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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I liked that the built the whole plot around Stan crashing into the flag pole. I know Stan is boorish, but he was a little much with the troop at first. Of course, he reversed it and made it all about him. And the little robot was clapping! Steve's vignettes into Camelot were hilariously banal. Which lead to the salad therapist.
  2. I still think the US is in a winnable group, but I'm all survive and advance. Get a lucky draw for 16.
  3. I don't know if I buy that they can't control the missile at all. Or shoot another missile at it.
  4. I actually read the books and still forget who is who.
  5. The narrative device of Judy and Beef both not knowing what was going on was clever. Not even Alanis knows what's in the mezzanine!
  6. I also laughed at 'oui oui - I hope so'. And Morrison's grave(s). You don't really get a Quagmire/Stewie pairing. Stewie going nuts for hide and seek was a good character trait. I can see the porn hub logo reflecting in your dog eyes.
  7. I'm not the biggest Gene fan, but 90 bucks is a ton for an 11 year old, and to have just garbage for the games is a huge letdown. I bet if Bob really pushed he could have got the money back. The Teddy that's with the kids is the best version of him. He had the ladder, 'looked the other way' on safety. I don't recall, but was this the first time they actually showed Bob writing the burger of the day?
  8. The samurai sketch only worked because Buck Henry played brilliantly straight off Belushi.
  9. It's brilliant that Anakin actually was the reason Ahsoka survived 66. "I hope all that training paid off." Rex has been with her for so long. I'm assuming the inquisitor she pwnd was where she ended up getting the white blades. She beat him with nothing! That's bamf if there ever was. I didn't really have much for Dooku. Sure, it's good to see the Jedi council knocked down a peg, but he's full of himself. I didn't need some sympathetic origin story. He was fine choking the senator.
  10. I'm not used to Gary Cole playing 'swinging' characters on American Dad or Family Guy. It was jarring to hear his voice at first. Did Barry always have his license? I liked the show, but have we seen the Smiths not part of the main plot? I guess Roger, but he was a character.
  11. Tsunami of the subpar. I am stealing that for *everything*. I did like how the 'democracy' part failed spectacularly like '5th century Athens'. I like how they throw in little bits - the Jonas Brothers got a *second* term. Matt really has gotten bleak the last two episodes. I really don't know how this show can possibly end. They're all going to kill each other before the missile gets there.
  12. Well, that's what I said. Unless Janis thought Magic et al. were compromised in some way as to why she didn't say anything. We know there's a future leaper, but not who actually is in charge of Quantum Leap at that time.
  13. I didn't think I was going to like this one because the teens started out a bit stock, but the recovering addict pulled me in with the monologue about being put in the cage. I also liked Ben thinking more on his feet based off last week. There's not much Addison could say if the cabin wasn't on any future maps. I was hoping the wolves would have seen her though. Really, Ziggy didn't help much at all. Ben came up with the point of the leap being to expose the school. I liked the ending too how everyone was all right. This was again had a classic feel to it. Like most here, I didn't think Janis was bad either. I can buy Ben leaping prematurely *and* Addison supposed to be the actual leaper but somehow in the future (I'm guessing) got killed or something with Janis helping. Or course, it's a little too 'tv manufactured drama' for her just to not tell Magic, but I'm going to roll with her thinking future Quantum Leap is compromised. That's all right with me. I think they said her house.
  14. I use Twitter for my job, and our subset of Twitter is fine. No one is really trolling. Just your typical injokes here and there. But in terms of promoting work or outreach events, etc., it's worked really well. The iceberg being genuinely mad is what makes that joke land. The iceberg isn't faking it!
  15. Ziggy is the biggest supercomputer in the world. They probably have some 'original timelime' data. It's all very timey-whimey.
  16. "What if virgins made The Wire" was absolutely brilliant. I did like John also pointing out that the conspiracy to rig the election is predicated on the Democrats being organized and on the same page.
  17. I didn't think the station was actually moving, which doesn't really address the issue, but, like I said, it's not that kind of show.
  18. I await patiently for a Monk/Psych crossover.
  19. There's a new book about the origins of the Wheel of Time. https://www.amazon.com/Origins-Wheel-Time-Mythologies-Inspired-ebook/dp/B09SDZJZ9M/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=origins+of+the+wheel+of+time&qid=1667779608&sprefix=origins+of+the+w%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-1
  20. I only watch on Peacock, so I hope there are more ratings there.
  21. I was surprised that Yaz wasn't going to be 'held over'. Probably 'continuing on' is a better term. I never saw her as going back to 'regular' life as a police officer. Maybe she finds her way to UNIT. Is Torchwood still a thing (in the show universe)?
  22. Ben said (to the mirror) - I don't have to believe because you believe, so I think the 'channeling' was a deliberate acting choice.
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