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Everything posted by lasu

  1. AAAAAAAAAAh, why did I watch? FUCK THIS DUDE. I really hope Drew brought this fool on the show for the specific purpose of letting the world see how he treats her and acts. I don't give A FUCK if you buy me flowers but you are going to act like it's not normal to want to know where your husband is for three days. 1. Let's PRETEND it really is different for a man. Let's just PRETEND. You say you leave because it's better than if you stayed. Uh-huh, what was going on that was so bad? 2. If you do something SO SPUR OF THE MOMENT, does it disable your text feature? 3. Does it prevent you from calling? 4. Does it prevent you from telling your WIFE where you were? 5. HOW DOES IT HELP HER? HOW DOES IT HELP YOU TO KEEP IT A SECRET OH WAIT I KNOW IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE A CHEATING SCUMBAG. 6. So, men have it so tough they sometimes disappear for three days and lose the ability to pick up a phone, but SECRET CAMERAS?? SECRET CAMERAS!?!?! Dude. 7. DO YOU WANT ANOTHER SIX YEARS? DO YOU? Well, motherfucker, I hope the answer from Drew is NO MOTHERFUCKER I DON'T WANT ANOTHER SIX MINUTES. 8. I've got my eye on you. I SEE your little "Our relationship would be so great if you would just stop calling me out on my bullshit!!" strategy and I AM NOT HERE FOR IT. Stop trying to act like your wife is a controlling psycho for wanting to know where you were. IT'S NORMAL. 9. You looked dumb as hell sitting all alone going *blink blink blink* in front of some dumbass rose petals while your wife cries over your BULLSHIT in the other room. 10. FUCK YOU, DUDE. OK, Ralph sucks. He's horrible. I hope she leaves him and clowns his ass all over national TV. But, I will say, so far, I don't hate him the way I hate Marc. The only reason why is that I think Ralph is a horrible person who wants to cover his misdeeds by making his wife feel crazy, but I don't think he takes any pleasure in breaking his wife down. It's just what he needs to do to keep doing whatever he wants. He's awful. But I think Marc actually takes pleasure in breaking down Kenya, and that's scarier to me.
  2. I think Inferno II isn't one of the seasons on CBS All Access, so that's one for me over the holiday break!
  3. OK, y'all, I'm only halfway through the episode, but I was bored and went ahead and headed here. And now you're trying to tell me there is a WORSE husband than Marc? Uh, I don't know that I can handle that. Marc makes my blood absolutely boil. BOIL. I may need to consult my doctor before resuming the episode. WORSE THAN MARC? Y'all. I hope Riley decided having a "heavier" body is a hell of a lot more fun that "working hard" to stay thin.
  4. To me abuse is abuse. It's bad to be abused by a coworker, especially if you need that job in order to feed your family. Kenya abused Tania last season, for NO reason except because she wanted to. Kenya has been nasty to others just because she wanted to be nasty. That's inline with everything I said, just that I think with your spouse there is an extra layer of betrayal. Abuse is abuse, and I said neither should be excused or tolerated. I'm just going to have a more personal loathing of someone who abuses and undermines the person they made a vow in front of their chosen God, friends, and family to love and protect. Abuse is the cake. Betrayal is the icing. Yes, Kenya is nasty and I hope she gets help, especially so she can give her own daughter a better foundation to stand on than she herself was given. But no matter how vile she may be, I can never say someone "deserves" to abused by their spouse, nor will I ever enjoy watching it.
  5. Believe it or not, that's why I think it's kinda cool he's doing it (again, I'm actually opposed to him being on TV at all, I'm just not more opposed to it when he's wearing a dress). He is in an environment were it is going to be more accepted that he doesn't conform to gender norms, and hopefully that will give hope to kids in other parts of the country where there is less acceptance of anything other than strict conformity. I think normalizing not being "normal" benefits us all.
  6. I didn't say they would be perfectly accepted, just that his peers views are probably more tolerant than what we are showing here. He's just wearing clothes and make up. I think it's good that he's normalizing ending gender specific clothing. Come summertime, I always laugh that men aren't smart enough to wear dresses. He's fine, he'll be fine. He seems smart enough to know what may happen and would rather be comfortable in his own skin and clothing than worry about that. Even if ends up being a man who dresses in traditionally male-gendered clothing, it's not like the fact he wore a dress when he was 14 is going to prevent him from getting a job. I just don't see it as that big of a deal. Now, do I think ANY of the kids should be on TV? Nope, not really. But I don't find this more or less egregious than any of the other housewives using their kids for storylines.
  7. I firmly believe Braunwyn is for real, but I think spousal abuse should be taken extremely seriously, regardless of which gender direction it goes. None of her other nonsense has bothered me, but I will be quite bothered if they allow her to continue on the show without going to some sort of anger management. This should be taken as seriously as if Sean admitted to hitting her. I think it's ironic that so many people think Braunwyn's son shouldn't be on tv because he might get bullied at school, but I'd be willing to wager a bet his own peers are far more accepting than we are showing to be. I loved Emily having accidental sex. I liked that she mocked trying to compare covid to aids.
  8. I don't think there's any excuse for her behavior towards her castmates, but I do think there is a difference between abuse from a castmate and abuse from your spouse. Neither is ok and neither should be tolerated or excused, but I do think when it's your spouse, there's a layer of betrayal you don't get from a coworker.
  9. I feel immense sympathy for Kenya, and I will never enjoy watching a woman being abused by a man who promised to love her, no matter how vile that woman has been or may continue to be. I absolutely cannot stand Kenya, and I think she has often be an awful person. But calling Marc's abusive behavior karma is excusing abuse. Marc isn't just an asshole. He's an asshole who has shown, on camera, to be condescending, manipulative, a gas lighter, he demeans Kenya, he enjoys humiliating her and I will never enjoy watching it. He is an abuser. He promise you, karma didn't send Marc as a one time only deal to Kenya to pay her back for all the times she's been a mean spirited asshole. His abuse isn't just for her. I promise you, there are women before Kenya, and there will be women after Kenya who experience the same abuse from him, and they haven't and won't have deserved it either. There is no excuse for Marc's behavior. None. I think we could all agree that if Marc were physically abusing Kenya, none of us would call that karma. I'm just asking you to pull that line in a littler further and include emotional spousal abuse as well. No woman deserves abuse from her spouse. I hope that she gets out of this relationship and is a good mother to Brooklyn. How could I not want that for the child? I very much hope Kenya is able to break the cycle her mother handed to her (and probably had a version handed to her as well), so that Brooklyn can grow up and be a happier and healthier person that Kenya herself is. I hope Kenya can get help to heal and be healthier so she can stop being a small, vindictive person. Man, PORSHA!! I think she is the extremely rare housewife who has grown into who she truly is and grown so much as a person while on the show. I have a great, great respect who she has become. It's incredibly admirable, and I also think she's funny and fun. Brava.
  10. There is quite a situation brewing across the pond. Georgia says Bear filmed her without her knowledge or consent and has shown it to other people, including for profit on his FansOnly page. Bear denies it and mocks her crying. She says she is going to prosecute him and send him to jail. I think that will be the end of Bear on The Challenge; I wonder if Georgia will be exiled as well, or if she even still wants to do the show.
  11. Every time I hear the name of Candiace's song, I think they are talking about the ICU. Like the Intensive Care Unit Remix 2019. That's it. That's my sum total for this season.
  12. It's incredibly possible I missed something, but I thought all the exchanges and meetings took place in America - at the mall, the seedy hotel...? I thought all of this was happening in the US, and was solely because of her husband's job, not hers. Like I said, I absolutely could have missed something.
  13. Yes, in the book Megan and her husband were both spies. Even in the show, they say how easy it would be for a flight attendant to be a spy, but then in show, they have Megan be a spy, but so far it has absolutely nothing to do with her being a flight attendant. It's just another goofy change I truly don't understand. The only upside to all these changes is that I don't know what the hell to expect next.
  14. Definitely everyone can decide for themselves, but for me, if I found out definitively Cleo was a plant, I would remove two of my five stars for this show. It doesn't fit with the theme (Beth is her own enemy, she doesn't need someone else to be her enemy), and they would have obviously done a piss poor job of fleshing out that character if she was so important to the story. And if she was a Russian plant, that would make her one of the biggest players in the whole show and they never even mention once about Russian spies or even that her hotel room in Moscow. The show never implied that the Russians were cheaters (despite what we may know in real life), so I would be extremely disappointed if this particular fan theory turned out to be true.
  15. If so, he was really onto something, because I read she bought the rights to this book just based on the premise, before she even actually read it. I've just finished episode 5, and I find the changes they made bizarre. Dubai/Bankok, Russians/north Koreans, Alex's family being involved/not involved. Crazy magical lawyer with mob connections and now mob debts. Rosie's character fucking her husband over to be a spy. It's like, the book was bonkers enough! I actually really like Dead Daario as a plot device to replace Cassie's thoughts in the book, but I don't know why they are making her "fall in love" with him.
  16. But she's not a housewife. She has the same job Cassie does.
  17. She did. When she buys herself a new dress and chess set, we later see her wearing new saddle shoes.
  18. Like I said, it's probably the most commonly broken rule in AA. When I was in the program, I didn't date at all for nine months and then I badgered my sponsor into letting me date. And I was considered a model child in AA, and I still couldn't make a full year. Just because someone isn't working a program with complete perfection doesn't mean they aren't working it with honesty. Not everyone follows every rule. My sponsor wasn't thrilled that I went to my high school reunion about 2 months into going into AA. A person could have pointed at me and said, "well, she just isn't taking her sobriety seriously." Which, wasn't true. I did take it seriously, but I also didn't want to miss out on something important to me. Life still happens even when you're in AA.
  19. FWIW about not making big changes, AA recommends you don't make big changes or get into a relationship for one year (though trust me when I say this is probably the most broken suggestion in AA), and according to her, Braunwyn has a year sober.
  20. I'd have to go back and read the article, but I don't think she meant that was kissing Tamra as much as the producers interviewing her about it and how she felt about it.
  21. No, I can kinda squint and see it now that you say it. He still looks like The Situation the most to me though.
  22. I can never get over how Juicy came out of jail looking exactly like an old The Situation. It's weird, yo.
  23. Not this that is particularly here nor there, but the 22 year old in question threw herself a "Hot Girls" party. It's definitely disappointing to Kandi out without a mask. I think of her as one of the most sensible of all the housewives, so to see her out like that and over something as dumb as Lil Wayne's daughter's 22nd birthday is sad.
  24. If Braunwyn has gone to AA for over a year and hasn't gotten caught with a drink (I'm looking you, Countess Lu!), all for a storyline, I'd actually find that the most interesting thing about her so far! Honestly, I hope she and her family figure out something that works for them, and brings them all as much peace and joy as possible. Life's short.
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