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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Sam had to play a piano concert in one leap and was freaking out until Al told him he played Carnegie Hall when he was 19, and all of a sudden he was a virtuoso. Al needed to show him the sheet music, but still. At least this time around Ben knew he had a partner. Sam never remembered he was *married*. The swiss cheese is largely plot based. It's fine for me too. He knows what he knows when he needs to know it. This time, he didn't know he knew Latin. I don't think Magic was being too much of a bad guy in tracking her down, since we all know she's the key to why Ben leaped in the first place. She's going to want some quid pro quo to give up any information, or, she leverages that Ben leaped and threatens to spill the beans. Technically, the congressional oversight chair knows Ben leaped, so she's the one really covering up. To be fair, she didn't say she was going to make a new charity called Goodwill. She said she knows about a small charity called Goodwill and would donate to help them grow.
  2. Did Ben sniff the gin glass first? That could have led to the initial hallucination.
  3. That's reasonable. Bob doesn't really put his foot down like he should sometimes.
  4. I was hoping it would be some real reason. I never thought Boogeyman was the right direction for the OG show to go. This was a great murder mystery though! I also figured that Janis was behind locking out the imaging chamber, but that's not much of a stretch. We had assumed she was building her own. Which means her 'brain waves' are in sync with Ben, so they must have planned this prior to his leap.
  5. I can roll with that. He's not one to leave the restaurant with Linda because she ends up closing a ton of times to run off to school, for example.
  6. Even if a next season is the last, this show needs a proper ending. iirc, session three aired on ITV in August 2021, so it has been a year. I don't know what the contracts are for the actors, but they would have a terminal date. Even if a next season is the last, this show needs a proper ending. iirc, session three aired on ITV in August 2021, so it has been a year. I don't know what the contracts are for the actors, but they would have a terminal date.
  7. A quick search just shows the same non-news being repeated.
  8. I'm not using a VPN so the IP address is the actual address for the post. My only accomplice weighs 7 pounds and has 4 feet.
  9. You mean with another girl. Because Louise and the Regular are tight. Those two are going to get into mad hijinks when they get their licenses. Rudy will totally have a car because his parents are divorced.
  10. I was debating whether to bother with the show because I'm not too much a 'filling in all the holes in the story' guy, but this I need to see. Reading all this about Dooku isn't really grabbing me. In the end, the prequels could have done better to this end about the Order. Not everything needs to be explained either. Sometimes some people just go Sith.
  11. I really liked that. Her husband is so low key hilarious too.
  12. I'm certainly not taking anything away from Tennant. The guy is a fantastic actor, but it's the going back that's always a flag for me. Not that Eight wouldn't be going back, but he's basically a new Doctor. Who's to say Eight won't pop up in one of the specials anyway?
  13. I think that was the point. That's why Gordon brought in Selma et al. Everyone really opened up for the better. Even the quiet one cracked "If I get a black and white cookie is it going to be a whole racial thing?" to Hannah.
  14. I actually liked 'what do people do all day' as the best book because it was real, and I don't know what people do all day. I live 3 miles from work so I can go home for lunch, but when I see people driving around, I do wonder what all of them are doing. Not all of them live close to work.
  15. So I see we're just going with Bortus? Approved. Are the untucked shirts actually any good? It sounded like the hologram machine was Rachel. Wow the 7 Up Yours joke was a deep cut. Also, a giraffe is never not funny. And ending on Fred Flintstone was on point. I liked how Lois knew something was wrong when hologram Peter didn't know what a dutch oven was.
  16. Always starting off right with Regular Sized Rudy. He's totally the kid the kneels on the seat to hang over and talk to Louise in front of him. Billie Idol-ish is also brilliant. Zeke as a Panda seemed off for him. I totally got Twister as soon and Tina and Gene walked in. I'm surprised Bob chaperoned and left the restaurant. Not for nothing, but Bob has to make rules for Louise doing something annoying, but Gene's xmas nonsense? Come on.
  17. And "I didn't know they put the tail in the front." Saucy!
  18. I just always want to know more about Santiago. I was surprised that the Tobins were so low key on Halloween with all the usual nonsense running around Lone Moose. I wouldn't call Honeybee's family over the top, but she was intense. Judy was way more horny than usual. Beef was more sour than usual too. tbh, Ham should get the cat suit. Crispin was a laser pointer! It's the best fit! Moon's 'fetch my hammer' was way creepy timely. That had to be a coincidence.
  19. 'Gender reveal napalm' was an ad in the Death Tome segment. I don't know if Lisa killing people was creepy or that it was anime. I like anime, but Simpsons anime was creeping me out. The segment had an Agent 13 vibe to me, but it could just be general anime tactics. That last segment had a ton of gags. I actually said 'too soon!' when Homer popped Maude Flanders with the t shirt gun.
  20. That's why I was confused as to whether she actually left or not. I mean, if Fourteen (is he actually the fourteenth because technically he was Ten and Eleven), popped up, Yaz would come running. I know Tennant is a name draw, but McGann could carry 3 specials. Isn't he known well enough in the UK?
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