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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't know where this team was against Wales, but I'll take it. Win the final game to advance. No help needed.
  2. This is almost like an NBA game with each side taking runs. England is taking the final minutes of the half. I know Pulisic hit the post, but he should have laid it out for the guy overlapping on his left. US are poor on corners though. No movement.
  3. I sounds like BBC coverage is way more entertaining. I certainly respect Donovan and Lalas, but they could use a coffee.
  4. Good result for Ecuador. US please take note as to play hard for the full 90'.
  5. I'd say it's good for the US if they get a result today. It's also bad because they definitely need England to beat Wales. I mean, winning today would be the best help. How did the game go to 11 minutes of stoppage time?
  6. "Looks like she found...The One." I could listen to these people just zing all episode.
  7. I can't imagine they'll blow up half the ship. I'm thinking the missile just goes through the middle and misses. I don't know that they'd end the show with everyone still stranded or dead.
  8. I don't know if I'd say unlikeable, but they aren't really historically as good as they're made out to be. I was just rooting for the upset. Tactically though, they could have cost themselves advancing by giving up the backdoor second goal. You're up +2 late. Elite teams close that game out. Ghana isn't in bad shape at -1 if they win next.
  9. I mean, Ronaldo, Messi, Kane, Lendo et al., are going to get the calls like Jordan used to get calls. That's the way the game is. I don't have too much of a problem with that. For a league game, ok, call the PK. This is basically a 3 game elimination tournament and any official know it's going to be tight. It's got to be crystal to call the PK. Bale, yes. That's the level you have to call at. This wasn't. AND LEVEL. Game on!
  10. Funny enough, there was a piece on NPR this morning about lithium and a projected future shortage! They must have had a blast doing the lines for the recordings about Karen. I loved all the Spike jokes getting dings. And "Simply the Best" is a folk song. I figured Iris was #1 with the smile scam, but Mads made sense. I got confused because I thought the higher number was 'good' when they were splitting up. I did like the whole plot hinged on Judd building the ship for a tax break.
  11. I didn't know you could say 'jerking off' on cable. I liked the callback to Klaus and Danuta with him making a mixtape off the radio. Jeff's phone picture of Hayley is her on the can. I don't think Jeff is as dumb as he is totally burnt all the time.
  12. He's arguably the best in the business. I've been following him for 5 years or so and there's just no drop off. You look at a Messi or Lewandowski, Kane, not so much Ronaldo anymore; these guys have major minutes with the clubs + champions league, then national team duty for over 4 cycles of not only World Cup, but Euros, Copa. That's clearing 60 matches per year. There's a 'national team break' several times per year, where the pro leagues will go on hiatus and there will be friendlies, tournaments. Over here, it's the Gold Cup, and everyone now plays in the League of Nations. However, they don't always play in every match. Sometimes the big guys will sit out friendlies, even some qualifiers. Some of the pro Cup tournaments are for the 'B squad'. I think EPL has three cup series, and only one is the 'big one'. Still though, top guys are logging miles per year. I don't fault them for the major dollars they're hauling in.
  13. I also forgot when I posted that they're doing the 5 subs also. Typically, the second half gets more stoppage because of the subs, more fouls if the game is tight, more people going down if the game is tight and if you're winning. Throw in VAR and +5 to +7 isn't that much. It's just jarring when the clock is on 98 or even 100 minutes regulation. This is actually the double edge with the world cup. On average, any international squad isn't as good as the top pro teams. Then, there's only 3 matches to advance. You're going to get largely more conservative play. You look at any EPL game, and it's up and down the pitch, shots all over the place. The elite elite international teams, ok. Even then, they're still more conservative overall in the group stage. Canada is blowing these set pieces playing the ball way too long.
  14. Wolf and Honeybee make their own fun. I don't know why he gets worried that they're going to get in a rut.
  15. I only watch on Peacock, so I didn't realize it was on at 10 pm.
  16. Is there just a lot of stoppage time in general at the end of these matches? You don't see typically over 5 minutes, and I'm seeing a lot of 7s. There's also a lot of offsides to me.
  17. Maybe it was the other girl expressing disappointment than actually being hurt from the yeti falling apart that I was hearing. This isn't a show that's going to injure people to teach the kids a lesson. You know Tammy's party; the 'high school boys' would have only been like 14, and, as a former 14 y/o boy, would have been obnoxious and lame. There's plenty of comedy from there to mine though. I'm dying for Tina to take some agency and realize she doesn't have to settle. The only reason she is into Jay-Ju is because he's just there. That's a lot of what junior/high school is about. To me, the show has been clear that he's just a bag. They did a whole episode on him not being a good dancer.
  18. Back when Fox was daring, Action, with Jay Mohr. It was slightly ahead of its time; dark humor, and antihero-ish, even though it was a sitcom. Maybe only two years later, it would easily have been an HBO show.
  19. If you do the turkey right, it's not dry-dry. I like dark meat, and you just don't get that regularly. Also, leftover turkey sandwiches are practically better than the actual holiday. Stealth-tip - mac and cheese as a side; don't worry about all the casserole nonsense. You'll thank me later.
  20. Believe me, I'm laughing as much as anyone about Musk. I use twitter for work; I like it, and it works for me and my friends & colleagues. It doesn't have a huge factor in my life. However, they were saying in the middle of the segment; he didn't really want it in the end, and he has no outlook or plan. I don't see why not business as usual until you figure it out. I share the opinion on the World Cup. I'm excited for the games, but it's a dirty, corrupt business. You can't ignore that. The problem is; it's the World Cup. It's not like there's going to be a global boycott. I've never had green bean casserole. I like Thanksgiving, but I don't know why it's a thing.
  21. They could also not be offside 17 million times too.
  22. Beating the other team is the best indicator though.
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