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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. It is not as simple as that. The news is no longer there to inform us but to entertain us. I could say more but it would be off-topic.
  2. I agree about her being a chameleon. Remember Fox News does not like dissent in their ranks. They are all supposed to follow a script. If they do allow another point of view, the person is often mocked controlled and unable to express themselves by the host of the show. Abby probably felt she had to be a certain way to keep her job. I am surprised she never dyed her hair blonde as a condition to work over there.
  3. Paula did not mesh well with Whoopie who does not like people to challenge her. Paula also loved to needle Whoopie. It was never her conservative views that got her fired. Paula is a conservative but she was never like Megan who is uninformed vile and dangerous. Also, Paula and Joy bonded on the show.
  4. They should bring one of his brothers to town and give Sonny other relationships besides Will. I miss the days when characters would interact with their family given us insight on why they are the way that they are.. Sonny is still underdeveloped after all this time..
  5. Who the hell wants to watch a baby die from cancer, fuck you Ron. This is not entertainment.
  6. As a Justin and Adrienne fan, I feel cheated that we will never see them with their four sons on the show. The last time they were all together in Salem, Sonny was in utero. His older brothers were all born on the show. Seeing Sonny interact with Alexander, Joseph and Victor jr. could have helped with Sonny's characterization. Sonny is still underdeveloped after all this time..
  7. I also think she wants more children and does not want to have children by different men.
  8. Why does Nene hate Kenya so much? I find it odd even for her. I will never understand how these ladies could be in beautiful places in foreign countries and act like violent fools, smh. Keep uplifting the Black race, ladies, it's not like we don't have enough problems in the world being Black.
  9. Always a victim, what a snowflake! The brutal comments make me smile...
  10. Ron is a hack and we will never have the three Johnson siblings together at the same time. There is still stories left to tell via their children.. Adrienne has 3 other sons who could drive their own stories with Adrienne and Justin playing supporting roles..
  11. You are correct. Whoopie and Rosie teamed up to block her from joining the show. They had a mock show in front of a studio audience to test the chemistry and SE Cupp went off the rails..
  12. Megan is so ignorant about all things politics. There was a time that California was ruby red and now it is cobalt blue. Things never stay the same.
  13. I don't believe this at all. If the show does this then I am out.. Why does everybody have to cater to Megan. What makes her so damn special, it is infuriating...
  14. To be fair neither can Sami regarding EJ..
  15. I hated how the victim was implying that not testifying meant he was guilty. In our country, we have the right to remain silent and the government has the burden of proving it's case, not the defendant. That really pissed me off. I also despised her attorney who was just like Benson, smug acerbic self-righteous and abrasive..
  16. I hated this case and I hate Olivia so much and I am tired of her sermons and her bullying tactics to get her way. Carisi needs to tell Olivia to back off. This case should be overturned on appeal.
  17. Those responses on tweeter are brutal and Megan deserves every bit of it. I know she is reading them and crying. At least she has her husband, her guns and her whisky.
  18. I despise Abigail but she is JJ's sister and not to mention Gabi put an unborn baby at risk as well. So, JJ defending his sister was the natural thing for him to do.
  19. He is working on my last nerve as well. Kevin is never going to let go of his baby brother. I preferred Atwater with that woman he was with in season 6. They had great chemistry and they looked good together. She was the one that went to prison because her fingerprints was on a gun that was used to commit a murder by her criminal ex boyfriend. She was innocent of the murder and she blamed Atwater for not helping her. She should have been on patrol doing the job that Burgess used to do. I loved how she got Atwater and he liked her alot.. Getting rid of her was shortsighted just like Nadia in season 2.
  20. I don't care for Wendy Williams because she has gotten mean over the years. She was much better on the radio where she was funny and endearing at times, despite her craziness. Everything that Sharon said today about her had merit but it would have had more weight behind it if it was someone else who said it. Sharon is a nasty woman and of course she would call for somebody's firing since she was the one that got Holly and Leah fired.
  21. Exactly, context is everything. I don't understand why this is even a story. People are having these same type of conversations in private. Whoopie's crack about Bernie was uncalled for and it just displayed how ignorant she is.. The ladies are just so biased against Bernie and it made me so angry. I could say more but I will be walking into a mine field regarding how we are allowed to discuss politics on the board. The ladies are just so uninformed about so many things it is so embarrassing. I expect more from Joy and Sunny..
  22. True! however, most informants have checkered pasts and Lev is no different..
  23. Rachel slayed tonight.. Lev Parnas threw everybody under the bus. I am just shock appalled and sad, an unbelievable hour..
  24. This may be an unpopular opinion but I hate Deidre's version of Hattie. Andrea Hall was so much better in the role.
  25. Whoopie is an inarticulate ill-informed mess. She has flashes of coherence here and there but not enough to offset her ignorance about alot of topics.
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