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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Abe like most characters on the show was better in the 80's. He was more than just the Black sidekick to the white characters. He actually drove his own stories. The show missed the mark in not making him the patriarch of his own family throughout his 40 years on the show. Faye was Abe's best pairing but she was part of his backstory so we never really saw the romance from start to finish. Lexie was wasted on the show. I thought she had lots of chemistry with EJ. If EJ was not a Dimera, a Lexie/EJ/Sami triangle would have been fun. Perhaps Lucas and Lexie could have teamed up to break up Ejamie. The actress who played Lexie and the actor who plays Abe were contemporaries when it comes to age. Good Black don't crack and the actress embodied that saying.. The original Valerie/David story was derailed by racist viewers who did not want to see a Black woman with a White man. The same thing happened on One Life to Live with a Black woman passing for White who fell for a White man. The actress who played Valerie spoke out against the backlash and the show acquiescing to those viewers and she was promptly fired. The recast Valerie was just a token and never did anything substantial other than being friends with Marlena. David and Valerie never had any scenes together and both were written out of the show at different times. Dena tried to right this wrong by creating Eli as a reminder to the viewers that their love produced a child, so I am happy that she did that at least..
  2. I have not watch the show in a while and I just had to say who would have thought that Sheryl would have been the last woman standing out of the group..
  3. I feel no sympathy for Khloe, she was okay with Tristan leaving his first baby mama while she was heavily pregnant for her. Khloe was never special in Tristan's eyes, she is just another baby mama, oh well! Khloe needs to take a break from men and get some self-love and move on with her life for her daughter's sake..
  4. There are lot of clips of Heather's Lily. Go on youtube and you will find them.. She came on the show in November 1989 during Thanksgiving and left in Christmas in 1992.. 1992 was Douglas final full year on the show before he died..
  5. Philip is Kate and Victor's son, he should be deadly and a force to be reckon with. Hogan Sheffer wrote the best Philip with Jay in the role, he was sexy cunning manipulative protective and gentle when he needed to be, check out his post scenes with Belle after he did her on her marital bed.. He later threw it in Shawn-Douglas face, hot damn! Belle was so much interesting with Jay's Philip.. Claire should have been Philip's..
  6. Why did Alec Baldwin even do the interview? I am surprised his attorneys let him do it..
  7. He did raise his hand on Eve in an aggressive manner over a difference of opinion. So he definitely has anger issues and the show could have explored that in a storyline for Brady.
  8. This is why I love Sunny flaws and all. I loved her nuanced take on Abortion and what is going on at the Supreme court.
  9. Phoebe is my favorite sister in season 2 due to everything that you wrote in your post. I also loved how she is able to connect mentally with that female demon with her powers. That should have been developed more in the future. I also think that the reason that she is so awesome in this season is because she is Constance's proxy on the show. Constance was the baby sister in real life since she based the series on herself and her older sisters. Constance should have written the show till the end. It is too bad that she did not get to fulfill her vision.. I would have loved to have seen her write long live the queen with Prue being there instead of Paige.. Long live the Queen should have been the centennial episode in season 5. The source could have sought an alliance with Evil Phoebe to not only ensure his survival but also to keep Phoebe from rejoining her sisters. As long as she remains evil, the power of 3 is dead. Evil Phoebe versus Prue would have brought their relationship full circle.. The source was vanquished too soon in season 4, he should have been a constant threat throughout the show in addition to other evil beings that the sisters had to face both human and supernatural.. Prue was haunted by Patty's death the most since she was the oldest and that was part of her characterization since season 1 and it fueled her resentment of her father Victor. Piper and Phoebe should have been haunted by Prue's death like Prue was with Patty's and it always bothered me that they acted like Prue never existed and that Paige was the one that they knew all of their lives.. I think that Prue's second power was good but it should have been called bilocation instead of astral projection and it could have progressed to cloning as she got more powerful. Prue could create 2 other versions of herself to fight evil like she did in season 1 with that spell to multiply her strength. The three Prues would have also been an homage to the power of 3, had she lived..
  10. The only time that I liked Martha's version of Lily was when she was with Damian but that went off the rails due to Holden's obsession with Lily and Lily not doing anything to stop Holden from interfering in her marriage to Damian. That pissed me off. Heather's Lily was so patient and forgiving with Holden when he was constantly rejecting her and treating her like shit. Plus, he was crushing over Julie and that doctor that was treating him for his amnesia in front of Lily. Martha's Lily should have been a bit angry with Holden for now expecting her to go back with him when Damian was such a great husband who gave her love and understanding when she was at her lowest. Caleb was constantly throwing in Holden's face about how badly he treated Lily when he came back as an amnesiac. I also hated that Martha's Lily being a songstress and it seemed that Douglas made Lily a singer to lure Martha back in the role of Lily. Martha hated Lily having been a business woman when Heather played her, I preferred Lily being a confident business woman when Heather played her. I did think that Martha was awesome when she came back bitter and resentful of Iva and Lucinda for their lies. I saw a lot of Heather's Lily in her performance..
  11. This story should have been the Halloween episode and at the end of it we realize that Johnny was imagining how it would have been like if his grandmother got possessed again. A stupid story like this should not be an umbrella story that lasts for months..
  12. So Ron is going to copy St Elsewhere, it does not surprise me at all. Ron has no original story idea in his body..
  13. Why was Mariska given so much power in the first place? She is an actress, she is there to bring to life what the writers write, period.. I wonder how much better the show would have been if Mariska was told to stay in her place.
  14. One of the best stories that the show ever made when it was still grounded somewhat in reality.. You are correct the Dimeras were not the reason for every bad thing and we had other great villains like Savannah Victor and Orpheus back in those days.. Don't forget that the Stockholm story introduced us to Adrienne who was following Steve and Kayla. It was a nice twist that Adrienne was his sister and not a disgruntled ex..
  15. Okay, I understand where you are coming from. Marlena not wanting protection goes back to when OG Roman came into her life when she was being stalked so that has always been a consistent but annoying trait of hers. Roman was also annoyed with her not taking threats against her seriously that he used to sleep on her bedroom floor to protect her. Marlena should have always carried a gun after her harrowing experiences in Salem..
  16. Not to mention the Kardashian ladies tried to sully her reputation after the breakup so I don't get Adrienne at all.
  17. I would be a bitch too to the man who had previously stalked me that tried to kill me, my friends and my husband repeatedly had now kidnapped me, faked my death and was threatening to kill my children if I tried to escape from being his captive. The same man expected me to now raise his children as my own..
  18. Remember that Drake was indeed Roman so Marlena was right and the show changed it when Wayne Northrup came back to the show in 91 with Deidre. Drake should have remained Roman, he was a much better character than John with his million backstories to explain away a retcon that never should have happened.
  19. It is really good to see the ladies enjoying themselves and having a good time with each other. Whoopie is so damn giddy, she cannot stop talking and smiling.
  20. I agree with you somewhat in that Marlena was not the same after her return from the dead but I always attributed that to her traumatic experiences with Roman's death, being kidnapped by Orpheus and Stefano, being in a coma for 5 years. Not to mention being separated from her children. Awful writers also had a hand in destroying what made Marlena an awesome character in her original run.. I adored Roman and Marlena, Rojohn and Marlena and John/Marlena but I lost interest in them after a while because John should have remained Roman.. Drake's Roman was a better character than John. John became a dumbass and I don't care for dumb men.. How could John not tell that Kristen was not pregnant.. Drake's Roman had excellent chemistry with all of his leading ladies. Roman and Diana was my favorite pairing..It is too bad that Ron destroyed Diana..
  21. Please say that again for the people in the back..
  22. Perhaps Paulina was not mentally and emotionally fit to raise Lani, a woman experiences a lot of emotions after giving birth to a baby. It is not always sunshine and rainbows for the new mother. Motherhood has its ups and downs. Plus, she gave birth to her abuser's child, that adds another layer of complication. So, I don't understand the outrage over her having given up Lani to her sister to raise. Lani had a good life with her mother Tamara who loved her above everything. Tamara is her mother, not Paulina.
  23. Abby is just absolutely stunning! She could have been a high fashion model, she has the height and the look.. I have always liked Abby and I would not have a problem with her coming back..
  24. Same here, Tamera was the one who created this mess by telling Lani that Abe was her dad. Tamera in character would not have done this. Ron loves to write characters out of character to push his agenda or his pet. His pet is Paulina so he had to trash Tamera's character.
  25. What annoys me the most about this story other than throwing Tamara under the bus, is why is this retcon being done for a stupid character like Lani.
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