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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Same here, I don't get the ire over Sunny being more assertive this season. She has always been like this but tamped it down after the princess of Arizona joined the panel. I remember Sunny and Jed having contentious debates on the show but the ladies remained friends nonetheless.
  2. Alex was a retcon. The only significant relationship that Marlena had in her backstory before coming to Salem was her college professor that she had had an affair with that led to heartbreak. It is something that happens to a lot of young women, you get mixed up with the wrong guy that you had no business being with..
  3. He also spoke for the audience in finding the Shane/Kayla relationship to be weird and he saw them kiss. He told his mom of course. Andrew was also very close to Shawn-Douglas as kids, they were best friends in addition to being cousins. If I am not mistaken, Andrew's mischievousness was the reason that Shawn-Douglas fell into that hole causing his deafness. He was very protective of his sister Jeannie/ Theresa and Eve his big sister adored him.. No and I hope he never comes on the show. Look at what they did to his sister. In my head, he is just as handsome and debonair as his father Shane working side by side with him solving cases.. He adores his mom Kimberly and has a penchant for attracting trouble like her and righting wrongs like his dad Shane..
  4. The funny thing is that Jeannie(Theresa) and Andrew lived in London in their father's estate for years when Kim had her mental breakdown so how the hell did Theresa live in poverty. Shane would have provided for all of his children and grandchildren, period. Shane was of British aristocracy and wealthy. Theresa could have been a Brady cousin via papa Shawn. Perhaps Theresa could have been the granddaughter of the pedophile Uncle Eric with an axe to grind with the Brady family.
  5. I have a real unpopular opinion and it is that I enjoyed Heather Rattray's Lily over Martha's. I thought she got the best writing due to Douglas writing for her. I enjoyed him exploring her dark side briefly when she came back as Heather. I know that the fans hated it but I thought that Douglas was right in that Lily would have been different after what she experienced with Dusty, Holden and her husband that tried to kill her when Martha played her the first time. I enjoyed Lily exploring her dating options with other men other than Holden. I loved Heather's Lily with Caleb Linc and Sean. I always thought that Holden limited Lily's potential and Lucinda was right in that aspect. I thought Heather was fantastic during the time Holden disappeared, finding an amnesiac Holden, dealing with his rejection and the cherry on top for me was finding out the truth about Aaron's parentage specifically about Iva's role in that deception and Lucinda knowing about Holden being in New York for months and never telling her. I always loved Lily's dynamic with both Iva and Lucinda and it is a shame that the show abandoned that after Douglas died.
  6. Don't forget the hatchet job that the show did on Stefanie, the daughter of a popular supercouple in order to prop up Melanie Jonas. The show did the same thing to Kim and Shane's daughter Jeannie and renamed her Theresa and gave her a stupid backstory that made no sense to who her parents were. All they had to say was that Shane had cut her off from her trust fund for lack of direction in life. Shane in character would be a strict parent while Kim would have been very permissive due to her own tumultuous childhood. They did not need to make Kim and Shane neglectful and unloving parents. I will never buy that they were and that made me despise Theresa.
  7. This has to be one of the worst episodes and it ties with the guy that Benson had Barbar prosecuted for rape for misleading that woman regarding his identity as the dean of Hudson university. My hate for Benson and Rollins grew exponentially at the end of this stupid episode. Rollins had no right to shame Carisi about doing his job as a prosecutor and it pissed me off when he went to her looking for validation with his are we good? I rolled my eyes so hard.. I hated Carisi for acting like a defense attorney than a prosecutor. The little bitch facilitated the murder of 3 people , maimed and terrorized people and she gets community service, counseling and 10 years probation. In real life, a young lady did the same thing and she got life in prison along with the two men who killed the guy she lured on the internet by saying that she wanted to go out on a date with him. She did not plan on killing the guy but the fact that she contacted him on the internet made her just as guilty as the men who pulled the trigger who were trying to rob him. She had a horrific childhood but nobody gave a damn. Benson is just terrible in so many ways and her speechifying at the end was the worst ever. I think that I might be done with the show. I have had it with Mariska's agenda.. I am all for helping women who have been victimized of a crime but not the way that Mariska is using the show to push her beliefs.. It is funny how we are supposed to feel sorry for the white girl who was victimized despite having committed a crime but the Black guy gets none of that type of understanding. Who is to say that he too was not victimized as a child and was conditioned by his environment to go into a life of crime to survive. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
  8. Rafe has always been an ass and also a self-righteous jerk with no self-awareness. I wanted EJ to kick his ass so bad.
  9. Yes, I remember the magical carpet and it is right there with Mime sex when it comes to ridiculousness on a soap.. Mike and Robin was a beautiful love story, he was protestant and she was Jewish, so they had a lot of obstacles because they were not of the same religion. They had a son Jeremy and moved to Israel. I loved them together, it was Mike's best pairing on the show. Mike and April were also great as well. April was connected to Nick Corelli if I am not mistaken. Her brother was Emilio who was involved with Jennifer. April was an alcoholic who got treatment because of Mike, eventually Robin came back with her son Jeremy. April let Mike go believing that he would be better off with Robin and his son.
  10. I hated Carrie and Mike together mostly because of the recast Mike who was bland. Mark Valley who was recast as Jack during the Peter Blake years should have been Mike. Plus, I always loved Mike with Robin and April..
  11. Megan's bitterness knows no bounds, it is not surprising at all but it is fascinating and sad to watch nonetheless.
  12. The only way that Jay can be saved as a character is if Erin were to come back for a storyline and they are given a sendoff together. I don't get his beef with Voight, he was childish whiny surly and vindictive. What pisses me off is that he is acting like this over Upton of all people..
  13. They love to use Shannen as a scapegoat for their issues..
  14. I have missed you awesome ladies since I have been too busy to post but I tuned into the show the other day and I had to turn it off. Who was that loud abrasive woman at the end of the table. She was a piece of work, I just can't with foolishness these days..
  15. Apparently Kevin Hunter, Wendy's lowlife ex husband married his longtime mistress Sharina.
  16. I agree with you but all of the Billies were desperate but Julie Pinson's Billie going after Steve knowing his history with Kayla just reinforced how clueless and desperate that she always was.
  17. Nick's homophobia stemming from his rape never made any sense since the men who rape other men in prison are often straight and they use rape as a way to demean other men, it has nothing to do with sexual desires for other men. The same thing goes on in women's prisons, it is straight women who attack other women sexually.. Prison is a scary world and it brings out the worst traits in human beings..
  18. Why must Olivia see every man as a predator, that is a problem for me. Olivia was better when Stabler was around because she was nuanced and balanced him out. I remember Olivia referencing that relationship with Stabler and she said what you said in your post abut dating an older man. Stabler took the position that Olivia took in this episode regarding that relationship and Olivia begged to differ. I cannot stand Olivia and I often wonder how the show would have been like if Stabler had remained on the show and never left..
  19. Good Black don't crack as we like to say in the Black community and the actress who played Lexie was the embodiment of that..
  20. They came in at the time when the show did not know what it wanted to be since Barbara Walters no longer had any control of the show. So I can understand why those two were annoyed and felt duped by the people in charge with the promise of a lighter show and it slowly reverted back to the Rosie/Elizabeth years.
  21. I will join you because Whoopie is awful... Could you please summarize what the ladies said?
  22. This was a great interview and I loved the time that they wrote for the show. The early 90's era of Guiding Light was superior television once Reva was killed off. I hated the Reva show and I was not too happy to have her back..
  23. I had no intention of watching this episode because it would have been about St Olivia, the show was so much better as a true ensemble. They should have brought back the original cast from the first season and if they had to do something meaningful with Saint Olivia then they should have played on her on and off history with Brian Cassidy. I always felt he was her best pairing on the show because she comes across as a real woman dealing with a man that she loves but can never seem to get it right with him..
  24. Thanks! Vanessa is rocking that role and the love scenes are hot.. Vanessa can play any role and it is too bad that Days had no idea how to use her talents..
  25. This show that I was referencing in my post above was on BET though.. Unless, she is playing lesbian characters on two different networks. Vanessa is working and I am so happy for her..
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