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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I remember a rumor back in the day that Marla Gibbs and Jackee Harris hated each other during 227.
  2. I think both ladies are terrible but I am enjoying the show though at Megan's expense..
  3. I agree with you and it has always bothered me that the show pushed the Marlena/Kayla friendship while Kayla and Marlena loved each other as sister-in-laws when she was married to both Roman and RoJohn, Kayla was always closer to Hope because of Bo, since Bo and Kayla were super close growing up. Just like Marlena was always close to Kim as sister-in-laws and friends because of Roman's and Rojohn's close bond with Kim. Kim knew that Marlena still loved John after it was revealed that he was not Roman and real Roman came back. Kim told her to explore her feelings for John rather than suppress them for Roman and her need to do the right thing all of the time. If she chose to do the latter, then she would end up hurting Roman, John and herself., Kim was so right, she did hurt both men and herself after all was said and done.
  4. Wendy used to always make fun of women who were single, getting a divorce or having relationship problems with their significant others all the while pretending to be happily married to that jerk Big Kev..
  5. I think it is refreshing to have somebody like Amanda who does not make waves just by being authentically who she is..
  6. What did she say that was so egregious to merit being dismissed?
  7. It is true, she has spoken about wanting to share scenes with her dad on Days but Ken Corday declined her offer. Jennifer could have played a long lost daughter of Victor out for revenge..
  8. Don't forget that John Aniston's rancor with the show started with JER who dumbed Victor down so that Sami and Vivian could get the best of him and John did not like that and let JER have it at an Emmy awards show.. JER did not appreciate being slammed publicly by John and wrote in the stroke storyline to punish him.. For years JER jerked him around and he decided to no longer be on contract so he could have total control of his character. I am team John Aniston when it came to JER, he turned all of the heroes and heroines into idiots in order to push the villainous characters. Austin had never recovered from his idiocy that started under JER..
  9. That is true, I just think giving a 19 year old license to have sex in your home is opening a can of worms. If they are a fully form adult in a long-term relationship then I would have no issue with them sharing a bedroom. I had a friend whose best friend would allow her 17 year old son to have sex in the house with all the girls that he wanted and he would also drink and do drugs as well. Her excuse was at least he was doing it at home and not out in the streets. I was mortified to say the least..
  10. To be fair, Sunny said that she would like for him to save himself for marriage but I think that she knows that he most likely will not do that. Her bone of contention was allowing him to have sex in her home with his girlfriend. I agreed with her wholeheartedly. Unless you are married to your spouse, there will be no sex in my home. If you choose to do it elsewhere then that is your business.. The whole panel agreed with Sunny except for Joy..
  11. Strolling through his pictures, it is so cute how he looks at her with such love in his eyes..
  12. The show jumped the shark for me when Marlena got possessed by the devil round 1. No heat between them and original recipe Ejami sizzled.. What a shame that the show had to go the rape route with them. I could no longer support that pairing after that.. The only people currently on the show with any heat in my opinion is Mardevil and Ben.. Is it just me or does she want to fuck Ben.. She is so inappropriate with him being a married man. Ben also had chemistry with Will.. I was shocked by their sexual chemistry..
  13. Ben Affleck is a jerk! he is Jennifer Lopez's problem now and Jennifer Garner should just be cordial to him because of their three children and leave it at that..
  14. I love your whole post and especially about ED as Kristen and SH as Susan. It would not be the first time that a dual role played by one actress became 2 roles played by two different actresses. On As The World Turns, Frannie and Sabrina were played beautifully by Oscar winner Julianne Moore and once she left the roles for greener pastures, the roles were recast with two different actresses and the characters no longer looking like each other was never mentioned by the characters on the show.
  15. The show could have explored Nick's backstory with his parents and his mental health issues. His mother was a Horton who was plagued with mental issues and was once treated by Marlena. The show should have explored those connections when Nick was terrorizing Wilson and Chelsea should have come back and talk some sense into Nick. Chelsea being there for Nick would have harkened back to when Chelsea was persona non grata in Salem and Nick had her back.. Chelsea and Will were super close back in the day.. It would have been cool to see her react to Nick hurting Will and trying to steal his daughter.
  16. I could see Evil Phoebe being courted by an evil coven of witches and being crowned as their queen since she is one of the most powerful witches of all time. Phoebe should have been a psychologist since she was always the most empathetic in the original power of 3. Phoebe helping people overcome their traumas would have been great. Phoebe was meant to be a healer as Melinda Warren told her in season 1. Phoebe could also be a teacher of young witches helping them master their craft. Phoebe embraced her destiny as a charmed one with gusto. I also thought that Phoebe should have helped the police mainly Darryl locate missing children and adults with her premonition power. There could have been a story where a serial killer was stalking San Francisco and Phoebe played a big part in catching him behind the scenes. Shannon did want the show to go darker more serious and it would have been a perfect opportunity to showcase evil human beings and how the sisters deal with them given what they learned in not punishing the guilty. I always got the impression that the storylines for Paige when it came to social work and teaching was meant for Phoebe, had Shannon not gotten fired. The show tried to make Phoebe the middle sister after Prue died and it never worked.
  17. I loved them as a twosome and it would have been interesting to see evil Phoebe going up against Prue with Piper trying to mediate between them. I could definitely see Prue willing to vanquish Phoebe and Piper not willing to go that far, hoping that Phoebe would abandon evil and rejoin them. We definitely should have seen the sisters developed their 3 powers like Constance wanted.. I hated that the sisters never learned to hone their spellcasting abilities after Constance left the show. I loved that Phoebe was such a great spellcaster like grams and her mom. It made sense since she had no active abilities in the first two seasons. The book of shadows also got ignored in the latter seasons since Leo always had the answers to their troubles, I absolutely hated that... I never cared for Leo, I always wanted Piper to fall for a mortal and have her three daughters as an homage to the power of 3.
  18. So the stupid possession storyline is still going on, good grief! Ron needs to let it go already. What is his purpose for continuing to write this drivel, at least JER had a reason when he wrote the original story even if I hated it. At it's core the possession storyline was a love story between Jarlena. It had a beginning a middle and an end. Ron's version is just aimless and goes on and on and on..
  19. I adored the Nick that you describe in your post and I never got over the fact that he was sacrificed for Wilson and I love Wilson. They did not need a homophobic antagonist to be interesting.. Ashley Benson remains my favorite Abby and I loved her bond with Nick..
  20. That was horrible indeed...
  21. Exactly! Lisa was always so good and had chemistry with everybody. Iva absolutely loved Lily despite the circumstances with her conception. I have been watching a lot of clips of the show on youtube and I was so surprise to see Iva still dealing with her rape by Josh in a therapy session during the Aaron paternity storyline . It was a quiet scene but so powerful due to Lisa Brown's superb acting. It was why Douglas Marland was such a great writer, nothing in his writing happens by chance, he always shows his characters still dealing with their past trauma and how it still affects them in their current storyline. He did the same thing with Frannie during the Carolyn Crawford storyline.
  22. I enjoyed Lea Reminy on the show today. I know that she is not everybody's cup of tea and that is okay. I have never seen Suzanne and Norman smile so broadly on the show. They were happy and relaxed when they were engaging with the hosts today. Wendy must truly be a nightmare behind the scenes. I hope she gets the help that she needs and never comes back..
  23. I like Mia and while her voice is not the greatest, I can deal with it for now..
  24. I have always believed that their late father kept the Kardashian family together, it seems that once he died a part of them died also. They all seem so unhappy unmoored and lost. Kris seems like the type of mother that wants to be her children's cool friend instead of just being their mother as they were growing up..
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