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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The fact that the US has a solid back four is impressive enough for me. Historically, the game was over after 17'. They played from behind too much. If anything, they're not going to be scared after playing England even.
  2. I don't know why they didn't just tell her they follow her.
  3. I don't remember a Stan/Hayley plot for a while. This is one where their plot might have been the A plot. I liked Stan complimenting Hayley when she asked about watching the Pirates game. I usually like Franny & Roger but not at odds. When they're both feeding their crazy. Although them getting into it with Steve and Klaus screaming at them was funny. Franny didn't know what animal-wallet meant. I never noticed Steve has an iPod plugged in on the end table. Roger covering the alligator's ears was brilliant. And then he was on the little pillow in the wagon! The tux wins though. I'm disappointed Cena just stole the idea for the movie and didn't just buy the concept from Steve.
  4. That was a great trick at the end. I was right about the missile going through the middle though! I should have figured it blew the asteroid. I would think they would be able to rejoin the ship though.
  5. Yeah, but England had Kane. Even Fox had a huge feature on him before the match. I mean, the Dutch are and should be favored, but if the US hold the shape in the back, it should be an interesting game.
  6. "Husband to a fun, hot wife". Didn't Teddy make Thanksgiving one time? Or did they bring the food over to Teddy's?
  7. No thanks to not dribbling into the corner on the final counter though. That was a low percentage shot at any point in the game. Credit to the back four maintaining shape all game and cutting off a lot of runs into the box. I actually thought the 90 minutes against England was the best full game they played, but the first half here was the best 45. I thought they could have done better in the second half to gain more possession than just clearing out. I know it was harder to play out of the back because Iran was pressing more, but you have to adjust. The Netherlands are favored, but I don't know if they're as good as England. With my criticisms, there's a lot the US can point to that is good and they can take it to the Dutch.
  8. I'm not calling a penalty unless it's clearly egregious. That Ecuador one was clear though. I mean, the guy could have got to the ball first if he didn't just plow into the forward. Severe mental error that could cost them advancing. They're coming out flat in the second half.
  9. I watched in on Saturday. I watch a lot of stand up, and every comedian has to have a covid bit. Trevor's took it in a new direction and was really funny. I did like the part where he was doing the whole 'Girl, I want to be locked in a room with you' and the punch line for that. The whole bit was good commentary on our social fabric. I did think the Indian food bit when on a little too long for the payoff. However, he seemed like he was telling a mostly true story, so you're going to tend to drag it out. Steve sounds like how I would have been. It was a great sticking the landing to end the show though.
  10. Reboot - I don't get what the gps coordinates meant if they were a joke. Both the movies are real though!
  11. It was weak on the keeper to stay home on that ball. The cross was coming to him. Let's see if Suarez has any gas in the tank.
  12. How do you not come out and clean Ronaldo's clock when that cross floats into the 6?
  13. I don't know how the rankings are done, but there's a lot to consider that maybe left on the table due to history. It's also near impossible because in your typical cycle, no one really has any common opponents for any calibration. Didn't Argentina win Copa this last cycle? Hard to put Brazil tops when they're not tops in their region. Belgium, who I like, is 2, but Italy won Euro and didn't even qualify. The groupings for this one seem fair, and it's great that these last two World Cups the US are good enough to not be shoved into 'groups of death'. Typically, South American teams don't do well in Europe and vice versa. Selection issues notwithstanding, I think that's why we're seeing so many upsets here, and I think the next round is going to be more wide open than we've seen. I do expect a 'traditional' team to win just because these top teams play deeper into international tournaments, and with that experience, they won't tighten up. I do think there will be one surprise in the semi finals though. Uruguay is torching Portugal these last 10'.
  14. I don't hate them, but sometimes they're like because they walk on the pitch, they'll get the W. It's good to have confidence, but it's a bit much. I think they tend to rely on individual skill, which is nearly unmatched, over team play. See Belgium, last time. In general I don't like all the playacting. You see on the replay someone get an elbow to the ribs and they plunge to the ground screaming and clutching their face. I mean, sure, you get a stinger, and you need 30 seconds to shake it off. However, when you're writhing in faux agony, when you're legitimately injured, you're not doing yourself any favors. I get you're trying to draw a foul, to a point though. This is kind of the problem with the World Cup. In the pro leagues, you get booked for simulation. The refs just aren't going to do that here because they're not going to be responsible for suspending world superstars on accumulation. So you get the players on the ground and the ref is obligated to stop play, whereas the ref would either normally tell them to knock it off or just book them.
  15. The whole dinner scene at Kima's was great character building. Wow, Kima's mom is something else. Stacey B peaked in high school. Cut her at the knees. Judy's "oh no" was a brilliant line reading too. I can see where Judy is at in her head, but she was still being a bit much. The other two were right to call her out. Dump 2K sounds like a good party though.
  16. I mean, I like the show, but they could have drove the car around looking rather than walking all over the place. At least the kids didn't screw it up, and they were really behaved. I liked when Louise rode Tina down the hill. It wasn't fair that the flat graves were covered though. Isn't that what the grounds crew would do? tbh, the best plan would have been for Teddy to take the kids snoobing while Bob went to the visit the grave.
  17. My CC - "Congratulations class of [Lisa mumbles]!" Maggie was all tarted up. I can buy Nelson being a bounty hunter. That's actually a good career.
  18. Early episode detail - Harry was very interested that the game was now on the cell phone.
  19. Brett's episode running for office was ridiculously good satire. Reagan tried to get him scandalized with a dominatrix, and he ended up unionizing sex workers. The convenience store is called Nine Eleven. Not to be outdone by *many* Hitler clones. Cher-nobyl. Brilliant. Daria is perfect for Reagan.
  20. I think he was an agent, but I remember the female lead was a prostitute he hired to be his advisor. So he treated clients like she would. I also think the third lead was his (the character's) dad. It was very of today. tbh, it could have been proto-Entourage if Ari was the main character instead of Vince.
  21. I'm not really a kisser, so it doesn't bother me. I liked the structure of this episode. I was saying when it started that I didn't want to just have it be Parker and Hardison because I truly enjoy all the teamwork. That's such a strong feature in all the Devlin productions. I liked they flashed back with all "don't tell the others" and then they were all at the kitchen talking about it. I've liked this batch of episodes because things haven't always gone to plan, and it shows the team has actual talent beyond just being infinitely rich and all the electronics. They're keeping the stories fresh too. I mean, it's fundamentally taking down a fat cat bad guy, but we had the plastic waste guy, a dictator torturing a journalist. Really good job all around by everyone. Wilson's white outfit was very Southernly. I'm still enjoying Wilson and Sophie platonically. She's, here, a mentor of sorts. In the prior episodes, Wilson is a sounding board and can tell her what she needs to hear. I also like Wilson listening to her, and saying, "She's a barista because of the shoes", and when she confirmed, he all perked up. Licking the TRex. Of course.
  22. That second goal I don't know how the defender let him get goalside. All he had to do was get in the way. I enjoy Mbappe, but, no, I think there need to be some others stepping up. If I'm the coach, I'm pointing to all the upsets of the traditional teams, and saying, "We're next if you don't all come correct." Looks like Mexico just ran out of gas.
  23. From the reunion - "Hive mind. Like Marvel fans". The name tags were "the Loud One; Man-child; Alpha Sister Wife." The opening theme goes by fast, but it's really busy. They have the faked moon landing, Myc with primates like 2001, Rand on the beach with Tupac, Elvis, and Steve Jobs. Gigi's magazine in the break room had a headline about DiCaprio from the Keanu episode. From the Rome episode - Reagan's robot arms are making cliche Italian gestures. Which I do all the time.
  24. I looked it up. It was a sound-alike.
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