed to already know who won, and even TJ said something like usually we name the top three now, but this time, one team clearly dominated. So I just don't see any evidence that THIS TIME they cheated the times. When it's close between two teams, sure, I absolutely think they pick the team they want for their storyline, and while this was good story, it also seemed clear from everyone else, CBigT truly did the best. Yes, Lolo, WE know the challenge isn't a real competition but a tv show. DO YOU??
  19. Absolutely, I just thought with Ritchie being so worried and avoiding the test, he would end up being fine. Also, just so we're all on the same page, I put slutty in quotes because I don't believe in slutty, at least as a bad thing.
  20. STEPHEN FRY! Sorry, you really stressed me out that was Hugh Laurie, lol!!! I agree with a most of the praise and criticisms shared above. This was truly a lovely series, and having adjacently through the AIDS crisis (I was in middle school in NC at its height, so pretty much 0% chance I needed to be worried about it, but believe me when I say EVERYONE worried about it. It was so easy for me to get angry watching this at the way people would treat AIDS patients, but I had to remind myself, there truly was a time when no one knew anything and that's what it was like then. It wasn't fair of me, with all my 2021 knowledge, to judge. It was a scary time. How awful to have died like that, alone and shamed. The actor that played Colin murdered me. They really stacked the deck with the actors being SO charming and everyone of them having a smile that made you grin back at them even through the tv, but man, Colin. He just broke my cold heart. I figured he was a goner though - I thought what would happen is the most "innocent" person would get it, and the "sluttiest" would get lucky. So I'll admit I was surprised when Ritchie got it too. I ugly cried through the whole thing. Eyes are still puffy.
  21. I got cameo-scammed. I mean, my fault entirely, but I thought of someone who would love a cameo from a particular celebrity so I went and checked it out. The celebrity I was looking for wasn't on there, but I just scrolled around and noticed there was a special for Allison Janney for $10, and I thought that would be fun! Or funny! Or something! But instead, I paid for some generic message basically plugging her new show which I happily I forgotten. If I'm going to pay $10 for a commercial, the least my brain can do to make up for its failure is promptly forget what it was for.
  22. I'm not sure there's any apology that would be good enough from a woman you refer to as "Pigshit." There's no legal ramifications from this regardless.
  23. Kenya: don't be all uncool! WTF?? If they all agreed to pull the curtain for the evening, then Kenya is a complete and utter asshole for exposing anyone. I mean, you're also dumb to let her get anything on you, but still. THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE NO VILLAGE. Not my scene, but I'm not mad about it. If they had fun, what do I care?
  24. I don't think she ever saw him again at the bar. Each sequence of her seeing him started with her on the patio with her roommate and him asking if she was going to go do her bar watch again that evening. The fourth time (after the three dream sequences) he asks if she will be doing her bar watch again that evening, and she says no.
  25. LOL, according to the story you linked, she did apologize.
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